• Published 19th Jul 2017
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Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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Chapter 9 The Man With Two Faces

Last night went well for Scootaloo, she and her new boss stopped Black Mask, a few armed robberies, and a few muggings. Scootaloo was sitting up in her bed, picked up her remote and turned on the TV to the Gotham Gazzete, on it Vickie Vale was reporting "Last night, rogue criminal and crimeboss, Roman Sionis, A.K.A. Black Mask, was attempting to rob the First National Bank, but was stopped by Batman and he claims that there was 'a new Robin' who helped Batman stop the robbery. This new Robin was also involved in stopping some other crimes that went on last night, along side Batman. Witnesses say that this new Robin was a female this time, it looks like Batman has recruited a 4th Robin, but this time, it's a female."

Scootaloo smiled at herself, she was now a hero, fighting along side another hero, cleaning up the streets from crime. If only her friends back in equestria could see her now.

"In other news, Harvey Dent, A.K.A. Two-Face, has escaped once again from Arkham Asylum" Vicki Vale said as a mugshot image of Two-Face appeared on the screen. Scootaloo's eyes widened at the person in the mugshot image, the left side of the man's face had grayish purple scarring, and there was a stretched out opened mouth and bulging eye. It looked like he had two faces.

'What happened to his face?' Scootaloo thought. It was no wonder why they called him 'Two-Face'

"If you have any information on Two-Faces whereabouts, please call the authorities immediately." Vicki Vale continued as Scootaloo turned off the TV. She then took the hidden elevator down to the Batcave and walked over to the Batcomputer. Bruce taught her how to use it, so she typed in Two-Face and an image of Two-Face appeared, in the image he was wearing a suit that was orange on the right side, and purple on the left side. He wore a glove on his left hand and was flipping a coin. The bio said read:

Real Name: Harvey Dent.
Past: Gotham city district attorney, was first honest man in Gotham's political office, then horribly disfigured.
Relatives: Christopher Dent (Father)
Occupation: Professional Criminal
Crimes Committed: Murder of 2 hostages, Murder of 10 Police Guards, Robbing Second National Bank, Robbing The Bank of Gotham.
Allies: The Joker, The Riddler, The Penguin, Bruce Wayne (former), Batman (former), Commissioner James Gordon (Former).
Enemies: Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, GCPD, Batwoman, Salvatore Maroni (The Boss).
Maine Enemy: Batman.
Associate: Hired Henchmen.
Origin: Boss Maroni thrown bottle of acid in Harvey's face, horribly disfiguring him, developed a split personality and became Two-Face. He commits crimes based on the flip of a coin.

Scootaloo then looked up Two-Face's coin and an image of a silver dollar coin appeared on the computer screen. There were two images, showing both sides of the coin, it was heads on both sides but on one side, there were scratches and burn marks.

Later, night fell upon Gotham and Scootaloo put on her costume and went out on patrol with Batman. They were searching for Two-Face, but couldn't find him anywhere. They were in the Batmobile, speeding through town.

Robin was in her passenger seat and turned her head to Batman, who was at the wheel. "So, how many times did you go up against Two-Face?"

"Many times, he's one of the top rogue criminals in Gotham." Batman answered, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Rogue criminals?" Robin asked.

"As in criminals that are different from other criminals." Batman said.

"Who are the other top rogues?"

"There's four, Two-Face is one of them, there's also The Riddler, who always leaves a clue at the end of his crimes to test one's intelligence, then there's The Penguin, he's a crime lord who sells illegal weapons and sometimes he robbs museums and banks, and then there's The Joker, he stands out on top of the others, thanks to his unpredictability, he is also the most feared criminal in Gotham and my greatest enemy."

"Do they escape from prison a lot?"

"Actually, only Penguin goes to a prison and the other three go to Arkham Asylum because they're insane, and to answer your question, yes, three of them do break out, but Penguin mostly pays bail."

Robin grew more curious. "How many times does someone break out of Arkham?"

"Unfortunately, the asylum's not very secure, so most times someone breaks out once or twice a week."

