• Published 19th Jul 2017
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Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 25 After While Crocodile

The night sky was shining its stars above the city of Gotham, where there were busy streets, tall buildings and searchlights. Inside GCPD headquarters, Commissioner James Gordon was sitting at his desk looking over reports of some arrests, some arrests in the earlier night were of criminals with black eyes, bruises and broken limbs from a certain bat vigilante.

"Commisioner." said Renee Montoya as she opened the door to the office.

"What is it Montoya?" Gordon asked.

"We received a call that the Mayor is missing. He was last seen at his mansion and, I am not kidding, claw marks were found." Montoya reported.

"*sigh* Another night like this." Gordon said. Honestly he could never get a break. "Alright. I want a squad there and I'll send the right guy." Gordon got up from his desk and put on his light brown trench coat and fedora.

"Who...oh right. Him. I'll get a squad over there right away sir." Montoya said as she left the office.

Gordon made his way to the rooftop where a searchlight with the bat logo on it was waiting. Gordon pushed the button on the searchlight, turning it on and shining a bat symbol into the sky.

Meanwhile at Wayne Manor.

Bruce and Scoots were eating their spaghetti dinner, made by Alfred, at the long dining table they have in the dining room.

"Master Bruce, Miss. Phillips. You received a call." Alfred said as he came in.

"Who called? What do they want to talk about?" Scootaloo asked.

"The Commissioner called. It's rather ergent." he said, turning his direction to the window.

Bruce and Scootaloo turned their heads to the window to see the Bat-Signal shining in the sky.

"Well, looks like we got a job to do." Scootaloo said as she and Bruce made their way to the Batcave, changed into their suits and drove to the signal.

At the Bat-Signal, Commissioner Gordon was smoking from his pipe, waiting for the caped crusaders to show up. As he turned, he saw Batman and Robin standing there.

"Hmm, you'll never believe how much that use to startle me." Gordon chuckled.

"What's the problem, Jim?" Batman asked stoicly.

"Mayor Micheal Logan was kidnapped from his mansion not to long ago. We don't know who it is but claw marks were found at the scene of the crime." Gordon explained.

"We'll look into it." Batman said as he and Robin glided off the building and landed a few meters from the Batmobile.

"Claw marks?" Robin asked curiously.

They later arrived at the masion to find Montoya with a police squad there.

"Montoya. What've you found?" Batman asked her.

"Well. There are claw marks inside, as well as this ran some note." she handed a white piece of paper to them.

If you are reading this, I have the Mayor and i won't give him up until I get five hundred million dollars and leave it in Gotham Park at nine fourty PM tomorrow night. If I don't get the cash, Mayor Logan dies.

"Any ideas?" Montoya asked.

"We cooperate with the culprit and me and Robin will be there waiting for him." Batman planned. "We're going to look at the claw marks to see what we're up against." The duo then made their way into the mansion.

There were big claw marks on the walls, looked like they came from something big.

Batman turned on evidence scanner to scan the mark. "Hmm, schematics show that these claw marks appear to be reptilian, yet there's human DNA in them." Batman said. He then put a finger to his earpiece "Oracle, see which patient is not currently in Arkham."

"Let's see, hold on just a second." a few moments passed "Okay, there are three escapees. Joker, Riddler, and Killer Croc."

"Thanks, Oracle. See if there have been reports lately about Killer Croc. See if there are any witnesses."

Moments later "Sorry, but there's none."

"Thanks anyway." Batman said, removing his finger from his earpiece and making his way out the door with Robin.

"Who's Killer Croc?" Robin asked.

"When Waylon Jones's mother was pregnant, she was drugged with genetically enhanced pills from scientists at Peña Duro, a prison in Santa Prisca. She was thought she was taking Tylenol, the pills affected the baby. When Waylon was born he had a skin condition and the abilities of a crocodile. When he turned twenty five he turned to a life of crime, giving himself the name 'Killer Croc.'" Batman explained.

