• Published 31st May 2017
  • 2,677 Views, 25 Comments

Transference: Tale of a Tenno - Ahrazell

Have you ever dreamed? Have you ever wished to live a different life, one filled with adventure and heartache, tears and Laughter? What if one day, you closed your eyes, just to open them in that world you dreamed?

  • ...

A whole lot of crap in one day....

Aileen watched them leave, with the promise to be back tomorrow thanks it it being a weekend. All but Sunset, who decided to stay over. Pinkie had tried to stay, but the cakes needed her home, so she couldn’t stay. Aileen turned to Sunset after the door had shut. “Why did you decide to stay with me? You were the most suspicious of the rest, why stay?”

“Because I’m suspicious, I want to know more about this space age technology, and I give about as much of a rat's ass about sleep as I do about piss easy school work.” Sunset explains with a shrug. “Also I have questions about your void abilities that you’d...probably not show in front of my friends.”

“Hm, a knowledge seeker then? Seems fair enough. So, what do you want to learn of first, Tech, or Void?” Aileen says with her usual scary calm.

“Let’s go with the Tech.” Sunset says. “How far into the future are you from? This stuff has basically only been seen in stories, video games or movies…” Sunset says, still surprised all this actually exists.

“Well, I’m not from the future first off. But this tech, judging from the phone’s you were using just a moment ago, is only about a thousand years ahead of your own. Not that big of a time all things considered.”

“All things considered that’s still a big time skip between our tech and yours.” Sunset frowns.

“Well, it doesn’t help that this world has a huge gap from the Void, which allowed tech to advance faster in my system. Fighting living machines will do that.” Aileen explains.

“Operator, I don’t suggest releasing that information to a civilian, there is still a chance they followed us, however slim the chance.” Inanis spoke.

“And letting them stay ignorant will not help them, though thank you for your concern Inanis.” Aileen responds to the voice.

“Alright then…” Sunset nods. “But onto your Warframes...how in the hell did anyone manage to make those things?”

“When the Tenno dream, our soul if you will is transferred to the Void. This allows us to train our muscle memory for when we are outside the dream. One woman who cared for us wanted to use that to make face bodies where we do not have to worry about our Void usage, because it would be under constant use. She succeeded, but was executed when she refused to make it used for combat. Her research was then used to create the Warframes and taught us the ways of Gun and Blade. However, we Tenno eventually developed our own weapons and codes, even schools of philosophy, but at the end of the day, we were warrior slaves, used to fight what the Orokin were to scared to fight themselves.” Aileen says with a hint of anger breaking her mold.

“I can already see where that went.” Sunset says, clearly seeing how they went from slaves to being free with a hearty dose of murdering the Orokin.

“What do you expect when you start forcing children into War at the age of seven, and then torturing them with experiments when they got on your bad side?” Aileen said as she began to walk downstairs.

“I’m sorry for bringing this up…” Sunset says worriedly.

Aileen sighed before seemingly calming down. “Don’t be, it’s not like you were one of them. And we didn’t kill all of them, we left the children alive and sent them to some of the outer colonies in the system.” Aileen said before going over to a table where some holographic squares were floating above it. “I guess for Tech I better start here. This is the Foundry. If you have the blueprints and the resources, you can craft anything from here, even more Warframes. Although, it’s going to be a pain setting up the Extractors here without any governments getting nosy.”

“Alright then.” Sunset nods. “But when I thought ‘foundry’ I thought more of the...old blacksmithing foundry’s for some reason...not a table with holographic squares floating above it.” Sunset says honestly.

Aileen gets a small smile before pressing a few buttons that Sunset couldn’t read. Suddenly the arms above the table start to move, sparks coming off every now and then as what looks to be a dagger of some kind is being made. “Those squares are spare resources from previous builds digitized and just waiting to be used.” Aileen explained as she moves across the room to what looks like a press, but seemingly nothing to press in it. “This is the Mod station. With this I can personalise any gear or warframe to be stronger, faster, have effects like poison or fire, or even make it more effective against certain types of enemies.”

“That sounds pretty good.” Sunset nods. “Always having a mod for just the occasion.”

“Exactly. Very useful since one of our enemies could adapt to damage types, so we had to change up our mods in mid combat. Not as easy as you’d think, there is a reason why the Cephalons mainly do that work and not us. Place the mod wrong and all you did was weaken your weapon.” Aileen explains.

“That’s not good.” Sunset frowns. “But I suppose that’s why you prepare before hand instead of mid confrontation.”

“And we normally do, but sometimes the enemy gets a drop on you and you need to do what is instinctual, or die.” Aileen replies before walking to where Hope was laying down. “This is the incubator. It doubles as a bed for whatever animal I have out, whether it be Hope here, my Kavat, or my Helminth Charger.” Aileen says with a hint of sadness on the last animal.

“Did something happen?” Sunset asks worriedly.

“Well...Remember how I said there was something more dangerous than the void? It is an infestation that can infect both organic and machines, adding it to their collective hive mind. Tenno have decided to eventually fight fire with fire, using Infested weapons to fight. We even have an infested warframe by the name of Nidus. The Helminth charger...She is unique. I decided to try something and infected her when she was a egg, and now she is a living infested, growing and keeping her mind separated from the hive mind. She cuddles and has watched my back on many occasions. But...when I first brought her with me to a mission, one of the other Tenno opened fire on her. Now I’m the only living thing she trusts.” Aileen explains. “Inanis, could you bring out Crysti?”

“Are you sure Operator? There is another being besides yourself in the orbiter.”

“I know, but I’m sure she’ll be wanting to cuddle me, you know how she is.”

Inanis sighed. “Very well Operator.” With a hiss the pod closed around Hope and opened to see the creature Aileen had mentioned. It looked at Sunset before yelping, jumping straight behind Aileen and cowering.

“Sunset, meet Crysti.” Aileen says while petting the fleshy animal. “Shh, it’s okay, we’re in the Orbiter remember? It’s okay.”

Sunset kneeled down gently, trying to remember what Fluttershy taught her about showing you care about scared animals. “It’s alright.” Sunset says gently, raising a hand slowly and in a non-threatening manner. “I’m a friend.”

It looks at Sunset hesitantly before slowly coming out, not leaving my side however as it seemingly stares at her hand. “Well, that’s a better reaction than expected. She normally shrinks back more or thinks you're a threat and attacks.” Aileen says, scratching the “dog” under the chin, causing the sides of its mouth to open up as it pants.

Sunset only smiled, keeping her hand out for her to smell it if she wants. “Fluttershy helps out at an animal shelter, and if you heard her talk about Hope then you can easily tell her life’s work is helping animals. She’s taught me a thing or two.”

“Well, this girl will need it won’t you?” Aileen said with a pat on Crysti’s head. The animal slowly started to get closer to Sunset as Aileen started to talk. “I have another Egg I’m sure Fluttershy would like, though it’ll be up to her if she wants a Charger, a Kubrow or a Kavat.”

“She would practically beg you for one of those.” Sunset chuckles. “Knowing Fluttershy she would be really excited to learn about a new species of animal. Especially ones that can be friendly and happy.”

“Well, one detail about every single animal I have.” Aileen said serious. “Every single one was bred for battle. Some Tenno make theirs run out without armor on at all, and those animals become brutal on the battlefield, almost as good as a Tenno themselves. Mind you I have trained mine to only go battle if they are inside armor, but they can just as easily rip a man in half without it.”

Sunset looked at the infected dog and took a deep breath. “Why am I not surprised…” She sighs out.

“It could be worse. I took a long time to incubate mine, others rush it, causing their DNA to destabilize. Their animals require constant DNA stabilizers to keep from dieing.” AIleen said. “I raise mine right.”

“And that’s always a good thing.” Sunset nods. “You can’t rush great things.”

“Well, anyways, other than being able to digitize anything, from people to imprison them, to food as rations, to even ammo, the only other bit of tech I can think of is the Archwing, and the Warframes themselves.“

“Archwing?” Sunset asks. “What’s that?”

Aileen grins. “Why, it is a set of mechanical wings I can attach to any warframe and have them fly and fight in space. It can also work underwater and in atmosphere.”

“That...sounds...awesome.” Sunset says bluntly. “But...how? Do you have any idea how complicated that has to be?”

“Not as complicated as weaponising music.” Aileen says with a shrug. “If you could pilot a warframe I’d let you try it out, but it requires a warframe to use...or at least I think it does. I haven’t tried it without one.” Aileen says, pulling up from the arsenal a Archwing and letting it hover.

“Um...wouldn’t that hurt a bunch?” Sunset asks. “Cause...if what I’m thinking is true then it would probably shoot small spikes into your back and keep itself there…”

“I wasn’t going to try it, I was simply showing you one.” Aileen says with a roll of her eyes. “I may be able to kill without remorse, but I’m not stupid.”

“It does look cool but...still.” Sunset says honestly, getting up carefully and lowering her hand.

