• Published 13th Nov 2017
  • 461 Views, 11 Comments

Synthetic but living: Adventures in Cyberspace - Dark Nightshade

After the death of General Burow, more branches of the government find out about Ultrabyte and the abilities she has.

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The first attack

The next morning, after Raw Data and Ultrabyte had eaten, and walked to school, they met another government agent. He asked what Cloudy Day had asked yesterday afternoon. And Ultrabyte responded with what she had told Cloudy Day.

"If it isn't too many, and if it doesn't interfere with school, then sure," Ultrabyte said. The man smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll see you soon," he said. As Ultrabyte and Raw Data continued through the halls to their first class, they saw Derpy talking to Burning Brilliance. Burning Brilliance was holding a small vial of liquid, and they seemed to be talking about it. Burning Brilliance handed the vial to Derpy, and she smiled. Burning Brilliance turned around and started walking back towards the computer lab, which he worked in, part time.

"What was that?" Raw Data asked.

"I think that's.....I can't remember the name right now, but it was probably this stuff that Burning Brilliance was working on to help make it easier for someone to put themselves into a computer," Ultrabyte said. "Don't ask Derpy about it."

"Of course not," Raw Data said. The rest of the day went by pretty normal, until after school ended. Ultrabyte, Raw Data and the others had met up in the computer lab to train their abilities. That's when things started getting exciting. Both Flash and Derpy managed to put themselves into the computer they had chosen. Everyone was surprised. Happy, but surprised. No one had expected any two people to achieve their first time at the same time as another. Derpy, however, had a little trouble getting out of the computer and into her body, but she finally did it. Flash hugged her, and she blushed as she was congratulated.

"Well, I had help," Derpy said. "Burning Brilliance had some of this stuff called Elixir of Exchange."

"That's awesome," Rainbow Dash said. "Do you have any more?" Derpy shook her head.

"Burning Brilliance only have me the one bottle," she said. "Though now that I've done it once, I think I'll be able to do it again."

"Good, because that stuff is hard to make," Burning Brilliance said. "He mostly stayed quiet during the training sessions. "And no, Rainbow Dash, I do not have any more."

"Aww," Rainbow Dash said. "But you can make more, right?" Burning Brilliance sighed.

"Sure," he said. "I'll make some more." Rainbow Dash cheered. A bell rang, signaling the end of most of the after school activities.

"Well, I guess that wraps it up," Burning Brilliance said. "I'll see you tomorrow, and good job, Flash and Derpy." As everyone excited the school and started waiting for whatever ride the were waiting for, if they were expecting a ride, Raw Data and Ultrabyte started walking home.

"I didn't expect that to happen," Raw Data said.

"What, Derpy getting into the computer before some of the others?" Ultrabyte asked.

"Yep," Raw Data said. "I thought that Pinkie would probably be there before her, but I'm not complaining or anything."

"Yeah, I'm glad she's been able to do it," Ultrabyte said. However, she was about to say something else when a voice yelled out "Heads up!" Raw Data and Ultrabyte turned around to see a robot sprinting towards them. Ultrabyte and Raw Data stepped off of the sidewalk, but the robot changed angle, running straight towards Ultrabyte.

"Oh, no," Ultrabyte muttered. She readied herself, and when the robot launched itself at Ultrabyte, Ultrabyte rolled out of its way. It crashed into a stop sign, knocking it over, and it scrambled back to its feet. It screeched again, and started running at Ultrabyte again. Ultrabyte, instead of rolling out of the way, decided on the simpler thing. She turned and ran. It was gaining on her. She looked out into the street and saw Flash's car was going to pass soon.

I need to time this right, Ultrabyte thought. Wait for it. Almost the-NOW! She lunged out into the road and sprinted across the path of Flash's car. So did the robot. Ultrabyte had fortunately gotten out of the way in time, but she hear a crunch behind her. The car stopped, and Flash got out, yelling in panic.

"What the hell just happened?" he yelled. The robot wasn't moving. He stopped when he reached the front of his car. "Is-is that a robot?" Ultrabyte nodded.