When they got into the Batmobile and drove off. Robin typed on the pad in front of her and Batman and Killer Croc's bio appeared. Killer Croc was a tall, had green reptile skin, a crocodile snout, fangs, and a tale. He also wore Brown pants and a French coat, which is what he normally wears.

"Know crimes committed" Robin read out loud "Armed robbery, cannibalism, homicide, grand theft." with grand theft and armed robbery he sounded like an average criminal, but with the other two crimes he sounded like a psychopath.

The Next Night

It was nine thirty eight PM at Gotham Park, a brief case with money sitting under a tree. A claw hand opened a sewer lid and a green scaled figure with a crocodile monster appearance climbed up onto the surface. Killer Croc.

Killer Croc walked into the park where the money was waiting. He was about to go get it until his nose caught a certain smell. He sniffed and it was two scents, one scent was new, but the other one he knew all to well. "Batman." He growled. His voice was frightening, it sounded scratchy.

The scents then came closer and closer, it was coming fast. As it came close, Croc swung his tail at the direction as Batman swung forward from his Bat-Rope. Batman and Robin felt a tail hit them against the ground.

"You shouldn't have come here." Killer Croc said "You and that new kid. Stay out of my way or I kill you both." he said as he grabbed the case and ran.

Batman and Robin quickly got up and chased after Croc.

'This guy's huge.' Robin thought. She though she's seen it all.

As they got to the street, Croc grabbed a car the hood and went it tumbling towards the Dynamic Duo. Batman fired his grapple gun to a near by building and was pulled into the air as Robin did a high front flip over it, landing on her feet.

Croc ripped open a sewer lid and jumped down there.

"Are we really going after him down there?" Robin asked, sounding nervous. She didn't mind facing him in the park, but facing a giant monster in a dark area that's like a maze where he can pop out of nowhere is another.

Batman gave her an answer by jumping down into the sewer.

"Oh man." She groaned as she followed, her feet landing in the water that went up to her torso. "Ugh, I'm gonna have to have a shower after this." she liked her crime fighting career, but being in sewage was not fun. Thank Celestia that she and the other cutey mark crusaders never came up with an idea like this back in equestria.

They walked through the sewage, keeping an eye out for Croc.

"Help! Somebody, please help!" They heard a voice and ran into the direction. They ran into a corner that showed a much wider sewer tunnel. There was a dock over on the other side, on it was an African American man in a grey suit, tied up in rope. It was Mayor Logan.

Batman and Robin climbed up the dock. "Are you alright?" Batman asked as he used a batarang to cut the rope.

"Yes I'm fine. Thank you."

"Don't thank us yet. We still need to get you out of here."

Then suddenly, something jumped out of the water like a shark and landed on the dock on two feet. Croc punched Batman into a wall, knocking him unconscious and grabbed the Mayor.

Croc then hit his tail against Robin, knocking her into the water.

"You're coming with me." he said as he took the Mayor into a sewer tunnel.

SPLASH "*gaaaasp*" Robin rose her head up from the water quickly, wet from sewage and gasping for air. She crawled up onto the dock to check on Batman. She quenched her eyes shut and opened them, turning on detective mode and checked Batman's heart beat. It read unconscious. Robin then quenched her eyes shut and opened them as detective mode turned off.

She then saw Killer Croc's shadow in a sewer tunnel.

"Batman. Wake up!" she shook Batman, but to no avail. He must have been out cold. Robin kept shaking him to wake him up. She didn't want to face that monster alone. He was big and she was small, no way she would stand a chance. "Come on, there has to be some way to wake you up." she couldn't think of anymore options. There was only one option and she didn't like it. She had to face Croc alone.

Croc had the mayor. She couldn't let him die. "I can't do it I can't do it."

Batman dealt with Croc longer than her. She lowered her head feeling defeated. She sat up against the wall, holding her knees in front of her chest and buried her face. She was worthless, she was pathetic, she was a coward.

She looked back on the time she fought Scarecrow. She was afraid when she was gassed. She felt useless. Until Bruce told her otherwise.

