Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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This is a forum for an idea that we hope to make happen; Equestria Ninja Girls: Sea Invasion

In this story, the traitorous Hippogriff, General Storm Surge, who tried to flood Equestria, has escaped from his cell and has escaped to the Ninjas' world. With the help of traitorous Merperson, Rihana, they not only plan to flood New York and Canterlot City, but also capture Silverstream.

The ninjas, along with the Young Six's families, who have come as well to learn about the turtle's world, would have to face Storm Surge and his army, while the Young Ninjas, Teramar and Princess Skystar try to rescue Silverstream.

Be sure to add ideas and comments.

Group Admin

Awesome. I am looking forward to writing this fic.

Okay, so the Young Six's families would be coming to New York. But which ones?

Silverstream's family are already decided.

  • Queen Novo
  • Sky Beak
  • Ocean Flow
  • Teramar
  • Princess Skyatar

So, who else specifically?

Group Admin


Even though some of the Young Six did not mention anything about their parents in the TV series, King Thorax and others can fill in for them.


  • Princess Celestia
  • Princess Luna
  • Princess Cadence
  • Flurry Heart


  • King Thorax
  • Pharynx


  • Princess Ember
  • Garble


  • King Grover
  • Gilda
  • Gabby


  • Prince Rutherford

The Pillars of Equestria

  • Starswirl the Bearded
  • Rockhoof
  • Mistmane
  • Flash Magnus
  • Somnambula
  • Mage Meadowbrook


  • Tempest Shadow/Fizzlepop Berrytwist
  • Grubber
  • Capper
  • Discord

I was expecting the Tribal leaders to come, but not the Princesses. Either way, it's about time we see them in their human forms.

Group Admin

You know, Ember, Thorax, Rutherford and the ones who usually represent the different species.

Group Admin

I am starting to write and figure out how the first chapter of the story would go. So, can you proofread and/or edit the chapters for the Sea Invasion fic and my future fics please?

Of course Amethyst. But this is the first time someone has asked me to proofread something, so it's quite an honour. I'll do my best.

Group Admin

Awesome. Thank you, Tagg. :twilightsmile:

You're welcome.

But first, here's a little something for the story...

Queen Novo confronts Storm Surge

Novo: Storm Surge, you need to stop this!

Storm Surge: I'm not listening to you anymore, you're not the queen here.

Novo: And not its king either! This isn't our world.

Storm Surge: Not now. But this world is filled with these stupid beings who think they're better than us because they live on the land.

Novo: They have nothing to do with us, most don't even know about Equestria.

Storm: Still, they need better leadership, and if you're not gonna do it, then I will.

Novo: And what about Silverstream, what did you do to my niece!?!

Storm Surge: I tried to get her to join me, especially with her new fighting skills, but she's proven a disappointment. But don't worry, she's still alive, but not in a good place. She might be watching us right now.

In Silverstream's cell, she is seeing images of Novo confronting Storm Surge.

Silverstream: Auntie Novo! (Then she sees certain images.) NO!!!

I think that what Silverstream sees through Rihana's telepathy isn't all that real. Even if it's not true, Rihana could also make her see what she [Rihana] wants Silverstream to see.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it.

Group Admin

Great work. I do want the first half of the story takes place in Equestria where Princess Twilight and the Ninjas visit Seaquestria, but I am not sure if Wildcard will add it to his fic for Season 9. I’ll go ask him.

Group Admin

The Ninjas should also explain to Queen Novo how they were able to use Seaquestria powers in the human world. Just like how Sco-Twi used it in Atlantis from my fic, Equestria AquaGirls.

Queen Novo: How were you able to have fins underwater? There’s no trace of the pearl in this world.

I thought we agreed that the human Hippogriffs keep their legs when under-water.

Here's a little something.

The Young Ninjas make it through Silverstream's cell, but Silverstream doesn't notice them due to the blindfold and headband projecting images. Gallus tries to take it off, but Ocellus stops him.

Ocellus: Don't, if we remove the headband right now it could make it worse.

So they call the ninjas and tell them.

Amir: Rihana's the one sending the thoughts to her, we have to take her out first.

After the adults take out Rihana, Terramar removes the headband, which makes Silverstream calm down a bit. Yona uses her mace to destroy the cuff chaining her to the wall and Gallus removes the blindfold.

Silverstream: Gallus? (Silverstream then faints.)

Gallus: Silverstream.

Bright Eyes: Let's get her to Donnie.

Skystar and Terramar each grab Silverstream's arm and put them around their neck and carried her as they swam towards the surface.

Just to be clear, what did Sci-Twi used in your Aquagirl fics? Is it about how the pearl allowed them to breath underwater through their Geodes?

