Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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  • Sunset - ?
  • Twilight - ?
  • Rainbow - ?
  • Applejack - ?
  • Rarity - ?
  • Pinkie - ?
  • Fluttershy - ?
  • Spike - ?

I got something. Okay, you got about three options.

Costumes A: As from FIM
Sunset: As that werewolf girl from the choose your ending series
Twilight: As a royal guard or as Starswirl the Bearded
Rainbow Dash: As an Astronaut, Wonderbolt, or Shadowbolt
Applejack: As a lion or a scarecrow
Pinkie Pie: As a chicken or a Disco skater
Rarity: As a Princess (as usual)
Fluttershy: As Flutterbat
Spike: As a dragon

Costumes B: As the Power Ponies
Sunset: Mane-iac
Twilight: Mage Matterhorn
Rainbow Dash: Zapp
Applejack: Mistress Marevelous
Fluttershy: Saddle Rager
Rarity: Radiance
Pinkie Pie: Filli-Second
Spike: Hum Drum

Or Costume C: As the DC superheroes.
Sunset: Kitana
Twilight: Zatanna
Rainbow Dash: Supergirl
Applejack: Wonder Woman
Fluttershy: Bumblebee
Rarity: Green Lantern
Pinkie Pie: Batgirl
Spike: Aqualad

Group Admin

Ooh, this is tough. Is this for your Halloween fic or something?

Also, Spike should cosplay as Aqualad for DC Superhero Girls. Not saying that I’m choosing Costume C, but it’s a suggestion.

Actually, I noticed that you didn't fill in the spots for what the girls should wear for the Halloween fic, so I figured I might lend you a helping hand to help pick what costumes they should wear.

Group Admin

Oh yeah. I totally forgot about it. In that case, I’m going to choose Costume A.

When they turn into monsters, this is what I imagine they look like.

Nice. I thought that might be the case.

But just to be sure, in the FTR Halloween special, or in Danny Phantom crossover?

Group Admin

It’s for the Danny Phantom + Monster High crossover.

I already made an FTR Halloween fic.

EFun Time Halloween
In an alternate universe, it's Halloween night in Cantervania and the monstrous personas of Fun Time Rush come to light.
AmethystMajesty25 · 6k words · 348 views

Right, of course, just checking.

Group Admin

I got something in mind for Costume B for another fanfic of my own. As for Costume C, I can imagine them wearing those costumes for Jeb’s fic, Equestria JusticeGirls.

Looking forward to your fic.

Alright then, don't know much about the others, but this part where Virtue and Cloudburst had their mother surrounded from both sides.
"We have you surrounded mom," said Cloudburst, "You can take one of us out, but the other one will get you, and the day of pranks, will continue!!"

"Yeah, boy!!" shouted Mikey.

"So just put down your confetti launcher," said Virtue, "And we'll go easy on you."

Gloria looked both sides, and sees that they were surrounded, with the adults realizing that she is now cornered, and the kids were now tensed. Suddenly, Gloria realized she was now cornered and she had no other choice but to comply.

"Fine," she sighed and dropped it, which surprised the others as she had just called defeat. "I told you guys to always finish what you started, so you might as well both take me out."

This surprised everyone, with both Cloudburst and Virtue surprised by this.

"Uh...okay." said Cloudburst as he didn't know what to say. So he and Virtue pointed their confetti cannons at her. "On three."

However, as they counted down, Leo noticed something, causing him to motion to his brothers and the Rainbooms to look. Was she...concentrating?

"This is intense," said <I don't know who>

"Very exciting." said Filthy Rich.

"I do not know who to vouch for." said Bishop.

"Somehow I don't think you'll get the chance." said Miss Nowhere.

"One." said Cloudburst.

"Two." said Virtue.

"Three!!" said the two.

When all of a sudden, Gloria jumped in the air and did a split, causing both the kids to shoot at each other, with Gloria landing back on the ground. Causing the adults to cheer and the kids were flabbergasted.

"Did you guys see that?!" exclaimed Raph.

"Didn't see that coming." said Pinkie.

"Me neither." said Cheese Sandwich.

"Told you I could still do a mid-air sky-high split kick." said Gloria whilst Virtue spat out a bit of confetti.

Shining Armor was shocked and said to Cadence, "Whoa, you weren't kidding."

"Told you so." said Cadence.
Later that day, the adults and kids were together as they were crowning Gloria the Queen of Pranks.

"In celebration of your valiant victory." said Cloudburst.

"And for uniting the crown." said Virtue whilst everyone watched.

"We now pronounce you, as the new sir, high lord queen, of pranks." said the two combined.

The kids and adults clapped their hands as Gloria stood up and walked whilst the queen was walking down as they tossed the glitter.

"As your reigning queen, I will now decide the fate of yee day of pranks." said Gloria.

The kids were dejected, with Pinkie saying, "There goes our year of fun."

"My decision on this, is final." said Gloria.

Suddenly, she pressed the button, causing the countdown to restart, which surprised the kids.

"Wait, what's going on?" said a surprised Rainbow.

"I thought you're going to cancel the pranks?" said Cheese Sandwich.

"We did," said Gloria, "But the adults and I had a long talk."

"Turns out..." said Principal Celestia, before saying loudly, "It was a lot of fun!!"

"Come again?" said the kids.

"We thought about what you said and we realized you were right." said Shining Armor.

"We really love this kind of fun and we had no idea how much we missed it." said Cadence.

"So we all agreed to have this with all of you at least once a year in order to make this fun." said Vice-Principle Luna.

"I too wish to enjoy this again." said Bishop.

"And I'll make sure my company sends us enough supplies for our ammunition pranks." said Filthy Rich.

"So does that mean...?!" said Beryl in excitement.

"Yep," said Gloria, "See you next year."

This caused everyone to celebrate and fire the confetti cannons. For not only do they get to keep this pranking day, but now the adults also want to partake in it, which would mean it would be twice as fun.

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