• Published 16th Sep 2019
  • 951 Views, 24 Comments

A Moment in Autumn - wishcometrue

Sunset Shimmer loves Trixie; she's just busy right now. Everything will be fine.

  • ...

3. Noon

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I was looking in my journal this morning, and I couldn’t believe it's been a few moons since we last talked. Things have been kind of crazy over here, but when are they not, really? I shouldn't use that as an excuse for neglecting my friends. I'm so, so sorry for not writing sooner, Sunset.

How are you and the girls doing? Is there anything exciting happening over there? Or just anything you’d like to talk about?

I miss talking to you Sunset, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend always,

Twilight Sparkle


Sunset awoke in a daze. “No, Princess Celestia, don’t take my cake…” As her mind slowly started making sense, she realized she wasn’t actually in Equestria having her cakes stolen by her former teacher. Instead she was on a bus, and someone was shaking her awake. Sunset grumbled and attempted to swat at whoever it was.

"Sunset, as much as I love hearing myself sing, I'm trying to sleep. We're all trying to sleep, so could you do something about your phone? And whatever you do, just... keep it down."

Rubbing bleary eyes, she watched as Rainbow walked away. Her phone didn’t take long to ring again, and Sunset quickly rejected the call and checked the number. Trixie, as she thought. Groaning, she quickly wrote a text to send her to make sure she didn't call again. A few seconds later,

Sorry Sunset.
Trixie just misses the sound of your voice.

i miss your voice too trixie

but you cant keep calling me like this

if you really want to talk, text me first, ok?


we can talk some other time

im trying to sleep


Sunset walked back to the green room, fuming. She could hear grumbling from the girls behind her which just set her off further. As she passed whatever chump hired them she couldn't help but smirk at the sight of his smile morphing into confusion and apprehension as he saw the mood of the group.

As she walked into the green room, she didn't bother to hold the door for any of the others, and she almost laughed when she heard Rarity's grumbling following a thump.

Rarity stormed in, rubbing her forehead. "Sunset, I can't believe you missed your entrance on 'Shine Like Rainbows'!"

Sunset just rolled her eyes. "Oh, that's rich coming from the girl who played the wrong chord twice on it."

Rarity sputtered, "Wh—I did no such thing!"

Fluttershy looked back from putting her violin in its case. "Actually, um, you kind of did."

Rarity huffed indignantly. "Oh, I see how it is. Well, if we're playing this game, I couldn't help but notice you didn't rosin your bow before your big solo, which is especially surprising since you wrote that song."

Pinkie rubbed her hands together and awkwardly chuckled. "Hey, c'mon guys, the show wasn't so bad. I mean, it wasn't great, but that's no reason to fight, is it?"

Sunset growled. "Yes it is, and I have a lot more to say."

"Oh this should be rich. Ah can't wait to hear what you have to say, Ah really, really mean it,” Applejack replied, rolling her eyes and mouth puckering as if she was eating a lemon.

Pinkie's eyes darted around the room. Her smile spread to uncomfortable proportions as she bounced around anxiously. Finally her eyes settled on Sunset and she sped over to her and tightly hugged her.

"Please calm down Sunset, things can't really be bad enough for this, they just can’t."

Sunset stood stock still for a minute, shocked. The heat in the room intensified as she growled, pushing Pinkie off of her hard enough that she landed on the floor.

"Don't touch me!"

The others gasped as Sunset snarled like a feral beast. Pinkie looked up at her with shock and fear; she scooted away from her, whimpering and hair deflating with tears in her eyes. Fluttershy quickly pulled Pinkie up and walked her to a corner to soothe and comfort her, but not before shooting a glare that was more hurt than angry at Sunset.

"What is wrong with you girl?"


"What the hell is your problem!"

Picking one voice out of all of them, Sunset stomped up to Dash, pulling her close. Flames in the shape of pony ears shot up from the top of her head. "You want to know my problem, Dash? It's that nopony here is good enough, and I'm wasting my feathering time with you all!"

She pushed Rainbow, who awkwardly stumbled before Applejack caught her. Sunset looked around, noticing the hurt and anger and fear in her friends' eyes, but it wasn't enough. Sunset closed her eyes and roared, flames erupting and engulfing her whole form.