Aileen puts it away before turning to Sunset. “There is only one last piece of Tech you don't know about, and I’m not letting you in that room. Tenno are immune to the infected, but you are not. And although it obeys me, it can not control it’s spores.”

“That’s...not good.” The bacon haired teen says worriedly. “I suppose that’s what made...her like that?” She asks, motioning to Crysti.

“It certainly helped, but it was up to me to follow through with it. If I could, I would make a species out of them, but so far she is the only one, and will most likely be the only one.” Aileen says sadly before going back to calm. “Do you want to learn about my abilities or do you want to get some rest. I do have a hidden place I made for beds and recreation, though the Orokin tried to get rid of it.”

Sunset was about to say something but yawned. “Oh...sorry.” She says sheepishly. “But I suppose sleep would be for the best…”

“Alright then, follow me.” Aileen says before walking down to the third layer before opening a hidden hatch, revealing a decent room with a bed, a light and some books written in a language Sunset couldn’t read. “You can sleep here, I’ll just lay in the cryo bed without having Inanis turn it on.”

“Sorry…” Sunset says sheepishly. “But thank you for your hospitality and all the answers you’ve given me…” She says with a nod. “Well...see you in the morning?”

“Yes. And if you dream in something similar to the void you saw in the Somatic Link chamber, don’t panic.” Aileen said. “I don’t know what effects a normal person would have being this close to the void.” Aileen admitted.

“This...is not going to be a good night for me…” Sunset sighs out before walking over to the bed and taking off her biker jacket and pants, folding the two and putting them gently on the side of the bed. “Well...good night.” Sunset says, getting in bed and checking it real quick before pulling the covers over herself. “We got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow.”

“That we do. And don’t worry, I’m sure nothing will happen, after all, the people in my system were mostly unaffected being near the void, I don’t think anything should happen.” Aileen says before showing sunset how to open the door and leaving.

As Aileen laid down, she felt memories of her past starting to surface as she hyperventilated. He curled into the fetal position as she loses herself into her memories…

I stood beside some of my other Tenno. We were all in our Warframes and I glanced back to the others. “Shadow, you alright?” I asked to the black and red Excalibur. Shadow was always sick, but he also had it almost worse than me. The Orokin had tried to mold him into a true slave, and although they failed, he definitely was the most mentally unstable of us all.

“I’m alright, thanks for asking Light.” He said, calling me by my code name.

“Would you two just get a room?” Said the Mesa next to me.

“Shut up Sun.” I laughed while our Loki punched Shadow in the shoulder playfully.

“Cheer up, after this next mission we can finally go to our Dojo for some down time.” The Loki said with a laugh.

“Lets just get the Mission done before we celebrate Moon.” Shadow said.

Our mission was a simple one as far as they go: Survive while a operative searches the infested ship for supplies. Really, it should have been simple. Why wasn’t it just that simple?! We arrived and it began like usual, We had limited air supply thanks to the spores and had to either keep getting the Air drops, or hope the infested we killed had a air tank on them. We survived for a good ten minutes before shit hit the fan.

We were all running down a corridor, shooting behind and infront of us and slicing any that got too close. Then disaster struck. “Light! Look out!” Moon shouted as a juggernaut class Infested tried to grab me. In a brave, stupid act, he used his powers to switch places with me. In the game, you could get up fast, but this was not the game. Before any of us could react, We watched as the juggernaut tore him in half. We waited for him to revive when we realised.

That only works, if the Warframe is still in one piece. “Damn you!” I shouted as I unleashed the Fire of my Ember frame, spreading fire all around me and taking care of the juggernaut. Why did it have to happen then? Why did they show up then?! A crash sounded as a window was shattered and in floated a Sentient. Not good! I thought as Shadow ran for the console, trying to seal the window so none of us were lost in space. Sun used her ability and started to fire everywhere, taking out many of the infested starting to crowd us and doing some damage to the sentient. The bastard floated over to her while she was taking a breath, and stabbed her through her Warframe, hitting her life support as air continued to stream out. It tried to fly out with her, and got into space when I heard Sun’s Voice over the Coms.

“Light? Give them all hell.” Before a burst of energy from Sun reviving herself inside the vacuum of space emerged outside. She took down the Sentient, but without her life support, I know she was gone. Shadow finished hacking the console and we both ran for the exit. When we both arrived at the dojo, he held me as be both just cried. We had lost another two, and not just any two. We had lost the two that were beacons of hope for us. They had always been strong, lot letting the orokin take away who they were: fun loving people. And they were gone in one fucking mission.

The next morning, Aileen woke up with a gasp, sitting upright as the memories faded, her breath rising and falling before she meditates, controlling her breathing before she gets up and walks over to the foundry, taking the completed dagger and setting it down on the table. As she hears the sound of her room’s door opening. She turned to see Sunset walking up. “Good morning Sunset.” Aileen said to the tired teen.

“Gods almighty…” Sunset grumbles, rubbing her forehead as she got dressed. “Normal magic and Void don’t mix…” She grumbles, Aileen noticing a small sparkle surrounding Sunset as she said that.

“Would you believe me if I said I have never even heard of magic outside of stories?” Aileen replied as she gestured to the aura surrounding Sunset.

“That’s surprising because you have Void magic.” Sunset says, looking at her head and seeing a small sparkle. “Huh...that’s probably my magic trying to get accustomed to the void energy here...or something I don’t know.” She grumbles.

“Didn’t get a good night of sleep I take it?” Aileen said in a apologetic tone.

“Not really.” Sunset sighs out. “It was either a mixture of bright lights trying to push me away from a very creepy darkness, me having a weird chill go down my spine...or something else I’d rather not say.” She frowns.

“Hm...If it was the Void affecting you and not your magic, then the Bright light could be the path of sun, and the darkness the path of moon. The chill down your spine could have either been the void attempting to bond with you, or you just being creeped out.” Aileen says clinically. “But we have no way of knowing for certain. Anyways, what kind of foods do you prefer? If I’m lucky, I may be able to find something that matches your taste.”

“Well what do you have?” Sunset asks, having gotten accustomed to meat during her stay on earth even if she was a pony. “Cause frankly right now, if I was home, I’d be making myself either pop tarts because of how crappy I feel, or pancakes because they're always good.”

“You're in luck, I have a few pancakes in my digital storage. They will still be hot, though some of their flavor will be slightly different thanks to being digitized.” Aileen says as a table raises from the floor with two seats. Blue holographic cubes fall from the ceiling and land before forming into two plates of Pancakes and a bottle of syrup. “You don’t know how long it took me to sneak these back home.” Aileen said with a small smile as she placed a fork and knife on each plate and sitting down.

“Yay.” Sunset cheers, opening the bottle of syrup and pouring some on her pancakes, closing it and handing it to Aileen. “Thank you.”

Aileen took the bottle and nodded. “You are welcome Sunset.” She said before she poured some on her own pancakes and started to eat. “So what time do you think the others will arrive?”

“Hold on.” Sunset checks her phone real quick to check the time. “Well considering it’s the weekend I’m sure at least Pinkie would be here.” Sunset shrugs, before getting a text which happened to sound like a party popper. “And that would be Pinkie.” She says while checking the text. “Oh...well alright then she’ll be here in ten minutes.” Sunset says, putting her phone away and starting to eat her breakfast.

“Alright then.” Aileen says as she continues to eat. When they have finished, Aileen goes over to the dagger and flips it, holding it by the blade as she holds the handle to Sunset. “Here.”

“Uh...thanks?” Sunset says slowly, taking the knife and not a hundred percent sure why Aileen was giving her a knife. “I mean it looks fancy and cool but...why?”

“Self defence. Plus, in return for being mostly accepting and for helping me acclimate to your world, I would like to offer you and the rest of the girls a gift. With you and Rainbow, I’m thinking combat training.” Aileen explains as Sunset looks over the Dark Dagger.

“It’s design looks nice but...what’s it made out of?” Sunset asks. “It’s not steel that’s for sure…” She says, gently touching the flat of the blade so she doesn’t accidentally cut herself like an idiot.

“It is made of a couple different materials, though the metal is one named Ferrite. It is stronger than any steel based metals you probably have on this world. Even stronger than titanium.”

“You know, I would have made a joke about ‘oh look another fictional metal that’s stronger and lighter than Titanium’...but given that I’m actually holding it…” Sunset says, finding the dagger well balanced all things considered. “I can see that.”

“It has a unique ability to. It instantly can irradiate any hostile it strikes, and with the right mods, become even deadlier if you want. However, given your distaste for lethality, I haven't modded it so it won’t kill anything with just a single strike.”

“Oh dear…” Sunset says worriedly. “But thank you...and the sheath for it?” She asks, knowing that any bladed weapon, besides some axes, normally had sheaths to keep them from just cutting anything on accident.

“Hm...I forgot for a second about that. I’m used to the magnetics of my warframes I forgot a sheath. Inanis, how long do you think a sheath for a Dark Dagger would take?” Aileen shouts to the ship.

