• Published 19th Jul 2017
  • 1,891 Views, 74 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 23 Crime Fighting Career

"AAAAHH!!!! Sombody help!" a woman in an alley yelled, falling backwards to the ground. She was surrounded by three men, one pointing a gun to her.

"No one's comin', lady." the one with the gun said. Then, a batarang knocked the gun out of his hand, surprising them.

"Actually, someone did come."

They looked up and saw that it was Batman and Robin. They both jumped down as Batman stretched his cape to have a soft landing and Robin front flipped onto the ladder of a fire escape, which slid down and she front flipped, landing on her feet. The acrobatic training from Dick really paid off.

"So, who's gonna get their butt kicked first?" Robin said, cracking her knuckles.

Batman fired his grapple gun at one thug, yanked him over and body slammed him to the ground, then stomped on his head, knocking him out.

One thug pulled out a gun and as he pulled the trigger, Robin grabbed a metal trash can lid and the bullet fired and didn't go through. Even if it did go through, she wouldn't die because of her bullet proof suit, but it would still hurt. She then threw the lid like a frisbee, knocking the gun out of the thug's hand.

"My turn." Robin said, running up to the thug, kicking him in the gut then spin kicking him across the face, knocking him out.

Batman punched the last thug in the face, making him stumble backwards. Robin then jumped up, grabbed his head and brought it to the ground, knocking him out.

"Perfect team takedown." Robin said.

She then walked over to the woman and offered a hand "You okay?"

The woman took her hand, then Robin helped her up "Yeah, thanks."

"No problem." Robin smiled.

"No, really. You saved my life. Your real heroes."

Robin put her hands on her hips "Na. We're just doing out jobs." she shrugged.

The woman reached into her purse and pulled out a twenty "Here, I owe you."

"Keep it. We work with no charge." Robin said, pulling out her grapple gun. "See ya." she then fired it to the edge of a two story building and zipped up there and Batman did the same.

He was real proud of her. Scootaloo's been Robin for a couple weeks and she was doing well. She's been confident, humble, brave, and determined to bring justice. She enjoyed the thrill of being Robin, the fighting, the acrobatic skills, the gadgets, she loved it all. But she was always serious when needed and even though she was skilled in martial arts and acrobatics thanks to her training, she was always careful. Scootaloo never questioned orders either, she always obeyed without question, and she sometimes called him by a nickname "Bossman."

Not only was she happy to know skills she didn't know before, she was also happy bringing justice and doing her best to make Gotham a better place.

Scootaloo still missed her friends from back in equestria, but Bruce and Alfred were always there to comfort her. They gave her what she always wanted, a family. Bruce was like a father and a mentor to her and Alfred was like a grandfather to her.

"So Bossman, what's next? Stop a robery in progress? Save the Mayor? Save hostages?" Robin asked, enthusiastically once they got up on the roof.

"Help! That man's got my purse!" they heard an old lady yell.

They ran to the edge to see a man running off with a stolen purse.

"Save old lady's purse then. I got this." Robin said as she grappled to a lamp post and front flipped to the ground, landing on her feet in front of the theif. "Going somewhere?" she teased.

The man pulled out a gun, but Robin kicked it out of his hand.

"No you don't." she then kicked him in the stomach, making him stumble backwards. Robin then pulled out her bolas and spun it "Hey, looks like your tied up at the moment." she then threw the bolas at the man, tying him up, and making him fall to the ground on his back. Robin then walked over to the man and picked up the stolen purse "I'll be taking that, thank you." she then walked over to the old lady and gave it to her "Here you go, miss."

"Thank you deary." the old woman said, taking the purse from her.

The people in the area applaud and cheered as Robin grappled back up to the building.

"Good job." Batman said, stoicly.

"Hey, I learned from the best." Robin smiled. "C'mon. The night's still young and we got lots more to do." she said in an enthusiastic tone. She then grappled to another building and swung over "WooHoo."

Batman slightly smiled at her and grappled to her.