Queen Chrysalis's Feeding Grounds 1,422 members · 1,393 stories
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Alright, this is going to touch on the history and backround of my story "The Change of Heart" that I am currently writing. I may have rushed over and published it already, but I am still developing the lore and other aspects that will develop throughout the plot. So if you are actually interested in reading it and don't like spoilers, this thread isn't for you. If you don't mind spoilers, welcome aboard :twilightsmile: .

Also, if you are interested in being a pre-reader for future chapters, let me know. :scootangel:

Changeling society:
Changelings rule themselves in hidden cites called Hives (With Chrysalis' being the last remaining hive). The Changelings rule in a militaristic method, where every changeling is part of Queen Chrysalis' army and owe her absolutely loyalty. Changelings use rank (EX: Sergeant, Lieutenant) to distinguish differences between themselves in a semi-ladder fashion. Drones are at the bottom while Colonel and Commander are at the top, with the Queen being above all else.

Changeling drones have basic instincts (eat, sleep) and preset minds to follow the Queen. Some Changelings are born differently which grants them the ability to think independently however, are conscripted to for special training (special training includes learning advanced combat skills, higher education, and even the ability to study and cast pony spells) to which they are given an official rank. Non-drones interact with each other in a societal way, including awarding medals and commendations, and even having conversations with each other.

When larvae are born, they are not raised by their parents. Instead, all larvae are raised in training facilities, all having a fresh start with themselves.

Changeling Biology:
Changelings have a similar skeletal structure to ponies, except changelings have chitin, insect wings, exoskeleton, fangs and holey hooves. Changelings don't have pupils, hair and lungs. A changeling's diet mainly is (became) food for biomass, and love as nutrition. Changelings are hatched from egg pods.

Changelings don't actually dream at all when they sleep, instead they remember memories. Changelings inherit memories from the parents of which they are born from. Changelings could originally remember memories of the past lives consciously, but more and more changelings were driven made because of it. Changeling magicians eventually cast a spell on the changeling larvae, making that a changeling can only remember it's past lives during it's sleep/subconsciousness to avoid insanity. They can also go as far to remember the great war of Equestria.

Every changeling knows how to do their signature disguise spell. But non-drones have much more potential. If given deep study and training, non-drones have the ability to cast both changeling and pony spells. Also because they are cousins of insects, they have 2x more strength than ponies.

Lost History(Major Spoilers!):

Very long ago, even before Princess Celestia, three dominant species lived in Equestria: Changelings, Tunnel (Now Diamond) Dogs, and Dragons. The three lived together peacefully, not without it's fair share of occasional feuds, but they lived harmoniously together nevertheless. However, one day, three leaders of a new group called "ponies" arrived: Commander Hurricane, Princess Platinum and Chancellor Puddingcake.

The three leaders claimed Equestria as their own, and began to settle down. However, after seeing Equestria's original inhabitants, the three tribes made it a new goal to drive the 'monsters' out of their home. When ordered to, the three originals refused to leave their homelands, and war broke out, with Changelings, Tunnel Dogs and Dragons against Earth ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns. That war began on the same day as Hearth's Warmth Eve.

The war dragged on for many years. The ponies began to use very unsavory methods which caused to scale to tip.

Taking advantage of the Tunnel Dogs' low intelligence, unicorn magicians cast a spell on their kind, giving them an insatiable desire for gems. Because of this, the Tunnel Dogs forgot their alliances and war and began to dig up more and more diamonds, eventually leaving the Equestrian mainland to satisfy their unwilling desire. They eventually picked up the name "Diamond Dogs" which was fitting to their new behavior. All this also caused the dragons to leave as well.

The Tunnel Dogs had an agreement with the Dragons, that if they supplied the Dragons with gemstones, the dragons would protect them from the feral creatures of Everfree Forest. Because the Tunnel (now Diamond) Dogs were digging up diamonds for themselves, the Dragons had no way of retrieving their food source. Not too long after, Dragons migrated from Equestria to search for a more open source of gemstones.

Changelings were now the last race that resisted the hostile takeover. One faithful day, years after the city of Canterlot was build, the dread night, known as the 'Grand Galloping Gala' happened when all the powerful ponies met, and what they discussed is unknown. But not too long after, Changeling hives across Equestria began collapsing. Changelings were dropping dead left and right when they encountered a purple gas that proved to be lethal to them. They also found that their escapes were sealed, so their own homes became their graves.

This went on until every Changeling Hive in Equestria was wiped out, a successful attempt of genocide. However, Chrysalis' Hive was the last standing Hive which became a sanctuary for the remnants of the previous Hives. Chrysalis' Hive survived due to it being hidden deep in the mountains, an out-of-place location for ponies who did not wish to search there. With all 3 original inhabitant species gone, ponies now claimed Equestria as their own. Not wanting their descendants to learn of the atrocities committed, they erased the war and mention of the 3 original species from written history, and added a different story with a happy end. To this day, nopony knows the true history of Equestria, except for the ones that still remember.

Changelings looked at the beautiful Equestria that was once their home, from the barren mountain ranges far away. The Changelings loathed and hated the ponies that took away their own homelands, for the sake of themselves. This continued hatred went on for generations to the point where Changelings NEEDED the love between ponies (which created discord, to their amusement) in order to survive. The modern Changeling is now a shadow of it's own, former species, with Chrysalis being the last of the original Changeling generation.

Remember, this back story will play a bit of a role in the overall plot.

So what do you all think eh? Thought about all of this for a while now. Leave some comments for me to look at, it helps a lot! :)

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