“Judging our plentiful resources by your many missions, I would say only two minutes Operator. Would you like me to start crafting one?”

“Yes please.” Aileen then turns to Sunset “It should then be done in time before Pinkie shows up.”

“Alright.” Sunset nods. “So...given that you pilot those Warframes...which the more you talk about them the more it sounds like their cyborg super ninjas, how many weapons have you mastered?”

“I have mastered every weapon the Tenno have had before I left, although the Lotus promised me she’d send any new blueprints so I can master those as well. I’ve mastered revolvers, assault rifles, snipers, bows, Kunai, normal Pistols, Nunchucks, Tonfas, Swords, Katanas, Staffs, Blade whips, normal whips, Scythes, even throwing weapons, gun blades and Rapiers.” Aileen said “and of course, daggers.”

“Sounds like quite the list of weaponry.” Sunset says, completely surprised at that. “And...I believe you said you learned how to use them through your Warframes?”

“Yes, though the muscle memory persists when I tried them as I am now.” Aileen said as she takes a breath. “Sadly had to find out the hard way one day, but enough depressing things. Yes I am master of many weapons and can train you properly.”

“That sounds nice.” She nods. “But I’m still sorry about...you having to deal with all that.”

“Nothing you can do to change it, so don’t be sorry about it.” Aileen says kindly as the Foundry finishes crafting the sheath right as a knock on the ship’s side is heard. “Talk about perfect timing.”

“Pinkie does that sometimes.” Sunset chuckles while grabbing the sheath and sheathing the knife, and putting it in her coat pocket.

Aileen walked over to the door and opened it to be hugged by the pink girl. “Yay! My super cool space ninja friend made friends with my gloomy magical friend! This is the bestest day ever!”

“I am not gloomy damn it!” Sunset shouts at Pinkie, taking offence to that. “But how you doing Pinkie?”

“I’m just fine and dandy! I woke up today as was so excited to show my new friend around town that I just had to come over asap!” The chatty teen blurts out.

“That sounds nice.” Sunset nods. “So Aileen, ready to start your tour around town?”

“Not really, but it’d just be delaying the inevitable. When will the other girls get here, or is it just you two today?” The Tenno in question asked the two girls.

“Pinkie?” Sunset asks. “Given that you know more about them all and probably when they normally wake up, when do you think they’ll be up?”

“Well, knowing Rarity she spent all night making outfits for you, so she’ll be here soon! Applejack has chores to do so chances are she won’t be able to make it until later, Rainbow Dash probably slept in by accident, and Fluttershy should be arriving now!”

“Wait really?” Sunset says in surprise, before a gentle ‘knock’ was heard.

“E-excuse me.” Fluttershy says sheepishly. “Am I too early?”

“No, you are right on time Fluttershy. It is the others who are a bit late.” Aileen says opening the door and just keeping it open.

“Thank you…” Fluttershy says while entering. “Oh, Sunset...you don’t look so good.”

“It’s alright Fluttershy...I wouldn’t recommend sleepovers here.” Sunset says sheepishly.

“I was a good host...I hope.” Aileen says in a flash of self consciousness.

“You were a great host...just the sleeping part wasn’t that kind to me.” Sunset says sheepishly. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay, I’m sorry about your sleep again.” Aileen says rubbing the back of her head as Crysti walked out behind her.

Fluttershy saw Crysti and she kneeled down, the infected animal sensing such a friendly aura around Fluttershy as she gently lifted a hand up in the same non-threatening manner Sunset did, but the infected could tell that while Sunset was to be hesitant around, Fluttershy was...a friend. “It’s alright. I’m a friend.” The pink haired teen says gently.

The infected kubrow slowly walked up to Fluttershy and bowed it’s fleshy head before nuzzling Fluttershy’s hand. “Well I’ll be damned. You are the first person she has ever truly accepted other than me.” Aileen comments.

“I’ve had this...affinity with animals ever since I was a child.” Fluttershy says, gently petting it’s fleshy head. “No matter how dangerous an animal, I’ve always made friends with them.” She says kindly. “But...what race is Crysti?” She asks curiously.

“How did you know her name?” Aileen asks bewildered.

“It comes with my...special talent.” Fluttershy says sheepishly. “I can understand animals, whether through charades or body language, and she said her name was Crysti...but there’s...something else…” Fluttershy says, trying to hide her worry about all the other ‘voices’ that were cluttering Crysti’s voice.

“That would be the Infested. You see...Crysti may be the only of her kind, though I can make one more. She was to be a Kubrow, but I decided to...try something. I infected the egg with a parasite as it was incubating and out of it came something spectacular, something infected with the parasite, but still biologically alive. It grew from a pup instead of just making a zombie out of the embryo.” Aileen admits. “I’m surprised there were other voices though, last I check she wasn’t a part of any hive mind.”

“Well...it sounded like more than one voice was telling me her name.” Fluttershy says, still petting the infected animal.

“Oh...in that case we should have nothing to worry about…I can only talk to her when inside a certain Warframe so I don’t notice it that often.” Aileen says while Sunset and Pinkie chat. “Oh and Fluttershy, I was wondering, would you like a Kubrow, a Kavat, which is a cat looking animal, or a Helminth Charger? If you're wondering, the last one is what Crysti is.”

Fluttershy thinks for a moment. “Um...can I see what a Kavat is?” She asks. “Since I’ve seen a Kubrow and Charger…” She says, wanting to have a well rounded opinion on them all.

“Sure, one sec.” Aileen says as she walks over to a console and pulls up a image of a Kavat. (insert image) “This is the only one I could find with it not in the middle of battle.”

“Oh…” She says, finding it adorable. “Oh~, I don’t know which one to choose.” Fluttershy pouts, and to Aileen and her war torn mind and heart felt close to melting with how adorable it looked.

“Well, you don’t have to decide right away. I’ll say this though, my Kavat is very needy, Crysti is cuddly when she isn’t afraid, and you know about Hope already.” Aileen chuckles.

“Fluttershy already had a needy rabbit.” Sunset rolls her eyes.

“I know…” Fluttershy sighs out, knowing that Angel is a butt whether she liked it or not. “But mind if I take care of a Charger?”

“Are you 100% positive? I can’t get another egg unless I spend some time going back to my system to find one, and who knows how long that will take.” Aileen says, making sure Fluttershy was sure with herself.

“Yes.” She nods. “But...believe it or not even though I take care of animals I’ve never had a pet.” She says honestly.

“Wait, you don’t?” Sunset asks, completely confused about that.

“No actually. I help take care of the animals at the shelter, and all that, and I even help people adopt them.” Fluttershy says honestly, still petting Crysti. “I’ve been so busy with the animals I haven’t really gotten myself an animal friend.”

“Well, I’m glad I can help you out. Come, by the time we’re done getting the egg set up Rarity and Rainbow should be here.” Aileen says as she leads Fluttershy down stairs. “I should say this about any of the animals, but especially a Charger, they are adorable and make fine companions and pets, but every one genetically has it implanted in them to defend who they imprint to. If they feel you are in danger, they will go for the kill, unless you train it for non lethal, but that is as close as you can get to pacifying them.”

“Well…” Fluttershy says, looking at Crysti and how she’s been kind to her. “I’ll raise the Charger right.” She smiles.

Aileen smiles. “That is all I ask. Now I’ll be right back, I need to use a certain Warframe to infect the Egg before hand.” Aileen says as the platform that had Hope and Crysti now has a large brown egg on a pedestal. Out from down stairs walks Nidus (insert image) who walks up to the Egg and places a pinkish, fleshy leach looking thing onto the egg as it sinks in past the shell. The warframe walks back down stairs as

“Uh...why did you do that?” Fluttershy asks curiously, finding that a tad weird.

“Wait...that frame...is also infected?” Sunset asks worriedly.

“Yes Sunset, I made mention on fighting fire with fire. I don't like using this one though so I won’t be using him often….he just feels wrong.” Aileen says to Sunset. “And Fluttershy, I had to do that in order to infect it with the Infested before incubation.”

“I suppose that’s to keep it from...being infected later?” Fluttershy asks curiously.

“Not exactly. You see, Chargers are infested, so they are already immune to it. I was infesting it so it can become a Charger...Though in a way you are right, it does keep them from being infected later.” Aileen tries to explain. “Think of it like this. The Infested tangle and mess with the DNA with any organic it infects, causing their bodies to mutate normally into monsters of nightmares, however, because this Warframe controls the Infested it creates, I don't have to worry about making a monster. It will no longer be a parasite, it will become a symbiotic.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I understand.”

“That's good, now I'm going to put this guy away and come out in my body.” Ailees says before walking Nidus back to storage and coming back up. “So, do you want it incubate it here or do you want to incubate it elsewhere?”

“I think it would be best if you incubate it...you’ve done this before and I don’t want to do something wrong…” Fluttershy says. “I mean...if that’s alright.”

“Alright, I'll tell you when it's finished so it’ll imprint on you.” Aileen says before pressing a button to begin incubation right as Rarity and Rainbow Dash show up.

