• Published 13th Dec 2012
  • 815 Views, 6 Comments

A Hearth Warming Memory - Comet Burst

Zecora tells Applebloom a tale about a special zebra from long ago.

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The First Memory

The sun sat veiled by a thick layer of grey clouds as Applebloom trotted to the fringe of the Everfree Forest. It was cold and snow was falling, but Applebloom didn't mind. She wore her favorite red ribbon, a thick brown jacket and a red scarf to match the ribbon. Her family was quite busy today with Big Mac clearing snow, Applejack doing something with Twilight Sparkle and Granny Smith visiting a friend. Sweetie wouldn't come out of the Carousel Boutique and Scootaloo was nowhere to be found. So, with nothing else to do, Applebloom decided to visit her other friend, Zecora.

A large tree similar to Twilight's library glowed faintly in the distance. Applebloom approached the front door and knocked. Oddly, there was no answer from the resident zebra and Applebloom knocked again. With no answer again, Applebloom pushed open the door to Zecora's home. It was warm and cozy inside with the cauldron bubbling away as it normally did. However, the herbalist was nowhere to be seen. Confused, Applebloom shouted "Hello?" and heard a crash from another room. Startled, Applebloom ran to the noise to find herself in Zecora's bedroom.

Zecora herself hunched over near the window, frantically trying to gather something and said "Applebloom, what a surprise! I'm sorry I didn't see you coming with my eyes." Applebloom grinned widely and said "Hey Zecora, what'cha up to over there?" The familiar striped mohawk of the zebra popped up from the floor and turned to face Applebloom. She gasped when she saw Zecora smiling weakly at her. Her eyes were red and puffy and her hair was wet. She held a piece of parchment in her mouth that looked extremely old.

"What's wrong, Zecora?" Applebloom asked with concern "You been crying?" Zecora's weak smile faltered into a frown and a sigh. She gingerly placed the parchment on the bed and her eyes got watery again. "Young sweet Applebloom, that is the most precious thing in this room. By chance or fate you would come here, to give this poor zebra a listening ear. Do you wish to know why my tears do fall? Then I shall tell you a tale older than them all."

Applebloom gave her a quizzical look, but Zecora motioned her to herself. Applebloom trotted over and Zecora flipped the parchment over. Applebloom stared intently at it, admiring the artwork. On it were two zebras, both young and smiling at each other. The one on the left was bigger and more muscular than the one on the right, who had a familiar mohawk and blue eyes. "Is that you?" She blurted out and Zecora nodded.

"A long time ago and far away, this picture was made on this day." Applebloom's eyes fell over the taller and muscular zebra who she guessed was a stallion. He had deep red eyes that showed warmth and comfort and a thin scar on his front leg. He had a smaller, but no less majestic mohawk as well as a necklace that looked awfully familiar. It was gold with a deep purple amethyst. She looked over to Zecora and said "Is that the same necklace he's wearin'?" Zecora nodded again and Applebloom asked "Who is he? Your special somepony?"

Zecora's eyes misted over again and she nodded a third time. "His name was Xavier, a nobody and a commoner. While I do not often tell this, I'm a princess. Not like Celestia and Luna you see, but only in my country. I left for a new life to forget, a pony I never should have met. He was gentle and kind, with strong muscles and a smart mind. He protected and cared for me, of that you can plainly see. He was my special somepony, but my family did not agree." She turned away and stared out the window, tears silently running down her cheeks as Applebloom watched her. She had never seen Zecora like this, nor had ever known she was a princess, but her curiosity got the better of her.

"Can you tell me more about him?" She asked sweet. Zecora turned to face the filly staring at her and smiled. "Of course I would but be warned, this is a tale of woe and scorn. You see, he is not here today. Under a special tree is where he lays."

Zecora helped Applebloom out of her jacket and had her sit on the bed with a cup of hot apple cider as she gathered other items for the story. "I speak in rhymes, this is true," She said as the zebra returned to the room "But this certain zebra spoke in haiku. I may not be able to say exactly what he said, but try not to worry your little head. This story begins long ago, in a place I used to know..."

The sun shined brightly over the dusty ground as the tall straw like grass waved gently in the breeze. Not a single cloud hung in the sky. In a clearing of the grass sat several huts made of mud and straw. A large amount of zebras weaved in and out of the huts, fillies jumping in the grass and adults carrying baskets and food. Some carried wooden spears with metal tips that were ornately decorated and wore big headdresses made of straw and feathers. It was just another day to them working and milling about.

A teenage zebra walked along the village pathway, looking at the baskets of bean and pepper sellers as well as the iron busts of the sculptors. Gold and shiny gems filled another basket and the zebra stopped. Her brilliant blue eyes scanned the gems and stopped on a necklace of gold with a purple gem centered in it. The owner saw her and said "Do you like that? A good buy it is. The crafter of that was truly a wiz." The young zebra mare eyed it carefully and said "I have no money as you can plainly see. It was just my curiosity that got the better of me." She gave the older zebra a genuine smile and said "Thank you for your curtesy, but I just wanted to see." She walked off as a young zebra stallion walked by and turned his head to watch her. His deep red eyes followed her magnificent form as she disappeared into the crowd and he approached the vendor.

"I am curious. What did that mare look at here? Was it that necklace?" He asked in a deep voice. The jewel seller gave him a sideways look and said "Why do you speak so, stranger? I have not heard talk like that even when I was in a manger." The stallion furrowed his eyebrows and said "My speech matters not. Why do you say this to me? A zebra I am." The stall owner blinked twice and said "Do not be sore friend. It was not my intention to offend. I would sell to you all the same, so what is your name?"

"I am Xavier. I would like to buy that there. The purple necklace." the zebra stallion replied. The merchant picked up the necklace and said "That mare liked this as well. I think that is a good reason for this to sell. It will make a fine gift, you see. So I will set the price at two hundred fifty three." The stallion's brow furrowed again and he said "I don't have that much, but I can pay you in time. Would you please hold it?" The merchant nodded and the stallion started to walk away but stopped. "Do you know her name? That beautiful mare I saw. Is she important?"

The merchant grinned slightly and said "Her name is Zecora, a mare who studies fauna and flora. She is a princess, daughter of the mare Umaru and the village chief, Tichandres. She is coming of age soon, but has yet to find a stallion to make her swoon. Do you hope to win her heart? This gift might be a good place to start." The stallion remained silent, but his eyes were staring intently at the necklace. He turned his head in the direction that Zecora, that stunning mare, had walked off in. After thanking the merchant, he trotted off with the determination to buy that necklace.