• Published 19th Jul 2017
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Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 14 Face Your Fears

"Alright boss, we're ready." a man in a scarecrow mask said.

"Excellent, now let's begin." another man said, his accent sounding British.

Two men in scarecrow masks stepped out of a white van and climbed a ladder up to the rooftop of the Bank of Gotham, holding air tanks over their shoulders, they were followed by their leader, he too wore a scarecrow mask, he also wore a noose around his neck, a tattered brown suit jacket, and a witch hat. He also wore a glove on his right hand that looked kind of like Freddy Krueger's bladed glove, except instead of blades, it had syringes with an orange liquid inside.

The henchmen connected the gas tanks with an air hose and sprayed it through the vent. After a few minutes, they heard screams of terror and they walked down the ladder and walked through the front door of the bank. The scarecrow masks they were wearing were gas masks, so the gas didn't affect them.

The gas affected everyone in the bank, they we're all screaming in terror like they were seeing their worst fears. "Get them off of me!" one guy yelled.

"To away!!!" one woman screamed, fright in her voice.

The 3 men walked to the vault and suddenly, a batarang hit the wall next to them. They looked behind themselves to see Batman and Robin, wearing gas masks. "Batman, again you foil my plans." the leader said.

"No matter how hard you try, Scarecrow, I will always stop you." Batman said.

"Get them." Scarecrow commanded and his two henchmen ran up to fight them.

One henchman threw a fist at Batman, but he ducked and punched his stomach, then uppercuted him.

The other henchman tried to throw a kick at Robin, but she blocked, then he grabbed her gas mask and tore it off. Robin accidentally breathed in the gas and coughed. Batman looked at his partner. "Robin!" he yelled worryingly and ran up to her and held her in his arms.

Robin looked at Batman and her eyes widened in horror. She saw Batman as some kind of bat demon, with fire in his eyes and mouth. "Get away! Get away!" she yelled fearfully.

"It looks like your child has taken a dosage of my fear toxin, now she is facing her fears, she now fears you." Scarecrow said as he and his men got away.

Batman wanted to make Scarecrow suffer but he had to focus on helping Robin. He held a struggling Robin down as he pulled out a syringe with antidote He used for Scarecrow's fear toxin, he stuck Robin's wrist with it and it got her to stop struggling, but she was still shaking in fear. He carried Robin in his arms and ran out the bank and summoned the Batmobile and drove off quickly, back to the Batcave.

On the way there, he told Alfred to prepare the hospital bed they had in the lab. When Batman arrived, he took robin out of the Batmobile and put Robin in a hospital gown and put her on the hospital bed.

Alfred ran into the lab "Master Bruce, what happened?"

"Scarecrow's fear toxin, it's affecting her. I gave her the antidote I carry, but it wasn't enough to stop the affect completely." Then, Scootaloo's eyes shot open and she sat up from the bed, screaming. Batman held her down and stuck the antidote into her wrist, as well as a sedative drug, making her close her eyes, but she was still shaking in fear and her forehead was sweaty.

Batman went to work on a cure while Alfred stayed to watch Scootaloo.

Scootaloo saw herself in darkness, everything around her was pitch black. "What are you doing here?" asked a familiar voice. She turned around and saw that it was...

"Rainbow Dash!" she said with joy as she ran up to her but was pushed down.

"Don't touch me!" Rainbow Dash yelled, angrily.

Scootaloo was both confused and hurt. "R-rainbow...? Why...-"

"Don't you dare speak to me! You are nothing but a disgrace!"

Scootaloo looked more hurt, her eyes starting to water. "Rainbow..."

"I was wrong to take you under my wing! You are a coward who can't even fly!" Rainbow yelled, angrily.

Scootaloo started choking down sobs.

"You are a disgrace to equestria, to Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Spike, Sweetie Belle, Apllebloom. And you're a disgrace to me. You mean nothing to me so anyone!" Rainbow yelled, angrily.

Scootaloo then woke up, breathing heavily, and found herself in what looked like a hospital bed. She noticed that she was not in her Robin suit but instead she was wearing a hospital gown. She looked up and saw that she was in the Batcave and Alfred and Batman standing next to her bed.

"Are you alright?" Batman asked, concerned for her.

"What happened?"

"You were drugged from The Scarecrow's fear toxin. It makes you hallucinate whatever you're afraid of, It was a new formula he made, the antidotes I already had were enough to slightly call you, but wasn't enough to cure you of the toxin." Batman explained. Scootaloo turned her head with a look of sadness. "Are you okay, what did you see?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Bruce nodded in understanding "Am I still affected?" Scootaloo asked, worriedly.

Batman shook his head "No, I made and antidote and cured you."

Scootaloo signed with relief "Hey um, I'm not being lazy but can I take the night off? It's just that...what I saw, I could use a night off."

Batman nodded "I understand."

That night, Scootaloo couldn't get the hallucination out of her head, sure she knew it wasn't real, but it felt real. "You are a disgrace!" she remembered toss words and she dreaded thinking about them.

She kept thinking about it the next day, her friends asked her is she was alright but she said she was fine. When she came home she tried to get her mind off it to watch TV, but that didn't help.

"Hello Scootaloo." Bruce said as he walked to the Batcave entrance.

