Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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Hey Amethyst, I just wanted to give out a suggestion for the Parade.

What if Fun Time Rush performs in the Parade as well. And they sing this song, with the Paw Patrol, Spike and Lucky Shot dancing in it.

What do you think?

Group Admin

I have not thought of that. But, I think this could work.

So, do you like it?

Group Admin

Yes. I can imagine FTR dancing alongside Spike, Lucky, and the pups from Paw Patrol. Of course, everyone is going to be dancing to their new song in my fic. And hey, maybe FTR and the Paw Patrol, Spike, and Lucky Shot can be in their music video, just like the one you put there above.

Group Admin


Fishface: (hiding) Perhaps I can help you with that.

Humdinger: Who said that?!

Fishface: (lands down from the tree and stands up to see Mayor Humdinger)

Humdinger and Kitten Catastrophe Crew: (screams in panic)

Humdinger: Don’t eat me!

Fishface: I’m not going to do that. However, I have an idea in mind that can fix you problem with the Rainbooms. That is if you can trust me.

Humdinger: Why should I believe in you?

Fishface: Because I have my fair share with those pesky brats before and they always mess up with my plans a lot of times. And now you’re in the same mess as I was.

Humdinger: For once, I agree with you. My plans backfire on me too many times and the Paw Patrol is always there to rescue me. Boo-hoo! But, you do make a good point there. Getting help from someone that the Paw Patrol doesn’t know about should work and this could be my chance to perform at the parade instead of those so-called "Rainbooms". Horrible name by the way.

Fishface: I see. Well, now that we agreed on something. Do we have a deal on trusting each other?

Humdinger: (shrugs) Eh, why not. You got yourself a deal.

Fishface: Excellent. Now here’s what I want you to do…

And that’s it. So, what do you think?

Group Admin



Haven’t been in this thread for more than a month now. But hey, I have an idea for a future chapter. Let’s say that Spike was having a dream about flying by using Skye’s jetpack, but Skye gets mad at him because he didn’t ask permission.

Yeah, that would be a good idea.

Group Admin

The new Paw Patrol movie is coming around the corner. So, I’ve been thinking how Spike, the Ninjas and Rainbooms are going to react when the Paw Patrol have super powers.

Rainbow: You got super powers? That is awesome!

Group Admin


Hi Jeb. The new Paw Patrol movie has released two new songs.

Yeah, I saw them.

Group Admin



I have an idea. I’m thinking that the first four chapters will lead up to Spike becoming a member of the Paw Patrol and getting his own Paw Patroller—designed by Ryder, Donnie, and Twilight. Lucky Shot will be a member too after rounding up the villains in the final chapter of the fic.

Group Admin



I’ve been thinking for a long time about this story. What if Spike and Lucky Shot get powers from the meteorite in Adventure Bay? Spike can have invisibility powers and Lucky Shot can have….. hmmm….. maybe Hawkeye’s ability or Deadshot’s ability. I don’t know what power can Lucky Shot have from the meteorite. That’s all I can think of. So, what do you think?

Spike: Now you see me… (turns invisible)…now you don’t.

Maybe Lucky can, not only nail a shot, but can see from miles away.

Group Admin




Yeah. I like that. Lucky can have this Eagle Eye ability. He can not only nail a shot perfectly, but he can see things from miles away (like Will’s ability from Power Rangers Operation Overdrive).

(Cut to 1:14)

Besides that, Tracker wore his Mighty Pup gear, but it was scrapped and did not appear in the show. I don’t know why, but I can definitely use that in my fic.


Lucky and the group are at the lookout, when Lucky uses his powers.

Lucky: I can see... Mayor Humdinger at Mr Porter's Cafe. And he has spinach in his teeth.

Group Admin

Funny. He can do that after he helps Spike, Tracker, the Mighty Pups, Color Strikes, Allies, and the Ninjas take down Humdinger’s son in the jungle.

Humdinger has a son?

Group Admin

Oh wait, no. Mayor Humdinger doesn’t have son, but he does have a nephew and a cousin.

