Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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Here's a thread to post ideas or quotes for Viper Kai.

Here's my ideas for Viper Kai 2.

Character Roles:

Vipera (oc) : Tory's role. Sapphire's rival who defeats her in the first tournament. But turns against her father after learning he paid off the referee.

Sapphire Night: Sam's role during the first and second tournament and final battle. She also acts like a big sister figure to Rumble after learning about him being bullied by Blaze.

Blaze (oc): Kenny's role. The new Bad Boy of Viper Kai and Rumble's former victim turned bully.

Iris Lilly (oc): Devon's role. Blaze's older sister who's competitive and always has to be the best. She fights Sapphire in the second tournament and is defeated.

Rumble = Miguel's role and Anthony's role when being bullied by Blaze. Holds a grudge on his brother after learning he trained Blaze to beat him up. But the two eventually burry the hatchet and work together in the dojo battle.

Dazzle: Anthony's role during training with Shadowsan and the Viper Kai dojo break in and where she get's the tablet and uploads the clip.

Shadowsan: Chozen's role. Get's recruited by Leo and Karai after their students lose to Viper Kai in the first tournament.

Raph: Johnny's role. Takes Thunder and Rumble under his wing and tries to help end their spat. And later leads an attack on Silver Snake's home with Shadowsan, Casey, Keno, Gabby, Applejack, and the Torreto Crew (minus Frostee as he's helping the Young Ninjas.)

Thunderlane: Robby's role. Joins Viper Kai and trains Blaze to beat up his bully but quits Viper Kai after learning it was his brother Rumble.

Short Fuse: Stingray's role. Silver Snake attacks him and forces him to frame Blade Swipe for the attack. But get's the Ninjas after hearing about getting a group text about ambushing the Young Ninjas.

Lady Dokuso: Sensei Kim's role. Recruited by Silver Snake to train the Viper Kai students to be ruthless. She's personally trains Vipera.

Frostee: Demetre's role during the dojo break in. Hacks into the Viper Kai system to upload a clip while Swift and Lancer hold off Hoops, Dum-Bell, and Score as well as Barry, Luke, and Zeke.

Group Admin

I don’t see anything in there.

It's there now.

Group Admin

Okay. Thank you very much. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

And don’t forget Shark. He will always take Hawk’s role.

Yeah. And Lancer will probably still be in Demetri's role for the training and fight scenes.

Group Admin

Okay. Plus, I do want Amethyst Majesty will be in the story because he is Sensei Quickstrike’s first student/surrogate son. And he will make his first appearance on my story, Equestria Ninja Girls: Out of the Shadows.

Maybe in a flashback or cameo.

Group Admin

Okay. That’s fine. Do you think there should be a bit of romance in the story since the main Cobra Kai characters are in relationships like Robby and Tory, Miguel and Sam. You know what I’m talking about.

Well, Sapphire and Wallflower for sure. And maybe Thunder and Vipera.

Also, Vipera can be revealed as Kai's daughter and Shark's cousin.

Group Admin

That is perfect. 👍

Group Admin

By the way, Aska is also be a student of Fushigi-Do karate. Just letting you know. That’s all.

Oh, and for a kick the dog move on Silversnake's part, after Viper Kai wins the first tournament, police arrive and arrest Blade for assault and attempted murder (Silversnake's doing on Short Fuse), despite the Ninjas protest and claims that he's inoccent, that is Silversnake's first low blow on the Hamato and Foot clans.

Group Admin

Wow. That is a massive blow to the Hamato and Foot Clans. I have a feeling that Princess Twilight is going to get involve and help Blade Swipe prove his innocence by having Sunset Shimmer write a message on her journal to her friend from Equestria. And it goes something like this:

Dear Princess Twilight,

I’m afraid I got some bad news to share with you. Your friend, Blade Swipe, isn't going back home anytime soon. We need your help to prove Blade Swipe’s innocence. I hope you'll get my message.

Sincerely your friend,

Sunset Shimmer

Yeah, and like Silver to Daniel, Silversnake will keep dealing the Hamato and Foot Clan and their students low blows every time they cross him.

Group Admin

Yep. And by the way, Silver Snake is not one word. It’s two words.

