Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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Yeah, like Christy turns them down at first, but after she drops them off and drives away, Flash and Pauly are jumped by Iris Lilly and the Viper Kais and get overpowered. Just as the Viper Kais are about to finish them off...

Suddenly they all heard the sound of tires screeching and turned just as Christy car came speeding toward them before it did a swerve u-turn, knocking Iris and the Viper Kais away.

"Get in!" Christy ordered.

Flash and Pauly got up and piled in while Christy tried to start the car, but it was stalling again!

"Ah, come on!" Christy complained, pumping the gas.

Iris got up and glared, then she charged straight at the car just as it finally started and Christy began to drive off. Iris jumped and grabbed the open window, startling Flash and Pauly.

"I'm not done yet!" Iris snarled.

"Hey, no free rides!" Christy snapped and swerved the car toward a lamp post. Before Iris knew it, she hit the lamp post, let go of the window, and fell to the ground in a daze.

Pauly breathed a sigh of relief, "Thanks, Christy!"

"No problem," Christy smiled.

Flash groaned and covered his black eye.

"You okay, Flash?" Pauly asked her brother.

"Not especially," Flash replied.

"Here, Flash," Christy handed him an ice pack. "That should reduce the swelling."

"Thanks," Flash took it and pressed against his eye.

"So who were those guys?" Christy asked.

"Viper Kai! Pauly answered.

"Those creeps were Viper Kai?!" Christy gasped.

"Creeps doesn't even begin to describe them," Flash frowned.

"We would've been done for if you hadn't shown up," Pauly stated.

"Wow!" Christy gasped. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you guys."

"It's fine, you didn't know how vicious they were," Pauly replied.

Christy looked thoughtful for a moment before she said, "Hey, um about what you're offer to join this Hamato Clan to fight off Viper Kai? Does that offer still stand?"

Pauly smiled at her friend.


Iris Lilly and Pip Squeak

(After she loses)

"You voted against me?!" Iris asked Christy.

"Yes!" Christy answered with a frown. "I tell you why but, I'm not allowed to speak, remember?" And with that, she walked off, leaving Iris Lilly standing in shock.

The girl looked back at Pip Squeak as he held up his hands in victory, before her face twisted into rage and she stormed up to Pip's box and shouted into the microphone, "You know what?! Nuts to this election! And Nuts to all of you idiots! If you want a puney little weakling as your president, that's fine by me! And here's what I think of Pip Squeak!" She ripped off Pip's poster and smashed it right over his head.

"Hey!" Pip cried.

"Choke on that, shrimp!" Iris spat.

"That's it, Iris Lilly, go to the vice principle's office now!" Cheerlie ordered.

Iris stormed off the stage and out the doors in a huff, while Silver Snake watched with interest.

"Fiesty, fiercely competitive, and willing to resort to cruelty and intimidation," Lady Dokuso stated.

"In other words, perfect for Viper Kai," Silver Snake grinned.

(Sapphire and Iris' match)

Pip called out, "Kick her butt, Sapphire!"

(After she's beaten)

"Who's weak now, Iris!" Pip jeered at the girl.

Group Admin
Group Admin

My good friend, Jeb, has created a poster for the upcoming sequel of my fic, Equestria Ninja Girls: Viper Kai II - The Snake Strikes Back.

Be honest with me, what do you think of the poster?

Group Admin

I made alternate versions of Swift Kick/Shark in case you want to use them for reference and draw them for your future drawings.

Group Admin

Okay then. I’m glad you liked my updated drawing of Swift Kick/Shark.


Lancer and Swift entered the office as the former Viper Kai said, "It's madness out there! Are you two almost done?"

"We got the footage," Frosty replied.

"All we need to do now is log in to their channel, upload the clip, and bam! In your face, Silver Snake!" Sissy smirked.

Suddenly, they heard voice outside shouting, "Two of them went in Snake's office!"

"We'll take care of 'em!" Called another.

"We're about to have company!" Lancer said in worry.

Swift turned back to the two hackers, "Keep uploading the footage! We'll deal with our 'guests'!"

No sooner after he said that, the door was kicked open and Hoops, Dumb Bell, and Score stormed in.

Dumbbell smirked, "Well, look who it is?!"

"These guys," Swift frowned.

"What are the odds," Lancer deadpaned.

"Uh, friends of yours?" Frostee asked, still hacking.

"As Big Mac would say, Nope!" Lancer replied.

"Big time!" Swift added.

"It's little weakling Lancer and the Big Bad Shark!" Hoops laughed. "Or he used to be!"

"And to think we used to be scared of you!" Dumb Bell taunted. "But you're not so tough! And I'm not taking about when Blaze pounded you into the mat, I'm talking about all those other times you got you're butt kicked! By Bright Eyes, that blue turtle, Lightning Dust, Thunderlane, and even by Weakling here!" He pointed at Lancer who rolled his eyes. "Face it, Guppy, you've gone soft and now you're weak! Just like the rest of you're loser friends!"

Swift glared hard at Dumb Bell before he shot back, "You know what, that's life! You win some, you lose some, but you just gotta move on! Unlike you three! You still act like jerks after everyone you've bullied have kicked your butts! Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Flash, Pauly, Button Mash, Logan, Ace, Yona, Twilight, that crosseyed girl, and me!"

"I haven't," Lancer pointed out.

"You'll get your turn," Swift assured. "These three idiots will never learn!"

