• Published 14th Oct 2014
  • 1,847 Views, 76 Comments

Love and Punderstanding - Jonesly

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26. Cheaters

It was late at night in Canterlot. Strike that, late at night was about three hours ago. This night in Canterlot had gone right beyond late and was bordering on just being early early morning. In a room in the palace, eight mares were having a traditional gathering. A sleepover. Games had been played, drinks had been drunk, and much giggling was had. Talk had turned, as it inevitably does in the presence of the Princess of the Crystal Empire, to the topic of love.

“I'm still gonna get sloppy makeouts before you do Tia. Remember the bet? I am so going to get that National Holiday before you do.” Luna was grinning maniacally. “I think I shall call it, 'The Moon Rules, the Sun Drools' day.”

Pinkie Pie giggled.

“Now hold on there pardner,” Applejack said, “You bet a national holiday on who would get a make out session first?”

“Never mind that, darling. I think we should be focused on the fact that you made a bet on your love lives?” Rarity asked. “Isn't that a might... unrefined?”

“Doesn't matter, because Tia's gonna looo-oose, Tia's gonna looo-ooose.” Luna chanted in a sing-song.

Celestia narrowed her eyes at her sister.“Ok, fine,” She turned to her side, “Twilight Sparkle. I hereby, as your ruler and as controller of the sun, order you to make kissy faces with me. If we do not commence with kissy kissy, I fear the sun may not come up tomorrow.”

Twilight blushed, then grinned. “If I must, oh great and wise ruler. I shall make this sacrifice for the good of all ponykind. Let us away to your budoir. To make with the kissy facing.”

“But.. but... THAT'S CHEATING!” Luna wailed.

“Just because you didn't think of it first.” Celestia stuck her tongue out at her sister.

Twilight and Celestia vanished in a flash of light, leaving the rest of the group in a somewhat stunned silence.

“Lousy bunch of cheaters,” Luna grumbled to herself. She looked around at the remaining group. “Fine, anyone here want to go make out?”

Blushing, the girls glanced around nervously. Then from the back came a small voice, “I do, umm, that is, if you don't mind?”

“Works for me!” Luna said, and vanished in another flash of light, taking Fluttershy with her.

The remaining five mares looked at each other in confusion. “Welp,” Applejack drawled, “That was certainly a thing that happened."