• Published 19th Jul 2017
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Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 10 Bats, Robins, And Cats, Oh My!

Night had covered the city of Gotham, Batman and Robin were standing on a rooftop overlooking the city. It was a quiet night, there was not a lot of crime happening, but that was about to change at this very moment. They noticed a dark figure walk into the Gotham Museum, through a back exit door that she picked the lock to.

Batman and Robin grappled over to investigate. Inside the museum, the dark figure saw a few security cameras, the dark figure pulled out a whip, lashed it to the ceiling, and climbed up. The person who was climbing up the whip was an attractive woman, she was somewhere in her late 20s or early 30s, she wore a full body leather suit, a mask with cat ears, red goggles over her eyes, and leather gloves with blade claws on the finger tips.

She was an expert cat burglar, she was the most famous cat burglar in Gotham. People didn't know her real name, Salina Kyle, instead they knew her as Catwoman.

Catwoman was now high above where the cameras could see her. She waited for the cameras that were looking at the diamond to look away, now was her chance. She swung herself to a glass box, that contained a white diamond. She pricked the claws on her glove into the glass, turned her hand clockwise, and took off the glass that was now in the shape of a circle.

She took the diamond and whipped herself up to the roof and crawled through the top window. Catwoman was on the roof, looking at the diamond that was in her palm, smiling at her victory.

"That doesn't belong to you." she heard a gruff voice that she knew anywhere. She turned around and saw the person she expected, Batman. She then noticed the new Robin that she heard so much about on the news.

"So, is it take your kid to work day or did she decide to sneak out and see what the grown ups are doing? You better go home kid, it's past your bedtime." Catwoman smirked.

Robin's face grew red with anger "Why i otta-" she was cut off from Batman putting a hand on her shoulder.

Catwoman chuckled at the kid's anger "Y'know I expected the next Robin to be a boy, not a girl."

"Yeah, well this girl learned some new skills that will help her kick your butt." Robin said, cracking her knuckles.

"Try me." Catwoman said, ready to fight.

Before Robin could make an attack, they all heard a voice "Well, well, if it ain't the pretty cat lady who likes to steal from us."

They all turned their attention to the person who spoke. He had a purple mo hawk, wore a leather jacket, jeans, and a black T-shirt that had a skull on it. He had a few other men with him, who also wore black T-shirts with skulls on them, some of them were armed with baseball bats with nails in them.

"Aw shit." Catwoman cursed.

"So you thought you could get away with stealin from us, cat? Looks like you're outta luck." he said as his men ran in to kill Catwoman, but Batman was quick enough to grab one guy and throw him into the others. "You shouldn't stick yer nose in our buisness, bat." he said as his men then ran up to all three of them.

One guy swung a bat down at Robin, but she quickly moved and kicked him in the stomach. Another man with a bat ran up from behind Robin with a metal pipe and swung it at her, but she ducked and he ended up hitting the guy that she kicked in the stomach, knocking him unconscious. "Oh shit, sorry Frank."

Robin then punched him in the face knocking him out. One thug tried to punch Batman, but Batman grabbed his arm, punched his stomach, then his face, knocking him out.

One thug pulled out a knife and was about to kill Catwoman 'Easy.' she thought. She pulled out her whip and whipped him across the face, then ran up to him and kicked him in the face, knocking him out.

All that was left was their leader, but he was gone. Batman, Robin, and Catwoman ran to the edge of the roof to see that he just got into his car and drove off, but thankfully, Batman threw a homing device onto the vehicle. "Who were those guys?" Robin asked.

Batman and Robin both turned to Catwoman "Care to explain?" Batman said, remembering that they were after Catwoman.

"They call themselves The East Side Skulls, they're a new gang. I stole money from them in the past and now they seem to be on my back." Catwoman explained.

"Well what'd ya think was gonna happen?" Robin exclaimed.

"Not a small fry running around in her pajamas, that's for sure." Catwoman said, being a smartass.

"Ha ha" Robin said sarcastically. Now it was official that Catwoman was getting on her nerves.

"I tried avoiding them, but almost everywhere I go, they go, looks like I need to get them off my back."

"I put a tracker on the car, we can follow it to the hideout. Come on Robin." Batman said as both he and Robin turned to go but were stopped by Catwoman, who stepped in front of them.

"I'm coming with you, I don't wanna be the kind of damsel who just lays back while the man does the work." she said, crossing her arms.

"We're not gonna take her with us, aren't we?" Robin whispered to Batman.

"Fine, you can come with us, on one condition."

"Name it." Catwoman said as she put her hands on her hips.

"You have to give back the diamond you stoll." to this, Catwoman furrowed her brows.

"No." she said.

"Fine, suit yourself, looks like you can just sit down as the damsel as we, the big strong heroes," Robin said, flexing her arm "will take care of the crime fighting." she said teasingly.

Catwoman signed "Fine."

"And we wanna make sure you keep your word by putting the diamond back now." Batman said, crossing his arms.

Catwoman groaned in annoyance "Fine." she said as she went back into the museum. In the museum she pulled out, what looked like the diamond, and put it in the glass box. "Ha, does he really think I'm going to give up the diamond that easily?" she said, for the diamond in the box was a fake, and she quickly sprinted to the back exit, but made sure to avoid the detection of the cameras, and opened the back door, where a black cat was waiting.

She then put a strap around the cat, holding the real diamond. "Alright, Isis, you know where the way home is." the cat then walked back to the apartment, where Catwoman lived.

Catwoman then ran back into the museum and walked back up to the rooftop "Y'know, your gonna owe me for putting back that diamond." The trio then ran from rooftop to rooftop to where the Skull's hideout was.

They reached their destination, which was an old two story building. They snuck into the building and saw the leader and a few of his henchmen. "Maybe you should let the grown ups handle this, kid." Catwoman said looking at Robin.

"Yeah, well maybe I should take a batarang and shove it up your-"

"Focus!" Batman said, cutting Robin off.

"But she started it!"

"I said focus."

Robin sighed, she looked at Catwoman, who smugly smirked at her. Robin groaned in anger under her breath. They then jumped down onto the floor, Batman and Robin stretched their capes and landed softly on their feet and Catwoman jumped down and landed on her feet.

"Wasn't smart of you to come here, cat." the leader said.

"Yeah, but it wasn't smart of you to follow me." Catwoman said.

"You're one to talk." then the fight was on.

One thug swung a fist at Batman, but he blocked it and kicked him into a wall. One thug then grabbed Batman from behind, but Batman pulled out a tazer and electrocuted him.

One thug pulled out a knife and thrust it toward Robin, but she quickly moved, grabbed his arm and threw him into the floor.

Catwoman then lassoed her whip around the leader, pulled him to her and pushed him down onto the floor, holding him there with her leg. "Never follow me again." she said as she slashed him across the face, giving him a scar.

She then brought her knee down and knocked him out. The trio then walked out of the building and were on the rooftop, seeing the cops arresting the East Side Skulls. "See ya 'round, small fry." Catwoman said to Robin.

"My name's not small fry!" Robin said angrily as Catwoman left.

Author's Note:

Just so you know, the East Side Skulls never appeared in the comics and were only made up and mentioned in an episode of Batman The Animated Series. I thought I'd have them be the antagonists for this chapter.