Comment posted by AmethystMajesty25 deleted Feb 26th, 2023

Then I guess Jebens' Idea, isn't probably gonna happen.

Group Admin

I don’t know. If it’s his idea, let it happen. Maybe you and I can ask Jeb about it.

Actually, I may have just figured something out.

When the Hippogriffs transform they touch the pearl piece around their necks, right? So maybe, the mermaid transformation happens only when Silverstream activates her necklace. But because of her connection to it, if she goes underwater, and does not activate her pearl, she can still breathe underwater, but retain her human legs.

And in the story, after Storm Surge's arrest in Equestria, they confiscate his pearl necklace, and he was unable to get it back when he escaped to New York. And when he captures Silverstream, she either loses her pearl in the struggle, making sure Storm Surge doesn't get it, or Storm confiscates it off her.

Which one do you think?

I will talk to Jebens about it, but I'm sure we'll work something out.

Group Admin

Both ideas are pretty good. If Silverstream loses her pearl so Storm Surge doesn’t get it, her friends will have a chance of finding her pearl and give it to Silverstream. However, they will have to get past Storm’s new guards patrolling Alim’s home that was taken over by Storm Surge himself.

If Storm confiscates Silverstream’s pearl, he will probably keep it in the storage room or wear it for himself (even though it is not the same color from his old necklace) until the Young Ninjas rescue their friend, but there will be guards patrolling Alim’s home being taken over by Storm Surge.

So, in conclusion, I pick the second option because I want to give the Young Ninjas an underwater challenge without their mentors’ help.


Hey Amethyst, I have an idea. When the Young Ninjas go to rescue Silverstream, Donnie gives them new underwater breathing apparatus that he developed with the Utrom. Basically, it's a mouth mask that they can use to breathe underwater, with no suit required.

And I have an idea for two OC characters that could be introduced in this story, or Rise of the Young Ninjas if I talk to Jebens.

Mar (Male), and Fluctus (Female). (Mar means Sea in Spanish, and Fluctus means Wave in Latin.)

Mar and Fluctus are twin siblings who are Merepeople who are the same age as the Young Ninjas (well, biologically). They are also friends of Amir, who mentors them. They’re kinda based on the Pine twins from Gravity Falls, Mar being the smart and curious one, and Fluctus being a fun lover. They join the Young Ninjas on their mission to free Silverstream. And Mar could develop a crush on Sweetheart.

So, what do you think?

I like that idea!

Which one, the one about the twins? Or the masks?

The oc twins.

Okay, thanks Jeb. Also glad to have you here with us.

Group Admin

That is an awesome idea, Tagg. It is cool that the OC’s personalities are based on Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls.



Hey guys, remember Fluctus, the female oc twin? Well, maybe she sings this song.

This song, the Dolphin Way, belongs to the show, The Lion Guard. But this version was edited by me.

Water is where I belong
Yes, this is home to me
I have what I need
To go swimmin' in the sea

I'm gonna giggle and laugh
Frolic and play
Swim all around
Swish, splash and spray
And it's so much fun
To live for today
Everyone in the ocean knows
That's the Mere-girl way

Diving under waves is fun
And I mostly stay down there
Cause I'm just like a fish
But like you I still can breathe air

I'm gonna giggle and laugh
Frolic and play
Chorus: Ooh-ooh-ooh ooooh
Fluctus Swim all around
Swish, splash and spray
And it's so much fun
To live for today
Chorus: Ooh-ooh-ooh ooooh
Fluctus: Everyone in the ocean knows
That's the Mere-girl way
Chorus: Ooh-ooh-ooh ooooh

Fluctus: Ooh
Seahorses: Oooooh, oooooh, oooooh
Fluctus: Swimmin' all around
Here in the ocean
Sea Creatures: Here in the ocean

Chorus: Oooooh, oooooh
Fluctus: I live a life
Fluctus and Chorus: ...constantly in motion

Fluctus: I'm gonna giggle and laugh
Frolic and play
Chorus: Ooh-ooh-ooh ooooh
Fluctus: Swim all around
Swish, splash and spray
And it's so much fun
To live for today
Chorus: Ooh-ooh-ooh ooooh
Fluctus: Everyone in the ocean knows
That's the Mere-girl way

Sea Creatures: That's the Mere-girl way
Fluctus: That's the Mere-girl way
Chorus: That's the Mere-girl way
Fluctus: Oh yeah!
That's the Mere-girl way
Chorus: That's the Mere-girl way

And that’s that. What do you guys think of it? You’re welcome to improve it. I’m not a hundred per cent sure where it could go, maybe before Storm Surge invades and kidnaps Silverstream? Who knows.

I always imagined Venus or Jennika singing this song, but that's a better idea.

Group Admin

Great idea, Tagg. I believe this is where Fluctus is introduced.