Harold Humdinger is Mayor Humdinger’s nephew and The Cheetah is Mayor Humdinger’s cousin.


Ah yes, makes more sense.

Group Admin

Sorry for the confusion, bud.

Group Admin


I just remembered something. Lucky Shot can use powers like the superhero, Ladybug, to identify key objects to solve problems. I believe it’s called a Lucky Charm. Right?

Yep, that's the name.

Group Admin

Nice. Thank you.



Spike would have a falling out with the others.
Spike just sat there, with his head lowered, as all the things they said was affecting him:

Raph: Come on, Spike!!

Spike furrowed his brows, now having enough:

Spike: *growl* No.

Raph: What?

Spike: I said. NO!!!!

Everyone was taken aback by this:

Spike: Why the heck would I even be with you?! Ever since I came on this trip with you, all you ever did was blame me for a few mistakes that I didn't mean to or were my fault!! Why, because I'm a useless mutt who shouldn't get involved?!! Well I'm sick of it!! *mimicking* Spike ruined my this, Spike bit my that, Spike is such a nuisance, *speaks normally* Well I have done a handful of things, but I'm still a dog, and none of you had given or treated me with any respect!! A dog is supposed to be loyal, yet none of you did the same for me!! Maybe it would've been better if I didn't exist anymore, then I wouldn't be such an embarrassment now, would I?!

Everyone was taken aback by how angry Spike was. Sunset and Leo were worried about this. But now, now the dam had been fully burst:

Raph: Well if you hadn't got in the way...!!

Spike: Why, because I chased a squirrel? I'm a dog, it's in my nature!! But then again, I'm not the one who always gets angry over the stupidest things, or let my temper get the better of me over a handful of mistakes. And I'm not the one who let my Master die on my watch and didn't take responsibility for it!!

Raph was taken aback by this by the sudden outburst, though not as shocked as the others as he went over to Sweetie Belle:

Spike: And after everything we've been through, I thought you loved dogs. Oh sure, you like the Paw Patrol, but not Spike for accidentally ruining a magazine.

Sweetie Belle: It was a magazine for the Canterlot Movie Club, and it had Luke Stars on the cover!!

Spike: Newsflash, Sweetie Belle, none of your friends like that stupid magazine, or that Luke Stars!! They only did that so that they wouldn't hurt your feelings!! Not to mention, I'm not the one who has the poor imagination of the group!! It's no wonder everyone at CHS thinks you're a joke!! And whilst you're blaming me for that, why don't you try to steal a picture of me from Twilight's phone so that you could post what I bad puppy I was like you did to Sunset on you Anon-a-miss page!!

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo gasped in shock whilst Sweetie Belle looked hurt by the comment:

Mikey: *Trying to calm Spike down* Hey, come on dawg, don't be like...

Spike: What, being angry for something that wasn't my fault?! Oh sure, I'm at fault when you screwed up more times than any of us could count?! *mocking tone* Oh, sure, Mikey is always special, and it's only others who should change? According to everyone, it's Raph who should change, it's Sunset who should change, it's all of us who should change, but Mikey can stay the same and no one can tell him or do anything to him because immediately everyone turns on you. Mikey always complains that we never learn, but what about him? he always acts like a fool or does anything stupid, and then he expects us to take him seriously when he tries to warn us about something, I don't think he learned anything from those situations either, not even when he came to be right, if he had, then he would have grown up and stopped acting like a kid; and not to mention all the times he behaves in an annoying, clumsy and inept way that hurts us all, and all so that we are the ones who have to apologize to him when it should be the other way around. " Raph continued. "Does he still think that only I should change? Is Mikey so special that he can be passed off as immature and clumsy? *normal* And yeah, I may be like that, but at least I'm honest about it and not hide behind a stupid pizza and a thousand excuses!!

