
Viewing 21 - 40 of 246 results

Episode Re-Review: Twilight Time · 5:53pm Apr 6th, 2021

Just when you thought Twilight being an alicorn was just going to be ignored and forgotten, this episode came along and turned that all on its head. Dave Polsky, fresh off his success from "Rarity Takes Manehattan" was ready to tackle his first ever CMC episode. Yet this episode doesn't get talked about much either way, it seems to be among Season 4's forgotten episodes. Is there a reason for that? Well, let's find out.

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Episode Re-Review: Surf and/or Turf · 4:08pm Jun 25th, 2021

What little we did see of the School of Friendship in the episodes immediately prior to this one didn't bode well for it, it seemed to serve more as a plot restrictor since characters wouldn't be able to do things due to their need to teach. And yet the student/young six were not getting any focus at all. If not for what was being leaked far in advance, most people would've probably suspected Season 8 was going to be just like Season 7 and have no sense of direction at all for the longest time.

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Episode Re-Review: The Parent Map · 5:52pm Jun 26th, 2021

Season 8 seemed to finally get a stand out episode with "Horse Play", a Princess Celestia focused episode. But even then it was far from universally praised. And it still seemed like the school and the student/young six were not being utilized all that much. When this episode premiered, fans initially hoped for some information to finally be shed on Starlight Glimmer's past, especially in light of Josh Haber issuing a statement that Starlight was a latch key kid (her parents were always away,

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Episode Re-Review: The Break Up Break Down · 3:41pm Jun 27th, 2021

Season 8 really went off the rails hard when "Non-Compete Clause" hit the airwaves, and it saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash sink to a low you never would've thought possible while also unintentionally proving the "antagonist" Neighsay right. And now, picking up the pieces was this episode by Nick Confalone that was both the second episode in the Guy's Night trilogy and the second episode in the SugarMac trilogy. But these days, even with the knowledge of what was to come for both trilogies

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Special Re-Review: The Best Gift Ever · 10:33pm Jul 6th, 2021

So it was that, just after Season 8 wrapped up, we got treated to a special themed after Christmas when it wasn't even Halloween yet.

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Episode Re-Review: Student Counsel · 4:53pm Jul 10th, 2021

The leaks returned with a vengeance for Season 9, episodes started popping up like wildfire online in full English. This was one of them. As for Season 9 as a whole, it had gone from an incredible villains only episode in "Frenemies" (which still holds up regardless of the Grogar twist), to an unwanted redemption of Garble in "Sweet and Smoky" to the flat out waste of episode slot that was "Going to Seed". So now a Starlight Glimmer focus episode of all things was tasked with getting the season

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Episode Re-Review: The Last Crusade · 4:00pm Jul 11th, 2021

Ah yes, this episode. I'll bet many of you have been looking forward to this one for quite some time. I mean, the fandom had been all but begging for years for Scootaloo to have a family she could come home to. And once the Ponyville Mysteries books revealed that she was being cared for by her aunts (which were gay), fans only further started anticipating the possibility of Scootaloo finally getting to have a family. But nowadays, everyone seems to hate this episode and hate the family

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Episode Re-Review: Too Many Pinkie Pies · 6:23pm Mar 12th, 2021

Season 3 had a bit of a writing shake up occur when Amy Keating Rogers did not return (and neither did Charlotte Fullerton) but Dave Polsky did after having been absent during the enterity of Season 2. Dave had written two rather funny but really controversial episodes, though "Over A Barrel" at least had kind of faded away as Season 2's missteps took center stage. Polsky was in charge of a Pinkie Pie episode, and his handling of Pinkie Pie in "Over A Barrel" was far from the best. But was

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Episode Re-Review: A Friend In Deed · 7:06pm Mar 3rd, 2021

This and the next couple of episodes could be said to be a rather abrupt dry patch for the show, not necessarily as long lasting as Season 1's which lasted from "Stare Master" through "A Bird in the Hoof" but still a stretch marked by episodes that don't tend to be remembered very fondly (if at all). Amy Keating Rogers, now defined primarily by "The Last Roundup" and the still ongoing controversy about Derpy, penned this episode. Was Amy about to fall off her pedestal like Larson did or was she

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Episode Re-Review: To Where and Back Again Parts 1 and 2 · 6:30pm Jun 5th, 2021

So, just as Season 6 looked like it was falling apart at the seems after a season that had seemed to mostly not be taking chances, it was time to bring it to a close. Apparently, they thought it'd be a good idea to let Starlight Glimmer get a two parter all to herself, an honor that had not been given to any other mane six member besides Twilight (or even to Spike). Considering Starlight's two focus episodes had been hotly contested and hadn't exactly made her look good, there was cause for

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Episode Re-Review: Top Bolt · 4:49pm Jun 4th, 2021