“Thank you.” Fluttershy smiles.

“Oh, are we late?” Rarity asks worriedly.

“Just a little. Don't worry, it allowed me to give Fluttershy here a gift.” Aileen says to the two.

“What the heck is that thing?” Rainbow Dash says, pointing at Crysti as she hides behind Fluttershy and Aileen.

“This is Crysti…” Fluttershy says. “And you're scaring her.” She states bluntly.

“O-okay Flutters!” Rainbow Dash quickly, knowing how protective Fluttershy is of animals. “So...when are we going to get going?”

“As soon as Applejack gets here. Though, before I forget I have something for you as well, though, I’m going to say it stays here unless it is legal to carry a sword in this world.” Aileen tells Rainbow.

“It’s legal to carry bladed weapons, but they need to to out in the open for people to see.” Sunset says honestly. “If you want to conceal a weapon you’ll need a permit, just like with guns.” She explains.

“In that case it shouldn’t be a problem.” Aileen says, walking down stairs to bring up Skana Prisma.(incert image) “This is yours, and I will train you with it if you want.”

“Soo cool!” She says unsheathing the blade. “And you’re going to train me with it? What’s the catch?”

“No catch. This is thanks for being kind to me.” Aileen says with a smile.

“Are you giving gifts to us all darling?” Rarity asks curiously.

“I’m trying to. I’m having a bit of trouble coming up with one for you and Pinkie Pie.” Aileen admits.

“Well I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” Rarity says honestly. “No need to rush.”

Aileen suddenly looks like she had a epiphany “Rarity, you're a seamstress correct? How would you like some fibrous material that can be used as a cloth? It can distribute the kinetic force of bullets, making their impact seemingly bulletproof, but is easy enough to use for fashion contests with the Warframes.”

“Really?” Rarity asks, thinking about the Warframes and her eyes widened with sparkles in her eyes. “Ideas~!” She chants in a sing song tone, excited and getting a smile as big as Pinkie’s. “Oh my gods darling, you have no idea what doors you’ve given me.” She says giddily.

Aileen looks at Rarity, surprised at first before smiling. “You are welcome. It’s the least I could do for the hospitality you’ve given me.”

“Thank you.” Rarity smiles.

“Wow, I haven’t seen Rarity this happy since she dragged me to a fashion show.” Sunset says. “Also, it was as boring as you think if you don’t like ‘normal’ fashion.” Sunset shrugs.

“I don’t know.” Aileen says. “The fashion shows we had were rather fun, especially when I was participating.”

“I say ‘normal’ in the parts where it’s just normal outfits, not your kind of ‘fashion’ that involves Warframes.” Sunset says honestly. “Or do you also like normal fashion sense?” She asks.

“Well...I wouldn’t be against it.” Aileen says with a shrug.

“Okay then...just be prepared to be dragged around by Rarity sometimes for ‘fashion’.” Sunset says, adding a little flourish to the world like she’s Rarity.

Aileen chuckles a bit before turning to Pinkie Pie “I...have a idea. You like parties correct?”

“I am the party girl. I know every kind of party that exists, and I made up a few.” Pinkie explains seriously. “Partying is a serious business, but so is accounting but that’s boring.” She says with a smile. “Parties are fun!” The bubbly teen cheers.

“Well, as I was told you’d probably plan a party for me, I’ll say you can invite anyone you want, just don't announce I’m a alien if you would.” Aileen says with a smile.

“Of course silly, why would I say-” Pinkie starts, before having deadpan stares from all of her friends thrown her way. “Why are you staring at me like that?” Pinkie asks sheepishly.

“You’d better rethink that statement Pinkie.” Sunset says.

“Okay, I’ll make sure not to tell anyone you're an alien.” Pinkie says with a nod.

“Thank you Pinkie. Now Applejack, my gift you, or rather, gifts, are two things. First is a offer to train you alongside Rainbow Dash and Sunset in the ways of gun and blade, The other is something I think may help out with your farm, should you want it.” AIleen says after turning to the farm girl who was talking with Rainbow.

“Shoot, that’s mighty kind of yah. Ah guess I can take ya up on that offer for the trainin’ during my free time, but what is this other gift yer talkin about?” She says.

“I was planing on lending you some of my Extractors to help with the harvest. Now before you start, they won't take away all the work. All they will do is pick Apples in a certain predetermined area. They won’t sort the bad ones from the good ones, and they won't get everywhere. Plus, you don’t have to pay them like you would a farm hand.” Aileen says, showing Aj a picture of a Extractor.

“Ah don’t rightly know bout that sugarcube, ah’ll have to run it by my folks at home before Ah give you a yes or no.” AJ says prehensive.

“Don’t worry, you can say no, my feelings won’t be hurt.” Aileen says with a smile before nodding. “Well, that was everything I wanted to give you all, shall we start this tour?”

“Sure.” Sunset nods and starts stretching a little. “Let’s get going.” Sunset says while she heads out the door and leads the group onward towards town.

Aileen looked around the town with a small wonder, memories of a time before being Tenno breaking through the barrier the years have forced on her mind as she lets herself grow a genuine smile. They eventually showed up at Sugarcube Corner where, besides a few stares at Aileen, nothing bad happens as they all pick out a treat. “Thank you girls.” Aileen says softly.

“Your welcome.” Pinkie smiles.

“Also, Sugar Cube Corner may look like a genuine gingerbread house, it is not actually a gingerbread house.” Sunset says. “It just makes the best pastries ever.”

“Well, I can agree with that.” Aileen says, taking a small bite of the cupcake she had.

“And I work here.” Pinkie smiles, eating her own cupcake happily. “It’s a living I know.” She giggles happily.

“Hm...that’s going to be a problem for me. I may have plenty of credits, but I doubt this works accepts a digital currency based off of energy.” Aileen says taking a look out the window.

“Probably not.” Sunset shrugs. “But hey, you can either work for AJ or the Cakes to get some money. I’m sure they both pay well enough to get you on your feet.” She suggests.

“Maybe.” Aileen says as the door rings and in walks two women, one with pale white skin and multi-toned hair, and the other with midnight blue skin with two tones of blue in her hair. Hmm...how come those two feel important? I...Can’t remember Aileen thinks as she looks at the others around the table. “Who are those two?”

“Those two would be the principal and vice-principal of Canterlot high. Principal Celestia is the multi-tones hair and Vice-principal Luna is the one with blue hair.” Sunset explains.

“Hmm…” Aileen says thoughtfully before dismissing the feeling. “Well, at least I know who is in charge of the school.”

“They’re nice people.” Sunset says. “Just make sure you do your work and don’t start anything…weird.” She explains, munching on her slice of cake.

Aileen looks at Sunset with a small smile. “I’m an alien, with a large amount of magical power, who takes honor very seriously. Totally nothing weird will happen around me.”

“Well yeah, but we mean cause a disaster or something. They tend to be nice if you're trying to fix the problem.” Rainbow says with her mouth full before swallowing sheepishly.

“You don’t say…” Aileen says, noting Sunset paying an acute amount of attention to her cake. “Speaking of the Principles, how would I go about enrolling without a legal guardian?”

“Oh yeah…” Rarity frowns.

“Ask Pinkie.” Sunset says honestly. “She can do damn near anything. Think you can do it again Pinkie?”

“Okie dokie lokie! One hacked school system coming right up!” Pinkie says excitedly before Aileen had a small epiphany.

“Wait Pinkie. I have a idea that might work, one that doesn’t risk jail time if you're caught.” Aileen says, her eyes calculation all possible scenarios the plan would have. “It’s crazy, but it would either work, or I simply just be your tutor in my ship, and don’t go to school.”

“How’s about you explain it.” Sunset says honestly. “We’ve all been in crazy situations before so you saying something’s crazy doesn’t really mean much without context.”

“I could claim I’m an orphan who has been living with Sunset off and on and was just convinced to come to school by you girls.” Aileen says, still deep in thought.

“That sounds like a good idea.” Sunset nods. “Makes enough sense considering you have...standard skin coloring.” Sunset points out, checking her tan skin versus her friends skin colors which ranged from pink to blue to yellow and pale white. “Uh...am I the only one that noticed that?”

All the other girls, Aileen included, looks around before shrugging. “Yah got a point there Sugarcube.” AJ says with a light chuckle.

“Then it’s settled I suppose.” Sunset nods. “Now let’s just hope the Principles will allow you into the school...because most ‘new students’ tend to not be...good people.” She explains, looking down and feeling upset about how crap she was as a person before.

“I understand. Besides, most of them probably have someone to call a parent, or otherwise have other means to get what they wish. All I have is my words, and some mind magic I will never use on anyone who is not an enemy.” Aileen says, trying to sound convincing while Rarity clicked her tongue, and pulled out a sketchbook.

“Uhm...Rarity...what are you-” Fluttershy started before she was interrupted.

“I’m sorry Darling but I simply must get these ideas down! These dresses will be absolutely fabulous!” She squeed.

