Dead Space Crossover 331 members · 38 stories
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It involves a supply sergeant in Sovereign Out Colonies. Like a Dead Space 3 crossover but set 200 years before DS3.

2581368 …can you elaborate, please?

2581379 I wanted him to survive the outbreak on orbit with the other ships. He was working on securing the supplies, the order on which everyone has to die has been initiated. He didn't want to die yet so he head towards to lifeboats and try to escape the order. A ship captain sees the ship he was using to escape and order to shoot it. Ship was shot but he still went to slip space. The ship went off coarse and crashed to Equestria, where he lives the rest of his days living in a nightmare.

Has some promise but you'd need to do alot of research as to which weapons you could get away with, factor in the markers long term brain fucking (see dead space extraction since one of the main characters still sucoms to being a jibbering flufflepuff (she worships the makers so meh) necromorph while the shuttle heads away from the Ishimura). then factor in who dimenita would affect your protagonist as it progresses to as DS2 put it super brain death.

Not to mention who the Equestrians would react to him since hes technically a goddam alien to them.

2581513 Well time to add some Isaac like characteristics to the guy. Has problems seeing shit....but a terrible engineer. Most likely he use an assault rifle(or a pistol) 'cause he's a soldier. The armor that he uses in space is this....

2581452 Well, first thing, because it bothers me on a subliminal level, Slipspace is from Halo, while Shockspace is from Dead Space. But that's not what we're here to talk about.
Now, how is this going to relate to Dead Space while the MC is in Equestria? Is s/he going to suffer from dementia and be forced to fight his/her inner demons? Will a Marker turn up somewhere, and the MC – along with the Mane 6 – have to figure out what it is?

Check the dead space wikia for your one stop shop for information about what weapon existed during the S.C.A.F EarthGov war.

Giving him issacs problems is not a good way to go, you need to feel the character understand him and see how he would react, he might be violent he might not.

A Character in a novel and story is just as alive as you are as the author takes the time to feel and understand them (unless your name stephany myer you just plain suck) as they write to truly engage how said character changes over time.


2581661 I completely forgot about the Wiki....:facehoof:

2581667 I googled it.

2581661 Dementia wasn't just Isaac's problem. Other characters who experienced dementia were Gabe Weller, Lexine Murdoch, Nathan McNeill, Dr. Karen Howell, Vandal, John Carver, Michael Altman, and NUMEROUS other characters.

I know never said toehr did nto have it Issac was litterally the one that stuck with me

2581727 Yeah, but you said to not give him Isaac's problems. The only problem he listed that Isaac shares was dementia.

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