• Published 15th Oct 2017
  • 854 Views, 1 Comments

Gotham City Heroes: Through The Holidays - Batfan98

Scootaloo has been living in the human world, under the care of Bruce Wayne, for sometime. She will be introduced to new holidays and still have adventures on those days.

  • ...

The Fears of Halloween

"Have a good weekend class." Mrs. Elmira smiled as the school belle rang "And have a happy Halloween."

The fifth grade students all walked out the doors of the class room. Most of them were conversing amongst themselves, especially these three best friends

"Oh man you girls excited for Halloween tonight?" said Chloe.

Kiki nodded "Yes since this is my first Halloween in America."

"And this is my first Halloween in Gotham." said Scootaloo. Not only was this her first Halloween in Gotham, but also her first Halloween ever. She first heard of it in the beginning of October, it reminded her of Nightmare Night. She also heard of other human holidays, some of which reminded her of Equestrian holidays.

Christmas reminded her of Hearth's Warming Eve, Valentine's Day reminded her of Hearts and Hooves Day which she gagged at. There were also holidays that were nothing like holidays in Equestria. Easter, Thanksgiving, Saint Patrick's Day, New Years, and Independence Day. With New Years she's surprised Pinkie didn't think of celebrating a new year.

The three friends walked out the doors at the front of the school where parents' cars and a limo was waiting.

"See ya guys." Scootaloo said as she walked over to the limo. She got in and closed the door beside her.

"How was your day Mrs. Phillips?" Alfred said in the driver's seat.

"Pretty good." Scootaloo answered as she buckled her seatbelt. "And your's?"

Alfred shrugged "Just busy cleaning the singes off your and master Bruce's costumes from that fight with Firefly." he drove off.

Scootaloo chuckled a little, Alfred certainly knew how to be a smart alec. "Speaking of costumes did you pick up my costume for tonight?"

"If you mean your Halloween costume instead of your crime fighting one then yes." he said as ha handed her the costume.

"Thanks Alfred." Scootaloo took the costume. It was a blue police officer costume that was her size. It came with a police cap, a plastic gun, and a plastic badge. "You sure Bruce will do fine without me tonight?"

Alfred nodded "Of course. This isn't the first time he went crime fighting on his own."

"Eh, it you say so."

Bruce insisted Scootaloo to take the night off and go trick or treating tonight, he thought that if a lot of kids are doing it tonight she should join in. She was a little skeptical at first, she thought it was also her responsibility to protect Gotham, but she gave in and chose to be a police officer for tonight. Alfred said he'd take her through the suburban area while Bruce patrolls the city as Batman.

After a while of driving Alfred drove up the hill that lead to the gates of Wayne Manor. The gates opened automatically and the limo parked in the loop in front of the Manor. Scootaloo walked out the car as Alfred went to go park it and she headed for the double doors.

"Bruce. I'm home." Scootaloo called as she opened the doors and closed them behind her. She walked down the red carpet to the stair case where two hall ways were, one on the left and one on the right. On the wall In front was a painting of Solomon Wayne, Bruce's great grand father who was also a judge.

Scootaloo walked down the hall on the left leading to many doors. She opened one door to the room she half expected Bruce to be in, the gym. There Bruce was listening to the TV on the wall, while doing push ups and wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt.

"How was your day?" Bruce asked before Scootaloo could speak, still focusing on the push ups.

"Fine. Can't wait for tonight. Finally getting a night off." Scootaloo put her hands on her hips "You could use a night off too."

"Criminals don't take the night off."

"Come on Bruce. You deserve it as much as I do." Scootaloo said as she took off her grey jacket showing that she was wearing a black t-shirt under and headed over to a balance beam. She liked to do some gymnastics when she got home. She found it a lot of fun to do especially when out crime fighting.

She stood on the balance beam and did a hand stand on one hand, she then cartwheels to the right jumping off in a front flip and grabbed onto some rings in mid air and did a few loop before letting go flipped in mid air and landed on her feet. "And she sticks the landing." Scootaloo said like she was an announcer.

"And in other news" Jack Ryder began on the TV "Jonathan Crane, A.K.A. The Scarecrow has escaped once again from Arkham Asylum." that caught Bruce's and Scoots' attention "If you have any information about his whereabouts please contact the authorities."

After hearing the news report Scootaloo turned her head to Bruce "Okay I think I should help you on this."

Bruce got up from his push ups "Don't worry about it. I've handled Crane before, he's one of my earlier enemies."