Silver Snake exposed

"LOOK!" Dazzle shouted, pointing to one of the tv.

Everyone stopped fighting and looked. The video playing was of Vipera's conversation with Silver Snake when she put her trophy on the display case.

"You must be proud to display that here," Silver Snake in the video said. "Thought I assumed you'd keep it, since you wanted to win it so bad."

"There's no point in keeping this dumb trophy," Vipera replied, before turning back to Silver Snake. "Since I only won, cause you paid to make me champion!"

"So you know about the ref?" Silver Snake stated. "Have you told anyone else?"

"No, cause you'll denie it!" Vipera frowned.

"I denie nothing," Silver Snake retorted. "I paid off the referee to make sure Viper Kai won. It was an insurance policy. But you still won the tournament."

"Did I?" Vipera challenged.

"Of course you did!" Silver Snake said. "You wanted to beat Sapphire Night, I gave you that opportunity. And as a bonus, she thinks the whole loss was her fault and her confidence is kaput!"

"I wanted to beat Sapphire, not break her self-esteem!" Vipera snapped.

"What's the difference?" Silver Snake inquired.

"What is this?" Everyone turned and saw Silver Snake himself had entered the dojo. The man looked at the video on the tv then at the Ninjas and Rainbooms, "This, was you're big plan, Hamatos?" Silver Snake asked in amusement. "Breaking into my dojo and stealing some footage? That changes nothing!"

"It wasn't their plan," Vipera retorted, as she and Thunderlane stepped forward. "It was ours!"

"And it changes everything!" Thunderlane added.

Unfazed, Silver Snake turned to his students, "Our enemies continue to cross us! And what do we give our enemies?!"

Non of the Viper Kai students replied. Princess Twilight spoke, "They have only one enemy, Snake!"

Group Admin

Great work. Oh, we forgot something.

Princess Twilight Sparkle/Leo/Sensei Quickstrike: Daniel’s role. Helps their friends to defeat Viper Kai.

By the way, I'm drawing Iris, Blaze, and Vipera.

Group Admin

Awesome. I look forward to seeing your OCs. :raritystarry:

Group Admin

By the way, did you see the posts in the new thread for my group? If you got some ideas that you want to share with me, let me know. Plus, I’m not sure if I want to write the chapters based on the Paw Patrol episodes.

Group Admin

Leo, Karai, and Sensei Quickstrike meet Silver Snake

Leo: Okay, Quickstrike. We need to have a little talk.

Before they were ready to talk, Quickstrike noticed someone coming right behind Leo and Karai, in slow motion, Quickstrike saw Silver Snake walking towards them as he began to have flashbacks from the 1990s.

Silver Snake: Wake up and smell the coffee, Mr. Yoshida. You're getting in that ring.

Silver Snake: This guy wants to break you.

Teen Quickstrike: (kicks the stone dummy hard until he yelps in pain) Ow.

Silver Snake: Humiliate you!

Teen Quickstrike: (elbows the stone dummy hard) YAAAH!

Silver Snake: Stomp you into the ground!

Teen Quickstrike: (punches the stone dummy hard and feels the pain)

Silver Snake: From now on, when people say karate around here, what they'll mean is Viper Kai karate! (points to Kai Hardstrike) Kai Hardstrike’s karate!

Silver Snake: Gentlemen and lady. It seems we have a few things to discuss.

I thought of something. Quickstrike is actually recruited by Luna. She can be in Jessica's role. Celestial can be in Amanda's role. After Silver Snake fools her into thinking the Ninjas are in the wrong, Celestia repramands them and decides to drop CHS out of the second tournament.

Luna then takes her, Sapphire, and Rumble to the dinner. She tells her about Quickstrike's history with Silver Snake and makes Celestia realize how deceitful and manipulative Silver Snake is. And she reminds her of how Shark outsmarted her into giving detention to the Young Ninjas, even playing the footage with Shake says "Principle Celestia is such a dope!" Three times to get her point through.

