• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 2,037 Views, 28 Comments

To be an Invader - FaelaArts

Wormholes are often unpredictable, unless your an Irken that is. Zim was expecting the wormhole, what he wasn't expecting was Dib to get lucky and shoot him into it just as he shot Dib in. Stupid Dib.

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Zim meets ponies.

As they walked through the town, Dib began to notice the differences between his Earth, and wherever he had ended up. For one, everything seemed to be made up of very simple colours, and the backgrounds looked like they were the backdrop to a happy play about rainbows, or other such things. Looking toward Zim, who was ignoring everything in favour of following the tracking beacon, he watched as a yellow shape appeared from around the corner and bumped right into Zim.

“Who darrres interrupt me while I am working!” Zim pounced on the creature, leaning over it menacingly, which was surprising because there weren’t many things Zim could actually loom over with his size. Dib took a look at the form, and realised it was similar to a creature found on his planet.

“Is that a…Pony?” Dib watched as the cowering, what looked to be a female, pony looked up and ‘eep’ed before hiding behind her front hooves again. What was most striking about the pony wasn’t the candy-yellow colouring or the bright pink mane, but the pair of wings sticking upright.

“What is this ‘poem-ee’ you speak up?” Zim turned his attention away from the pony, and Dib did the same. Rolling his eyes, Dib felt annoyed that of all the things that Zim didn’t know, it was this one. List of human diseases? Zim knew it. List of common small mammals? Zim knew it. Knowledge of where cheese came from? Zim knew it. Knowing what a pony was? Nope, Zim didn’t know that.

“It’s pronounced ‘pony’ Zim, and it’s a smaller horse. Do you know what a ‘horse’ is Zim?” Dib leant into Zim’s face and smiled. Zim pushed him away quickly, and looked back to the pony. Poking a finger at it, he beamed at his apparently knowledge.

“Of course I do, human meat puppet. This horse creature is like one of these ‘poenies’, only bigger.” Zim stood tall and proud of his knowledge, and Dib forced himself not to face palm. Instead he motioned to Zim with his palms facing the sky.

“You only know that because I just said it!” Dib grabbed onto Zim’s shoulders and began shaking him, but was quickly shrugged off by one of the robotic arms from Zim’s backpack. Dib backed away as the remaining three emerged. Both narrowed their eyes, and braced for a fight.

“You cannot prove that Dib! I showed the knowledge of these horses you speak of! But if it’s a fight you want, I will be more then happy to show my expert skills as greatest Invader of the Irken empire!” Zim raised his fist to the sky and shouted to the heavens. Dib rolled his eyes, and crouched. When Zim attacked he would leap onto the back of Zim and try to bind his arms.

“U-Uhm, e-excuse me.” In the silence before their battle, the yellow form that had been completely forgotten up to this moment was heard speaking, breaking the concentration of the two. Turning to face the pony, Zim retracted his robot legs. Dib pointed a shaking finger at the pony.

“It-It just talked!” Dib took a step back, and pulled out some garlic and a cross, holding them in front of him. Shaking he began to mumble an ancient chant. Zim slowly turned his head, and blinked in confusion as the Dib human began to drag himself along the ground.

“Er, yes it did Dib human. Sentient creatures tend to do that, and sometimes non sentient meat monkeys” Zim watched Dib slowly stopped his weird ritual and stood up, hiding the objects behind his back, where they vanished into various pockets. Pausing, Dib peered at the pony before blinking and leaning back.

“Ponies don’t talk on Earth Zim.” Turning towards the pony, Dib noticed that she seemed very afraid of them, and crouched down and held out a cautious hand. Making small ‘shh’ sounds and trying to reassure the creature, Dib was rewarded when it raised it head and looked to him with no small measure of confusion.

“So uh, what’s you name uh, talking pony?” Dib shuddered inwardly as he realised once more the nightmares Zim would cause him. Even now, he couldn’t stand a pig to this day. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but it was always Zim’s fault. Hesitantly, the yellow pony took his hand, and he helped it to it’s feet-hooves-whatever they were called.

“I’m Fluttershy,” she spoke, so soft Dib could only just make it out. Standing up, he looked over as Zim began to pester her to speak louder, rolling his eyes and looking around. They were in a main street of some sort, and there were ponies running for their lives in the direction they had been heading.

“Hey Zim, I think I know where Gir is.” Dib felt the wind as Zim immediately grabbed him by the shoulders and began to screech at him.

Tell meee!” Zim began to shake the Dib, and every time the putrid monkey took too long to answer, Zim would repeat it in a louder voice. It took a full minute before he let the Dib speak, and turned his attention to the fleeing ponies. How dare they flee towards him and not away!

“Only if you agree to take me with you when you leave this place!” Dib pointed a finger at Zim, who growled and gave a begrudging nod of his head, before looking away and letting a smile fall on his face, giving a snicker.

“And no dropping me in space on our way back!” Dib smiled as he saw Zim blink in shock and growl. Looks like he had been right. Holding out his hand, he smiled at Zim. He got his ticket home, and he got to humiliate Zim, it was win win.

“Fine! You putrid flesh driving flesh-something something…” Zim trailed off, trying to think of a new insult, before shrugging it off and taking the Dib’s hand. Once he had Gir, he had no reason to honour his bargain, but even so he would have to consider it at a later date. The Dib had a way of reading his mind, it was dangerous to think around him.

Both were once again completely unaware of the yellow pony.