For the third and final map mission of Season 6, we were going to be playing it safe once again and visiting the Wonderbolts academy with Twilight and Rainbow Dash. The two had last been paired up for "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3", not exactly the best outing for either of them. And Season 6 had last focused on Rainbow Dash during "28 Pranks Later" which was not a good showing for her. To top all this off, it would be our first Wonderbolts episode since "Newbie Dash". So a lot was working against

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Episode Re-Review: A Health of Information · 4:34pm Jun 17th, 2021

Although the twentieth episode to air, this episode was eighteenth in production order and became the last of the individual legend episodes involving a pillar. This would also be only the third time Twilight and Fluttershy would ever be paired up, though their team-ups prior had been less than noticeable. This time, they were being paired up under the duo of Sammie Crowley and Whitney Wetta who had previously penned "A Flurry of Emotions" back in Season 7's fanservice filled first half. But

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Special Re-Review: Rainbow Roadtrip · 5:31pm Jul 12th, 2021

Coming out right in the middle of Season 9, we had this unexpected special to talk about. Apparently, word is that this "special" was originally a sequel to the 2017 movie and was subsequently salvaged and retooled for whatever reason (likely because a sequel would've been hard to justify when the movie took so long to come out due to its troubled production history). It certainly seems believable when you consider that this is the only other thing Toon Boom was used for, though the animation

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Special Re-Review: Equestria Girls: Movie Magic (Magical Movie Night, Part 2) · 5:32pm Mar 9th, 2024

Despite this and "Dance Magic" and "Mirror Magic" being made part of the same story, different writers penned all three specials. This one was written by Noelle Benvenuti, who had been absent from the writing scene since the lackluster "Made in Manehattan" that we now know was changed from its original planned story involving Flim and Flam. A shame, rather. But more likely, real world problems were to blame for Noelle's abrupt absence, given that her mother died suddenly in 2014, not unlike the

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Special Re-Review: Equestria Girls: Mirror Magic (Magical Movie Night, Part 3) · 4:26pm Mar 16th, 2024

So it is that we come to the third and final act of this special, and what at the very least counts as the black sheep of the lot in the form of "Mirror Magic". Compared to the two previous specials, this one directly focuses on its villain, albeit one we've seen before. But hey, Queen Chrysalis' big return in "To Where and Back Again" seemed to be received quite well all things considered. And Meghan McCarthy demonstrated that reusing villains didn't have to be a death sentence given the way

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Episode Re-Review: The Mean Six · 4:42pm Jun 1st, 2024

First and foremost, I want to briefly mention that my account for paid commisssions is up and running. It's CSPB2024. If you could all help spread the word about it, that would be appreciated. Now it's on to the episode proper, though I do briefly want to touch on the controversy surrounding the rumor about A.I. voices for "Make Your Mark" and "Tell Your Tale" that were recently debunked. It's sad that this is even a thing considerng we just had a major writers/actors strike last year that was

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Special Re-Review: Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship · 4:44pm Jun 8th, 2024

Season 8's mid season hiatus couldn't have come at a worser time for it, right on the heels of really bad episodes "Marks for Effort" and "The Mean Six", which were so low quality you have to wonder how they didn't get flagged for obvious writing mistakes or plot holes, and just further seemed to make the School of Friendship look like a bad idea that should not have been greenlit. So many people were already declaring Season 8 the worst season of the show, worse even than Season 3 or Season 6

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Episode Re-Review: Grannies Gone Wild · 4:00pm May 4th, 2024

Well, Tell Your Tale finally decided to try to do something interesting, because the last episode showed Sunny's mom in a flashback. But they didn't even give her a name, let alone elaborate on what happened to her. And given the way Tell Your Tale progresses, I'm not expecting any follow-up anytime soon. Getting back to G4, Season 8 hit its first stumbling block only four episodes in, and the School of Friendship was already looking like a bad idea because it was a plot restricter rather than

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Special Re-Review: Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship · 4:42pm Apr 20th, 2024

While we now know that this has to take place not just before Season 8 but before the events of the 2017 FiM movie, it first premiered in February of 2018, about a month before Season 8 of FiM hit the airwaves. Interestingly, the Discovery Family broadcast omitted several scenes that were later released as part of an "extended" version. As for the writer, it was none other than Nick Confalone, who apparently got the job of writing for FiM because he was friends with Josh Haber. He would be

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Episode Re-Review: A Trivial Pursuit · 4:35pm Oct 5th, 2024

Well, at least "Tell Your Tale" looks like it's trying to wrap things up, because the second to last episode had the ponies finally encounter Allura outside her ice cave and even revealed the name of Allura's brother. And the IDW comics are wrapping things up with a supposed G5/G4 crossover that was supposed to span five issues but was condensed down to three. Still, 2025 will be interesting because there will be no new pony content to dive into for the first time in five years (the clip shows

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 246 results