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1. T-Rex Returns [Pt. 1]

There is something missing from our world; the amazing animals that time has left behind. But what if we could bring them back? What if extinction didn't have to be forever?

We're going back in time on a safari with a difference as animal enthusiast Fluttershy plunges into prehistory to rescue creatures on the brink of extinction. Her plan is to bring them back to the safety of the present and give them a second chance.

On her very first mission, she hopes to rescue one of the last of the dinosaurs from the most dramatic extinction ever.

Welcome to the ultimate wildlife sanctuary. Welcome to Prehistoric Park.

The sun rises over a vast, beautiful land as a Land-rover drives towards buildings with thatched roofs. All around, staff are moving urgently as today will be the day everything changes.

It's a big day at Prehistoric Park. Throughout this huge reserve, everyone is preparing for the first arrivals.

A large construction crew carefully runs wires through rows of large, 15-foot-tall metal poles sticking out of the ground. Thick layers of concrete and metal supports already connect the poles, but these wires will add reinforcement and channel an electric grid to ensure that whatever will live behind this fence cannot get out.

"Come on, y’all, quick as you like." Prehistoric Park's head keeper, Applejack, calls out. Applejack is overseeing the paddock's construction, as she has done with previous paddocks, and she will continue to do so in the future as more species are brought in. While the constructions of the previous enclosures were done quickly and without issue, Applejack is nervous about this one, primarily due to its planned occupant. As such, she's pushing the crew hard to ensure this one is sturdy and secure.

"Can you get those wires through that pole at the bottom of the paddock?" she asks a group of crew members as she walks around inspecting the fence in a Southern accent.

They're almost finished building the enclosures for everything from giant insects to dinosaurs.

"Remember, check everything! This is home to a dangerous creature!"

Driving through the reserve is animal enthusiast and Prehistoric Park's founder, Fluttershy. She is the most excited and anxious of everyone. Fluttershy has dreamed of bringing extinct animals back to the present day, and today, that dream will become a reality.

If Fluttershy can make extinct animals feel at home anywhere, it's here.

After reaching her destination, an elevated overlook of the land, Fluttershy pulls out a map showcasing the entire park.

"The natural geography will help us contain the animals. There's an ocean to the south, and to the north, there's a mountain range. Everything I need in terms of habitats: there's savannah and deserts, there's forests and lakes, there's rivers, there's even a waterfall and artificial snowfields. Perfect environments for keeping prehistoric animals."

All they need now are the prehistoric creatures themselves.

Fluttershy is now walking through the Canterlot Natural History Museum, gazing and admiring its collection of fossils. The fossilized skeletons offer a vast variety of potential species for Fluttershy to bring back, some of which she has already selected. Fluttershy plans to select more species, but for now, she wants to start small, relatively speaking.

One day, Fluttershy plans to breed extinct animals in captivity. But her first step is to only bring a few of each species back, to see how they get on in the 21st Century.

While it's easy to assume that any extinct animal would do well in the present day, Fluttershy also knows that assumption is quite reckless. Some animals will require specific requirements to care for them. While she does have the species planned out, she'll only bring in a few individuals to see how they handle the modern world. If all goes well, she plans to collect more individuals to bring back to the park.

As she moves through the museum, she stops at a couple of displays, one with the skull of a large horned dinosaur and the other with the skeleton of a swift dinosaur about half her height.

However, Fluttershy eventually finds what she's looking for: a massive skeleton of the world's most famous dinosaur species. This is the one that Fluttershy would say anyone would be foolish not to bring back from extinction- the largest and most powerful terrestrial predator ever to live.

And Fluttershy knows exactly what he wants to start with- the meanest and scariest of them all, Tyrannosaurus rex!

Back at Prehistoric Park, Fluttershy is now in her office. She has been packing her supplies and equipment for the mission ahead. After finishing, Fluttershy pulls a map and places it on the wall.

Finding a T-rex is more challenging than simply traveling back in time. Luckily, Fluttershy’s already worked out when and where she'll have to go to track one down.

“The most widely accepted theory about why dinosaurs became extinct is that a meteor smashed into the Earth," Fluttershy says, pointing to the map before her. “This is a map of the Earth 66 million years ago. This is where the impact was, in the Yucatán Peninsula, here in Mexico. You can still see the crater today. Around that time, there were masses of T. rex here, somewhere in Montana, and I need to go back there to find them."

With that, Fluttershy places her things in his Land Rover. She then proceeds toward the holding facility, which will hold the animals she brings back and where the time portal is situated.

To rescue the last of the T. rex, Fluttershy is going back to the very end of the age of dinosaurs, as close to the meteor impact as she dares.

Fluttershy drives through the portal, ready to bring back the most powerful land predator ever and facing a ticking clock to one of Earth's most devastating extinction events. Let's hope she hasn't bitten off more than she can chew.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. The next one will take us to the end of the Cretaceous, and Fluttershy will encounter her first dinosaurs, some are good, others not so much. Let's hope things go well with the welcoming committee.

If there are any inaccuracies, questions, or ideas, please feel free to tell me.

"Normal Text" = Character speaking

"Italic Text" = Narrator

Bold = Time, location, name