“Good to hear that Rarity.” Sunset nods, continuing to eat her cake. “Let’s hope they are more ‘practical’ for standard wear instead of just ‘wear once for prom and never wear them again’.” She rolls her eyes.

“Have a bit more faith darling! I know just from the little while I’ve known her Aileen here wouldn’t want anything too flashy, but something practical, functional, while also being stylish is something I can do or my name isn’t Rarity Belle!” Rarity says with a dramatic flare.

Aileen smiles. “Is it always like this, you all joking around and having fun I mean?”

“Does Pinkie eat too much sugar in one day?” Sunset asks, her question completely rhetorical given that the party girl eats tons of sugar.

“Well duh!” Pinkie responds with a giggle before eating her tenth cupcake.

“That was a rhetorical question Pinkie.” Sunset sighs out.

Aileen smiles as she finishes her first cupcake. “Well, that was a good snack. Anywhere else we should check out?”

“Hmm…” Sunset hums, finishing up her cake. “The park sounds like a good enough place to go right?”

“Why hello you six, it’s nice to see you today.” A voice says from the end of the table as Luna stands there. “Who’s your new friend?”

Her body is reserved. Eyes, no contact. Smile, genuine but also nervous. She was either listening in, or she’s afraid of something. Aileen thinks as she looks over the teacher. “Aileen, pleasure to meet you.”

“Well, you are a polite one.” Luna says with a small laugh. “I...I couldn’t help but hear something about you being an orphan. Tell me girls, is that correct?” She asks the group.

“Yes.” Sunset nods. “She’s been with me and my family on and off. For some reason no one want’s to adopt her...she’s smart and kind to make anyone think she’s a wonderful girl...just a little closed off is all.” Sunset explains, trying to make the alibi sound really believable.

“Oh…” Luna says sadly. “Does she go to the school?”

“No sadly. But we were talking about her enrolling but my parents weren’t sure because of the…incidents that normally happen there.” Sunset says nervously, not needing to half lie about that little tidbit.

“W-Well...Do you have a place to stay tonight?” Luna asks Aileen.

“She was going to stay with me for the night again.” Sunset explains.

Aileen nods. “Their giving me a place to stay every now and then since I...don’t exactly trust orphanages after the last one. Add that I’m a teen and not many even bother attempting with me.” Aileen says, trying to craft the story to be believable.

“Well, if you ever need a place to stay don’t hesitate to ask.” Luna says with a smile before Celestia laughs from her table.

“Come on Lulu, just up and admit it.” Celestia says with a laugh while Luna slumps before looking back at me.

“What my sister is talking about is this...Would you want a home? I could get you into the school and you won’t have to worry some nights.” Luna says, embarrassed.

Aileen blinked, her mind stalling as she tries to come up with a answer.

“Yes!” Sunset says quickly. “Aileen has been closed off with how many people rejected her. She would be very happy to finally have a wonderful mother.” Sunset says with a smile. “She’s just...speechless right.”

Aileen nods dumbly as she tries not to make direct eye contact with Luna, not wanting her hardened eyes to put her posible guardian off. Luna smiled brightly. “Okay then...Aileen. We can meet up at the school tomorrow before class starts to get you set up.” Luna then turned around and practically skipped back to her sister to eat her meal.

“Of all things….I didn’t expect that.” Aileen says, feeling a warmth in her chest from all the caring she has received in the last two days.

“Neither did we.” Rarity points out.

“That...was something…” Fluttershy says sheepishly.

“Well...glad to know your now Luna’s adopted daughter.” Sunset smiles towards Aileen.

“Ah wouldn’t be sayin that now just yet, they still need to fill out all that paperwork.” AJ says.

“Oh come oh AJ! She practically said do you want to be my daugter, of course it’s official now!” Rainbow says as Pinkie laughs.

“Oh boy! Now I get to not only plan Aileen’s ‘welcome to Ponyville’ party, but also her ‘I just got adopted by Luna’ party! Best day ever!” The pink teen says, defying physics for a second before sitting back down.

“Well Rarity, looks like I’ll need to make that dress before the end of the day.” Aileen says with a small giggle.

“For Pinkie’s party or to look formal for your new mother?” Rarity asks with a giggle. “Because Pinkie’s parties aren’t the ‘formal’ kind, it’s just…” Rarity thinks about it. “How do you describe it Pinkie?”

“ABSOLUTELY AMAZING?!” The girl in question shouts with excitement.

“Yes that.” Rarity shrugs.

“Hope you like big parties cause the entire town might be coming.” Sunset says honestly.

“Well, I never was one for anything too formal. Let’s go with the party for now, after all I don’t want to overload you with too much work.” Aileen says after a moment of thought.

“Oh think nothing of it darling.” Rarity says with a wave of her hand like it’s no biggie.

“Remember the last time you overloaded on work Rarity?” Sunset deadpans, while the fashionista chuckles nervously at hearing that.

“Do I want to know?” Aileen asks as she stretches

“You don’t want to know.” Sunset chuckles.

“You...really don’t want to know…” Rarity mutters, eating her ice cream bitterly now.

“So, is everyone done eating?” Aileen asks. “Not including you Pinkie.” She adds with a chuckle as the teen in question puts more food down her stomach.

“Yep.” Sunset nods.

“Oh, yes.” Fluttershy nods sheepishly.

“Well then what are we waiting for? Let’s head to the park! Besides,” Rainbow says with the tall tales of challenge entering her voice. “I want to see how fast you can run Aileen.”

“Well then, let’s head off.” AIleen says, acting like she didn’t notice the challenge.

The girls sat on a bench while Rainbow and Aileen took their positions. “We are going to run in a circle around the pond. First one back is of course the winner.”

Aileen nods as she bows to Rainbow and takes her position. “Win or lose, it is an honor to race you Rainbow Dash.”

“Ready!?” Sunset calls, raising her hand in the air and seeing the two get ready to race. “Go!” She shouts, swinging her arm down like she was moving a racing flag down. Twin blurs, one cyan with a rainbow trail and the other with the occasional electric spark flying off it, race past Sunset as the two race. Aileen’s feet have void based electricity flowing around them as she runs, her speed evenly matched with Rainbow’s. Rainbow on the other had subconsciously uses her own magic, fueling her running as the two reach half way in no time.

“Not bad!” Rainbow calls out before breaking out into a full on sprint, gaining the slight lead as Aileen says nothing, her eyes focused on the final straight path. Use that to your advantage. You’re lucky you can use Void’s sprint without being in him, but that strait away is your only chance at winning.

The two turn the final corner, rainbow having the slight lead before Aileen pours powder into her legs, a full on electric trail now following her as she breaks past Rainbow last second before cutting the power and dusting herself off.

“And by a small margin Aileen takes it.” Sunset says, kind of surprised to see Aileen beat Rainbow in a race.

“You were skilled Rainbow, but you used too much energy too soon. Save it for the end of the race, not in the middle.” Aileen says to the panting rainbow haired girl.

“H-how and you not even winded?” Rainbow pants as pinkie hands her a water.

“Just as you were using magic, I used my own void to enhance my speed. I can not do it often but I can do it. Add on what I had just said about conserving energy, and that is why I’m not tired.” Aileen informs Rainbow before taking a seat beside her.

“Even if Rainbow trains hard most of the time she’s...kind of cocky.” Sunset points out. “Being naturally fast can do that but...eh.”

“Well it was still a good race.” Fluttershy says honestly.

“Yeah yeah.” Rainbow says covering her face for some reason. “Well, it’s official now, you have got to try out for sports.”

Aileen cocks her head. “And why is that?”

“Because you're damn good at it that’s why!” Rainbow nearly shouts, her face showing a small blush as she uncovers her face. “I mean, even if you look more bookish, you gave me a rough time in just a race! I can’t wait to see the other cool stuff you can do!”

“I’m not to sure…” Aileen starts

“Don’t force her Rainbow.” Sunset frowns. “She’s allowed to do whatever she wants. If she hates sports then she hates them, just because she’s good at running doesn’t mean she has to be apart of sports.” She explains, glaring at Rainbow.

“It’s not that I hate them, it’s that the only one I’ve ever played requires the Warframes. One of our few non lethal pastimes.” Aileen says, trying to reassure Rainbow, who just shrugs and looks away, Pinkie having a knowing giggle.

“Alright.” Sunset nods and crossing her arms.

“This park is quite lovely though.” Aileen says, looking around at the near empty park.

“There’s normally people here honestly.” Rarity points out.

“Well either way.” Sunset shrugs. “Today we have the park all to ourselves.”

“Well, ahm not complanin, reminds me of the farm when the cores are all handled.” AJ says, putting her hat over her eyes and laying back. Aileen let out a sigh of relief as she sat in a meditative stance, controlling her breathing.

”I know Rainbow always subconsciously spills out magic...but with how controlled Aileen is with her powers…” Sunset thinks to herself worriedly, not sure what to think about Aileen besides her magic...and the nagging thought about peaceful she looked. ”I mean she is pretty…” The former unicorn thinks to herself, just pointing it out to herself before laying down in the grass and looking at the clouds passing lazily by.

