Equestria Ninja Girls Story Ideas 3 members · 0 stories
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All Quotes and Ideas for EQNG/Digimon Fusion goes here

Now you have to put the Digimon Fusion stuff here.

Group Admin

Got it. List of sections?

Everything involving Digimon Fusion we brainstorm on. Digimon Recruits and Quotes. Also, respond correctly

You said you wrote the Quotes themselves down

Group Admin

I will. But it’ll take time.

Do them one at a time.

Better get Spider and the others on board too

Why no banner or photo?

Group Admin

I didn’t have a lot of time. Sorry.

Okay, but seriously respond properly

For now, I'll wait for you to put the ideas you wrote down on your Notes to Fusion

Only respond when you got it

Group Admin

(Mikey sat against an alley, bored out of his mind)

Mikey: Dude.. If there’s no action soon, I’m gonna go nuts!

Sci-Twi: I honestly don't mind it.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh… I need to agree with Mikey.

Leatherhead: At least the quiet means nothing dangerous to the city is happening

Pinkie: Hey guys! You won’t believe who dropped by for a visit!

Rainbow Dash: Who?

Pinkie: Blade Swipe!

Blade: Hey guys.

Mikey: Hey bud, hope you weren't looking for action because it's quiet here

Blade: Well, peace isn’t all that bad.

(Suddenly, the air grew cold)

Blade Swipe: Still no luck figuring that out?

Twilight: No.

(But then Twilight heard a voice.)

???: Please… Help me…

Twilight: Huh? Someone saying something?

(Everyone else shook their heads before Twilight ran off, following the voice.)

Mikey: Twilight, the portal could open

(But Twilight paid no attention as she kept running, before she found a statically small android-like creature.)

Twilight: You okay?

???: I… I think so… But who are you?

Twilight: I'm Twilight Sparkle.

?: Where's... my king?

Twilight: King?

?: My friends and I were trying to stop a enemy and we lost our leader.

(Twilight gasped at that before she saw a green portal opening as a voice emitted from it.)

???: Do you want to help this lost soul?

(Everyone found Twilight with something)

Blade Swipe: Twilight? What's going on?

Mikey: What's that

(But the voice’s question rang in Twilight’s head, before a device floated out of the portal and remained in midair.)

Blade Swipe: Twilight, careful. It could be a trap

Pinkie: Uh… I don’t think she can hear us.

Twilight: Please, how can I help him

???: Take this digivice, and he will be saved.

(Twilight took it)

Everyone: No!

(The others grabbed onto Twilight as the glitchy being was absorbed into the digivice before Twilight and the others were absorbed into the portal, screaming as they fell.)

(Meanwhile three other kids saw them)

?: Guys, look

??? #2: Wait, they’re falling!

Girl: Scatter!

(But then a voice rang from the red device.)

??? #3: Wait! One of them has a digivice!

Android: Shoutmon, is that you?

Shoutmon: No way! That’s Andromon! We gotta help them, Mikey!

Sci-Twi: Where are we?

(The voice from before came from her device, which was magenta/purple now.)

???: We’re in the digital world, and some allies will be arriving soon.

(Leatherhead snarled defensively)

Blade Swipe: Easy, my friend. The two of us can handle any Kraangs that might be here.

?: Twilight, my friends are coming

Twilight: Who?

Mikey: Wait a second! Why does Blade look like his mutant pony form from Equestria?

(Blade Swipe looked at himself over and saw he was back in his Equestria body)

?: Hey, down there!

Rainbow Dash: Huh?

(Three kids skid down towards them)

?: Everyone in one piece?

Pinkie: Yep!

Girl: Wait… Don’t you look familiar?

Boy 2: Hey, you're one of the girls from that music video Dance Magic!

Girl: *Slapping second boy at the back of the head* It’s two of those girls, Jeremy.

Boy 1: I love that video!

Rainbow Dash: *Smugly* Hehe. Yeah, we are pretty awesome.

Jeremy: Wait a minute… *Notices Mikey, Leatherhead and Blade Swipe* GAH!!! Monsters!!!

Pinkie Pie: Easy, easy, they're friendly. They're on our side

Boy 1: Wait a minute, are they mutants? Like the ones from New York?

Girl: I thought that was just tabloid news.

Mikey: No, it happened. I'm Michelangelo and that's Blade Swipe and Leatherhead

Blade: But I’m actually from another world.

