• Published 19th Jul 2017
  • 1,891 Views, 74 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (canceled version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo ends up in Gotham City in the DC Universe and becomes Batman's next sidekick, where she will now face off against killer clowns, riddle obsessed maniacs, and crime lords who once ruled the Gotham Underworld.

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The Batmobile drove as it was speeding through the streets of Gotham. The driver, Batman, had determination to get to his destination as He made a right.

Batman wore a grey tight fitting bodysuit, with a black cowal with white eye lenses and long bat ears, black gauntlets with triagular blades, black boots, a black scalloped cape, a yellow utility belt, and a bat symbol on his chest.

He was heading to a warehouse at the docks, earlier today a dimensional transporter was stolen from STAR Labs, Batman arrived at the crime scene but the criminals got away, but they ended up leaving one of their own behind in a rush.


"What did you steal?" Batman said in an intimidating tone he always uses when interrogating criminals.

"I can't tell you!" the henchman said as he was being held by the neck against a wall, his neck in Batman's grasp.

"Talk! Or I break every bone in your body." Batman threatened.

"You wouldn't." The henchman said, but started to believe Batman when he punched his chest, breaking a few ribs.

"Tell me what you stole or I'll break your fingers next."

"Alright, I'll talk. We stole some kind of machine, a dimensional transporter. We also took the guy that was working on the thing with us, his name's Michael Reeves."

"Why did you take the transporter? What use is it for you?" Batman said wanting to get to the bottom of this.

"He told us we're not supposed to ask questions."

"He? Who are you talking about?"

The henchman realised he said too much and cursed under his breath. "I don't mean anybody. I must of mis spoken." he said hoping Batman will fall for it, but he showed he didn't believe him by punching him in the stomach.

"Tell me who your talking about! Now!" Batman ordered

"Alright! I'm talking about the guy who hired us, we don't know his name but he calls himself 'The Demon's Head'." The henchman explained.

Batman's eyes widened for he knew who The Demon's Head was. His face returned to it's angry expression. "Where is the truck going?"

"To warehouse 116 down at the docks. There I told you everything, now are ya gonna let me go?" the henchman asked but Batman punched him in the face knocking him out.

Batman hurried to the Batmobile and quickly drove down to the docks and stop The Demon's Head. There was no sought that this meant that not only is his world at steak but other worlds as well. Batman knew this because he faced The Demon's Head before. He was a someone who wanted to rid the world of humanity. Someone who lived for over 600 years. Someone who wanted Batman to be his successor. He was normally referred to as the Arabic translation for his name, Ra's al ghul.

End of Flash back

Batman exited the Batmobile when he arrived at the warehouse. He pulled out his grapple gun from his utility belt and fired the hook attached to the line to the edge of the roof. Once the hook hit the roof Batman pulled the trigger on the gun again and it pulled him up to the rooftop.

Meanwhile inside the warehouse, Michael Reeves was typing in random coordinates to the dimensional transporter. "Hey doc, you done yet?" henchman 1 asked impatiently.

"Almost, I just got to type in these coordinates and brings something here from another dimension." Michael said annoyed. The dimensional transporter was big, so big a car can go through, and it looked kinda like a frame with no window. To it's left was it's power cell (if hit with a blunt object or shot at It would explode) and to it's right was a small computer like device, it was connected to, that Michael was typing on so he can bring an alien inhabitant here.

Michael made a deal with The Demon's Head that if he gave the transporter to him he can take any inhabitant from another dimension and do research on it.

As he typed in the last of the coordinates he flipped the lever and a green portal appeared, the 3 henchmen looked In awe and Michael was cheering that it worked.

In a few moments something was thrown out of the portal and onto the floor before it closed, it was an orange pony with wings and a purple mane and tale. "A pony? Really? You could bring anything here and it was a pony?" henchman 2 asked.

Before Michael could explain that he got the machine to bring him something random he hears groans coming from the pony and he turns his attention to it. "What happened?" the pony groaned in a young female voice.

"It talks?!" yelled henchman 3

The pony then looked up at them and her eyes widened in fear as she let out a frightened scream. "Humans!" she yelled.

"This is amazing! An in habitant from another dimension!" Michael said with joy exitement in his voice.

"This is freaking me out! Why did I even sign up for this?" henchman 2 said to himself.

Micheal took a crate from the corner and brought it over to the pony. "Come on, get in."

"No! You're not taking me anywhere!" the pony said.

"You, put her in the crate." Michael told henchman 1.

"No way I'm not going anywhere near that thing."

Michael looked at henchman 2 who shook his head no before he could ask.

"Hehe. You guys are really afraid of a talking pony?" henchman 3 mocked.

"Look, were not afraid were just freaked out at seeing a talking pony." henchman 2 defended.

"What ever, I'll put this thing in the crate." henchman 3 said and walked up to the pony.

The pony tried to run but was grabbed by the tail by henchman 3 who started carrying her by the tale which felt painful for her. "Let me go!" she said struggling to break free.

Than everyone present heard the sound of glass being shattered and they all turned their attention to a dark figure dropping from a window on the ceiling and landing on his feet.

"It's Batman!" henchman 2 yelled and pointed his AK-47 at him but Batman threw a baterang from at his hand knocking the gun out. Batman then ran up to the 3 henchmen and punched henchman 1 in the face and kicked him in the stomach causing him to stumble backwards. Henchman 3 dropped the pony onto the floor and ran up to Batman trying to throw a punch at him but Batman grabbed his wrist and twisted it causing the henchman to scream in pain but was silenced when he was punched to the face knocking him out.

Henchman 2 picked the AK-47 back up and fired hoping to shoot Batman but he was too quick as he sprinted and quickly picked the pony up as he ran. The henchman ended up accidently hitting the power cell on the dimensional transporter. "You idiot! You just hit the power cell! It's going to explode!" Michael yelled in panic.

The machine then made electrical short noises and the power cell grew bright red. "It's gonna blow!" the henchman said.

Batman pulled out his grapple gun and fired the line up to the ceiling "Hold on." he said to the pony in his arm, who wrapped her forelegs around his chest. He then pulled the trigger again and the gun pulled him up to the ceiling. As they got to the roof Batman sprinted to the edge. The pony in his arms eyes widened as she noticed.

"Wait! Wait! We're gonna-" but she was cut off as Batman jumped off the edge, making a old scream coming from the pony. The pony kept screaming and buried her face into Batman's chest, waiting for her demise, but it never came as Batman stretched out his cape and landed softly in the Batmobile.

Batman put the pony in the passenger seat. The pony slowly opened her eyes to see that she wasn't a street pizza. "Huh? I'm ali-" she was cut off as she felt the car speed out of there.


She then heard an explosion and looked behind herself to see the warehouse now destroyed and fire on what's left of it.

The pony then looked at the strange vehical she was in then at Batman, who kept his eyes on the road.

'Where am I?' the pony thought.