• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,540 Views, 81 Comments

Princessy - not plu

My name is Celeste and I am eleven years old. I like sunshine and winter and glitter and cotton candy and fairy tales. I live with my little sister Luna and I am the queen of Equestria.

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My name is Celeste and I am eleven years old. I like sunshine and winter and glitter and cotton candy and fairy tales. I live with my little sister Luna and I am the queen of Equestria. I’m not really the queen right now. I have to wait until I am fifteen years old. Luna and I are princesses and we get to dress up and run around the castle but sometimes I wish I was normal. Right now my uncle Dizzy is the king because my parents are dead. I get to take care of Luna even though we don’t hang out as much as normal sisters do because I like the day and she likes the night.

I have pretty blond hair and Luna has crazy black hair. Uncle Dizzy says we are like night and day. He also says to go away and that he loves us and that he can stay king until I’m ready to take over and I should take as long as I want to. Luna and I are both really smart and really fast and we’re special because most people are one or the other or none at all and we’re both. I think that is why we’re princesses because we’re special. Sometimes I don’t like being special because all I want to do is run around and play but I have to do princessy stuff. Luna doesn’t really as much because she is the Princess of the Night and nobody else is up at night for her to do princessy stuff with but I am up during the day so I have to do all the princessy stuff because everyone is awake then. Luna and I both get to wear pretty sparkly tiaras but I wear mine off to the side and she wears hers in the middle of her head. Luna is nine years old which means I am two years older than her but I still get to watch her and be her big sister. Luna likes to wear blue and black and patterns that don’t match but I like white and light colors because we are night and day.

When my momma died she left me pretty sparkly little earrings and I like them but uncle Dizzy says I can’t wear them. Uncle Dizzy doesn’t say much of anything else. I guess he’s busy ruling the country. I know someday I’ll be queen and wear a big sparkly crown and sit in the big chair and do queeny things because my name is Celeste, and in five years I’ll be the queen of Equestria with Luna. But right now I can’t so I get to run around the castle with Luna and be a kid like I’m supposed to be, only a princess too. Uncle Dizzy says I should enjoy my childhood and not want to grow up so fast and I think he’s right because I like making snowmen and coloring and playing with Luna and uncle Dizzy says I won’t ever get to do those things when I’m the queen. It will make me very sad to not do those things but I have to be queen. When my momma was dying and she gave me the earrings she told me to be queen and I always listen to my momma. Sometimes I hear uncle Dizzy saying not nice things about my momma and poppa when he thinks I can’t hear but really I can.

Luna doesn’t understand because she’s only nine and a little girl but I’m two years older and have already lived more than a decade so I get it. Luna always listens to uncle Dizzy because she thinks he’s funny because sometimes he does silly things for us, like make it rain grape juice on Luna’s birthday because she likes that. I think he will have to leave when I become queen, but I don’t know why. He should get to stay and I want him to. He can help me be queen because I don’t know much and he always has the answers to problems.

He and Luna are the only family I have because my parents are dead and I think you have to be special like Luna and I to be part of our family. That seems unfair because what if a baby is born not special? Do they have to leave? That would make me sad. I don’t like to be sad. I like things that are not sad things, but some people think winter is sad but I don’t see why because the sunshine makes the snow look all sparkly and I like that. Luna says the moon makes things all sparkly, but I don’t really see it, though I sleep through the night and Luna is up. I always put Luna to bed and wake her up because I’m her big sister and I have to take care of her.

When my momma was dying and she gave me the earrings and she told me to be queen, she also told me to take care of Luna because I’m her big sister and with no momma and being little she needs someone to take care of her. I will love and take care of her forever because she’s all I have left of my momma. I’m not allowed to wear the earrings and I’m not allowed to be queen, but I’m allowed to take care of Luna so I will forever and ever until she can be queen with me and even then I’ll always love her because I always listen to my momma.

My name is Celeste and I am eleven years old. I like sunshine and winter and glitter and cotton candy and fairy tales. I live with my little sister Luna and I will be the queen of Equestria and wear the sparkly earrings and take care of my sister forever and ever for my momma because I always listen to her and now she is dead.

Author's Note:

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