Hey Amethyst, maybe we should cut Fishface from the story. I mean, he has already appeared in other stories, and we have Rihana now.


Um, is it okay if I instead introduce the Mer Twins in Rise Of The Young Ninjas? Maybe they can help rescue Silverstream when she get's captured by Filch.

Group Admin



Okay. What do you think, Tagg?



Hey Jeb, that's alright, I have some ideas for that, but we’ll discuss it in the Young Ninjas Forum. Sound good?

Group Admin

I look forward to the ideas you have come up with in the Rise of the Young Ninjas thread.


Thanks. In the meanwhile, I’ve made a new version of the Young Ninjas reaching Silverstream. This is after they get past the guards and bars.

The Young Ninjas have managed to take down the guards and get past the bars. Terramar reaches his sister and grabs her by the shoulders.

Terramar: Silverstream! It’s me, your brother.

Silverstream: No, stop this!

Terramar is about to go for the headband, but Mar stops him.

Mar: No don’t! That’s a link-target headband. It was created by our people to focus our telepathic abilities on a single target from a far distance. It’s sometimes used for interrogation purposes on Mere-criminals. If we try to remove it now, we could risk permanent damage.

Smolder: Then, what do we do?

Mar: Let me try something.

Mar gets close to Silverstream and uses his telepathic powers to sever the link between Silverstream and whoever’s doing it. But it was proven to be strong for him, as he only managed to see some things before he was forced to cut off. Mar gets woozy, but Sandbar manages to grab hold of him and help him up.

Mar: The link is stronger than I thought. Rihana is sending bad images through the headband. If we wanna free her, the sanseis need to take down Rihana and break her concentration.



Here’s the scene of Silverstream waking up after she gets kidnapped.

Silverstream felt groggy as she came too. She looked at her surroundings to see she was in some kind of room, and underwater. And what freaked her out more was she wasn’t in her normal clothes. She was in a teal short-sleeve dress that went to her shins, was barefooted and her pearl necklace was gone.

Silverstream: Where am I? What am I doing here?

Storm Surge: Welcome Silverstream.

Silverstream turned to see Storm Surge and Rihana.

Silverstream: YOU!

Silverstream charges, or rather swim charge, at them, but Rihana uses her powers to stop her.

Storm Surge: Relax, young warrior. I’ve simply brought you here to make you an offer.

Silverstream: And kidnapping me, and putting me in this, (looks at the dress), tacky dress?!

Storm Surge: You wouldn’t listen to me up there, so I thought you would be more cooperative down here. And as for the dress, that’s Rihana’s doing.

Rihana: It’s what we usually give to mere prisoners.

Storm Surge: Anyway, I’ve brought you down here to give you a chance. Your skills are excellent but wasted up there. It would be more useful to help me conquer the surface world.

Silverstream: No way I’m helping you. The people of New York have done nothing to you. They weren’t the ones who tried to steal the pearl.

Storm Surge: Those turtles live there and they helped. But this isn’t about the pearl anymore, this is about putting those surface-dwellers in their place. Rhiana showed me how surface dwellers poison their world’s oceans, this is our chance to put them in their place.

Silverstream: Never!

Storm Surge: (Sighs) Very well then.

Rhiana snaps her fingers and two Mere-guards came and grabbed Silverstream by the shoulders.

Silverstream: Hey!

Silverstream tried to break free but is unsuccessful. They drag her to a room with a chair, with Storm Surge and Rihana following. Silverstream is forced into the chair as her wrists and ankles are then cuffed to it. Silverstream was getting nervous.

Silverstream: Let me out of this!

Rhiana: Sorry, but because you refuse to join, you will instead witness the invasion from a distance.

Storm Surge: I wanted to brainwash you into serving me like I did to a few others, but as you’re Novo’s niece, I think this is more appropriate

The guards then blindfold her and put a headband on her head.

And that’s all I got so far. What do you think?

Hey Jebs, quick question, in Rise of the Young Ninjas, would the Young Ninjas meet Master Splinter’s spirit for the first time?

Group Admin

That was awesome.

Yeah. But I don't know what kind of scenario for that exactly?

Hey Jebens, saw the design for Rihona, loved it.

And I saw your design of Versallia. And I’ll admit, she’s very pretty looking.



Okay, so should Versallia be in the story? And if so, how do we put her in?

Maybe after the battle, she could help heal Silverstream, both physically and mentally, with her magic. And maybe heal some of the Young Ninjas as well.

Group Admin

I know! She can alert the Ninjas about Rihona breaking out of prison thanks to an Equestrian named Storm Surge. Plus, Versallia also alerts them that a huge tsunami is heading straight towards Canterlot.

I'd imagine her battling her sister.

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