• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 738 Views, 3 Comments

The Price of a Dream - fic Write Off

Write-off - The Price of a Dream - Minific Contest

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Sometimes I wonder if things would be different.

If we had not done we did that day.

If we had found another way.

Inevitably, my mind drifted back to that climatic day three thousand years ago.

The day when Discord was supposed to have his greatest triumph over the forces of Order. He had assembled his armies in plain view of the last bastion of freedom, Everfree Castle. Foul beings, every one of them: windigoes, timber wolves, chaotic shades. There was no doubt in anypony’s mind that his armies would prevail that day.

But for one desperate plan.

“Celestia, are you ready?” my liege spoke, his charcoal black eyes studying my every move.

“I am, my king.”

“Remember, you two are the focus: the most important part of the link. If you falter, then all of Equestria is lost.”

I glanced back at the castle courtyard. The entirety of Equestria’s remaining alicorns was gathered here today. Here and there, I could glimpse the frightened civilians huddling behind whatever shelter they could find.

My sister spoke, “Do not fret, my liege. This plan will… must succeed.”

“Very good. Then let us not waste any more time. You know what to do.” I watched as the last reigning monarch of alicorns turned his back; the memory of his silvery coat and electric blue mane forever etched in my mind.

The sizzle of magic meeting magic erupted overhead. The siege has begun. Wordlessly, I nodded at Luna and began ascending the steps to the very top of the tower. A golden platform awaited us, shaped in the way of a six-pointed star. A dais holding a gem adorned each corner: each representing the Elements critical to our desperate plan.

The magic shield broke. We stepped onto the platform. Screams of pain and the sounds of weapons clashing erupted. Our pegasi and earth ponies allies would not last long.

I took a deep breath, and activated the machinery with a small surge of magic. Then I heard our liege speak, one last time:

“Discord will be stopped. Brothers and sisters, this is your day. Our day! Onwards to victory!”

The crackle of magic in the air intensified. The gems suddenly flared brilliantly into life, floating slowly off the dais that held them. I could feel the energies that were being channelled through, tasting each as they filtered through.


Then everything exploded in a flash of brilliant white.

It was the voice of my sister who greeted me when I regained my senses.

“Good to see you again, sister. I had feared the worst when I first set eyes on you.”

The memories flooded back. I sat up quickly, and was greeted by a sight that would haunt me to this day. Where lush plains and forest used to exist, grey ash-filled wasteland remained. The castle was in ruins, nothing more than a smoking shell. Of the ponies that had once been my brethren in the courtyard, only charred remains marked their existence.

“I fear the price is just as we feared. But do not lose hope. For we have accomplished what we came for. Look.”

And amongst the rubble, I could spy the survivors of the holocaust. The ponies we have sworn to protect.

“Tia, are you lost in your memories again?” the soft voice of Princess Luna said.

I shook my head slowly. “I suppose I was.”

“Do you think it was worth it?”

I glanced out at the window, the bustling city of Canterlot filling the view.

“We fulfilled our dreams, did we not?”