Mikey was surprised by that and whimpered a bit whilst walking backwards:

Spike: *speaks to Donnie* Oh sure, I ruined one blueprint. Well at least I didn't make stuff that always backfires, like that stupid mutagen that you kept around that eventually mutated Spike, or was stupid enough to let Pulverizer get his hands on it so that he could turn into an even bigger monster than he already is?! Or are you planning to make another love potion so that April could fully fall in love with you. And you're not as smart as you think. Oh yeah, sure, ninety percent of the time you're smart. But you're not smart enough to realize that not everyone will always agree with your science and not everyone gives a dog biscuit over your boring science!! And you can't always get everything you want, you know that, right?

Donnie was surprised by what he said, and then turn to Caitlyn and Zach:

Spike: And seeing that you two like to cast blame, why don't we blame you for getting your nose into other people's business!! It's no wonder you two are treated as a joke back at your school.

Zack and Caitlyn were shocked by what Spike said, with one of them looking hurt:

Pinkie Pie: And you, who cares about the pie?! It's just a stupid pie!! Not everyone is a fan of it, like Rainbow, who tried to tell you, but your brain is so filled with mush, others would mistake you for not having a brain!! If you actually try to take things more seriously instead of acting like this was all just a game and laugh at every stupid joke, and if you're so desperate for attention, why don't you play with Gummy. Oh wait, I forgot, you can't because he's not real and is a stupid stuffed animal!!!

Pinkie winced whilst she looked hurt as her deflated at the same time.

Spike: *At Applejack* And you? You like casting blame on others, don't you? Then again, you never do learn how to think, cause you're more dumber than any other dog with a brain disorder, just like how you thought Sunset was the cyberbully when it was your sister all along!!

Applejack was shocked by what he said, with Spike going at Casey:

Spike: I may be a dog, but at least I'm smart enough not to try to track down gangs on my own like you did with Hun and the Purple Dragons. Cause maybe if you brain wasn't so filled with gaps like your teeth, you would've actually been a better hero instead of being a joke!!

Casey was also shocked by what he said:

Rainbow Dash: Hey, that's enough, Spi...!!

Spike: And you?! You have the gal to think that I'm a screw-up, when you're the biggest one of them all?! How you nearly broke up the band because of your ego at the Battle of the Bands, then ruined everyone else's fun at Spring Break, or when you got tricked by an Ink clone of your friends when you didn't even think that there was something off about them instead of letting them take your geode away without wondering why they would do that? That’s sooo like you Dash! Acting so high and mighty like you’re sooo much better than everyone, but really you were being an insensitive jerk and blamed others when something went wrong, especially to me! So maybe instead of being a stupid hothead and pointing fingers at me as always, you should just accept the fact that you are nothing but a major screw up and don’t do anything right! Some loyal friend you are!

Rainbow felt hurt by Spike's comment and didn't know what else to say. But then...Spike then turned to Twilight:

Spike: And what I'm sick and tired of the most? You didn't even defend me when the others were scolding and blamed me for things that weren't my fault!! I thought you were my friend!! But clearly I was wrong!!

Twilight: But Spike, you are my...

Spike: Am I? If I remembered correctly, you only treated me like a lab assistant or a lab experiment, you never treated me like your actual pet or your actual friend. Did you forget how I was the only one who comforted you when you needed a friend the most when everyone at Crystal Prep treated you like you were a freak?! Or an outsider? Or after being turned into a monster because of that stupid magic?! Sure, Sunset may have overcome your corrupted magic, but I was the one who snapped you out of it before you could've overpowered her!! If it weren't for me, you still would've stayed as Midnight Sparkle!!!

Twilight was shocked by what Spike had said, as some looked hurt at the same time too. Though for Twilight...

Spike immediately turned around and didn't want to bother even look at her:

Spike: You know what, I've had it. I'm done with all of you. I don't ever want to be near any of you again. *turns his back on them* At least the Paw Patrol and Ryder treated me with respect, unlike any of you.

Spike walked away in a huff, with the others shocked by what Spike just said. Twilight then walked over to try and reason with him:

Twilight: Spike, wait.

