• Published 19th Jul 2017
  • 1,891 Views, 74 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 22 Madness of Wonderland

Batman was driving the Batmobile, with Robin in the passenger seat, through the streets of Gotham as night fell. "All available units, we have a robbery in progress at the Gotham Bank. Please respond." They heard on their police radio and Batman turned to the direction.

At the Gotham Bank, there were thugs wearing hats of different kinds and had blank faces. There were two men with actual face expressions, they were a little short and slightly overweight, they wore red and yellow striped shirts, red overalls, and black bow ties.

They looked very identicle, the only way to tell them apart was that one wore a red and yellow propeller hat and the other one wore a red and yellow flat cap.

"Are we all set?" asked the one in the propeller hat.

"Yes sir." said one of the men in a hat, returning from the vault, as well as some others with bags of cash. He sounded emotionless and kept a blank face.

"You're not going anywhere with that." exclaimed a kid's voice. The two twin like people turned to see Batman and Robin.

"Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. This isn't something you do on your own, where's your boss?" Batman demanded.

"Ha! Ya think we're gonna just tell you? Get 'em." Tweedle Dum (the one with the propeller hat) said.

The people in hats surrounded them.

"They're being mind controlled by the hats. Don't hurt them." Batman told Robin. She did not understand by decided to ask questions later and obey.

The mind controlled people tried to throw punches and kicks at them but they were blocking everything and removing the hats.

One man in a bowler hat tried to punch Robin but she blocked it and quickly snatched the hat off, freeing him from control. A woman in a safari helmet tried to throw a kick at her but she dodged to the right, and took the hat off.

"Alright, who's next to be freed from mind control?" Then suddenly Robin felt something be put on her head. It was Tweedle Dum, he put a black headband with a bow on her head.

"Alright, we got her. Now let's take her to the boss." Tweedle Dum said as he and Tweedle Dee carried her out to their van.

Batman noticed the Tweeds carrying Robin away. "Robin!" he tried to get to her but the mind controlled zombies held him back.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum carried Robin to their van and drove off. As they did Batman leaped over the mind controlled zombies and threw a homing beacon onto the van.

After a half hour they arrived to this warehouse and took the mind controlled Robin inside. "Boss, we got her just like you said." Tweedle Dee said.

He was talking to a short man wearing a green tail jacket, pants with an orange and yellow checkers pattern with overalls, white leather gloves, black leather shoes, a red bow tie, and a green top hat with a 10/6 card.

"Excellent." he said in a British accent with a whimsical voice. "Approach, my dear." Robin obeyed and stepped toward him. "Perfect, now go over there and put this on." he gave her a dress and she walked into a room to change in it. The man rubbed his hands together "She will be my Alice."


Robin groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. In front of her was a long table with cakes, tea cups, and tea pots and a clock. She looked down and saw that her hand and legs were tied to a chair. Not only that, but she also noticed that she was not in her Robin costume anymore, but instead was in a blue knee lengthed puffed sleeved dress with a white pinafore and ankle strap shoes with long white socks. She squinted her eyes shut and opened them to turn on detective mode, which is how to turn it on, to make sure that she was still wearing her mask and thankfully she was.

"The walrus and the carpenter were walking close at hand." said a voice. "They wept like anything to see such quantities of sand."

Robin turned off detective mode and looked up to see the person on the other side of the table. It was the man in the green top hat.

"If this were only cleared away they said it would-" he cut himself off when he saw Robin awake "Ah, Alice, you're awake. Would you like some tea?" he smiled.

"Where am I? What's going on?" Robin asked.

"Oh, you're confused. Just like how you are with Wonderland, Alice."

"Who are you? And why do you keep calling me Alice?"

"I am Jervis Tetch, but please, refer to me as The Mad Hatter." he said, taking off his hat in a respectful manner. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, my dear."

"Why are you keeping me here?"

Mad Hatter chuckled "Because, you are my Alice. I want you here at my tea party. Tea?" he offered.

"Uh, no thanks." Robin frowned. "Why didn't you bother to take my mask off?"

"A young lady needs her privacy." Mad Hatter said in a sing song voice.

"How'd you get me here, anyway?"

"Quite simple actually. I had Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum put a teeny tiny idea in your head. You're mine now, you're my Alice. Oh you're not going to drink your Tea? It's my special tea, my special tea. Specialty. Hehehehehe." he giggled crepily. It was clear to Robin that this man was absolutely crazy.

"You're crazy."

"Crazy? No, I'm not crazy. I'm mad, there's a difference and its..." Mad Hatter tried to think of an answer "hmm, I don't know. Hahahahaha." he grinned "Now, it's time. Time for you to experience my Wonderland, Alice."

Hatter then used his hat to use the headband On top of Robin's head to put her in a trance.

Robin saw herself falling down a hole. "Down, down, the rabbit hole you fall, where madness bounces from wall to wall." she heard Hatter's voice say.

She then landed on a checker floor with doors surrounding her. In front of her was a table. Curiouse, she walked up to it and saw a bottle on it. She picked up the bottle and it was labled 'Drink me.'

Atfirst, Robin was unsure about it, it could be poison, but if it was then why would Hatter try to kill her when he didn't already? She drank the bottle and the liquid inside tasted like lemonade.

"Hmm. Not bad." then suddenly she noticed that she was shrinking. She was almost the same hight as a doll. She walked over to a small door and tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. She looked at the table and suddenly a key was there.

