
Viewing 41 - 53 of 53 results

Poll results for [FANFICTION FRIDAY] for 7/7/17 · 3:49pm Jul 10th, 2017

So it looks like my plan to leave the poll open for the whole weekend worked out well, and we have a surprise winner: Fallen Star

What is Fallen Star? Remember the "Un-named MLP:FiM Human-in-Equestria fic" that's been sitting in the poll for the last few weeks? The original requester (I'll post their identity in the author's notes) contacted me when their requested fic pulled ahead in the polls on Saturday with an idea for the title.

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] The Results Will Surprise You... · 7:45pm Feb 11th, 2019

...and that's all I'm going to say about it until I get home tonight. :trollestia:

Being serious, I don't have access to the poll at work (thanks Corporate Overlords!), so I won't be able to show the totals until I get to an un-firewalled network.

That said, BIG CALENDAR CHANGES the next post. Stay tuned, my little bronies!


[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Minor delay · 4:02pm Mar 17th, 2017

After I got home last night, I found out my Internet was down and may not be up again until sometime next week. I've got access at work, but the firewalls are remarkably arbitrary (Tumblr didn't used to be blocked, then you couldn't see some of the images, this week it's blocked entirely. I can get to deviantArt but not MyLittleFaceWhen, etc.) so I don't have access to all the tools I need to do all the Fanfiction Friday stuff. The work guest wifi is, as near as I can tell, completely

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Yeah, I didn't post a poll, come at me! · 3:26am Nov 18th, 2018

Two things:

There are precisely two options, which means it's gonna be a poll between my numerically least read fic and a fic I haven't even written yet. I'll go ahead and post the poll this coming Friday.

As for what I'm working on in the meantime, I'm pushing through some writer's block for Fission, which was a Patreon request.


[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Whatever happened to Fanfiction Friday? · 9:05pm Sep 7th, 2018

So, yes, historically I've posted a Fanfiction Friday poll the first Friday after publishing a new chapter. This has worked fairly well and gotten a decent amount of progress and two new fics out the door that I wouldn't normally do.

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] UPDATE on the poll! · 12:25am Jan 7th, 2018

Welcome to Saturday! (as though I actually woke up early to post this...HAH!)

Here's the current standings; In the lead by an OVERWHELMING majority is Lost Little Wolf. Seriously, LLW has as many votes as all the other candidates combined!

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] It's votin' time! · 11:45pm Sep 14th, 2018

This week's poll is up! I'll be setting up Patreon tomorrow (when I don't have a full work schedule behind me and an evening wrangling my daughter in front of me) to allow for extra votes. I'm aiming for having my Paypal account set up by the end of the weekend if you want to just flat-out commission a chapter (or a whole story).

In the meantime, voting the truly old fashioned way: Strawpoll is back!

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[STATUS UPDATE][FANFICTION FRIDAY] Because the question has been asked... · 4:01am Jun 29th, 2017

Just letting everyone know work does proceed at a slow but steady pace for the next chapter of Lost Little Wolf. Though I'm not getting as much done as I'd really like, I'm not suffering any sort of writer's block with this one like I did the last one.

I'd say I'm about 1/4-1/3 the way done with this chapter.


[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Update for Saturday, 2/3/2018 · 12:31am Feb 4th, 2018

So the Swarm will not be denied; A Hive of Queens is currently in the lead with three votes, followed by Fallen Star with two. Tied for third is Fission, The Mafia's Saints, and Statutory Consequences.

At least another 24-hours remains until the voting ends, so if you haven't had a chance to vote, do so before voting closes tomorrow!

CLICK HERE to vote:


[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Results of Part 1 are in... · 11:24pm Feb 7th, 2022

...and as predicted, bronies kinda stole the election. Maybe that had something to do with me only posting this first poll here...?


Moving on, a quick preview of the possible fics to vote on this month that are all MLP:FiM related:

  • Gently Streams the Sunbeams
  • The Last Little Unicorn
  • Crossing the Streams
  • Voice of Rage and Ruin (part 2 of My Empire of Dirt)
  • A Town Called Tavern

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] FanficFriday of the Fourth of February · 1:08am Feb 5th, 2022

...'cause why not? :rainbowwild:

So, for my new readers who came in during my (shall we say) "blue period," I didn't always work on one fanfic at a time. My initiation of the project that turned into My Empire of Dirt and Music Box Blues and the resulting sabbatical from the rest of my work was detailed in the Author's Notes blog post here, so I won't rehash them.

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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Finally, some movement... · 9:55pm Apr 7th, 2017

So after nearly two weeks of very frustrating writer's block, I squeezed out a few moments to take up Admiral Q Ponyform on the offer to help brainstorm. While the interaction was short, it was somewhat effective, in that I now have some notion of what the next plot hook gets to look like for the main character to proceed through the next phases of the story.

Work will proceed, and I'll be keeping everyone updated.


[FANFICTION FRIDAY] No poll, but Patreon is Go! · 3:05pm Mar 24th, 2017

So as mentioned in a blog post, I was a bit creatively blocked thanks to a total vocabulary fail on my own part. (Thanks again to all those who did their best to help me find a completely fictitious word referencing a total fantasy concept, it was an uphill task to begin with) I'm still trying to hunt down/create that damn word, but if necessary I'll restructure the current chapter to avoid its need and revisit the

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Viewing 41 - 53 of 53 results