Just as Twilight grabbed Spike, Spike immediately turned around and bit Twilight's left hand, making her yelp in pain and pulled her hand back and fell onto the ground. Half of them were shocked by what happened as some gasped. For Spike, Twilight's beloved companion, had bit his own owner. Twilight looked in shock by what Spike did, but he didn't hide his anger.

Spike: So you like learning lessons, huh? Well here's a lesson I've learned. You're a stupid nerd who will never be accepted and will never be satisfied with anything. Even with perfection.

Spike grabbed his collar and threw it before it landed next to Twilight's leg, which shocked the latter before Spike walked away:

Spike: I'm done being with all of you.

Spike walked away whilst everyone watched as Spike walked away and denounced them as his friend, even disowned Twilight as his master. Twilight slowly picked up Spike's collar and looked at the hand he bit. She then shed tears and lowered her head, with Leo and Sunset being there to comfort her.


(Stunned silent jaw drop)

Fear not, for things will be right in the end. Besides, I'm still working on that.

Group Admin


(Eyes widened and jaw dropped) Wow. I never thought Spike would feel this way and I feel bad for him. Maybe Lucky Spot, Ryder, and the Paw Patrol would give Spike a heart-to-heart talk when they have the chance.


I feel the same way, RT.



Paw Patrol talking to Spike.
After the Paw Patrol were done with their training, all of them walked together whilst Lucky Spot was with them:

Chase: Good job, guys. You worked together perfectly.

Rocky: Yeah, especially Lucky Spot.

Marshal: Who knew you know how to use clothes pins like that.

Lucky Spot: *giggles* Thanks.

Suddenly, Skye spotted someone. Or in this case, somedog:

Skye: Wait, is that Spike?

The pups stopped and saw Spike sitting there, with his head lowered whilst looking at the horizon:

Zuma: What's wrong with him?

Rubble: Yeah, it's almost as if someone took away his dog biscuit.

Rocky: Let's find out.

They went over to Spike, wondering what was wrong. At the same time, Ryder walked spotted them heading to Spike. And from the look on the puppy's face, he seemed really distraught, so he decided to listen to them over:

Chase: Spike? Are you okay?

Spike: *wipes a tear* No. No I'm not.

Liberty: What happened?

Spike: *sighs* It's like this. *Spike told them, but he didnt turn around to face them* And that's what happened.

The pups were surprised by this, even Ryder:

Rocky: Wow. That's harsh.

Lucky Spot: But don't you think you were a little harsh too?

Spike: So what? Ever since I got here, all they ever did was treat me with disrespect. They even blamed me for nearly getting the bus off the bridge. And when I found out it was Fishface who did it, they wouldn't even hear me out and thought I was a nuisance. And I tried so hard to prove to them I was just as important to be part of their team, but they didn't treat me that way. I even helped them out and saved them once or twice. And this is the thanks I get. And what's worse, Twilight didn't even defend me. Some owner she is. *sighs whilst shedding a tear* Maybe I would've been better off if Twilight never adopted me in the first place.

The pups were concerned for Spike, especially Ryder:

Marshal: Spike. It may come hard to understand, but we've been there.

Skye: Yeah, I mean when we first became part of the Paw Patrol, we also messed up every now and then. But humans also can make mistakes. Most of the disasters we saved from them may have happened naturally, but sometimes most of those disasters we made by humans. Sometimes they don't even like to admit it, but eventually they came around and took responsibility for it.

Chase: Plus, I was the same way. When we were assigned to go to a city, I didn't want to go because of my PTSD. And I was scared for my life because of my own experience in the big city. But Ryder showed me the place where he first found me. And he adopted me because he saw bravery within me. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here, being part of a team.

Liberty: And I was also different. I sometimes messed up since the day I met my idols, but they taught me the true meaning of humility. And by the time I realized this, I helped them and they made me a member of the Paw Patrol.

Spike: So you guys keep saying.

Ryder: It's the truth.