When she opened her eyes, she blinked a couple times to try to clear the flickering orange haze from her vision. When that didn't work, she frowned and looked at her arms. Her jaw dropped at the sight and the flames promptly extinguished as rationality reasserted itself.

She looked at her friends' fearful gazes and clenched her eyes shut, unable to face what she saw in them.

"I- I didn't-"

She shook her head, sighing. She grabbed her guitar and headed out the door. "I'll be in the bus."


Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I'm sorry that things have been so tense between you and the girls, but I really think you need to talk to them about this. I'd hate to see your friendships end because you're all letting minor things get to you without saying anything (reminds me a bit of the Battle of the Bands, honestly).

Also, that's really exciting that you're dating Trixie. I never would've seen that coming, but crazier things have happened to both of us, so I can't be too surprised at this point, now can I? And I haven't always seen eye to eye with Trixie, but I know she's a good pony, and I bet she's a good person as well.

Speaking of Trixie and dating, do you remember Starlight Glimmer? I know she went through the mirror that one time, but I don't know if you've kept in touch. Anyways, it's kind of funny, because she's dating this world's Trixie! Two ponies who I helped find redemption are dating Trixie; the multiverse is truly a strange place. Things are going pretty great between them, they just got back from a little tour of Equestria doing magic shows.

I hope to talk to you again soon, Sunset. Princess Celestia misses you and hopes you can come back to Equestria soon. We’re both very proud of you.

Your friend always,

Twilight Sparkle

Sunset closed the journal and sighed. She knew Twilight was right, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating or nerve wracking.

“Hey Sunset, why don’t you have your guitar out? You should be tuning that thing, girl!”

Taking a few deep breaths before replying. “I was thinking, Dash… Maybe we should call off the practice today?” Closing her eyes to avoid the incredulous look Dash was giving her, she kept going. “We’ve practiced all these songs a ton, so maybe we could just talk or something? I feel like we haven’t done enough of that lately.” She sighed, and under her breath, “No thanks to me.”

The other girls exchanged glances before shrugging.

"Sure, why not?"

Sunset looked around at the awkward and uncomfortable gazes her friends were directing at anything other than her and realized she would have to break the silent tension. She began, "Pinkie, I'm so sorry for getting so mad at you the other day. I just let all of these negative feelings build up, and I thought I was controlling them, but I guess I was letting them control me."

Pinkie pronked over, wrapping Sunset in a hug that was quickly returned. "Aw, it's okay Sunset. I forgive you. I know I can be a little silly sometimes and I was really scared I ruined things between us by being stupid instead of silly."

Sunset pushed Pinkie back slightly so she could look her in the eye. "Pinkie, you aren't stupid. You're such a wonderful person and I hope you never change."

"Never change, you say? Well in that case," she trailed off and pronked over to the platter of cookies and shoved one in her mouth without biting it. Noticing the looks the others have her, she quickly chewed and swallowed. "Whaaaaat, emotional moments make me hungry!"

The other girls all giggled, visibly relaxing.

Shaking her head, Rainbow Dash turned to Sunset. "So what was the deal with those flames, anyways? That wasn't the first time you've done that on this trip, but it wasn’t that bad before."

"Back in Equestria, I was an expert pyromancer. I mean, I was an expert in a lot of magical fields, but I had an affinity with pyromancy. I guess that ability is finally breaking through my human form." She idly rubbed her geode. "This isn't the first time the magic in this world has changed, and I guess it's changing even more for me, maybe because I'm technically a unicorn in a human body?" She waved her hand in a circle. "Or something like that. I don't know for sure."

"Was it so out of control in Equestria?" Fluttershy asked.

"At first, yeah. But I was the personal student of Princess Celestia, the best pyromancer around. Pyromancy is a passionate magic; it feeds off the emotions of the caster, but there are ways to make sure it doesn’t take over.” She spread her fingers and looked at them. “But that’s in Equestria; I'm on my own here. She wouldn't have the slightest clue how that magic would translate to a human body."

“Have you asked Twilight for help?”

“No, and I really don’t want to.” She sighed. “I love Princess Twilight, she’s like the sister I never had, but she’s clueless about how magic works here too. Besides, I can’t go to her for everything.”

Fluttershy hummed, hugging her knees closer. “You said it feeds on emotions, right?” When Sunset nodded, she continued, "I could teach you some relaxation techniques if you'd like. That might help you control this in the short term at least."