Boy: I'm Mikey and that Angie and Jeremy

(The turtle mutant fell onto his back at that.)

(Everyone then heard a growling sound)

Blade Swipe: Guys, we got trouble

???: I am fully healed now. I can protect you and your friends.

?: And I am ready as well

Twilight: How can you fight from in there?

??: Oh, we won’t battle from inside. It’s time we showed you our true forms!

?: Just say our names and Reload

Twilight: Uh… but we don’t know your names.

?: Andromon.

??? #1: Shoutmon.

Twilight: Reload, Andromon.

Mikey Kudo: Reload, Shoutmon!

(Both devices glowed and two figures appeared)

Shoutmon: Aw yeah! I’m back!

Andromon: The time to fight is now!

Twilight: Andromon, to your left!

(Andromon saw an enemy attacking)

?: Boom Bubble/Trump Sword

(But then the enemy was attacked by a projectile and four swords.)

Twilight: What was that?

Andromon: My friends

???: Phew! Glad we made it in time!

???: HAHAHA! The show’s just getting started!

(A strange clown and a flying orange creature with a belt appeared)

?: And we have new characters to the show

?: Can you guys fight with us?

Pinkie: Yeah!

Shoutmon: Then how about joining the fight

Rainbow Dash: Finally! Some action!

Blade Swipe: Charge!

Andromon: Spiral Sword!

Shoutmon: Bellow Blaster!

(The explosion reached the village)

Jijimon: Whoo-hoo! I know those attacks! Shoutmon and Andromon are back! It's good news and it rhymes too.

(Major jump)

Mikey: Hey Shoutmon, there's one alteration I want to make to the Fusion Fighter flag.

Shoutmon: And what’s that?

(Mikey changed the left eye into the symbol of the Hamato Ninja Clan)

Shoutmon: Whoa! What’s that?

Mikey: The symbol of the Hamato Ninja Clan. Our Clan

(Shoutmon somehow was silent at that.)

Jeremy: I thought those moves were more than just standard martial arts. I studied at a Chris Bradford dojo after all

Mikey: *Darkly* Don’t say that name.

(Jeremy cringed)

Rainbow Dash: That slime ball was a servant of the Foot Clan and an enemy of ours

Jeremy: Gah! I had a bad feeling about him, but I wasn’t sure if it was true or not!

Mikey Kudo: So the Hamato Fighter army is officially allied with the Fusion Fighters?

Shoutmon: …Definitely.

Twilight: Listen, we're going up against the Bagra Army. Any Digimon that want to come are welcome to. If you want to back out, there's no shame in it

Piedmon: I'm coming along. This is the performance of a life.

Patamon: I'm coming, too. I like Pinkie Pie

Piedmon: Hehehe! Indeed, Pinkie’s quite hilarious.

Andromon: Thank you, my friends

Now, just like that

Group Admin

Twilight: Guys, we should probably scout the island for more Bagra troops

???: Huh? Who are you?

Jijimon: Archelomon, is that you?

Rainbow Dash: I can do that. Patamon, come with me

Patamon: Okay.

(But then something whisked by.)

Rainbow Dash: A spy!

Archelomon: Wait! It’s not who you think!

(Rainbow Dash grabbed Patamon and raced after him)

Archelomon: W-What was that?

Jijimon: Hehehe. Rainbow Dash may be the one to finally catch up with Rinkmon.

Group: Who

Jijimon: The fastest digimon in the digital world.

(Rainbow Dash spotted the culprit and drew her weapon)

Rainbow Dash: Running won’t work!

???: You caught up with me? And I was only holding back.

(The duo increased speed)

Rainbow Dash: The Bagra Army should've chosen a better spy!

???: Spy? Ha! Yeah, right. I was only running around.

(Rainbow Dash pounced onto the Digimon)

Rainbow Dash: That a fact? Too afraid to fight?

???: Oh, you did NOT just call me a coward!

Rainbow Dash: Didn't see you helping us on the beach and I don't see the Bagra Army insignia

???: Finally! So can you get off?

Rainbow Dash: Your still a coward

???: Grr! Call me that one more time, and I’ll fight you.

Rainbow Dash: It's your lack of allegiance that makes that

(The digimon kicked Rainbow Dash off it.)

???: Tch. You may be fast, but are you strong?

Rainbow Dash: Strong to fight against the Bagra Army

???: Tch! Guess I’m the only one whose speed makes up for lack of strength.

