• Published 13th May 2014
  • 1,145 Views, 31 Comments

A String Wedding - BlazzingInferno

Pinkie's planning Octavia's wedding and, so help her, it's going to be perfect

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Key Change

Octavia ran a hoof over the smooth white fabric of her dress. She turned in a slow circle in front of the full length mirrors, admiring every stitch and seam. She could finally believe it; the whole idea of ‘getting married’ wasn’t just some nebulous plan for a far away date. It was real, and it was going to happen in just a few hours.

“This really is an exquisite dress, Rarity, it’s like something out a fairy tale.”

Rarity looked up from her sewing table, where she was adjusting the veil. “Oh, thank you darling, I wouldn’t want you to think any less of your wedding ensemble. I’ll admit I had to restrain my creative vision slightly to stay on budget, but of course a wedding gown is only worn once; it doesn’t need to be the sturdiest of things.”

Fluttershy looked over Rarity’s other creations, from the veil to the train to the best mare’s dress, and sighed happily. “It’s going to be a beautiful wedding.”

Octavia nodded. “I just hope it’s what everypony wants.”

“All that matters is what you want, Octavia.”

“If only it was that simple.”

The veil floated through the air in an aura of blue light and set itself on her head. Rarity trotted over and held up a mirror for her.

“Of course it’s that simple, darling. You and Concerto are getting married, all your friends and family will be there, including all your new friends from Ponyville.”

“I know. This is going to sound weird, but it’s almost more than I wanted.”

“However do you mean?”

“It’s hard to explain… I play the cello in the Canterlot Orchestra. It’s a wonderful feeling, being part of that beautiful music. When the performance is over it’s just as wonderful to put the cello away and just have quiet time with my special somepony or my friends. Sometimes we play music of our own, but that’s just for us. Between the dress, and the food, and the ceremony with Princess Twilight… it’s starting to feel less like special romantic moment and more like another performance for the audience.”

Rarity circled her to inspect her work. “I do see what you mean, but can’t you relish that moment in the spotlight? This isn’t just an orchestra performance. You’re the bride, the mare everyone came to see; Concerto included. There’s precious few moments when everypony you know gathers together just to wish you the very best.”

“I guess I can’t argue with that.”

Fluttershy hovered in the air to stay out of Rarity’s way. “Oh, where’s the honeymoon? If you don’t mind my asking, that is.”

“I’m letting Concerto plan it, but it’s going to have to wait. There’s a big party at Canterlot Castle tomorrow morning and the two of us are part of the musical ensemble. We’re hopping on the early morning train and going directly there. Our instruments are sitting in Applejack’s barn right now so we can make a speedy exit after the reception.”

“Oh, it’s too bad you have to rush back to work after such a magical day.”

“This gig is paying for the honeymoon, it’ll definitely be magic.” Octavia winked and Fluttershy blushed.

The boutique’s front door flew open and Spike ran inside. “Rarity… Octavia…”

He put his hands on his knees and panted. Rarity trotted into the kitchen and returned with a glass of water floating next to her. “Spike, dear, whatever is the matter? You didn’t bring Concerto along did you? It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony.”

Spike accepted the glass and eventually caught his breath. “Sorry, I ran the whole way. Concerto’s still across town with the Cakes. Octavia, a Pegasus Express letter just came for you. The envelope says extremely urgent.”

He held up a small white envelope covered with the aforementioned warning in bright red.

Octavia took the envelope and tore it open. “What could possibly be so important? This’d better not be about that next orchestra performance …”

She read the message, and then read it again.The letter trembled on her hoof and slipped off. She sat down on the floor and stared into space.

Rarity nudged her. “Breath dear, breath.”

She gasped and nodded. “Right, breath.”

Fluttershy retrieved the fallen letter and set it down in front of her. “What’s wrong, Octavia? What did the letter say?”

She glanced over at Rarity’s other major creation, the best mare’s dress. “Symphony’s not going to make it.”

Fluttershy gasped. “Your best mare? What happened?”

“She fell off the stage after a concert last night… broke her leg. She’ll be off her hooves for months.”

Octavia stared at the ground and let Rarity do the panicking for her.

“We have less than two hours, where can we find somepony new? What if the dress doesn’t go with her complexion? What if…”

Fluttershy looked just as worried, although her brand of panic was an even mix of Octavia’s despondent breath-holding and Rarity’s rapid fire questions. She cowered on the ground, chewed her front hooves and looked around for a good spot to hide. Instead of a hiding place she laid eyes on the now homeless dress had a strange idea.

“Um, what if… Octavia?”

Octavia took another gasping breath. “I’m going to faint if I keep doing that.”

“What if… oh never mind.”

“What is it, Fluttershy? Please just say something so I can focus.”

Fluttershy bit her lip and looked away. “What if… oh…”

Rarity grasped her by the shoulders. “Spit it out Fluttershy, we need ideas and we need them now.”

Fluttershy squeezed her eyes shut and spoke in one hurried breath. “What if you undid the machine stitch on both sides, used a top stitch to make wing holes, and I took Symphony’s place?”

She fell to the ground when Rarity’s hooves released her. A glance up showed two open-mouthed mares and one dragon staring down at her.

Octavia spoke first. “You’d… you’d do that for me, Fluttershy? We’ve only met a few times and I know you’re… well… shy.”

“I… I know how important this is to you Octavia. It’s important to all of us too, especially Pinkie. She hasn’t stopped talking about how everything has to be perfect since we met you.”

Octavia helped her up. “You six ponies really are the best of friends. I promise I’ll never forget–”

Rarity’s tape measure wound itself around Fluttershy’s middle. “Come come, no time to talk, we’ve got a dress to alter!”


Sweet Apple Acres was usually only this crowded during family reunions. Ponies from all over Equestria were milling around the reception area, a clear patch of land between the orchard and the barn. Pinkie’s special party touch could be seen everywhere, and nopony could deny that she’d turned a quaint farm setting into something extravagant.

Garlands, streamers, and balloons were strung in a continuous line from tree to tree. Huge white banners stretched from orchard to barn behind the stage, simultaneously providing shade for the seated guests on either side of the center aisle and bathing the aisle itself in an etherial glow. Every decoration showcased with Octavia and Concerto’s cutie marks; violet treble clefs and golden beamed eighth notes were everywhere. The banners blocking the sun projected the musical notes onto every surface.

Pinkie surveyed the scene from the edge of the barn and breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s perfect, just like I promised.”

Four ponies were playing some light jazz while the the guests mingled. In just a few minutes she’d give the signal and they’d switch to the traditional wedding march.

She turned to the barn’s interior, where Vinyl Scratch was preparing the other half of the musical entertainment. Her DJ booth was surrounded by speakers bigger than she was.

“Are you ready to party, Vinyl?”

The white unicorn flipped up her magenta sunglasses. “Are you kidding? I’ve been planning this since Tav got engaged! I’ve got remixes of all her favorite classics, plus some new stuff that’s really going to bust some heads.”

“And she’s okay with that, right?”

“Tav? Totally! That’s why she asked me to do the music. Once the dance gets started we’ll blow the lid off this barn.”

“Great, let’s get this wedding started!”