The rest of the group get into similar positions, all relaxing and just listening to the wind pass through the trees, enjoying eachother’s company in silence….besides Pinkie Pie’s headset making a white noise of her music. Surprisingly, it was Aileen who broke the silence with a sigh. “Took me to travel beyond the fold and into a entirely new system to finally find peace of mind.” She says with a soft smile.

“And you just jinxed it.” Sunset laughs. “But don’t worry, you're in a good place with good people.”

“If you six are anything to go by, I believe it.” Aileen says as she stretched, her back popping slightly as she did so. “So, anything else planned today?”

“Not really.” Sunset shrugs.

“I don’t have to help the animals today.” Fluttershy says honestly. “I normally work all day with them, but they told me to take a break.” She says, not knowing that they wanted her to take a break because they both feared she might get sick working too hard or run them out of a job with how good she is with animals.

“We do have to go to my shop to get your measurements darling, but other than that I don’t have anything planned besides making your dress.” Rarity says

“Ah completed my chores for th’ day, so AH don’t have anythin planned sugarcube.”

“I only wanted to race you, see if you were up to my level.” Rainbow says off handedly, her blush mostly gone. Mostly.

“Ooo Ooo! We still need to have you a party! I already invited quite a few people, and I’m totally sure you’re going to like it!” Pinkie says ensusicasticly.

“Oh yeah there’s that.” Sunset says honestly. “Well what time is the party again Pinkie?”

“Don’t worry silly, it begins at six o’clock pm! It’s only noon!” Pinkie says as Rarities eyes go to pinprick at the lack of time.

“Noon!” Rarity yelps. “That’s only six hours!” She says, getting up quickly. “Oh no, oh no. Aileen, come with me! We have so much work to do!” She says quickly, grabbing Aileen’s hand and practically dragging her to her Boutique.

“Rarity!” Sunset shouts, getting up and rushing after the teen dragging the poor alien, the other girls in tow.

The arive to Aileen’s waist and breasts being measured my Rarity, a hot blush on Aileen’s face as Rainbow silently thanks herself for being in the back. “Is-is this really necessary?” Aileen says

“Yes darling, this is completely necessary.” Rarity says while jotting down her breast size. “A D cup huh? That’s going to make things a tad more difficult…” She mutters, continuing to get more measurements.

“D!?!” Sunset shouts, her face turning beat red at hearing that. “Damn, that’s pretty big…” She mutters, looking down at her own C cup breasts. “Oi vey…” She mutters, scratching her head at actually almost feeling bad that Aileen had a bigger bust then her.

Pinkie giggled. “Hehe, your funbags are almost as big as mine!” She says, it being apparent where all the sweets go as she bounces constantly.

“Oh my god Pinkie.” Sunset groans, facepalming as literal steam starts billowing out of Sunset’s head, either from embarrassment at the lewd comment or the thought of seeing both girls bare breasts crossing her mind was way beyond her at this point.

Rainbow was not much better as she covered her own B cups, her athletic lifestyle not blessing her proportionally as a blush covers her face almost as much as Sunset. “C-Come on Sunset, with Pinkie’s DDs, we should be used to i-it by now.” She says with some sense of control.

“I should have been used to it the second or third time she accidentally brought my face there in one of her ‘special hugs’.” Sunset mutters, shaking her head. “God these friends of mine…”

“I’m trying to concentrate darlings. Talking about breasts is all fine and dandy but I’m trying to find a good-” Rarity starts before gasping. “Idea~!” She says in a sing song tone, before the group see the tailor bolt off as fast as Rainbow towards a section of her boutique.

“Also yes Aileen…” Sunset sighs out, rubbing her temples bitterly. “She does this…”

“Just be glad you guys showed up after she measured my waist…” Aileen says embarrassed.

“Should I even take a guess at how big it is?” Sunset asks.

Before Aileen could respond Rarity popped back out. “If you must know, her hips are forty two and a half inches while her waist is twenty eight.” Rarity says before going back in and starting to tailor like a champ.

“Wow…” Sunset mutters. “You are quite lucky my friend.”

“Kill me now…” The embarrassed Tenno says into her hands.

“Well…” Sunset says, taking a few steps over and patting her shoulder. “It’s alright...not the first time she’s spouted out our…’dimensions’.” Sunset says nervously. “If it makes you feel any better I can tell you mine.”

“C cup with thirty six hips darling!” Rarity calls out quickly, causing Sunset to blush.

“I said I’d tell her Rarity.” Sunset calls out bitterly.

Rainbow laughs at Sunset’s expense before Rarity calls out. “And for being uncouth, Rainbow is a B with 28 hips.” Rainbow shuts up quickly and sulks.

“Ooh ooh! Me next!” Pinkie cheers.

“Pinkie~.” Sunset groans.

“DD with forty seven hips deary!” Rarity snaps out like it was nothing.

“Ah’m just gonna walk on-”

“BB with thirty five hips Applejack, no need to be embarrassed!” Rarity calls out, the sound of her sewing machine going off as she starts working her magic.

“Oh….my…” Fluttershy mutters, hiding behind her hair as her entire body is practically red at this point.

“Fluttershy dear, did you need help with your homework? If I remember you had two C’s recently. Also, how are those thirty six hens you had a while back?” Rarity says, the rest of the girls catching the code while Fluttershy doesn’t get it.

“Uhmm…..Rarity...you know I get B’s in all my classes….and we never got thirty six hens in the shelter?” Fluttershy explains, her focus now on the confusing questions.

“Oh nevermind deary, it must have been a dream last night.” Rarity calls out, the rest knowing that’s a load of crap. “And since it wouldn’t be lady like to just disclose all this information without saying my own, I have a C cup with thirty four hips.” Rarity says nonchalantly.

“Never thought you’d hear that today did you?” Sunset asks Aileen nervously.

“No, no I didn’t.” Aileen says, her head still buried in her hands from sheer embarrassment.

“Don’t worry...it’ll only get weirder.” Sunset says, shaking her head before suddenly starting to giggle, before full blown laughing at this entire absurd situation they all ended on. With the exception of Rarity, who was busy working on something, the rest of them start to join in, breaking the tension. “Oh...Oh sweet god that was hilarious.” She giggles, wiping a tear away.

“It- it was kinda funny.” Aileen giggles, years of training and war chiping away, bringing back the Teenager instead of the Tenno. “I needed that.”

“I think we all needed that.” Sunset chuckles.

“I mean...after Rarity told everyone there...sizes.” Fluttershy says sheepishly.

“Ah know what you mean sugarcube, but ah guess it’s alright. Long as no one outside this here shop gets told, Ah don’t see the issue in letting you girls know what ahm packing.” Aj says a smile still on her face.

“Besides, now I’m not the only ‘big girl’ in the group! Best. Day. EVER!!!” Pinkie shouts happily.

“Yeah well, the only reason the rest of you are bigger is because I’m a athlete. If you all saw my mom now that she’s mellowed out...you’ll see what I mean.” Rainbow says with her head turned and a blush on her face.

“I don’t want to know about what you and your dad do ‘after hours’.” Sunset rolls her eyes. “But...wait, who are your parents Dash? I kind of thought you had parents but I didn’t know that you actually had parents.”

“Y-yeah well, my Dad is that old olympic runner Blitz. He was cool until some ass broke his leg, and my mom used to be into gymnastics but stopped once she had me.” Rainbow says nonchalantly.

“Wait really?” Sunset asks, remembering when she looked up old olympic runners when she was studying up on her friends when she was an asshole. “I kind of thought he was your idol...not your actual dad...well I suppose that makes sense given how fast you are.”

“Yeah well, My mom is the reason I have my fight. Yeah she did Gymnastics, but that was when she met my dad. She also did many martial arts and even won a tournament once.” Rainbow says proudly.

“Rather impressive…Add on your massive amounts of energy you practically bleed, and it’s no wonder you are who you are.” Aileen says informatively, seeing the pure rainbow colored energy practically oozing out of Rainbow Dash’s Oro.

“You see it too huh?” Sunset says, the magician's eyes glowing slightly and seeing the ambient magic of her friends.

Aileen nods before blinking, her eyes still glowing, but no longer seeing Rainbow’s Oro. “Anyways, it’s no wonder you are as talented as you are Rainbow, everything kinda makes you who you are.” Aileen says before looking at where Rarity left. “What are you working on Rarity? You had an idea and disappeared.”

Rarity didn’t answer, and a solid twenty minutes later Rarity brought out a very nice pair of bluish grey pants and a grey T-shirt, where the Lotus symbol was stamped above Aileen’s left breast, where her heart would be, and a big, more flourished detail of the lotus symbol on the back. “Try them on deary.” She smiles, handing them to the teen happily. “I’m sorry it was a rush job, but I think the colors suit you...my idea is going to take a lot longer than that but...hopefully that’ll help you out darling.”

