• Published 14th Oct 2014
  • 1,848 Views, 76 Comments

Love and Punderstanding - Jonesly

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24. Winter

Through the snow, Twilight Sparkle approached a cabin, firewood wrapped in a magenta glow floating behind her. The homey little vacation cabin was situated on the shores of an alpine lake in the hills north of Vanhoover and was billed as the ultimate in winter getaways. It was definitely a getaway. It had taken Twilight and Tia almost two full days of flight to get there. When they had arrived the cabin had been fully stocked with all the essentials of a wonderful winter vacation, namely, plenty of chopped wood for the fire and an almost infinite amount of hot chocolate.

“Brrr, it's cold outside.” Twilight Sparkle trotted into the cabin, shaking snow off of her fur. “It's not even funny how hard it's coming down out there.” As she entered, she was hit with a comfortable warmth. She smiled at the fire crackling in the hearth, glad that Tia had stayed behind to settle in. She smiled even wider when she saw the white pony settled on top of the cushions in front of the fire. Celestia was staring into the flames, a slight smile on her face and a far off look in her eyes. Walking over Twi nudged her fiance. “Hey, whatcha doin there?”

Tia looked up with a start. “What? Oh, you're back. Welcome back Twilight.” She indicated a spot next to her. “Would you care to join me?”

“I would love to.” Twilight settled in next to Celestia. “Now, why don't you tell me where you've gone.”

Celestia glanced at her, then went back to contemplating the flickering flames. “What makes you think I've gone somewhere?”

“Two things. One, I came in and gave you the perfect setup for a pun. You didn't even notice I'd come in. Two, I know you and your eyes are telling me that you've gone on a journey. Please, take me along with you.” Twilight smiled gently.

“I'm Ok, I promise. I was just remembering a time long, long ago,” Celestia sighed, “Winter just brings back memories of both a happier and sadder time. People long gone and forgotten by everyone but me.”

Twilight leaned into her. “You know, when I was younger I used to wonder why we even bothered with winter. I mean, it's such a hassle to run and even more of a hassle to clean up after it.”

Celestia wrapped a wing around Twi. “Winter is the most important season of all Twilight. Coming at the end of the year, the trees and plants go into a slumber. It's almost like they die. We the living suffer through these cold, empty months with nothing but each other and the hope that spring will come again.”

Twilight nodded. “I like that, but I can't help but notice a slightly morbid tone to that statement. Are you missing someone in particular?”

Celestia nodded. “Her name was Aurora Morningstar.”

“Morningstar? Another sister?” Twilight asked.

Celestia shook her head, tears starting to fall from her eyes, “My daughter,” she whispered.