"Huh? That key wasn't there before." she then walked over to it but couldn't reach it due to her size. She then noticed a glass box next to her with coockies inside it. She opened it and the cookies were labeled 'Eat me." in chocolate chips.

She took a bite of one and then started to grow, but she grew into a giant. She picked the key up in her big hand and drank the bottle and shrunk down to a small size again.

Robin picked up the key and unlocked the door. She opened it to reveal a weird world. There were mushrooms and tea pots, there was also a tiny Dragon with fly wings. A Dragon fly? There was also a butterfly but with bread wings with butter on them. A bread and butterfly?

There were also flowers with faces on them, giant cards, and a dodo playing croquet with a flemingo as the mallet and a hedgehog as the ball.

If there was one thing this world had, it was...madness.

"Discord would love this place." said Robin.

"Frabjous day, caloo colay, Alice is here, it's time to play." Mad Hatter's voice said.

"Where are you?!" Robin said, sharply.

"I am here, over there, I am everywhere."

"What is this place? What am I doing here?"

"You are in my Wonderland, Alice. I put you to play a game. Go through one two three opsticals and you will go free, if not you belong to me." Mad Hatter rhymed. "Just follow the white rabbit in a waist coat, he'll take you through like a travelling boat."

"White rabbit? What white rabbit?" she then noticed a white rabbit in a blue waist coat, carrying a pocket watch. It then hopped down a path and Robin follwed.

She followed it to a small house she walked in and it was gone, not only that but the inside was bigger than the outside. There was a marble floor and a giant mirror. Suddenly, people with rabbit masks ran out through the mirrors and a fight was on.

One man threw a punch, but Robin grabbed his arm and slammed him on the floor and stomping on his head, knocking him out. One man tried to grab her from behind, but she dodged and punched him in the face, knocking him out. One man tried to kick her, but she grabbed his leg and kicked him in the stomach, then punched him in the face, knocking him out. The next man tried to throw a punch, but Robin grabbed his hand and threw him to a wall and slamming his face into it, knocking him out.

The white rabbit then appeared again and Robin followed it out the door, and she was suddenly on a beach. "What the? But wasn't I in some kind of mushroom forest?"

Then from behind her, someone swung a sludge hammer, which she dodged and turned to see a carpenter holding the hammer and a walrus standing on two legs and wearing a waist coat.

The carpenter swung his hammer, but Robin dodged, grabbed the hammer, and swung the butt of it against his face, making him stumble backwards. The walrus charged forward with his tusks and tried to impale Robin, but she grabbed the tusks, just inches away from her chest. She then kicked him in the stomach, making him stumble backwards.

"The walrus and the carpenter were walking close at hand." said Mad Hatter's voice "They wept like anything to see such quant-"

"Shut up." Robin said as she punched the carpenter in the gut, then threw him at the walrus, who ducked. Robin then ran up to the walrus and punched him in the gut repeatedly. The walrus tried to bring his sharp tusks down on her, but she was quick enough to dodge and slam his head into the ground, knocking him out.

"No, no, no, no. This isn't right, this is wrong. Upside down, counterclockwise wrong wrong wrong wrong." Mad Hatter said in disbelief.

"Ha. Well looks like I'm more skilled then you think." Robin said.

The white rabbit then appeared again and she followed it across the shore line to a maze. In the maze she found herself in an open are, there was the door on one of the bushes. Robin was about to get to it but heard running steps behind her. She looked behind herself to see a card with a spear charging at her. She grabbed to spear, punched him in the stomach and threw him to the ground.

There were cards with arms, legs, and heads, holding spears and a woman in a red dress with hearts on it, black hair, and she was wearing a crown.

"Off with her head!" she yelled and the cards ran at her.

One card thruster his spear, but Robin dodged it and kneed him in the stomach and uppercuted him, knocking him out. One card swung his spear, but Robin ducked and slid her legs under his, making him fall to the floor and kicked him in the face, knocking him out. One card grabbed her from behind, but she kicked his leg, making him cal on one leg then spin kicked him across the face, knocking him out. One card then thruster his spear at her, but she dodged and spin kicked him across the face, knocking him out.

"Off with her-" the queen of hearts yelled but was kicked in the stomach by Robin.

"Off with her shut up!" she then uppercuted her, knocking her out.

"NOOOO!!!" Mad Hatter yelled "You've ruined everything." he said in a sobbing voice.

Robin then walked to the door and opened it to see a blinding light. It disappeared and Robin found herself back in the chair at the table.

"No! No!" Mad Hatter yelled. He then pulled out a knife and held it to Robin's throat. "If you can't be my Alice, then no one can have you!"

Then they heard the sound of punches on the other side of a double door and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum were thrown through. The person who threw them stepped into the room. Batman.

Mad Hatter kept holding the knife up to Robin's throat. "Batman." he growled.

Batman then pulled out a batarang and threw it. It was thrown behind Hatter's head and then turned back and hit is head from behing, knocking his hat off. Batman then ran up to him and punched him in the face, knocking him out.

"Sigh, Thanks." Robin said as Batman used a batarang to cut her bonds.

"Are you okay?"

"Yep, fine."

Batman gave Robin her costume.

"Thanks. Now I can get out of this dress." Robin said, since she hates dresses. She went into a backroom to change.

Author's Note:

Some elements I borrowed from the Batman arkham games.