“Thank you.” Aileen says with a bow, taking the clothes and walking into a changing room, leaving the girls a chance to talk.

“So…” Sunset starts. “Who else is excited for the party?” Sunset asks curiously.

“I am! I am!” Pinkie shouts happily. “I even invited Vice Principal Luna and Principal Celestia!”

“I just can’t wait to get the party started! I mean, come on, Pinkie’s parties are the best!” Rainbow dash says, leaning on a wall.

“They are.” Sunset agrees.

“Well it would get me relaxed and ready for Aileen’s new dress.” Rarity says honestly.

“Ah won’t be able to stay all night, but ah would love to be a part of the festivities.” Aj says apologetically.

“It’s alright AJ, we all can’t stay up all night for Pinkie’s parties.” Sunset shrugs.

“I’m sure it’ll be fun.” Fluttershy says with a smile.

Aileen sticks her head out, another embarrassed blush on her face. “Uh….uhm….anyone have a spare D cup bra? I forgot my suit had one pre built into it.”

“That’s nifty.” Sunset points out.

“Yes darling. I’m sorry I forgot about bringing it out.” Rarity sighs out, going back to where she was, walking over to Aileen with a purple colored D cup bra and a pair of panties. “Sorry. Just...feel a little rushed is all.” Rarity says sheepishly, nervous about having to be so rushed to make clothes.

“It’s okay Rarity, you’re already being too generous, don’t tear out your hair trying to help.” Aileen says, taking the clothes before disappearing back into the changing room.

“Alright darling. But everything I made there is specifically made to your specifications, down to the micrometer.” Rarity explains.

“Wow...You went to that lengths for me?” Aileen asks as she starts to put on the clothes.

“I go to those lengths with all the clothes I make darling.” Rarity says. “My prices are fair and I always make sure that the clothes I make are top notch, no matter who I make them for.” She explains. “But don’t worry deary, these clothes and dress I’m going to make for you are free. You’ve given me a gift of new materials to work with, and as a show of thanks and as a good show of friendship they’ll all be free of charge.” She explains happily.

“And if you ever need more of it, just ask.” Aileen calls out as she walks out, the shirt fitting firm, but not too much, same with the pants as Aileen walks out bare foot and circles. “Not bad in a short time!”

“How does it feel darling?” Rarity asks.

“Its comfy, not too tight that I feel like I’m going to burst, but not so loose that I look fat. They are the best clothes I’ve worn...in a long time.” Aileen responds.

“I’m glad to hear that darling.” The fashionista says with a warm smile. “And just wait till you see your dress, it will just look amazing.” She says in a sing song tone, already super happy about the idea she drew up.

After doing a quick stop to a shoe store, the girls all begin to walk back to Sugarcube Corner. “Thanks again girls. This has been...honestly fun.” Aileen says, her running shoes fitting snugly on her feet.

“It was fun.” Sunset nods.

“This was an enjoyable day.” Rarity agrees.

“It was nice.” Fluttershy agreed.

“More like awesome!” Rainbow agrees

“Ah agree, today was a good day if I do say so mahself.”

“Who are those guys?” Pinkie points out before a guy in an alley grabs her and drags her in.

“Pinkie!” Sunset yelps, rushing over towards the jack wipe that drug her there. The rest of the girls follow, save for Aileen whose eyes go cold and hard again.

As the girls run into the alley, they quickly learn their mistake as a group of other thugs, armed with a assortment of weapons close around them. The one holding a teary eyed pinkie by the throat holds a gun to her head. “Look at who decided to join us, more hot bitches with too much money!” The creep says with a laugh.

“What!?” Sunset barks, clenching her fists together as her eyes glowed a dangerous red, but only her friends could see it. “Give us back our friend or so help me I will-”

“You think I’m threatened by you five?” He says with a laugh as the girls realize Aileen is nowhere to be seen, not even at the entrance to the alley. “Now, take out your wallets and toss them down, and your friend here doesn’t get hurt.”

Sunset grit her teeth, rage billowing out of her even if her internal magic couldn’t let her do half of her spells and the ambient magic in this world amounted to a drop of water in a desert. ”Fuck…” She growls, moving her hand down slowly and carefully, making the guy think she was going for her wallet. ”Please Aileen...if you're not here...please help me out…” She mentally pleads before grabbing the hilt of her knife and pulling it out. Rainbow followed suit, drawing her sword as the thug rolls his eyes.

“First off, WHO MISSED THE BLACK AND BLUE GLOWING SWORD?!” He yells to his companions before turning to Sunset and cocking the pistol. “And second, you take one step, and I blow her brains out. Shame too, she has such a nice body, and it would be wasted because of you.” He says as Pinkie starts to get a panicked look in her eyes, her normally bouncy hair deflated in her fear.

Sunset growled, wanting to make this bastard pay for even daring to threaten this on Pinkie, but knowing she was powerless to do anything. ”If only I had my magic….damn this magicless world! You’d think this place would already be oozing magic like Equestria but I guess FUCKING NOT!” She mentally roars in her mind. “Please...just let her go…” Sunset says, still staring at the bastard and her eyes filled with rage towards him and his ‘followers’.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear. Maybe if your money was out of your pockets and on the ground along with you weapons, I could hear better.” He says as he presses the gun harder against Pinkie’s head, tears streaming down her eyes.

“Aileen...where are you?” Sunset mutters, taking a deep breath and bringing herself to the decision. “Rainbow...lay down your weapon…” Sunset says, wish to do something but not being able to.

“What, are you insane?!” Rainbow yells as the thugs all get a smirk, a few chuckling at the looks of the Teens.

“No…” Sunset says to Rainbow. “Pride means jack shit if my friends are hurt.” She says, putting down the knife and fishing for her wallet. “Alright jackass, how about you give us back our friend and then will give you the money.” She frowns, not wanting Pinkie to be hurt.

“You don’t seem to understand your situation, you are in no place for demands. All of you, drop your wallets, then we’ll see about the girl here.” The thug says with a smirk. Rainbow growls and throws down her sword and wallet, Fluttershy and Rarity gently setting them down, each crying as Sunset is now the only one with her wallet still in her hand.

“You don’t give us what we want, I won’t give you want you want.” Sunset frowns. “Seems only fair, considering your nothing but a low life prick who thinks he’s better than everyone because he has a gun.” Sunset shakes her head. “And here I thought your mother taught you better.”

He growls and, after throwing Pinkie to one of his other goons with a gun, goes to pistol whip Sunset when his hand is caught from the back, glowing cyan, purple and green eyes scaring every thug at first until they see the figures body. A few dog whistle as the main thug growls again and goes to backhand the girl, who moved out of the way easily. Aileen’s voice called out quietly, coldly, sending shudders through Sunset. “Too slow.”

Aileen ducked under the back hand sweeping the thugs legs and grabbing the pistol out of his hands. “The safety was on…” Aileen said coldly. After turning the safety off with a fluid motion, she jumped over him, shooting both his knees with the gun before the other thugs tries to gang up on her. Sunset roared in rage before grabbing one of the thugs and ramming her fist into the thugs stomach with all her might, causing him to buckle over and gasp for air, Rainbow grabbing another and ramming her knee to another thugs face rather quickly as Applejack stayed close to both Rarity and Fluttershy.

Aileen stared blankly at the other four running at her before channeling pure void energy into her hand and firing a beam of it though two of their shoulders, causing them to fall over in unimaginable pain. She jumped over another, unloading the rest of the gun into his back before landing onto the wall, void linking her and the wall before she dived down in front of Sunset, grabbing the dagger and spinning, the dagger coming to rest against the throat of the final thug standing. Aileen looks into his eyes, the man panicking and breathing rapidly just by Aileen’s eyes alone. “Honorless thieves. You first used a hostage, then stole what was not rightfully yours. And do not lie, I know after they were to give you the money, you would use my friends for your own sick pleasures before hooking up with a slave trade. Of course, after you had broken them in. The price of you and your accomplices actions: Death.” Aileen said coldly, no hint of even anger in her voice, just cold and empty.

“Stop!” Sunset shouts.

“Please...I...I don’t want to die…” The thug starts crying. “I...we weren’t going to do that...that’s...that’s just horrible…” He mutters, going limp in her grip and just sobbing at how his ‘boss’ literally did the worst thing possible.

“Aileen please, let him go.” Sunset says gently, hoping she won’t go through with this.

“You would let go a man, who not only wronged you, but threatened the lives of your friends? A man with no honor, just lies and death?” AIleen asks, turning to Sunset as Sunset finally sees Aileens eyes, so see the maelstrom in her eyes despite being blank.

“You said yourself, they had the safety on.” Sunset says. “They used it as a fear tactic...but did they want to harm us? Most likely...but death…” Sunset says, shaking her head. “That’s not right…”

“Please…” The thug mutters. “We weren’t going to harm anyone...at least, all of us, our ‘boss’....” He mutters, the thug looking and acting more like he was forced into acting the part then of his own volition, and even Sunset, who could see past the Siren’s bullshit, could tell he was telling the truth.