"As in enemies that came when Gordon was Lieutenant and the GCPD was corrupt?" Scootaloo asked. Bruce nodded.

He told her once that before Gordon was Commissioner the GCPD was full of dirty cops. So many that there were only few good cops and Commissioner Gillian Loeb and Mayor Hamilton Hill worked with Gotham's number one crime boss Carmine Falcone.

The second year is when Gordon started working with Batman, at the time it was secret from both the public and the police, and it's also when the rogues started to appear. First it was Joker, then Catwoman, then Clayface, Poison Ivy, Firefly, Mr. Freeze, Riddler, Scarecrow, Penguin and Black Mask, Victor Zsasz, Bane, and Killer Croc. They were the real threat.

"There were times when I faced him alone. Shouldn't be a problem." Bruce assured.

"I-I don't know Bruce. I think I'd prefer if I did this mission with you." Scootaloo protested but to no avail. She was reminding Bruce of himself whenever Alfred insisted he'd take the night off.

"You've been doing hard work to keep Gotham safe. You've earned this break."

Scootaloo sighed "Alright you know what? How about this: I go trick or treating tonight and you go patrolling, but if I find something related to Scarecrow I go with you on the hunt for him. How does that sound?"

Bruce thought for a moment, he thought she deserved this break plus it was highly unlikely for her to find something related to Scarecrow while trick or treating. "Alright."


That night Scootaloo got into her police costume, took her pillow case as well as an earpiece in case she needed to contact Bruce and a homing signal so he can find her location. She walked out the front double doors to a red car wher Alfred was waiting. He opened the door for her as she got in and closed it behind her and went into the drivers seat.

"Are you excited for tonight, Ms. Phillips?" he asked plainly as he drove off.

Scootaloo shrugged "Eh, a little, but I think I'd prefer spending the night out in capes instead of fake sunglasses." she adjusted the sunglasses.

"I know, but think of how much fun you'll have tonight. Receiving free candy is something children enjoy after all." Alfred was still talking in his plain casual tone as always, but was still trying to get the pony turned human to look forward to tonight.

Scootaloo slumped back in her chair "Won't be as fun as crime fighting." she mumbled.

Alfred sighed "Children."

They soon arrived at the suburban area in the city, Cranston Estates, and the car was parked at a street corner. The two got out to see many kids in various costumes walking through the neighborhood getting candy.

Scootaloo chose a random house and walked up to it as Alfred stayed on the sidewalk in front of it.

"Okay what do I say again?" Scootaloo tried to remember "Trick...or...treat? Yeah that's it."

She walked up the porch and rang the doorbell. A moment later a woman came out with a bucket of candy.

"Trick or treat." Scootaloo held out her bag.

The woman smiled "Oh hello. That's a very nice costume you have, sweetie." she then pulled out three pieces of candy and dropped them in Scootaloo's bag.


"You're welcome. Happy Halloween." the woman walked back into her house closing the door.

Scootaloo walked off the porch and back to Alfred "How was it?"

Scootaloo smiled "You know? I think I'm gonna enjoy this night more then I thought."

They spent the next hour roaming through the neighborhood getting candy from various houses. Scootaloo was enjoying herself, this trick or treating reminded her of getting candy on Nightmare Night. She couldn't deny it she was enjoying herself.

She and Alfred were about to call it a night when they suddenly heard a loud scream coming from and old abandoned house.

"Someone's in trouble. I better go help." Scootaloo exclaimed as she ran over to the house.

"Miss. Phillips. Miss. Phillips wait!" Alfred called out to her, but to no avail. He sighed as he went in after her, he can't let her be alone in that house.

When Scootaloo got to the house she kicked the door open. Everything we dark and creaky, floor boards were broken, cob webs were everywhere.

"Ms. Phillips." Alfred said running into the house "Mr. Phillips please do not to wandering off like that?"

The scream was heard again and it was coming from up the creaky stairs. Scootaloo and Alfred quickly dashed up there to see a man huddled in the corner. His eyes were glowing orange through the scarecrow mask he was wearing. Judging my the mask he was a Scarecrow henchman.

His eyes widened bigger when he saw Scootaloo "No! Stay away from me. Stay away!" he screamed.

Scootaloo walked a little closer taking slow steps "Hey it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."

The closer she got the farther the man crawled into a wall in fear like he was trying to get away from something that was about to kill him.

"What happened to you?"