"We'll show you idiots, Guppy!" Dumb Bell growled, then he, Hoops, and Score attacked the two who fought back.

Group Admin

Good speech from Swift Kick.



"Oh no!" Karai growled.

Everyone looked and were shocked. Silver Snake had entered the backyard. The Turtles, Allies, Rainbooms, and the Young Ninjas glared at the man who had caused them so much grief. But what non of them noticed was Quickstrike stared at Silver Snake with shock before he glared with a look of pure hatred.

"Hamatos," Silver Snake greeted. "We need to talk."

"Hello, Silver Snake," Raph grinned. "How are things at your new dojo?"

"Oh, things were going just great," Silver Snake replied, then motioned to Shadowsan, "That is, until you sent this guy to rough up my senseis. It seems you didn't heed my warning about not crossing Viper Kai!"

"As long as people like you keep spreading disharmony, we'll keep crossing you!" Sunset declared.

"You should've learned, Silver Snake, even in defeat, the Hamato Clan will never stay down!" Leo stated defiantly. "Especially after you framed Blade Swipe."

"You hit us hard, we hit back!" Raph added.

"Yes," Silver Snake then glanced at the Young Ninjas. "And it seems you're also going back on our agreement that you stop training your students."

"We haven't gone back on the deal," Karai retorted. "But we're not leaving our friends to become your students punching bags again! Fortunately, we found a way around the deal."

Mikey pointed to Quickstrike and Shadowsan, "Meet the kids' new teachers."

Silver Snake walked up to Shadowsan, "We've met, though I didn't catch your name?"

"I am Suhara," Shadowsan replied. "But you may refer to me as Shadowsan."

"Shadowsan," Silver Snake echoed. "My associate warned me about you. Seems she was right."

Shadowsan squinted, "And who might this associate be?"

"I believe that's information for another day," Silver Snake said. But then he noticed Quickstrike still glaring at him. Curious, he walked up to him and said, "Begging your pardon, sir, but you seem vaguely familiar to me. Have we met?"

"Yeah, we've met," Quickstrike confirmed bitterly. "Though I wish we hadn't!"

Silver Snake took a closer look at Quickstrike and suddenly imagined a teenage boy in a Karate gi standing there. "My my, if that don't beat all, Quickstrike. I never thought I'd see you again."

"And I hoped I'd never see your scheming face ever again!" Quickstrike spat.

"Wow, Mr Quickstrike looks really mad," Scootaloo whispered to the other kids.

"Also, he and Silver Snake know each other?" Sandbar added.

"Apparently," Swift said.

"That's fair," Silver Snake nodded. "Of course you hold some animosity toward me. What I put you through was inexcusable."

"Well, I guess some things never change," Quickstrike said. "You're still positioning innocent children's minds with Kai's 'No Mercy' junk!"

Silver Snake stared down at Quickstrike for a moment before he spoke, "I believe I've out stayed my welcome. But let me warn you, Quicky Boy, you have no idea what you just walked into. And as for you, Hamatos, always watch your back, because you're playing with fire!"

Shadowsan walked up, "And Quickstrike and I are the gasoline!"

Group Admin

The Hamato Clan will not stay down and give up until Silver Snake and his Viper Kai are defeated.

Great work by the way, my friend.

After that, Quickstrike can tell them his story with Silver Snake.

I've made some edits.



Here's something for Blaze and Rumble to say to each other.

(Before Blaze beats up Rumble)

Blaze: Really? Alright, tell me how it feels...

Rumble: Well...

Blaze: Yeah, that's what I thought. You wouldn't know, CAUSE NO ONE EVER TREATED YOU LIKE THAT?! Well, I think it's time that you know how that feels... because I'm done being you're punching bag!

(After Rumble saves Thunderlane and is about to battle Blaze.)

Rumble: BLAZE! (knocks him down with a flying kick.) I deserved all those beat downs you gave me, but my brother doesn't!

Blaze: So you wanna take me on, Fumble? Good! This time, I'm gonna break, every bone, your weak sauce little body! Starting with your face!

Rumble: Go head a try! Because I'm done being your punching bag!

Hey, the scene when Silver outs Chozen as Daniel's spy? Well when Silver Snake outs Shadowsan, he'll be tipped off by Lady Dokuso.

He'll tell Shadowsan how he'd heard about "a man who once trained a class in stealth and was quite stoic." Then he says that the thing that gave him away, was the fact that he had a t-phone in his pocket, that Silver Snake pick-pocked from him when they shared a drink at his house.


Master of stealth and pick-pocketing, getting pick-pocketed himself, that’s got to sting.

Oh, and what you said about Lancer helping Swift out of his funk, well, maybe he invites him to the skate park where they used to do tricks. The experience helps Swift enough to get him to come back to the Hamato Clan.

The two can sing this song...

Group Admin

Yes. I remembered that song. It was cool.

Group Admin



I apologize for not posting any new chapters for my fics this week because it has been so tragic. The wrestling fans including myself lost two wrestling legends. One of them is one of my favorite WWE superstars, his name is Bray Wyatt.



A little something for Viper Kai that will reference Ice Sprint.

Shadowsan explained Lady Dokuso to the Ninjas, and Rainbow Dash remembered the name.

Rainbow Dash: Wait, as in the VILE operative that tried to poison Queen Unna at the hospital?

Shadowsan: The very same.

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