• Published 19th Jul 2017
  • 1,891 Views, 74 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 8 Cutie Mark Crusader To Caped Crusader

It was 8:30 on a Saturday night, tonight was the night, tonight was Scootaloo's first night crime fighting. She always knew that she was gonna be something awesome in the future, but never knew that she would be a crime fighter. The superhero identity she had was Robin and she thought that name sounded cool and was glad to keep it.

Robin was who Dick, Jason and Tim were before her. She just looked up who Robin was and turns out, he was Batman's sidekick, he was also the person that wore those red tunic suits Scootaloo saw in the Batcave.

She was in her bedroom, smiling at herself in the mirror, in her costume, it had a red tunic tunic and an R on the upper left side of the chest, a short cape that was black on the outside and yellow on the inside and went down to her knees, red pants, a yellow Utility Belt, black gloves, black boots, short black sleeves, and a black domino mask with wight lenses that made her eyes under the mask unable to be seen, like the lenses in Batman's mask, thankfully though, she could see through them perfectly.

She red up that Robin was referred to by many as The Boy Wonder, but now that she took the mantle it looks like that would be changed to The Girl Wonder.

She quickly ran out of her bedroom and took the hidden elevator down to the Batcave. There was Bruce in his bat-suit, with his mask off, Scootaloo was about to run up to him, but decided to sneak behind up on him and surprise him. So she was about to sneak behind the Batcomputer until she heard Bruce say "If you wanna sneak up on me, try not to be noticed."

Scootaloo got out from behind the computer and sighed. "How did you notice me?"

Bruce faced her "Because I'm Batman." he winked. He then wanted to change the subject "The suit, how does it feel?"

Scootaloo smiled with joy "It feels awesome! Look at me! I'm Robin! I can't believe it, I'm a superhero sidekick. Come on Bossman, we got some sorry butts to kick." She said, excitedly as she ran to the Batmobile "This is by far, the most greatest day of my life!"

Bruce smiled as he put his mask on and hopped in the Batmobile with his new Robin, and drove off to fight some crime.

After driving through the woods for 7 minutes, they arrived in the city, when they arrived they drove for 10 minutes and parked the Batmobile in a nearby alley.

They both hopped out of the car and pointed their grapple guns to the edge of a roof and pulled the triggers again, letting the grapple guns pull them up. They reached the rooftop and looked over the city.

It had tall buildings, busy streets, search lights, three blimps in the sky, and had a gothic feel to it. To Batman, it looked filthy. Then a moment later, they saw a light shine in the sky, but this light wasn't like any light, because it had a bat on it, the same bat logo on Batman's chest.

"What is that Bruce?" Robin asked.

"It's the Bat-signal, it means there's trouble." Batman said as he and Robin jumped off the building, stretching out their capes, gliding, because the building where the Bat-signal was coming from wasn't far.

A man, who looked to be in his 50s, was on the rooftop of the GCPD Building, standing next to the Bat-signal. He had short white hair, a mustach, and glasses, he was wearing a light brown trench coat, light brown pants with a leather belt, and black shoes with white socks. This man was Commissioner James Gordon. Gordon was an honest man who was a detective when he first came to the GCPD, he was one of the few honest cops on the force because years ago the police force was corrupt, it had a corrupt Commissioner, Commissioner Gillian Loeb.

Loeb worked with Mayor Hamilton Hill, a corrupt mayor, and the source of the corruption in Gotham, a crime lord named Carmine Falcone, A.K.A. The Roman. For years the Falcone family ruled the Gotham underworld. Gordon wanted to bring down Falcone but wasn't able to. Until Batman first appeared, at the time Gordon was Lieutenant, and targeted Falcone's operation.

Gordon was ordered to find Batman and expose his identity, but he couldn't bring himself to do it because of the good Batman was doing, so he secretly made an alliance with Batman to take down Falcone and expose Mayor Bill and Commissioner Loeb.

Pretty soon, they did so, and Gordon was promoted by the new Mayor as Police Commissioner. When Gordon became the Commissioner, he cleaned up GCPD and there were now less crooked cops and more honest cops on the force, he also made his alliance with Batman public and even though the mayor didn't like having a vigilante running around Gotham, he thought it would be better to have Batman around because he took down not only Falcone, but other rogues like The Joker, The Riddler, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, and Firefly. And so he made the Bat-signal, it's purpose was to call Batman over to the GCPD and inform him if there was any trouble that they think only he can handle.

"Jim." He heard a voice say and he turned to where the voice came from, the person who spoke was Batman. "What's the problem? Whatever it is we can handle it."

"We?" Jim asked confused.

"He means him and me." he heard a young female voice, it sounded like a ten year old. He turned to where the voice came from, in front of him was another Robin, but this time, it was a girl.

Jim turned to face Batman "Another one? And it's a girl this time?" he then walked up to the 2nd Robin and offered a handshake "I'm Commissioner James Gordon."

Robin shook his hand "Nice to meet you Commissioner, I'm the new Robin."

Once they finished shaking hands Batman asked "What's the problem Jim?"

"Well, Black Mask has been robbing banks across Gotham, think you can handle it?" Gordon said.

Batman then walked towards the edge of the building with Robin and glided off it. "I guess that means a yes." Gordon said as he turned off the signal.

The Dynamic Duo glided to the Batmobile and drove threw the city. "Alfred, we need you to hack into the security camera's at banks in Gotham that haven't been reported robbed." Batman said to Alfred, who appeared on a small screen, next to the turning wheel.

After a few moments Alfred said "The cameras at the First National bank shows Black Mask and his men, I doubt they are there to put money in their bank accounts."

Batman then drove the Batmobile to where the First National Bank was.

Once the Dynamic Duo got to the bank, they snuck in through a window and saw 5 men, four of them wearing black suits and black masks, and the leader, wearing a white suit and a black skull like mask, Black Mask.

Batman threw a smoke bomb the the group and performed, what he called, a fear multi take down on 3 of the henchmen, he turned on his Detective Vision, so he can see through the smoke, and soaked and enemy down to the floor, knocking him out, and jumping to another enemy, doing the same thing to him and another enemy.

There were now two left, Black Mask and a henchman. Robin ran up to the henchman and kicked him in the stomach "Take that!" she yelled as she jumped a few feet off the floor and kicked him in the face, knocking him out.

Black Mask pulled out his gun, but Robin pulled out a batarang and threw it at the gun, knocking it out of his hand. Robin then ran up to him and punched him in the face, then Batman fired a bat-claw at him, pulled him towards him and slammed him on the floor hard.

"Hey Black Mask, why do you wear a mask? Do you wear it to hide your ugly face?" Robin taunted.

Batman then put the bat-cuffs on Black Mask and put his finger to the earpiece in his cowel. "Penny-One, call the police and inform them of what went on here."

"Of course sir." Alfred said, Penny-One was a codename that Batman gave him.

The Dynamic Duo grappled up to the ceiling and left the building. "That was awesome! Did you see me? I took that one guy down."

Batman slightly smiled at his new sidekick, she was destined to be the new Robin.

Author's Note:

Just so y'know, the Robin suite Scootaloo is wearing is Tim Drake's suit from the animated series.