Spike partially looked at Ryder walking in whilst the pups were surprised to see him. Ryder sat down next to Spike whilst they watched the horizon:

Ryder: And even though we're a team, sometimes we're not perfect either. I mean whenever we were sometimes on missions, we tend to let things get to us, and we sometimes get on each other's nerves. But I could never do that. Ever since the day we met, I developed a strong bond with them. And in time, they developed a bond to each other. We may make mistakes, but that's why we have friends, to help pick ourselves up.

Spike: Wish they could do the same for me. And because of a few things, they don't trust me.

Ryder: Well that's also another thing about dogs from what the Paw Patrol taught me long ago. Sometimes we may have trust issues.

Chase stepped forward and stood next to Spike:

Chase: But we also understand the true meaning of Friendship and Loyalty.

Skye: So give them time. They'll see it eventually. And one day they'll earn your trust again.

They looked at the horizon, with Spike now thinking about Ryder and Paw Patrol's words. That they might one day come true.

Group Admin


Wow. That was great. Haven’t thought of adding Liberty into the story. So you know what, I believe that my story takes place after the Paw Patrol movie and before the second movie ‘cause I always thought my fic would take place before the first movie.

Heehee, thanks. Plus I only wrote down the members of the Paw Patrol that I remembered. Plus I figured they'd share their experience with Spike, considering they knew what he went through.

Group Admin

I understand. But hey, if you got some ideas and quotes for my other fics, you let me know in my Amethystverse forum or in the Equestria Ninja Girls forum. I look forward to reading more of your quotes and your Across the Shellverse fanfic.

Group Admin

you’re welcome :twilightsmile:



Leo and a handful pointed out to the others of their mistakes.
Sunset Shimmer: And that's what happened.

Sunset was busy calling to Princess Twilight and Spike via the Turtle phone. Thanks to a friend of theirs, they were able to talk via dimensions. Needless to say, both Princess Twilight and Spike were surprised to hear this.

Princess Twilight: Wow. That's horrible.

Spike: I knew my other me was upset, but I didn't think he'd be this upset.

Princess Twilight: And... how's the other me?

Sunset Shimmer: Not good I'm afraid. *peaks through the room and saw Leo trying to comfort her whilst she was crying, whilst she was holding Spike's collar, as well as her bandaged left hand* She took it really hard. I can't blame Spike for feeling that way. I've tried to tell the others, but they didn't listen, nor did they listen when he told us Fishface was the one who sabotaged our bus when we were on our way here.

Princess Spike: But Spike didn't mean any harm, he's just a puppy.

Sunset Shimmer: *sighs* I know.

Spike: Hmm, you know, I think I see the problem. I think they sometimes sees me and not the Spike from that world. I've only been there a few times and I didn't let my dog instincts get the better of me. Your Spike wasn't around that much to help out. Cause if I remember, during the memory stone incident, Spike tried to convince your Twilight that you were a good person because his memory wasn't erased, but she didn't believe him. That's always been a problem when it comes to counterparts. When I was there, they didn't see me as a dog, but as a dragon companion from Equestria. But when it comes to the other Spike, they always overlooked him, and didn't give him enough credit when he helped you guys out a few times. And remember what you told Wallflower the day you helped her?

Sunset Shimmer: *remembers and spoke up* Everyone matters. Now matter how insignificant or invisible they feel.

Princess Twilight: Exactly. And from the looks of things, everyone had forgotten about that.

Sunset Shimmer: I haven't. I still remember that.

Spike: Then maybe it's time you and those who didn't put the blame on Spike, point out and made them remember.

Sunset Shimmer: Thanks guys. And tell the girls back in Equestria I said hi.

Princess Twilight: You're welcome Sunset.

Spike: Let us know how it went.

After she ended the call, Leo came out of the room.

Sunset Shimmer: How's she doing?

Leo: Still the same. Spike leaving her really hit her hard.

Sunset Shimmer: I just hope we can help her.

Leo: And we will. But first thing's first.