Rainbow Dash: That's your excuse. You could fight them

???: How do you know?

Rainbow Dash: Because my friends and I are fighting them!

?: Whatever. No body stuck their necks out for me, why should I do it for anyone else

(Rainbow Dash froze at that, realizing that the digimon never had any friends.)

?: I'm fast enough to avoid the Bagra army. I leave them alone, they me alone.

(Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but feel sorry for that digimon.)

?: I'm leaving

(Rainbow Dash went in front of the digimon.)

Rainbow Dash: No, you’re not.

?: You ticked those Bagra goons, this place will be a warzone. This Chuumon is ditching this sinking ship

(The digimon readied itself for battle, when something unexpected happened. Rainbow Dash hugged it, out of sympathy.)

Rainbow Dash: I’m really sorry that you never had any friends. Those punks didn’t have any loyalty at all.

(Rainbow Dash let go of the digimon before turning back to the island where her friends were on.)

Rainbow Dash: We’ll fight them, but what you do next is your choice. If you do run, I’ll think of it as giving you time to get to safety.

(Rainbow Dash ran back to the island, leaving the digimon pondering.)

Patamon: Why didn't you hurt him?

Rainbow Dash: He didn’t have any friends, because no one helped him. If we do fight the Bagra army, we’ll at least be helping him escape from them.

Patamon: I guess that's the right thing to do

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. I know the others will understand.

Neptunemon: Finally. Tactimon will be most pleased.

(But then something whooshed by, and Archelomon was gone, then back with Mikey and the others.)

Neptunemon: What in the?!

???: Quadruple Storm!

(Then Neptunemon was attacked before the blur revealed himself.)

Neptunemon: You!

???: That’s right. I’m here.

Andromon X2: Who are you?

???: The name’s Rinkmon.

Neptunemon: How dare you?! After you remained neutral for so long?!

???: Tch. Thanks to a human, I had a lot to think about. So I’ve decided that I’m not gonna use my power to run away anymore. I’m using it to protect… my… friends!

(Twilight's digivice glowed)

Twilight: Times 3?

Rinkmon: That times 2 fusion’s pretty slow, so I figured it could use some speed.

Twilight: Reload! Andromon, Piedmon, Rinkmon! Digi-fuse!

Andromon: Andromon!

Piedmon: Piedmon!

Rinkmon: Rinkmon!

Andromon, Piedmon and Rinkmon: DIGI-FUSE!!!

(Andromon X3 stood next to Shoutmon X3)

Andromon X3: Are you ready?

Shoutmon: Born ready

Group Admin

(Blade Swipe snuck around)

Blade Swipe: The others got captured. How am I going to rescue them alone

(But then Blade Swipe sensed something.)

(Blade Swipe reached for his sword)

Blade Swipe: Who’s there?

(Blade Swipe turned sharply and was met by a crossbow)

?: Try it. I never miss

Blade Swipe: Who are you?

?: You answer first. Friend or foe?

Blade: If you mean by the Bagra Army, I’m fighting against it.

(The Digimon lowered his weapon and helped Blade Swipe)

?: Alone?

Blade Swipe: No.

?: Then where are your men?

Blade: Captured.

?: I can help. My companion Flare has scouted the caves.

Blade: Who?

(A bird landed on the Digimon as if on cue)

Blade: Oh.

?: I know the way to the prisoners, but the guards are too many

Blade Swipe: Let's fight together. My friends and the prisoners are waiting

?: I am Valkyrimon, warrior of honor

Blade: I see.

Valkyrimon: It's polite to introduce yourself

Blade: My name is Blade Swipe.


Mikey: Who's your friend, Blade Swipe?

Blade: Valkyriemon.

Twilight: Thanks for the help

Valkyriemon: You're welcome. I would like to join your forces against the Bagra Army.

Group Admin

Knightmon: Her Highness, Princess Beastmon and Little Sister Gatomon

(Patamon suddenly froze at that before everyone saw Princess Beastmon sleeping and Little Sister Gatomon awake.)

Gato: Oh, hi.

Patamon: Hi.

Rainbow Dash: That’s the Princess?

Blade Swipe: Reminds me of the cat I had when I was 12.

Jeremy: You left out sleepy.

Pinkie: Must be her nap time by her clock.

Knightmon: Yes, her highness sleeps most of the day, when she’s not coughing hairballs or scratching the furniture.

Angie: That’s why I prefer dogs.

Gatomon: Another battle without me, Knightmon?

