• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 741 Views, 3 Comments

The Price of a Dream - fic Write Off

Write-off - The Price of a Dream - Minific Contest

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Thirty Dollars

“Step right up, step right up, ladies and gentlemen, for the journey of a lifetime! See the wonders, the grandeur, the magic of Equestria, all for the low, low price of a mere, paltry, pathetic thirty dollars!”

Bjorn’s legs were pumping like pistons as he raced up to the entrance of the Ponytorium. The announcer, a ginger-mustached fellow dressed in an outfit not dissimilar from Flim and Flam’s in season two, episode fifteen, smiled broadly as he skidded, panting into the front of the line. Bronies behind him groaned loudly and muttered curses. Breathing heavily, Bjorn pumped a fist in the air.

“Looks like you’re out first customer today, sir,” the Flim—or was it Flam?—looking person said. “Do you have your thirty dollars?”

Bjorn did—the notes were crumpled in his sweaty palm. He thrust them into the man’s face, much to the latter’s distaste.

“Alrighty then! You can go in. Enjoy Equestria!”

Bjorn leapt through the door in an instant. He was so excited. He’d never been this excited. Soon, very, very soon, he’d get to meet all his favourite ponies in the magical land of Equestria. There was one pony in particular he was really looking forward to meeting.

Some official, smart-looking people in labcoats greeted Bjorn and strapped him into a chair. They buzzed around him, setting up various pieces of equipment and tying things to his arms and legs. He thought he heard one or two of them ask him something, but he was far, far too excited to speak.

Before long, he smelled a sweet, overpowering scent, and everything went dark.

Bjorn opened his eyes again. Big lavender irises greeted his eager gaze. He nearly fainted.

“Hello there!” Twilight said enthusiastically. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up!”

When he hear Twilight’s voice, Bjorn did faint. His head flopped to the side and his tongue lolled out of the corner of his mouth.

“Hey?” Twilight asked, concerned. “Are you okay?” She poked him in the arm, and then started shaking him, but got no response.

“It’s happened again,” Nurse Redheart droned. “I don’t know why, but these creatures keep appearing here, and they keep doing this. It’s like there’s something about being in Equestria that just makes them go completely catatonic.”

Twilight frowned and lowered her gaze to the floor. “It’s really upsetting. If only one of them would just stay awake long enough for us to find out what they are and why they keep coming here...”

Redheart and Twilight stood in silence for a moment, before the former suddenly brightened up. “Look on the bright side,” she said, pushing against one of Bjorn’s arms. “As I always say, the way they stiffen up makes them excellent coatracks.”

Twilight’s eyes remained hard. “But Redheart,” she replied gravely, “Rarity’s running out of coats to hang up.”