If your friends saw you, they would be proud. They would never think of you as a disgrace, and I don't think you're a disgrace, I'm proud of you.

Those words touched. They were words that showed her that there is somebody proud, and she can't let him down. Not ever. She can't let her fear get in the way.

She lifted her head from her knees and stood up. She looked at her belt, it would take more then batarangs, a bolas, a grapple gun, or smoke bombs to take this monster down.

She then remembered that Batman always carried a taser. They'll do. She walked over to Batman and fumbled her hand on his utility belt until she found a taser. Bruce wouldn't let her have one due to her age, but this was an emergency.

"I hate to be stealing from you, bossman, but I got a Mayor to save." she said as she ran down the tunnel Croc went into. As she ran she set the taser's volts to a high enough level. Wasn't enough to kill him, but was enough to knock him unconscious, perfect.

As she ran deeper into the sewer she still felt the fear inside her, but ignored it and kept going.

"Croc!" she yelled. "Wherever you are, come out and face me!"

After a few moments, Robin heard the sound of a crocodile hissing. It was getting closer and louder. Until it stopped. Robin kept the taser ready in her hand as she stood in a fighting stance. She felt scared, but she refused to back down. The Mayor's life depended on it.

SPLASH "Roooooaaaaarrr!!!!" Croc gave a beastly roar as he splashed out of the water.

Robin gave a startled jump that she accidently dropped the taser into the water. "No!"

Before she had time to pull it out, Killer Croc tackled her into a wall and brought his sharp teeth forward. Robin held his snout, trying to keep his from eating her.

She headbutted the front nose of the snout, causing Croc to stumble backwards in pain, but quickly ignored it. Robin tired looking for the taser in the water. "Alright kid. If I can't eat you, I'll drown you."

Killer Croc then grabbed the back of her head.

"You smell funny. You need a bath."

"Oh yeah? You smell even worse." Croc growled at Robin's comeback and pushed her bed down into the water.

Robin struggled, trying to break free from Croc's grasp and trying to hold her breath. She then saw the taser just a few inches in front of her and grabbed it.

"Heh heh. Looks like I can feed on yer corpse-AAHH!!" he felt something shock his foot, making him let go of Robin as she emerged her head from the water, gasping for air.

She turned around, but the taser was knocked out of her hand by Croc and he held her up against a wall, giving her an angry stare.

"I hope you taste good, 'cause I'm hungry." he then opened his mouth, about to chomp on Robin's skull.

Killer Croc then felt something get thrown into his mouth, then exploded into smoke. He screamed in pain as Robin grabbed the taser.

"Good thing those smoke pellets worked." Robin said as she brought the taser to Croc's chest, electrifying him into unconsciousness, fall in backwards in to the water.

Robin was breathing heavily, that was one heck of a fight. She pressed her back against the wall and slid down in a sitting position. Sure she was in sewer water, but she was covered in in it anyway so it didn't matter. She kept her head slump back, taking heavy breaths.

She soon got back up and walked down the tunnel where Mayor Logan was.

"Mister Mayor." She put her hands on her knees and breathed heavily from the right "I...took care...of Croc."

"Thank you Robin. I thought I was done for." He said as he and Robin made their way out of the tunnel.

Batman groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He got up and remembered what happened. He also noticed Robin was gone.

"Robin?" Batman called. He can't lose another partner.

"Over here, Batman." Robin called as she and the Mayor made their way out of the tunnel. She was wet with sewer water.

Batman ran his way over "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"She saved my life, Batman. She took on Killer Croc." The Mayor said.

Batman was surprised. Robin, a ten year old girl, took on a giant crocodile man.

"Yeah um. I took your taser. Sorry, thought it was the perfect weapon against Croc." Robin said.

Batman gave a small smile "Good work."

"Thanks." Robin breathed "Now uh, can we go home? I'm gonna need a fourty minute shower to get this stench off."

Author's Note:

I know Killer Croc just has a rare skin condition and wasn't experimented on before birth. But how does a rare skin condition give you crocodile abilities?:duck: