• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 741 Views, 3 Comments

The Price of a Dream - fic Write Off

Write-off - The Price of a Dream - Minific Contest

  • ...

Stalking an Idol

From the moment she had spotted him, she immediately recognized who he was. He wore a ragged coat instead of his trademark uniform and a hat covered his mane. His hair was a lot whiter than in the pictures, but she knew it was him.

She slowly followed him as he made his way across town. His coat collar obscured his face. Suddenly, he stopped and looked around, but she had ducked behind a nearby haystack. She pushed her spiky orange hair back to make sure it wasn't poking out of her hiding spot and held her breath. Satisfied that he wasn't being followed, he pushed the door open into a nearby building. Letting out a sigh of relief, she continued stalking her prey.

Gently pushing the door open, she saw the stallion meander over to the end of a table. He barked an order for a drink and put his hooves behind his head. Taking small steps, she tiptoed over to where he was sitting. Scooting onto a nearby chair, she tapped him on the shoulder.

He looked over and grunted. "Whadda want, kid?"

"Excuse me sir, but could I have your autograph?" She placed her hooves together, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"Don't see why. I'm just an ordinary stallion,” he said as the waitress set his drink down. He stared towards his drink, gently flicking the straw back and forth.

"No, you're not. You're the legendary Cosmic Blaze! Performer of the Gallant Thomper and the former leader of the Wonderbolts!"

"Dunno whatcha talking about, kid."

"Oh come on! You look exactly like him! I know it’s you. Please, please, please?” she pleaded.

The stallion sighed and tipped his hat downwards. "I was trying to stay inconspicuous, but I guess it didn't work." He leaned backwards on his chair. "You got a pen?"

Grinning wide, the yellow pegasus pulled out a pen and a picture of Cosmic Blaze. She couldn't help but let out soft squee noises as he sighed his photo. When he gave it back to her, she clapped her hooves.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Her wings flared open.

Cosmic Blaze chuckled. "You must be a real big fan."

"Definitely! When I grow up, I'm gonna be a Wonderbolt! Maybe even captain!"

"Hmm..." He tipped his cup back and forth, watching the liquid slosh around inside. "You do, eh? Are you sure you have what it takes?"

"Of course!" The yellow pegasus jumped onto the floor and struck a pose.

With a grunt, Cosmic Blaze threw his head back and chugged the rest of his drink. He sighed and said, "Look, kid. That's nice and all, but being a member of the Wonderbolts is harder than it looks, let alone becoming Captain. Do you have any idea of how much I had to sacrifice in order to get where I did?" He looked at the filly who could barely contain herself. "It ain't easy. It's a lot of hard work."

"But it's worth it, right? To be one of the best, to inspire others, to achieve what only a few can?"

He looked out in the distance. "Not always." She tilted his head at him, so he continued. "Just... remember what's most important to you. If you want to be the best, you have to be prepared to sacrifice things. Lots of things. That takes a lot more than just wanting it. It requires luck, raw talent, and... something more."

The filly's eyes widened as she beamed. "I've got what it takes. “

“You’re just saying that. Everyone says that, but very few really do."

She shook her head. “No, I'm different from the others. I bust my hump everyday!”

Blaze raised an eyebrow at her. “Really? What are you doing to practice?”

"Everything! I've been training real hard everyday! Flying laps, doing wing-ups, eating healthy, the works! Just watch. Someday I’m going to be the leader of the Wonderbolts!"

"If you say so, kid." He gazed deep into her sparkling eyes and saw the passion of youth that he himself had so long ago. He chuckled. "Say Kid, what's your name?"


“Spitfire, eh?" He leaned forward and placed his hooves on the table. "If your heart's that set on becoming a Wonderbolt, then let me give you some pointers."