Beastmon: *Yawn* Sorry we missed your big victory, but I was dreaming about a ball of yarn.

Gatomon: I wanted to fight.

Beastmon: You know the rules. You're too young to fight.

(Gatomon pouted.)

Beastmon: Anyway, they tell me that all of you and your friends saved my castle from the Bagra Army. Thank you, brave strangers.

Mikey Kudo: Aw, it was nothing, Princess. Really.

Knightmon: Your Highness, their flag bears the insignia of the legendary warrior clan. They must be of the prophecy

Twilight: Wait, you mean the Hamato Clan?

Knightmon: Yes, legend tells great warriors of the clan will come and aid us in our darkest hour that must be you all! YOU'VE PROVEN IT TO ME BY IGNITING MY SPIRIT ONCE AGAIN!

Blade Swipe: He's dedicated. I'll give him that much.

Beastmon: Oh dear. Someone else arrived and I thought he was the one we’ve been waiting for. *Yawn* What a purrdicament. I better sleep on it.

(Beastmon went to sleep again.)

Jeremy: And there she goes again.

(Gatomon upsettingly walked away as Mikey followed her)

(Patamon got a bit worried about Gatomon as he followed as well.)

Gatomon: Too young. Yeah, right. I could take down Lord Bagra himself if I had the chance

Mikey: Hate the rules here, Gatomon?

Gatomon: Tch. Yeah. I mean, I’m a champion-level digimon! But I’m still treated like a kid!

Mikey: Story of my life, sister

Gatomon: Huh?

Mikey: Youngest of four brothers, myself included, and they treat me like I'm an idiot

Gato: Really?

Mikey: Yeah. Even when I'm right about something, they don't believe me

Gatomon: Heh. Guess I’m not the only one who had it rough.

Mikey: Yeah, we just got to prove we can stand on our own feet

Gatomon: Hehe. Yeah!


Gatomon: Lightning Paw!

(Gatomon attacked Icedevimon hard and fast)

Icedevimon: GAH! Why you little-

Knightmon: Lady Gatomon, run!

Gatomon: Tch! Not a chance! I’m gonna help my family and friends fight the Bagra Army, whether they like it, or not!

Mikey: Stand on your own feet

Icedevimon: What can a little furball like you do?!

Gatomon: Tail Laser!


Gatomon: Mind if I join the Hamato Fighters

Twilight: Every army needs a spy

(Gatomon smiled before turning to Beastmon.)

Gatomon: Well, big sis?

Beastmon: Makes no difference to me. As long as we get out of here before mom and dad get here

Knightmon: O-Of course! King Leopardmon and Queen Rasielmon!

Michelangelo: Wait, you two aren't the rulers here?!

Gatomon: No. My big sister doesn’t even have a mate yet.

(Beastmon blushed at that.)



Gatomon: And speak of the Devimon.

Beastmon: Next Trailmon leaving: Anywhere but here!

Group Admin

(The Bagra army charged at everyone)

?: Snake Bandages!

(Wrapping bandages suddenly coiled around the Bagra Army, snaring them.)

?: Move it, people! That won't hold them for long!

Mikey: What the?!

(A mummy ran up)

?: Come on, I'm on your side! Run!


Andromon: Thank you for the save back there...

Mummymon: Mummymon

Pinkie Pie: I get why Deputymon helped you, but why did you help?

Mummymon: I just want to see the treasure. I thought you guys might help

(Shoutmon was a bit suspicious at that.)


(Mikey kneeled as Pharaohmon was about to attack him)

Mikey: I won't fight someone who hasn't done anything wrong.

Pharaohmon: Does he speak for all of you?

(Everyone else nodded.)


Mummymon: Nice job on the test everyone. Sorry for the secrecy

Twilight: It’s okay, Mummymon.

Leatherhead: You helped us. We understand the necessity

Mummymon: Mind I can come along?

Mikey Kudo: Sure thing.

Rainbow Dash: Welcome to the Hamato Fighters

Group Admin

Blade Swipe: All Heavy Fighters, to the front! Weaker ones cover the rear!

Mikey Kudo: We still need more time! The download’s taking longer than I thought!

Twilight: Maybe I can help.

Laylamon: Machinedramon, ready to fire!

Mummymon: Snake Bandages!

Laylamon: Don’t even bother, you rotten bag! This attack will will you all out!

Mummymon: Maybe... but you'll be hit too.

