• Published 19th Jul 2017
  • 1,890 Views, 74 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 21 Face of Clay

It was night in Gotham City. Batman stood on a rooftop while Robin dangled her legs over the edge. "Quiet night so far." Robin said "Not many crimes happening, i think we're good."

But then they heard the sound of police sirens. Below them were three police cars chasing a blue Corolla and the Dynamic Duo jumped down and glided to it. They soon landed on the hood of the car to find a muscular man with short hair driving it.

The man turned the car but the Duo grappled away before it crashed into a wall. It was a violent crash but the man ran out like he was fine, no bruises, no blood, no limp, nothing. He ran into a nearby alley and the police chased after him as well as Batman and Robin.

They soon found that there was a dead end and the man was no where in sight. Robin then noticed something moving on the ground, it looked muddy and light brown "Is that...clay?"

Batman and the officers noticed it too and it went down a sewer grating.

"What did that man steal?" Batman asked a cop.

"He broke into the Gotham Bank and stole thirty five million." as the cop turned The Dynamic Duo was gone.

Batman and Robin were on a rooftop. "How did that guy survive that car crash?" Robin asked "I may not know everything about a car, since I'm not from this world, but I'm pretty sure that no one can survive that crash."

"Unless you're made of clay." Batman said.

Robin looked at him confused "What?"

Batman didn't answer and summoned the Batmobile and they jumped down into it, spreading their capes giving them a soft landing.

"What made you say 'unless you're made of clay'?" Robin asked Batman

Batman clicked on the bio on the screen above the police radio. "Because after we saw that man come out of the car fine, we saw clay move on it's own."

"So, he's made of clay?" Robin asked, because she has seen a lot of bizarre villains in her career, even though she is still new to crime fighting since she's been Robin for a few weeks.

"Yes. And I know who." the screen then showed a bio with a picture of a big person with yellow eyes and...wood teeth? What surprised Robin the the most was that this person looked like he was made of clay, he looked all muddy and there was no human appearance. "Basil Karlo. A.K.A. Clayface."

"He didn't look like that earlier." Robin said, remembering that he looked normal.

"Clayface is a shapechanger, he can take the form of anyone." Batman explained.

"Kind of like a Changeling." Robin said.


"A creature that can take the form of someone you love and feed off your love." Robin explained. "By the way, how'd Karlo become Clayface?"

"Basil Marlo was a famous actor but then he got into a car accident that damaged his face. Desperate, he immediately became the first test subject of an illegal experiment with a radioactive clay like substance to fix his face. It worked but he became addicted and started to use more than he needed, because of how much he was taking it absorbed into his body, turning it to clay and he took on the persona of Clayface. The same name he used in a horror movie he stared in, The Terror." Batman explained.

"Who made the offer?" Robin asked.

"Ferris Boyle."

Robin then remembered that yesterday he said that Boyle was responsible for a few rogues, and Clayface was one of them.

The next night the Duo was out searching for Clayface and couldn't find any trace of him. They then noticed a scrawny man with short hair walk into an ally. A group of men were in the alley and surrounded him.

"Hand over some cash." one thug said, pointing a gun at him.

Batman and Robin were about to jump down to the rescue until they noticed the scrawny man's hand suddenly grow big and appeared to be made out of clay and punched the mugger into a brick wall. One other thug pulled out a gun and shot him in the head but instead of blood and pieces of a brain being shot out it was...clay?

The scrawny man's eyes turned yellow without irises and pupils and he turned brown and gooey then grew into a bipedal clay monster.

"Clayface." Batman said as he and Robin jumped down. The thugs ran off and Clayface turned to Batman.

"Batman. Stay out of my way, this don't involve you." Clayface said.

"You've committed a robery, it does involve me."

"I only committed that Robert to get money to fix me."

"Karlo, Wayne Tech is doing everything they can to make a cure."

"Yeah, but how long it's been? Eleven years, can't wait longer, if Wayne Tech can't make a cure, I'll find someone else who can, thanks to the right money." he then turned his right hand into an axe blade.

He then brought his axe hand down and Batman and Robin leaped out of the way. Now Clayface tried to swing the axe at Robin, but she leaped over it, then threw a batarang at him but it absorbed into him on impact.

Clayface then turned his hand into a fist and hit Robin into a pile of trash. Clayface then grabbed Batman. "So long bats. And just so you won't get any ideas." he then tore Batman's utility belt off and shoved him into his waist, letting it swallow him up like he was sinking in quicksand.

Robin rubbed her head and saw what Clayface did and her eyes widened "Let him out!"

"Forget it kid. Pretty soon he'll suffocate. I can feel his heart slowing." Robin saw Batman's arms sticking out from inside the clay, meaning he was struggiling under the clay, but they were slowing.

Robin had to do something. She then looked at her belt to see if there were any gadgets to use, then an idea popped in her head.

"YYYYYAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Clayface heard Robin tell a battle cry as she ran to him at full speed.

"What the-" he was cut off by Robin leaping into his stomach. He laughed "Stupid kid." BANG "AAH!!" Clayface screamed in pain as he felt something fire out of his shoulder. Robin zipped, holding onto a grapple gun and carrying Batman.

Once they got out, Clayface healed himself but was very peeved off. "Alright kid. I'm gonna kill you."

Robin smirked "I don't think so."

Clayface then felt something explode inside his stomach, then felt cold inside out. His arms and legs turned to ice and so was his entire body. He screamed as he tried to move but was silenced by the ice freezing his head.

Robin wiped her hands together "And they said you needed the elements of harmony to defeat someone."

Batman looked at her "How did you-?"

"I used a freeze blast grenade and he'll be frozen for about three hours, enough time to call the police to take him to Arkham." Robin said.