Sunset smiled at her. "You know what? I think I'd like that, Shy."


She groaned when her phone chimed, and she knew what had woken her up. Unlocking the screen as quickly as her bleary eyes would let her, she glanced over at the other bed. No stirring, just the gentle rise and fall of Fluttershy's chest and the sprawled out form of Pinkie Pie next to her.

She sighed with relief, and turned her gaze back to her phone.

Are you awake?

Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to take deep breaths.


whats up

Trixie just got a phone call
I’m going to be competing in a magician's competition!

Sunset looked at the three geodes in the room, all resting on the central nightstand, and rolled her eyes, grimacing.

wow thats so cool


The contest also happens to be taking place near your show next week, if you want to grab lunch or something?

Sunset fought through the sleepy haze, remembering that that show was at a small bar, the kind where the clientele probably wouldn't be able to notice if she was having an off night, let alone not being there. Dash had booked that one as kind of a bonus show, just to get some extra cash, so she would probably be alright with not performing at full strength.

no sorry ill be really busy

that show is rly important

That's fine.
Trixie loves you

Eye twitching at the latest bit of third person, Sunset sent her last text before putting her phone back on the nightstand and throwing herself down into her pillows.

love you too


Sunset chugged her root beer, completely focused on her competition, eyes closed, in the zone. As soon as the last of it was down, she spiked her bottle to the floor.

When she opened her eyes, she joined the cheering for herself when she saw Dash was just finishing up.

Rainbow Dash coughed a few times, rubbing her throat. "Dang, Sunset! How'd you get so good at that?"

"Lots of practice," she said, smirking.

When she didn't continue that thought, Pinkie Pie filled in the void of conversation.

"This was a really great show, Sunset!"

Applejack chuckled, "Heh, yeah. When I heard we were doin’ a house show I was a bit nervous, especially with your bookin’ track record." She blinked for a moment as if to process what she had just said. With a fresh blush she continued, "Uh, no offense."

Sunset chuckled a little at that. "None taken. Really, I should be apologizing to you girls. I was letting minor things distract me from what’s really important."

Rainbow Dash clapped her friend on the back. "Hey, we're all just glad you're back with us now, right girls?"

The rest of the girls answered in the affirmative, before Pinkie brought out a microphone.

"C'mon girls, it's karaoke time!"

"Pinkie, we just got done singing."

"Well, yeah, duh, but that's band singing. This is karaoke singing, which is totally different. Besides, it's karaoke time!" She pulled out a clock that only had karaoke written on it. "You can't argue with science like this!"

The girls all chuckled. “Well, can’t argue with that,” Sunset said.

Party still in full swing, Sunset felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out, she saw that Trixie had texted her.

Are you available for a call?
Trixie misses you.

Sunset furrowed her brow, looking from her phone to the ongoing party. Applejack and Rarity were currently trying to keep Pinkie Pie away from any more of the sweets, Fluttershy was beginning to snooze in one of the corners, Rainbow Dash and Twilight were singing a duet in karaoke and trying not to laugh at how corny it was. She moved her other hand towards her phone, thumb hovering over the keyboard, and hesitated.

Biting her lip, she pressed the lock button with her index finger and walked back over to the others.


Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I’m glad things are better between you and the girls now. I know they’re not the same as my friends here, just extremely similar, but I figured things would work out okay.

Also, it’s pretty incredible that The Rainbooms are popular enough for your tour to be so successful! Not incredible in a sarcastic way, I mean that genuinely, which you probably already figured out and I’m rambling again how am I rambling again I planned this letter out why

As a side note, thank you for that tidbit about your Rainbow Dash, I’ll have to see if my Dashie shares that appreciation for romance novels, that would be great teasing material. Also, how did Pinkie even… nope, not going there, Twilights questioning Pinkies only ends badly.

Also, something incredible happened recently: Starlight and Trixie got engaged! Even though Trixie and I still sometimes butt heads, those two are so cute together, and you can tell they’re good for each other, too. It made me curious though, how are things between you and your world’s Trixie working out? I think I’ve been spending too much time with Cadance, I’m so curious about the love lives of other creatures. At least I limit it to people that are important to me though.

I wish you safe travels through the rest of your tour, and give my love to the girls as well.

Your friend always,

Twilight Sparkle