"He left me here. He left me here to die." the man put his arms over his head in a fearful manner.

Scootaloo's eyebrow raised "Who?"


That explained why he was acting like he was afraid. He was drugged with Scarecrow's fear toxin.

Scootaloo quickly put a hand up to her earpiece. "Batman. I got a lead on Scarecrow. Come to my location." she pulled her homing signal from her pocket and pushed the button. The man wasn't listening, he was only paying all his attention on his fears.

"Ms. Phillips" Alfred said "you know, Master Bruce can handle this all on his own. He insisted that you take the night off."

"I know Alfred, but I feel like I gotta protect the city too. Besides we were about to call it a night anyway and I got a ton of candy." She held out her bag and it was indeed full of candy.

Alfred sighed "Very well."

After a few minutes the Batmobile was heard being parked outside the house and Batman went in. He came up the stairs to see Scootaloo and Alfred waiting and the victim huddled into the corner shivering with fear.

Batman approached him "What happened?"

His head was facing down "C-c-crane infused this candy with that stuff he has. Forced a piece into my mouth and- OH GOD!!!" once he looked up at Batman he screamed "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! GET AWAY!! GET AWAY!!" he tried despretly to crawl away. Whatever he saw Batman as it wasn't good.

Batman grew impatient and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt hoisting him up above his feet. "What's Scarecrow planning?!"

"Okay okay. H-he's planning on giving candy infused with his toxin to kids at the Halloween festival in Gotham Park. I think he's there right now." he squealed.

"Thank you." Batman dropped him on the floor. He, Alfred, and Scootaloo walked out the door. "We'll leave you to your nightmares." Batman closed the door behind him. He then pushed his finger to his earpiece underneath his cowl "Oracle call the police and let them know about the Scarecrow's victim."

"On it."

Batman ended the call. "I gotta get to Gotham park before the people there are drugged."

"Not without me your not." Scootaloo pointed out "Remember the deal we made."

Batman remembered the deal and sighed "Your costumes in the trunk."

"Good luck sir." Alfred said as he walked back to the car he used to get here.

Scootaloo opened the trunk to find her Robin costume laying there and changed into it then got into the Batmobile and they drove off.

They soon arrived at Gotham Park. At the entrance was a banner saying Halloween Festival. The park was crowded with many people in costumes, there were cars where kids were trunk or treating. There were also stands selling masks, candy, and carmel apples.

Batman and Robin snuck through the trees to a stage in the center of the park. On the stage were two men holding bags of Scarecrows infused candy.

"All set boss." one of them wispered to the curtain.

"Good." Scarecrow said from behind the curtain. "Now let's make this Halloween one that no one will forget."

"If you mean it'll be remembered for getting your butt back in Arkham" he heard a familiar voice of a ten year old girl and in front of him landed Batman and Robin. "Then yes. It won't be forgotten."

Scarecrow wasted no time swinging his scythe in hopes of finishing off the Dynamic Duo once and for all. They both ducked as Batman kicked Scarecrow sending him flying through the curtains and landing on the stage with an "Oof."

The two henchman looked behind them. "It's Batman." he pulled a gun from his pocket. The other henchman began dealing with the Dark Knight.

"And Robin." she kicked the gun out of his hand and brought her fist across his face. "Don't forget Robin."

The henchman sumbled backwards close to the edge of the stage.

"Stage dive." he heard Robin say before he was met with a jump kick sending him off the stage. "Ooh. That's gonna hurt." a blade then came to her neck.

"So then" Scarecrow said from behind holding his scythe to Robin's neck "you believe you can stop me and make it out alive?"

Batman took care of the henchman and was about to come to the Girl Wonder's aid.

"Mhm. Which is why you're gonna be taking this." Robin then pushed the blade from her back and back kicked Scarecrow in the stomach making him stumble backwards. "And this." Robin then took the scythe and brought the back of it to his head like a baseball bat. "And also" she then grabbed him by the arm throwing him over to Batman who brought a fist to his face knocking him out. "This."

The crowd was stunned for a moment and slowly they all started to aplaw and cheer. They all though that it must be some kind of act.

Soon police cars came in and cops started swarming the area as Batman and Robin grappled away onto a tree. For Robin nothing else came close to being a perfect way to celebrate her first Halloween.

Author's Note:

Originally I was going to make this a one shot side story but then I thought I'd make a seiries of one shots for each holiday Scootaloo goes through. Happy October and Happy Halloween (even though it's not here yet).