(Mummymon secured Laylamon and pulled her towards the others)

Mummymon: Your choice: Call of the shot or die with us!

???: Ahahahaha! I knew using that shapeshifter would work!

Shoutmon X4K: What the?!

The Laylamon in Mummymon’s grasp suddenly changed into a mind-controlled Hippogriffomon.

???: Might as well release my love control. Hahahaha!

Hippogriffomon: …Huh? Wha…? What happened? Where am I?

Laylamon revealed herself, still on MachineDramon.

Laylamon: MachineDramon, fire!

MachineDramon fired at the heroes, when suddenly Reapmon, wearing the stone mask that was on the statue, took the full brunt of the attack, protecting everyone.

Andromon X4A: NO, REAPMON!

Shoutmon X4K: He shielded us…?

Reapmon fell into the two fusions’ arms.

Shoutmon X4K: But why?! Reapmon!

Reapmon: Worthy...

Fusions: Huh?

Reapmon: …Am I worthy? Have I… become… a warrior?

(Within the light, Angemon looked at his former apprentice)

Angemon: You are now a true Warrior of the Light

Reapmon: At last… *Shedding a tear* Thank you.

(The book started cracking.)

Shoutmon X4K: No! Hang on!

Andromon X4A: Twilight's magic! It's the only option left

(But then specks of light flew off Reapmon…)

Mikey Kudo: No…

Twilight: It can’t be…

Mikey Kudo, Twilight, Patamon and Gatomon: REAPMON!!!

Laylamon: Troublesome ghoul… You always were a pain in the neck, I never liked you. Well, this is the last time you will get on my nerves!

But then HiMachineDramon’s cannons were destroyed, being shut down.

Laylamon: My lovely cannons! What have you done?!

Shoutmon X4K: He… He blasted them.

Andromon X4A: We don’t have time!

But then Reapmon was engulfed by light as a yellow and pink beam of energy shot out of Twilight’s Digivice before they hit Patamon and Gatomon, covering them in light as well.

Mikey: Could that really be… the light?

Blade Swipe: Everyone, strike hard! FOR REAPMON!

Laylamon: You think that can save you? MachineDramon will devour the light and you with it!

Shoutmon X4K: Watch out, Reapmon!

(The masks eyes started glowing as feathers surrounded Reapmon.)

Andromon X4A: What the?

???: Reapmon is no more. *Emerging from the feathers and light* What you see now, is a true warrior! He returns as Beelzemon!

Patamon: Patamon… Digivolve to…

Gatomon: Gatomon… Digivolve to…

Patamon and Gatomon transformed into humanoid angels.

??? 1: Angemon!

??? 2: Angewomon!

Mikey Kudo: Whoa… Love the new threads.

Twilight: I-Incredible…!

Beelzemon: Though regenerated from the digital aether, I will avenge my former incarnation!

Angemon: Don't waste your breath on her Beelzemon.

Angewomon: Indeed, it is time we end this fight.

(Beastmon reloaded from Mikey Kudo’s Digivice and saw Gatomon’s digivolved form.)

Beastmon: Little sister?

Angewomon: Heehee. I was hoping to see that surprised look on your face. But now’s not the time. We need to defeat Lilithmon. You two boys ready?

Angemon: Ready. This is for the Village of Light!

Beelzemon: And this is for my previous life!

Laylamon: (Attacking with her pet) Call yourselves whatever you want, YOU'RE STILL LOSERS!

Beelzemon: Oblivion Cannon!

Angemon: Hand of Fate!

Angewomon: Celestial Arrow!

(The three attacks fused and destroyed HiMachinedramon and broke off one of Laylamon's claws)

Angemon: Your trophy, Beelzemon.

(Beelzemon grabbed the falling claw.)

Beelzemon: That’ll do.

Angewomon: Now your comrades may rest in peace


(Angemon and Angewomon started glowing.)

(Gatomon and Patamon laid on the ground, very exhausted

Beastmon: Little sister.

Gatomon: *Panting* H-How’d I do?

Beastmon: Mom and dad are going to be proud

Gatomon: *Eyes getting droopy* Thanks… Big sis…

(Gatomon fell asleep.)

Patamon: Piedmon... am I more than a understudy now?

Piedmon: Hehe. You bet, kid.

Andromon: You made the village proud, my friend

(Patamon fell asleep as well.)

Blade Swipe: Anyone seen Beelzemon?

Mikey: I'm sure he's okay

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