Group Admin

Dang. That is an awesome idea, Jeb. We forgot to add Jessica’s and Amanda’s roles to EQG characters. Plus, we have to change some scenes for the story based on what we watched from Cobra Kai like Miguel finding his father. And I don’t know who is going to portray other characters from Cobra Kai like Carmen and Rosa Diaz. The only characters to take Kyler’s and his friends’ role are Hoops, Dumb-bell, and Score because they were ejected from Viper Kai in the last story.

Plus, I got an idea of how Silver Snake knew Shadowsan and Lady Dakuso before. Silver Snake wanted to be next in line for the seat with the V.I.L.E. Faculty/join V.I.L.E. since Shadowsan sided with Carmen, but they rejected their request. That’s all I got, but I think you have a better idea than mine.

Well, one thing I got is after Blade is arrested, and after the Turtles and Rainbooms are forced to stop teaching, Silver Snake arrives and rubs salt in their wounds by announcing he has big plans, plans they can't stop no matter what they do, if losing the tournament was any indication. Then he leaves with the threat that if they or any of their students ever cross Viper Kai, they WILL suffer dearly. Luna sees all this and decides to help out.

Shortly afterwards, Luna sat in her office and spoke with someone on the phone.

"Viper Kai has dealt a cruel blow to my friends, I know I'm asking a lot from you, but will you come and help them?" She pleaded. After a moment a smile appeared on her face. "Thank you! I'll pick you up from the airport as soon as you arrive." Then she hung up.

After that can be Sunset telling Princess Twilight about Blade being jailed and her agreeing to come help.

Then after that...

Leo and Karai knelt before Master Splinter's grave. Both hung their heads in sadness. After a moment of silence, Leo spoke.

"We failed. We did our best, we fought hard, we followed all the Hamato and Foot clan teachings, but it wasn't enough," he said in deep regret. "We failed our students and lost to our enemies."

"Now we're all supposed to stop training our students and give up being senseis," Karai added, equally upset, before she raised her head. "But the stakes are too much to back down and honor an agreement with someone who has non!"

Leo also raised his head and spoke with determination. "If we do nothing, and Viper Kai continues to grow stronger, more inoccent kids will suffer the same bullying that they put our students through! So we have to keep fighting for them!"

"And if Silver Snake continues to poison the minds of his students, they'll evolve from bullies to killers!" Karai added. "So we must do whatever it takes to stop Viper Kai and bring them out of that darkness before it's too late."

Then the two rose to their feet and turned toward a figure who had been standing behind them.

"We know this isn't your fight," Karai began.

"But will you help us put an end to Viper Kai for good!" Leo finished as the figure turned out to be non other then Shadowsan.

Shadowsan spoke in Japanese and nodded, agreeing to help them. He walked up to the two as they all bowed before Splinter's grave, knowing they had a prepare for the fight ahead.

Group Admin

Now that is an awesome way to bring in Sensei Quickstrike and Shadowsan. Great work! 👍

I’m going to recolor my OCs (Sensei Quickstrike, Mr. Fushigi, Silver Snake, Kai Hardstrike, and Shark) in EQG style. Which skin colors do you recommend for each of my OCs?

So who is it that Luna's calling for help?

Silver Snake: white.

Mr Fushigi: bluish green.

Kai Hardstrike: grey.

Shark: Sandy yellow. (You've probably seen my art of him beating up Lancer.)

Quickstrike: yellow orange.

And let's not forget Flash and Pauly.

And as for Blaze, while he's training in Viper Kai, he has flashbacks of when Rumble bullied him from his first day up till Viper Kai dispanded.

As for Sapphire and Vipera, say Vipera perposly ruins her painting and belittles Wallflower when she tells her off, even pushing her. Sapphire then challenges her to a series of games and beats her in every one, since Viper Kai' s not allowed to fight till the tournament. And that's where their animosity starts.

Group Admin


I updated my OCs for Viper Kai.

Sensei Quickstrike

Mr. Fushigi


Kai Hardstrike

Silver Snake

Here's an idea for Rumble. Every time Blaze beats him up, he doesn't fight back, as he feels he deserves for bullying him. The last time Blaze attacks him before the second tournament, he beats him up so much that Rumble ends up in the hospital, but with no broken bones. The CMC find him after Blaze throws him in a dumpster.

