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A Very Gray Trail Gets a Cover art · 1:28pm Dec 2nd, 2015

As thou might have noticed, AVGT got itself a cover-art. It was made specifically for it by my friend Zoetic-Zebra aka Zoe. I recommend that thou check her out, but of course that is only my opinion. She also made the cover-art for A New Dawn.

Cover-art full image:

Report Crimson Twilight · 83 views · #News

News? · 8:43pm Nov 5th, 2015

Hello everypony!
I know that I haven't done much of interacting lately, I blame it on all the changeling stories I'm reading, but I might or might not be working on a small side project for AVGT. I won't tell what though, but rest assured that it's something to do with Luna and Moon. More I can not say, thou'll have to guess and if thou ask kindly I might reveal some detail...

As always, stay gray!
Thy truly, Crimson Twilight

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