"Hey Bruce..." Scootaloo said in a sad tone.

Bruce noticed this and walked over to her. "Are you alright? Is there something wrong?" he asked as he sat next to her on the couch.

"Nothing, it's just that...it's been a long day at school." Scootaloo lied, not facing Bruce, but he knew better.

"Scootaloo..." he said as he put a hand on her shoulder. "please, tell me what's wrong."

Scootaloo signed "Remember when I got drugged with Scarecrow's fear gas?" Bruce nodded "Well, I had a hallucination about Rainbow Dash, you know, the pony I talk about." Bruce nodded as he remembered Scootaloo talking about her a lot. "Well, in my hallucination, she said I was a disgrace to her." Scootaloo turned her head to Bruce, water filled her eyes "Am I a disgrace to you?"

Bruce wrapped his arms around her "No, you're not a disgrace, what you saw is what you're afraid of, not anything from the real world." He looked at her in the eyes "If your friends saw you, they would be proud. They would never think of you as a disgrace, and I don't think you are a disgrace, I'm proud of you. Just always know that what you saw was only what you are afraid of and is not the real thing. Don't think you're a disgrace, don't let your fear blind you from reality, know that I'll always be proud of you and me and I will always be here for you."

After a few minutes, they broke the hug "Thanks Bruce."

Then the TV screen turned black, and flashed a picture a few times, until it finally showed there on the screen. On the screen was The Scarecrow. "Attention citizens of Gotham City, I have a message for you." he walked over to a timer with two giant glass containers, containing an orange liquid. "This is my latest concoction of fear toxin, the timer is set to go off a midnight, once it does, the entire city will be clouded with enough fear gas to tear it apart. However, if I receive 30million dollars soon, then I might reconsider, just drop it off in crime alley, if not then this whole city will be consumed by fear." then the TV turned black.

"Come on." Bruce said as he and Scootaloo made it into the Batcave, where Alfred was. "Alfred."

"Yes sir I saw the broadcast, myself. I am now tracing the broadcast signal, and I will upload it to your map." Alfred explained.

Bruce and Scootaloo then changed into their outfits and drove off into the Batmobile. They followed the map on the computer screen in the Batmobile and later found a warehouse. They snuck in and saw Scarecrow with his two henchmen.

"So boss, when we get the money, do where do we put the bomb?" one henchman asked.

"Maybe we'll put it storage." the other henchman swirl

"No, once we receive the money we will detonate the bomb anyway." Scarecrow explained. "I want to show Gotham nothing but fear."

"Don't bet on it, Scarecrow." Robin said as she and Batman jumped down from where they were hiding and started to fight Scarecrow's men. Batman was fighting Scarecrow's henchmen and Robin approached Scarecrow.

"Let's see what you're afraid of." Scarecrow said as Robin threw a punch but Scarecrow grabbed her arm and injected his syringe glove in it. Robin winced at the pain and punched Scarecrow to the floor, and she fell to her knees. "You think you're a hero." Scarecrow said, getting back up. "But my toxin shows what you really are, a coward in a pit of darkness, a fearful child who is scared of her deepest fear."

Robin saw an image of Rainbow Dash "You are a disgrace, you're weak, you're pathetic." Batman noticed that Robin was injected and was about to help her out was being held back by Scarecrow's henchmen.

"Robin! What you see, don't listen to it, it's not real." Robin had a fearful expression on her face. "Robin, look at me." Batman said and Robin turned her head to Batman, she saw him as a demon but she listened. "You are not a disgrace, you are one of the most bravest kids I have met. Every night, you are out there defending the innocent. I am proud of you Robin."

Robin looked at her hallucination and her fearful expression slowly turned to a stern look. "I'm not a disgrace." she got up. "You are not real, she doesn't really think that about me. I am strong, I am brave, I am Robin. And no matter what someone says, I will not give into my fear." then the hallucination disappeared.

"No! Impossible! How did you overcome your fear?!" Scarecrow asked, shocked that someone got over the fear toxin so quickly.

Batman the elbowed one henchman in the stomach, making him let go, then Batman punched the other henchman in the face, knocking him out. Robin then ran up, kicking the henchman in the face, knocking him out.

"No, you will be afraid." Scarecrow said as he ran up behind Robin to inject her with more fear toxin from his glove, but she quickly turned around, grabbed Scarecrow's hand that had his glove, and injected the syringes in his neck.

Scarecrow stumbled back, eyes wide. "No..."

"What's wrong Scarecrow? Scared?" Robin smirked.

Scarecrow took the syringes out of his neck and his eyes widened in fear. He saw walls crumbling, cockroaches crawling on the floor and he saw Batman as a Bat demon with fangs and Robin with fire in her eyes and mouth and cockroaches crawling all over her. Scarecrow screamed in fear at what he was seeing. Batman walked up to him.

"No! Get away! Get away!" he yelled in fear but was silenced when Batman punched him in the face, knocking him out.

Batman turned to Robin. "Are you okay?"

Robin smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Batman smiled, happy that his partner was alright. He deactivated the bomb and put Scarecrow and his men in cuffs. "Hey Batman?" Robin said.

"Yeah?" Batman asked.

"Thanks for what you said, and thanks for believing in me."

Batman slightly smiled "Your welcome."