• Published 14th Oct 2014
  • 1,845 Views, 76 Comments

Love and Punderstanding - Jonesly

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13. Plpppptttthhphthhh

Twilight Sparkle, unicorn, stared in disbelief at her teacher. “You said what now?”

“I said that you are dismissed. As my student. From this day forward you are no longer my student.” Celestia was looking down coldly on Twilight Sparkle from her throne on high. “You fail. I will not keep such a pony as you in my service. In fact, I would prefer you to leave Canterlot entirely. If you are still within the city by the end of the day, I will declare you guilty of treason. Sunset is in twenty minutes, I suggest you run.”

Twilight ran. She sprinted through the palace and into the streets of Canterlot. The sun started sinking towards the horizon and she felt panic rising in her chest. She ran for the gates of the city. As she ran, however, the gates receded into the distance. No matter how hard she pushed herself, she made no progress to leaving the city.

The sun dropped below the horizon. Twilight collapsed to the ground and look up at the palace. Celestia was standing on a balcony staring down at her. “TWILIGHT SPARKLE,” Celestia spoke in the Royal Canterlot Voice, “YOU ARE A TRAITOR. I HEREBY DECLARE YOUR PUNISHMENT TO BE BANISHMENT. TO THE MOON. THERE TO BE IMPRISONED IN A CELL. ON THE MOON. WHERE I BANISH YOU.” Her horn glowed, forming a ball of light which started moving downwards.

Twilight cowered on the ground, covering her head, waiting for her punishment, feeling the heat from the enraged Sun beating down on her when... she woke up with a gasp and a scream.

“Mmmph, widja whatsit?” A groggy voice from beside her asked. “What's going on?”

Twilight Sparkle, alicorn, sat up in her bed, eyes wide in panic and panting shallowly, stared at the white alicorn to her side.

Celestia sat up as well, grogginess quickly being replaced by concern on her features. “Nightmare?” she asked.

Twilight nodded, still panting, she gasped, “Variant 14.”

“I will say it again, love. I would NEVER have dismissed you.” Tia pulled Twilight into a hug. “The best choice I've made in my entire life was taking you on as a student. The second best was asking you out. I love you now more then ever.” Tia worked on calming her love. Seeing that panicked look on Twilight's face not calming she decided on drastic measures.

She moved her face in close to Twilight's. “Trust me.” She moved down Twilight's neck towards the base of her wings. Then she leaned in close and aiming for a sensitive spot at the base of the wing...

“Plpppptttthhphthhh.” She blew a raspberry. Previous exploration of Twilight had lead to the discovery that she was very ticklish here. Twilight burst into laughter. Tia kept it up until she was sure that she had broken the panic. Then she sat back and waited for Twilight to catch her breath.

“Better?” Twilight nodded, “Then go back to sleep. I'm here and I'm not leaving.” Tia started softly humming a lullaby she'd sung often over the years. Twilight succumbed to her exhaustion, slowly falling into a, thankfully, dreamless sleep.

Tia did not sleep for a long while. “Twilight Sparkle, soon to be Twilight Sparkle Morningstar, I swear, upon my honor, my love and my power, though you may be troubled now, the Nightmare shall not have you. This is my sacred oath, may Heaven be my witness.” High above Canterlot a star flashed golden red.