Queen Chrysalis's Feeding Grounds 1,422 members · 1,393 stories
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I have come up with a new theory for the Changeling Kingdom. So far, we are yet to see it in the show and the one in the kingdom is a colony, a conquest for Changeling imperial design. I am talking about the homeland. I've constructed a bio for a possible Changeling kingdom and would like to know what you think of it

Changeling Kingdom

Other official names: Its true name is difficult to translate into other languages from Changeling language. Often referred to as 'the Motherland' by most Changelings.

Capital: Again, difficult to translate into other languages from Changeling language.

Language(s): Official: Changeling. Second language: Man language (English).

Religion: Official: uniformly traditional Changeling religion.

Ethnic Groups: 99% Changeling, 1% miscellaneous (Pony, troll, etc)

Culture: Imperial Japan.

Type of Government: Absolute monarchy by divine right.

Legislature: None.

Military: I can definitely imagine the Changeling army similar to Imperial Japan's, all in terms of its large size, its unyielding brute force and strict "no surrender" policy.

Formation: Dates back over thousand years.

Area: It is a vast, depleted country, characterized by a desolate mountainous landscape which, during its infamously long, vicious winters, is always blanketed by thick layers of snow. It is estimated to be four times the size of Equestria, due to covering vast areas that include plains, deserts and even glaciers.

Population: 140,000,000

Currency: Changeling Yen

Okay, for anyone who could potentially think think that I am being discriminatory for basing the Changelings off the Japanese here, I assure you I am not. I adore Japan, it's culture, it's people, it's animation, etc. And because I like Changelings so much, I guess maybe it makes sense to combine them. It also makes it interesting because the Equestrians are very clearly North American and West European so it serves as a good contrast in making the Changelings East Asian. That and Asian culture itself is so rich and awe inspiring, it is then much more imaginative and different than making the Changelings in their culture similar in the typical Western and European style we always see from the ponies. That and it's definitely thinking outside the 'Hive box' that almost everyone on this site seems to stay within rather than looking at different concepts. Sorry, if you wanna look at my rant about that, it's on the forum list.

Anyway, this is my take on the Changeling Kingdom, take it for what it's worth, which I imagine though...isn't all that much.


Intriguing, but I think that every writer should come up with his or her own interpretation of the Changelings


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