Aileen looked back at the man before saying. “You will meet me at the edge of the everfree next week. You will come alone. And you will help me take down your gang. Understood?” She said, her voice not changing even an octave as she stares down the thug.

“Y-yes…” He says, nodding his head vigorously. “Please...I’m sorry...I...I didn’t know he would go that far…” He mutters, looking down and away from her eyes as he felt like he’d still die today.

“Go. Take any who you think to be innocent with you, before I change my mind.” Aileen says, retracting the knife from his neck but still looking at him unblinking.

The thug nodded, before helping the two guys that got punched and kneed in the stomachs and looked at the others, before shaking his head and the three of them ran away in fear.

“Good lord…” Sunset mutters. Sunset looked over and was shocked to suddenly see Pinkie try to tackle the solid as a rock tenno as the teen cried into her, holding her close and just bawling her eyes out.

That snapped Aleen out of it as suddenly life reentered her eyes. She hugged the teen crying into her chest. “It’s okay Pinkie, it’s over. They won't hurt you any more.” Aileen says as she starts to lead the group away from the few dead and wounded left in the dirty alley, only stopping to pick up their wallets and weapons.

“You...could have warned us that you were there…” Sunset mutters, grabbing her wallet and then giving the wallets to the others. “We...thought you left us…”

Aileen looked a little hurt as she rubbed Pinkie’s back. “I would never leave you all...But I smelt a trap a mile away. I need you to trigger the trap so I knew their numbers, and then when you and Rainbow drew your weapons, I waited to see how you would act.” Aileen explained as Pinkie’s cries just became snobs. “I am both proud and disappointed however. I am Disappointed you didn’t think of a way to take them out without needing to surrender. Throwing your knife at the leader would have freed Pinkie and given the others enough time to take out the others.” Aileen smiled before saying. “I am proud however that you put pride aside for Pinkie. That alone removes any doubt I had left about you all.”

“I thought of throwing it...but I didn’t really trust my throwing skills.” Sunset sighs out. “But...at least we’re all right.”

“That you are...come on, let’s get out of here and to Sugarcube Corner.” Aileen says as she and the others start to walk down the street, Pinkie refusing to let of of Aileen the entire time.

Sunset stayed close to Aileen and Pinkie, putting her knife back where it was as they all headed to the bakery, Aileen noting how Sunset felt useless and looking away from both Aileen and Pinkie. “Sunset.” Aileen says, trying to get the girl’s attention. “You did good. You all did for a couple of untrained, inexperienced people, you did better than I would have staring down at a guy with a gun.”

“If I noticed the safety I would have beaten the shit out of the bastard.” Sunset growls. “But...thank you I suppose…” She sighs out. “Let’s...just try to forget this terrible experience…”

“Can I drown in ice cream now?” Rarity asks bitterly.

“When the party happens.” Sunset starts. “That’s a good time when an ass load of sweets is going to appear.”

“Damn it. I wish I did more to that ass hat who laid a hand on Pinkie!” Rainbow growls and Applejack just nods in agreement.

“We all wish we could have done more. But one of his ‘buddies’ are dead, he has no working legs, and he’s probably rethinking about life now that a girl kicked his ass.” Sunset explains.

“A g-girl who has super powers!” Pinkie says, a little bit of poof returning to her hair as she hugs Aileen tighter.

“Technically you have super powers to Pinkie...you just tend to be random with how you use them.” Sunset chuckles. “I mean seriously, who else can pull a full blown canon that shoots a perfectly good party from absolutely nowhere a majority of the time?”

“O-only me, th-the one and only Pinkie!” She says, a small smile now on her face.

“Who can literally run faster than a race car just to invite people to a party after just meeting a person?” Sunset continues.

“Me!” She says, smiling more now as she still hugs Aileen like a shield.

“Who can probably eat the entirety of Sugarcube Corner if it actually was a Gingerbread house?” Sunset asks, getting a growing smile on her face.

“Me!!!” Pinkie says, defying grazity as she jumps up before slowly coming down to just hug Aileen normally.

“There’s the Pinkie we all know and love.” Sunset chuckles. “No need to see you all doom and gloom, we need you to be happy and energetic, especially for the party that’s coming up.”

“You're right!” Pinkie giggled before sighing and leaning on me “But….for now I just want to be with you all….” She said as the Cakes walked by to get our orders.

“Yeah...it would be good to spend time with friends.” Sunset nods.

“Let’s...hope that doesn’t happen again.” Fluttershy says worriedly.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, after your Charger hatches, no one will want to threaten you like that again.” Aileen says with a small smile. “Besides, one of us will always be here for you.”

“Yeah, and hopefully when we get to training we’ll be able to protect all of you better.” Sunset says with a smile.

“Ah say we all talk bout somethin more pleasant. It’s starting to get late, I’d say we have about a hour before the party.” AJ says.

“So Aileen...have any preferences in people?” Sunset asks curiously, trying to distract people with a silly question.

Aileen blushes a bit “W-why do you ask?” She stutters out at Sunset’s question.

“Because your hot, Pinkie is clinging to you like your the greatest person in the world, which might just be because you saved our lives, and we barely know anything about you on a more...personal level.” Sunset says honestly.

“O-oh. Well...I look at personality more than gender, though I do find both girls and guys hot.” She admits, too busy looking at Sunset to notice Pinkie grin wider.

“Well...that’s good to hear.” Sunset nods, seeing Pinkie’s wide grin. ”Should I actually think about Aileen like that?” Sunset thinks to herself, still having the thoughts of how attractive and happy Aileen normally is, but the scarier thoughts of her magic and her ‘attack mode’ was worrying her.

“I...I guess I should ask you all as well. Any preferences or are you a wait and see kind of girl?” Aileen asks the group.

“Personality mostly for me, I like both male and females, but kind of hope for a female.” Sunset shrugs.

“I want a kind and strong man in my life.” Rarity smiles.

“Oh...uh...what Sunset said…” Fluttershy says nervously, hiding behind her hair again.

“I don’t like guys, they think too much with their parts, not their hearts.” Rainbow says as she tries not to make eye contact with Aileen.

“Ah don’t rightly know. I guess I’m waitin.” Aj says after a moment of thought.

“And I don’t care, as long as we both are happy we can love each other no matter the gender!” Pinkie giggles as Aileen is too deep in thought to notice how much Pinkie is pressing against her.

“I have something else, one more detail I should say of my past. Maybe...maybe it would help explain to you girls why I was so cruel back there.” Aileen says with a sigh.

“It’s up to you if you want to tell us.” Sunset says carefully. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“I want to tell it.” Aileen says and takes a deep breath. “The Orokin never accepted us. We didn’t fit into the image of their perfect empire, so they called us demons. The fear of our powers didn’t help as it drove them to treat us as nothing less. Every single Tenno was called Demon….except me. I actively rebelled against them often, kept strong even as they experimented with no numbing agents. And because of that, the others looked up to me. The Orokin...one of their experiments involved putting even more void in our bodies. I was the first one they called up to the experiment, if anything to try and shatter moral when I died. I lived, and had even more of the power they feared. Thus they named me Archdemon. The extra void in me, not being directly from the source, started to weigh on my psyche. Every time I would start a battle, the void would boost my adrenaline while clearing my head of all emotion. The others lost their beacon of hope, and instead gained a monster to fight for them.” Aileen said, looking at the others around the table. “Without a warframe, I am the strongest Tenno alive, but at a cost of my mind.”

“So...that’s why…” Sunset mutters. “That’s...terrible…”

“It is, but the Orokin got theirs...I saw to that.” Aileen says as she takes a sip of her lemonade she has.

“Oh...well...that was...probably horrific.” Sunset says worriedly.

“Nothing you need to worry about.” Aileen says as Pinkie hugs her tighter.

“Come on, cheer up! Those meanies aren't here to bother you, let's just have fun!” Pinkie says, bringing a smile to Aileen’s face.

“True.” Sunset nods. “So...were you born with those sizes or what?”

“My body is all natural if that’s what you're asking...all but one thing that’s missing but that's it.” Aileen answers.

“One thing missing?” Fluttershy asks, confusion blatant in her voice and expression.

“I wouldn’t ask Fluttershy...I think those...tests involved something important she doesn’t want to talk about.” Sunset says to her.

“It...it is a memory and thought I don't want to go down just yet...eventually, but not now.” Aileen said, her voice shaky.

Sunset puts a hand on Aileen’s shoulder gently. “We’re here for you. Whenever you want to talk you can talk.” She explains with a gentle smile. “But...want to talk about something that’s not depressing?”

“S-so….what do you guys do on your free time?” Aileen asks, trying to control her breathing.

“Basically what we did before...bad things happened.” Sunset shrugs. “Eat here, go out on walks, enjoy our time together.” Sunset says honestly. “And...you can join us in our happy times.”

“I’d like that.” Aileen says with a smile as all the others smile at her.

How much longer will you fight me kid? Watch it~