"I'm really sorry I had to do that, but it was the only thing I could immediately think of," she said. Raw Data came running up, carrying the stop sign.

"Is it dead?" he asked. They all looked at it. Flash gently nudged it with his foot.

"I think so," he said. "Why was it chasing you?" Ultrabyte shrugged.

"Hey, are you alright?" a panting Derpy asked, running up to them.

"Yeah," Ultrabyte said. "Was that you who yelled look out?" Derpy nodded.

"Yes, and it worked!" she said with a proud smile. "You guys are fine!"

"Yeah, but why was this thing coming after me?" Ultrabyte wondered aloud. "It didn't even notice Raw Data." Derpy shrugged.

"I don't know, but I can find out," she said. She flopped down and closed her eyes.

"Wait, are you-?" Ultrabyte started, but Derpy fell backwards onto her back.

"Well, at least she can get into any computer without that Elixir of Exchange," Flash said.

"I wonder what she sees in there," Ultrabyte said. Derpy shuddered, but was apparently still inside the robot, because she still didn't move. A half minute passed and Derpy finally started moving again. She stood up again and brushed her clothes off. Her eyes, however, had started to moisten.

"Poor thing," she said. "It was never completed."

"But what does it want with me?" Ultrabyte asked.

"It wants to kill you," Derpy said. "That's the only thing that it exists for. Your death. It doesn't understand anything else."

"Who programmed it?" Raw Data asked.

"I don't know, but whoever it was didn't do a very good job," Derpy said. "But Burrow probably commissioned it."

"Wow, he's dead, and he's still trying to kill you?" Flash asked. "Now that is vengeful."

"Well, we need to destroy it then," Raw Data said, raising the stop sign. However, Derpy stepped in front of him and raised her hands.

"Wait!" she said. "I can fix it! I can teach it to not hate!"

"Wasn't its only function to kill?" Flash asked. Derpy nodded.

"But I can fix it!" she said again. "It can't even understand why it needs to kill Ultrabyte!"

"So wouldn't you be completely reprograming it?" Ultrabyte asked. Derpy nodded. "That's really hard, you know." Derpy nodded again.

"I can get Burning Brilliance to help!" she said. "Just don't kill it! Not yet!" Ultrabyte sighed and beckoned Raw Data to lower the stop sign.

"Ok, you can try to fix it," Ultrabyte said. "But if it tries to kill me again, I'm destroying it." Derpy nodded.

"I'll fix it," she said again. She turned to Flash. "Can you help me get it back to Burning Brilliance?" Flash nodded.

"Sure, I'll open the trunk," he said. He walked towards the back and flipped the trunk door up. Derpy picked up the robot and started to try and drag it out from under Flash's slightly damaged car hood. It only got out about a foot. Flash walked back towards the hood, and started helping. He held onto the shoulders and they started synchronizing their pulls. After a minute of saying "Ready...now!" They got the robot to the trunk.

"You ready to lift it?" Flash asked. Derpy nodded. They started lifting, and after a couple of tries, they finally got it in. However, if couldn't fit inside, so they had to leave the trunk a little open.

"Do you remember how to get to my house?" Derpy asked. Flash nodded. He turned back to Ultrabyte and Raw Data.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" Flash asked. Raw Data shook his head.

"My house is a few blocks over, so we can walk there," he said. Flash nodded.

"Ok, then," he said. "Derpy, are you ready?" Derpy nodded, and opened the passenger side door.

"Bye!" she said. "I'll fix it!" Flash got in a started the car. Derpy got in and closed her door, and Flash started doing a u turn. Ultrabyte and Raw Data ran back to the sidewalk and continued on the path that were taking before the robot had attacked.

"Do you think she'll be able to fix it?" Raw Data asked. Ultrabyte shrugged.

"I honestly don't know," she said. "But I hope she can."

Author's Note:

Ok, so the ending is a little quick paced. The rest of the story won't be as faced paced, so don't worry.