• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,542 Views, 81 Comments

Princessy - not plu

My name is Celeste and I am eleven years old. I like sunshine and winter and glitter and cotton candy and fairy tales. I live with my little sister Luna and I am the queen of Equestria.

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Chapter Two

I am not allowed to go in the garden. Uncle Dizzy says it’s not a place for children but from the windows I can see it and it sunny and wonderful and I want it. Uncle Dizzy can see the garden from the pretty sparkly pictures room and would see me but I want to feel the sun on my skin. Luna is awake, but she shouldn’t be because she needs sleep because she is only nine and a little girl and she is Night and I am Day and it is day now so it is my time not hers.
“Why are you awake?”
“Am I not supposed to be?” I can’t read clocks but I can look at one and see that the little hand is at the place where she usually is awake and I just thought it was earlier but it isn’t.
“I’m sorry Luna. I love you.”
“I love you too Celeste.” The pretty rays of the sun don’t have much time left. I need to feel that warmth more than anything and even though I shouldn’t, I need to go to the garden.
“I want to run and play in the halls.”
“Okay.” And we dance and we jump and we leap and we run through the castle and the other people look upset because we are making much too much noise and it is not normal but we are princesses and we wear the sparkly tiaras on our heads and it’s okay.

My blonde hair falls in waves along my shoulders but Luna’s is dark and messy and short and combs can’t fix it. I am the Princess of the Day and I must look my best and I must do what princesses ought momma told me again again again when she wasn’t dead. But Luna is the Princess of the Night and she is the child of shadow and keeps to herself while I try to watch her for momma. Momma loved my hair and would brush it and play with it but she is dead. And now uncle Dizzy is the king and Luna wants to visit him to ask a question and I say okay but ask about your crown for me and maybe he’ll answer Luna, sweet little Luna. The sun is going down but the pictures are still pretty sparkly colors everywhere.
“Where is my crown?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“It’s mine and I want it.”
“Why are both of you so fixated on that dumb crown?”
“It’s Luna’s and she wants it.”
“I told you, I don’t know where your stupid princessy crowny is.”
“Yes you do.” I do not know why Luna would say something like that, for she knows that uncle Dizzy is good and lying is bad and that does not work and everyone with answers is dead but I’m not sure if she understands what is good and bad because she is a little girl but she has accused uncle Dizzy of lying and he is not happy upset angry very angry furious at her and he is turning red in his face and this is not good and I want to run through the castle and be happy and listen to momma but she’s dead.
“Fine, have your crown, princess.” And there it is, my only memory of it from Luna being a baby, but it is little and dark and has a moon and it is Luna’s and it is flying through the air and the last happy pretty wonderful sunlight of the day if hitting it and not lighting it up, like her crown is Night like Luna is Night. And it is flying and soaring and falling and falling and just when it is dark all around it hits and stops and touches the ground and shatters to a million pieces just to be swept away and Luna falls with it too. Her crown is dead and the day is dead and our parents are dead.

I will not go to the garden for I have to take care of Luna. She is on the ground and she is crying and heaving and sobbing and I don’t know sadness like this for we never cried when are parents died or when they were dying never at all. And uncle Dizzy is yelling in anger and Luna is yelling in pain and he have to leave and I help Luna pick up her shattered crown quickly quickly leave and she’s still crying and I take her to my bedroom.

My name is Celeste and I am eleven years old. My parents are dead, the day is dead, the answers are dead, and Luna’s crown is dead. I protect my little sister Luna and I am the queen of Equestria. I am the queen of Equestria. I am the queen of Equestria.

Author's Note:

This chapter is slightly shorter, but I love leaving people hanging. I probably won't update again for a day or two.