Leo and Sunset walked to the other room, with the others waiting. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo was sitting further ahead from Sweetie Belle, Fluttershy, who decided to pet both Chompy and Tank, for they didn't want to be anywhere near Rainbow and Raph right now, whilst Pinkie was just looking at her stuffed animal Gummy, whilst slowly placing it on the ground whilst being sad at the same time. Leo and Sunset entered the room, with the two of them having looks of disappointment in their eyes.

Leo: Well, I hope all of you are proud of yourselves?

Rainbow Dash:'s...?

Sunset Shimmer: *coldly* How do you think she's doing? *Rainbow winced at that*

April: All of you were complete jerks to Spike. You never appreciated him, especially you Raph.

Raph: Well if he hadn't jumped on my head...!!!

Leo: Raph, how was Spike supposed to know that the brakes were cut?

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah, Fishface cut the brakes so that we could perish in an accident. When Spike figured it out, Leo and I were the only ones who listened, but none of you wanted to hear him out.

Rarity: Indeed, and all of you treated him badly.

Sweetie Belle: Um, didn't he make you ruin your makeup on your face?

Rarity: Well, yes. But that wasn't Spike's fault. He didn't know something like this would happen.

Sweetie Belle: But he ruined my...

Scootaloo: Sweetie Belle, nobody cares about that stupid magazine, or about Luke Stars.

Apple Bloom: Besides, y'all bought like, three magazines of him. We didn't want them, but we didn't want to hurt yer feelings.

Scootaloo: But given how you made Spike feel, I wouldn't blame him for being angry.

Sweetie looked down and felt a bit dismal:

Mikey: But still, what he said...

Leo: Even if it was the truth from all of you three? *The turtles looked at him* I mean yeah, sure, I also make mistakes, but at least I'm honest about it, unlike you three, whom I have to constantly clean up the mess you three made.

Fluttershy: And he may have a point about you Rainbow. *Rainbow looked at her* Spike may have made a few accidents, but at least he didn't have an ego that nearly broke up our band, ruined our spring break, or even shut me down when I wanted us to play my songs, but you never let me play any of it, because you wanted to be all about you.

Rainbow Dash: I said I was sorry!! *looks at Tank* Tank, back me up.

Fluttershy: *Tank looked away, with Fluttershy translating for him* He says he's still mad at you for how you treated his friend. Spike may be a dog, but at least he also treated Tank with respect. Cause if Tank remembered, you didn't want a tortoise for a pet, because you thought they were lame.

Rainbow Dash: And what? We're lame too, because you wanted to be part of the Paw Patrol.

Fluttershy: I'd never do that. I only wanted to spend time with the puppies to play with them. You know how much I love animals. And I could never replace Ryder, he's done so much for them, and I'd never take that away from him, not after what he did for them.

Rainbow looked down in guilt, remembering that:

Applejack: Ah suppose...but my guitar...

Apple Bloom: How was Spike any different from Winona? *Applejack looked at Apple Bloom* Did y'all forget all the times she made a mess? How she buried dad's hat in the backyard, how he used your bass as a chew toy, or that time he trailed mud all over the house? Y'all didn't scold her, and yet ya scolded Spike for something that wasn't his fault, because he didn't know it would happen.

Applejack looks down in shame:

Leo: Guys, I know Spike may have done a few things, but you have to remember, he's not the Spike from Equestria. He's busy helping Princess Twilight with her own problems back home.

Sunset Shimmer: And all of you have to remember. Spike's not only a dog, he's a puppy, he's still learning and he didn't know any better. He tried to make things right, but none of you gave him a chance.

Leo: Plus, blaming others over a handful of mistakes could only lead to an even bigger disaster and trouble. Or need we remind all of you of how much trouble all of you caused?

Sunset Shimmer: And Spike's just as much of an important part of the team as the others. Like I told Wallflower, everyone matters, no matter how insignificant or invisible they feel.

Everyone looked down in shame, thinking of how they treated Spike.

Raph: Aw, Sewer Apples. They're right. Spike's helped us out a lot and we took it for granted. Especially me. *sigh* I gotta make this right.

