• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 2,039 Views, 28 Comments

To be an Invader - FaelaArts

Wormholes are often unpredictable, unless your an Irken that is. Zim was expecting the wormhole, what he wasn't expecting was Dib to get lucky and shoot him into it just as he shot Dib in. Stupid Dib.

  • ...

Those are not candy.

It’s a monster! Kill it with fire!”

Fire isn’t working! We’re doooomed!

As Zim grudgingly followed Dib around the corner, voices screamed as they fled past them. Around the clearing, various buildings were on fire and explosions still rocked the square. In the center of it, a single pony seemed to be holding a small robot in a purple shield of some design. Zim could see no switch or containment fields, and that made him have minor interest.

One of the Poenies was currently pointing a protrusion from her head at the shield, could that be the source of her power? Irken Pak's could allow levitation, along with personal shields, using devices hidden inside the Pak. It was possible this Poenie had done the same.

“What the Celestia is this thing!” The purple Poenie opened it’s mouth, revealing it had a feminine voice. Zim saw four other ponies round a corner, a fifth coming from behind them. Zim glanced at the fifth, it was the yellow one from before. Seeing there being no importance in paying more attention to the yellow one, Zim returned his attention to Gir, and the Poenies. He debated walking over there to fetch Gir, or to simply order Gir to come to him.

“GIR, get over here Right Now!” As Zim spoke, the five in the clearing jumped in shock, seeing the yellow one behind him and his obviously alien appearance. He noticed the Dib human shift position, and gave an irritated glance toward him. Just what was his problem?

Dib glanced toward them and toward Zim, and gave a hesitant wave toward the ponies. While he was having trouble seeing any faces from this distance, he saw one of them return the wave with open enthusiasm. Narrowing his eyes, Dib could make out a pink body with Curly hair along the mane and tail.

Before either party could make a move, Dib turned his eyes as Gir stopped leaping around, saluted Zim, and stood absolutely still. Glancing to Zim, who was in Gir’s line of sight, Dib witnessed a red laser beam erupt from Gir’s eyes, searing through the shield, and hitting Zim right in the face. As the dust cleared, Dib covered his mouth and tried to stifle his desire to laugh as he saw Zim.

Zim’s antenna were trailing smoke, and his green skin had been rendered almost black. As he shook his head, he blinked and it all fell off him like dandruff. Giving a small cough, he exhaled a cloud of dust. Giving Gir a glare, Zim opened his mouth to punish Gir, when the filthy human beside him fell to the floor, and began to laugh.

“How Darrre you laugh at the Great and Mighty Zim!” Zim leapt onto Dib, and they began to wrestle in the dirt. Zim was obviously winning, however as Dib landed a lucky kick which sent him flying a short distance, he stood up to find the five poenies had approached, the purple one charging something on her portable shield device.

“Candy!” Gir squaled with delight and leapt once more at the poenies. However, Zim grabbed Gir before he dived, turned him around so he was facing Zim, and leaned down to educate the poor dumb Gir in what these creatures he had absolutely known about before five minutes ago were.

“No Gir, these are Poenies. Not candy, Poenies. If you want some candy there might be some left in the-” Zim had finished, Gir had already vanished in the direction of the wreckage. Zim watched Gir go, before returning his glare to Dib, who had stood up and was glaring at him in return.

“What’s wrong Zim?” Dib leaned in, and smirked as Zim did the same, their foreheads touching.

“Why nothing is wrong Dib, I just don’t need Gir here to defeat you. I don’t want you thinking I need any help in defeating youu.” Zim’s claws once more emerged from his Pak, and Dib reached behind him for his own weapon, hidden under the folds of his jacket. However, once again, they were interrupted before they could fight by the purple poenie.

“I’d hate to interrupt your dual, but what the actual-” Tired of being interrupted by the poenie creatures, Zim cut the purple one off.

SILENCEE! You Nevar interrupt mee when I am about to show this flesh monkey the bitter taste of defeat!” Zim raised his fist into the sky, adding emphasis to his words. The purple poenie took a step back, confused beyond all reason. Dib merely rolled his eyes at Zim’s antics, and decided it was time to breach the gap between these ponies and his race.

“I’m Dib, and that alien over there is Zim.” Dib held out a hand in greeting, only adding to the confusion of the purple one. Hesitantly, she held out her hoof, and they shook in greeting.

“Twilight...But that doesn’t-” Once more, the purple pony named Twilight was cut off by Zim, getting the attention of both the pony and Dib.

“Yes! I am the Legendary Ziiim! Proud warrior or the Irken Empire! You may bow before me!” Zim once more shook his fist to the sky, much to the eye rolling of Dib. Turning back to the pony named Twilight, he opened his mouth to reply.

“You wanted to know what we are? Well I’m a human, and as you just heard, Zim is a species of alien called an ‘Irken’.” As Dib spoke, he saw Zim glance between them, as if trying to read something out of the situation. Turning his attention back to Twilight, he saw her considering what she should ask next.

“Why are you here? And what was that one-pony wrecking ball that destroyed half of ponyville?” Twilight’s voice rose slightly as she motioned with a foreleg toward the burning houses surrounding them. Dib paused to ensure Zim wasn’t going to interrupt him before he could answer. To his suspicion, Zim was being strangely silent as he typed something into a small device on his wrist.

“Well we’re here by-uh-accident and we only want to return to our universe through a wormhole. As for the destruction, that was caused by Zim’s robot called Gir.” Dib glanced once more to Zim, who was still typing into his device. After a moment of watching Zim, he finally raised his head and realised Dib was watching him.

“What do you want?” Zim glared once at Dib as the flesh monkey glanced away. What was it with that human and always staring at Zim? Returning to his device, he finished his list of the resources he would need to rebuild a transmitter. If he was going to get the schedule for the wormholes leading to earth from this universe, he had to get in contact with the Tallest.

“I have a feeling leaving you alone would only cause more destruction than if we helped you so...If you need materials to get you off my planet quicker, you may ask for them. I only ask is that you are the only one to enter Ponyville, those two have to stay away.” The poenie spoke once more, breaking Zim’s concentration briefly as he debated whether he should make the communication tower able to contact more than just the Tallest. It would raise the amount of materials he would need slightly, however it would make it more reliable. Zim decided to take the cheaper option.

“I can’t guarantee it, but I’ll try.” As Dib spoke, Zim raised his head and glared at the human. If he thought Zim was going to obey his orders, he was mistaken. Zim turned and began to head back towards the ship. He had found Gir, so it was time to begin construction.

“Oh, er I guess we’re going. Uh, see ya.” Dib turned and jogged after Zim, who was his only way back home. Hopefully it would only take Zim a few minutes to rig up the device.