Now it was clear that Scootaloo was gonna face a lot of Batman's foes, due to their many escapes, but she wasn't afriad. Then a voice came from the police radio Batman had in the Batmobile "All Units, All Units, Two-Face is at the Second National Bank, he has hostages, I repeat he has hostages." Batman turned the wheel and headed for the bank.

Once they arrived, there was a dozen police cars and police officers with their guns ready. One of the people there was a large man, wearing a trench coat, black tie, and fedora, he was Lieutenant Harvey Bullock. "A right Dent, your surrounded, let the hostages go, come out with yer hands up an I promise you that things won't get ugly." he spoke into a megaphone.

"Bullock, what's going on?" Batman asked as he and Robin approached him.

"Dent broke into the bank, he an his goons got four hostages, we're afraid he might kill em if we charge in." Bullock explained.

Batman nodded in understanding "Me and Robin will sneak in, save the hostages, and deal with Two-Face and his men, don't engage until it's safe."

"Aright, we'll stay here until you say it's good." Bullock said. He then looked at Robin "You think you can handle this kid?"

Robin nodded "Sure, I've been trained by the best." she said as she followed Batman to the bank. They grappled up to the roof top and walked across the roof and decided to go through the back exit. There were two thugs at the exit, both holding double barrel shotguns.

"You take the one on the left, I'll take the one on the right." Batman said and Robin nodded.

They both jumped down at the same time, landed on both thugs and slammed their heads against the cement floor, knocking them out. They walked in through the door and saw one thug with his back facing them. Batman snuck up behind him, grabbed him, thrown him on the floor and punched him in the face, knocking him out.

Batman and Robin then walked behind the banker's desk and saw that there was Two-Face, four thugs, one armed with a baseball bat, and the four hostages that were tied up. "Please let us go." One of the hostages pleaded.

Two-Face then flipped his coin then looked at it in his palm, seeing that it landed on the damaged side. "I'm sorry, I would let you go." he then showed the damaged side of the coin. "But the coin says other wise. " he said in a threatening raspy voice.

Batman and Robin then ran out from the spot they were hiding in and Batman punched one thug at the back of his head as Robin jump kicked another one in the back of the head.

"So, it looks like our old friend, Batman showed up, and he brought along that new kid he has." he said as he looked at them. He then flipped his coin and caught it in his palm, looked to see what side it was on and saw that it was on the damaged side. "Kill them." He ordered and the thugs did so, two of them went for Batman and the other two, one of them being the one wielding the bat, went for Robin.

One thug threw a punch at Batman but he was fast enough to grab his hand, twisting it and breaking it, making the thug scream in pain, only to be silenced by Batman punching him in the face, knocking him out. The other thug tried to swing a punch, but Batman blocked his punch, kicked his knee, and punching his stomach then uppercutting him, making him fall to the floor, unconscious.

As for Robin, she grabbed one that's arm when he tried to punch her, then kicked him in the stomach and slamming his head to the floor, knocking him out. The next thug swung a baseball bat at her, but she ducked and slid her legs under his, causing him to fall over, once he was on the floor Robin stomped on his face, knocking him out.

The Dynamic Duo then turned to Two-Face, who was pointing a gun in his right hand and holding his coin in his left. "Alright Batman, let's see what the coin has decided for you and your new partner."

As he flipped his coin, Robin pulled out a Batarang and threw it at the gun in Two-Face's hand, kocking it out of his hand. Batman then quickly pulled out his grapple gun, firing it at Two-Face, pulling him back and body slamming him to the floor, knocking him out. The coin then landed on the floor and it landed on it's good side.

Batman put a finger to the earpiece under his cowel as Robin went to go untie the hostages. "Bullock, Two-Face and his men have been dealt with, the hostages are safe." Batman informed.

Officers then came in the bank, arresting Two-Face and his thugs, then Batman and Robin grappled their way out of the bank.

Author's Note:

Which villain do you want Scootaloo to go up against in the next chapter?