Applejack: We all do.

Twilight: Especially me.

Everyone saw Twilight walk in whilst still holding Spike's collar.

Twilight: I wasn't there for Spike when he needed me the most. I won't make the same mistake again. He was there for me, now I'm doing the same for him.

Group Admin

I guess my story can take place after Across the Shellverse. I don’t remember reading Coco Bandicoot meeting the Equestria Ninjas.

Nonetheless, this was satisfying to read. Great work. I look forward to the last dialogue you came up with for Spike and his friends.

1) I actually assumed that it was before the Shellverse. As for Coco Bandicoot, it was a crossover between the ENG and Crash Bandicoot, made by RainbowRaptorDash1. I figured there would be some mention to them. If you want, I can remove the Bandicoot part if you want.

2) Thanks:twilightsmile:

Group Admin


1) I’ll think about it.

2) You’re welcome, my friend.



Twilight's apology
Once Fishface had made his escape, Twilight began to look for Spike. When she looked, she found him standing there, but he didn't look at her. She couldn't blame him, not after everything they put him through.

Twilight: Spike?

Spike didn't say anything, he just kept his back turned, not wanting so see her. She was sad, but she understood why he felt like this.

Twilight: Spike. I just wanted to say...I'm sorry. I'm sorry for how the others treated you since we were on our way here. And I'm sorry that we made you feel you weren't important. And I'm so sorry I didn't defend you when you needed me the most.

Twilight stood on her knees and looked at Spike:

Twilight: Ever since the day you came into my life, I ended up treating you like a lab assistant or focus on one of my research projects instead of my actual pet and friend. You were always there for me whenever I was bullied, or when I was alone with no one to comfort me during my studies at Crystal Prep. You were always there to cheer me up, and you chose to stay by my side. And ever since the day you could talk, in a way, even if it was strange, I've never felt so happy, cause not only could you talk, but I could have someone to talk to besides my friends. And at the Friendship Games, you were the one to snap me out of it, so that Sunset could save me. And you tried to convince me that I wasn't infecting my friends with magic, and Sunset not being a bully. But I didn't listen.

Twilight wiped a tear from her eye:

Twilight: And for a long time I didn't value your friendship. You were always there for us whenever we needed help the most. And we all ended up taking you for granted. And I can understand if you'll never forgive us. But...I really want to make things right. I'm so sorry, Spike. I really am sorry.

There was a bit of silence at the moment, but she heard Spike turn around and stood near her, but when she looked at him, he still had that look on his face:

Spike: You know, sometimes when it comes to a dog, sometimes we all have trust issues.

Twilight lowered her head, thinking Spike didn't care about her anymore. Whilst Spike on the other hand, he saw the hand that he bit Twilight. Which made him look down in regret for what he did. As Twilight kept her head lowered, she felt something against her left hand. She looked and saw Spike licking it whilst he looked regretful at the same time. He looked at her as he had somewhat of a sad smile:

Spike: But sometimes, from what a friend of mine told me, we also understand the true meaning of friendship and loyalty.

Twilight couldn't help but shed more tears, but this time happy ones. She instantly picked Spike up and hugged him, to which the latter returned:

Twilight: Thank you, Spike.

Soon enough, the others came together as they too had the same looks on their faces:

Rainbow Dash: Hey Spike. We're sorry for the way we treated you.

Applejack: Y'all were part of our group for a long time and we took it all for granted.

Raph: Yeah, we're sorry little buddy.

Spike looked over at the Paw Patrol as all of them gestured, showing their apologies are genuine. Spike smiled and looked at them:

Spike: Apology accepted.

Group Admin

Now that was awesome, my friend. Bravo! Bravo! 👏👏👏👏👏

Group Admin

You’re welcome, my friend.

Like I said, if you got some more ideas and quotes for my other stories, let me know and I will sure read them.



Here's an idea.

What if Liberty and the Junior Patrollers visit while the gang's in town.

And the Junior Patrollers and the CMC work together on something.

And that's all I got so far.

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