• Published 19th Jul 2017
  • 1,890 Views, 74 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

One The Batmobile was driven to a safe distance the Orange Pegasus was pounding at the Batmobile's windows, trying to get out and away from the creature in grey and black sitting right next to her, driving the vehicle. Batman stopped the car and looked at the pony next to him. "It's okay, you don't have to be afraid." Batman said in a calm tone.

The pony then looked at Batman "let me out! And get away from me!" she begged.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."

The orange pony didn't listen and she put her hooves over herself, trying to protect herself from him. "If I was going to hurt you, then why did I save you from that explosion?" Batman asked rhetorically.

The pony thought for a moment about what he said and put her hooves down and her face changed from fear to confusion. "But...the stories say that all humans are evil."

"What stories?" Batman asked

"Where I come from humans are told as evil creatures who hurt people for their own selfish needs." The young pony explained.

Batman thought that those stories were half right because some humans do evil things for their own needs, yet their are humans like him who stop those kind of people who hurt others.

"Why did you save me?" The orange pony asked. "You could have left me in that warehouse to die but instead you chose to save me, why?"

"Because it's the right thing." Batman said in his stoic manner.

This puzzled the orange pony. The stories in her world described humans as horrible vicious monsters, but this human, dressed as a bat, saved her from death because it was the right thing? 'Maybe not all humans are bad.' she thought.

"But why didn't you just fly out of the warehouse?" Batman asked but immediately regretted it because the question brought the pony in tears.

The Orange pony wiped her eyes and explained "Because I have a wing disorder, I can't fly. I tried other things but I haven't found anything i'm good at." she buried her head into her hooves as she sobbed.

'stupid' Batman said to himself in his head. He could have just left the question alone, he should have never asked.

The pony then felt two arms wrap around her and she looked up to see that it was Batman. "Don't think you aren't good at other things. Everyone is good at something and you just have to find it. You just have to try."

The pony wiped her eye as she sniffed and smiled gratefully at Batman "Thanks." she said as they broke the hug.

"I'm Scootaloo by the way" she said

"I'm Batman"

"Why do you dress like a bat?" asked Scootaloo as she raised an eyebrow.

"I dress like a bat to scare criminals." Batman explained.

"Why do you want to scare criminals?" Scootaloo asked

"Because I believe fear is the best weapon to use against them."

Batman then put his foot on the pedal and drove the Batmobile.

"What is this thing?" asked Scootaloo, curious about what kind of carriage she was in.

"It's an automobile, which is a vehicle we humans use for transportation." Batman explained to the curious pony.

"So you use this to get to places?" asked Scootaloo, still curious about the vehicle she was in.

"Yes, but most humans just use automobiles, or cars as what people mostly call them, just for transportation, but I don't just use it for that, I also use it for other purposes like defence or assault."

"How would you use it for those two things?"

"There is a hidden missile launcher and a gatling gun, armed with rubber bullets, that I sometimes use against my enemies, but I only use the Batmobile's assault and defence mode for when I am chasing a getaway car or when I go up against something unexpected."

"Batmobile?" Scootaloo asked confused.

"That's the name I give this car." Batman explained.

Scootaloo had other questions about what a missile and gatling gun was but decided to ask him later. "Where are we going?"

"Home." Batman said

After 30 minutes of driving they were driving in a forest, then they were coming up close to a rock wall. "Batman." Scootaloo said but Batman didn't respond. The Batmobile was getting closer to the wall "Batman" Scootaloo said trying to warn Batman but he kept driving the Batmobile closer, Scootaloo braced herself for what she thought was going to happen but it never came. Scootaloo slowly raised her head and saw that they were now driving through a tunnel. She turned around in her seat and saw that there was now what looked like an entrance whiched soon closed. Scootaloo turned back around and saw that they were out of the tunnel and were in some kind of cave, but it wasn't just any cave, it had things that faces didn't have. There was what looked like a giant coin, a giant joker card, a giant lizard standing on two legs, to Scootaloo it looked like a dragon, and there was a giant screen.

The Batmobile parked and there was a man in a tux. He was a little bald on top of his head but there was and he had a mustache and he was also wearing white gloves.

The wind shield of the Batmobile the slid off and Batman and Scootaloo jumped out. The man was surprised by seeing Scootaloo.

"Wow." Scootaloo said, amazed by the cave she was in.

The man was startled by the pony in front of him talking but felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned his head to see that the hand was Batman's. "It's okay Alfred. Just relax."

Alfred regained his composure and looked at Scootaloo, who looked at him as well. "This is Scootaloo, she's going to be staying with us." Batman explained to Alfred.

Alfred reached out his hand for Scootaloo. "Alfred Pennyworth, at your service."

Scootaloo put her hoof him Alfred's hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you Alfred."

After the introduction Alfred took Scootaloo up to a guest room in Wayne Manor while Batman went out to do more from fighting. Alfred opened the door to the guest room and Scootaloo walked in. The guest room had a flat screen tv, a bed that was big enough for one person, a balcony over looking the city and a private bathroom.

"Your bathroom is through that door and for you amusement..." Alfred said as he picked up the tv remote and turned on the tv which imidiatly caught Scootaloo's gaze.

"Push this button to turn off the tv and this if you want to watch something else and push this if you want the volume high or low." Alfred explained pointing at the buttons on the remote and Scootaloo nodded in understanding.

Alfred left Scootaloo to be entertained by the TV. The shows that caught her interest were Doctor Who, Shark Week, and Spongebob. After 2 hours of watching the TV she turned it off, as well as the light, got under the covers, closed her eyes and let sleep take her.

Author's Note:

I took inspiration for why Scootaloo couldn't fly and the scene where Batman comforts Scooltaloo from A Dark Knight For Equestria. All credit goes to the writer of that fanfic.