Only during the dojo battle, when Blaze is attacking Thunderlane after knocking the wind out of him, does Rumble finally fights back.

Rumble: BLAZE! (knocks him down with a flying kick.) I deserved all those beat downs you gave me, but my brother doesn't!

Blaze: So you wanna take me on, Fumble? Good! This time, I'm gonna break, every bone, your weak sauce little body! Starting with your face!

Rumble: Go head a try!

Group Admin


I got an idea for Silver Snake. He visits Kai Hardstrike in prison and tells him that he’s fired after witnessing the tournament from the bleachers (wearing a bowler hat and trench coat), making Silver the new head of Viper Kai.

Silver Snake: You asked me what’s my biggest weakness.

Kai Hardstrike: Yeah.

Silver Snake: My biggest weakness is you, Kai.

Kai Hardstrike: What?

Silver Snake: (unfazed)

Kai Hardstrike: After everything we've been through together, I have stood by your side for a long time and this is how you repay me? I have been your strength ever since you joined me to learn the Ways of the Fist, especially Vietnam.

Silver Snake: Yes. There it is. I can always count on you playing the guilt card, Kai. Even though your other friend, General Griffin, declined your offer to learn karate, he is another weakness in your pedestal. So, now thar you are out of Viper Kai, I am finally in control of my brand.

Kai Hardstrike: YOUR brand?

Silver Snake: That’s right, Kai. With all the controversies that’s been going on with you as of late, you are no fit to be a sensei of Viper Kai anymore. You're fired.

Kai Hardstrike: You are going to pay for this, I swear to Faust. You are going to PAY!!! (yells and tries to grab him before being restrained by prison guards)

Silver Snake: And who's going to stop me? The Hamatos? The Foot? Fushigi-Do? Nah, they all don't stand a chance against me. (looks at the time on the clock on the wall and stands up) I’m afraid I can’t stay here any longer. So don’t you worry about a thing, Kai. I'll take care of them. I'll even bring some friends of mine to help me. Enjoy the rest of your life in prison. (walks away and sinisterly laughs)

Here's an idea for Vipera confession. When she tells Sapphire, she'll attack her and after Wallflower and Thunderlane break them up, she'll tell them all that Silver Snake cheated at the tournament and she knew the whole time! The Young Ninjas will also be mad and chew her out for not speaking up, Bright Eyes will be especially angry cause Blade was a brother to her. Vipera will admit her dad told her to keep it secret. When asked about it, Sapphire will say her dad is Kai Hardstrike.

Bright Eyes: That monster is your dad?!

Lancer: Well that explains a lot!

Smolder: No wonder you like pushing others around!

Teddy: Like father like daughter!

Vipera: I'm not like my dad!

Sweetie Belle: Bullying history says otherwise!

Pauly: Kai probably told her not to tell because he wanted us to suffer!

Bright Eyes: My brother figure's in jail because you didn't come forward sooner! Cause you're a coward!

Sapphire: You and the Viper Kai's call us weak? Well the only weak one here is YOU!

Vipera: You know what, screw all of you! Especially you, Sapphire! I knew this was a mistake!

Group Admin


Dang. That’s tough. Vipera should’ve told them earlier.

General Griffin will play Mike Barnes’s role.

Here’s an idea for Leo, Quickstrike, and Karai visiting Kai Hardstrike in prison. They went to get tips on how to beat Silver Snake, leaving Shadowsan as the students' sensei. The three heroes trick Kai into revealing that Silver Snake wants to enter Viper Kai into an international karate tournament called the Sekai Taikai, hoping to expand Viper Kai worldwide.

Quickstrike: Can't believe we're doing this.

Karai: Me either. And I don't like it. Not one little bit.

Leo: You think I wanna be here? But Celestia’s right. If anyone knows what Snake's up to, it's Kai.

Karai: Hopefully this place has taken him down a few pegs. Maybe he's ready to talk.

Quickstrike: Sure he's had a rude awakening. Old man in a place like this. I almost feel sorry for him.

Karai: Well Leo and I don't.

Quickstrike: I said almost.

Then, the three heroes saw Kai Hardstrike entering the room as Kai looked back at them. While the prison guard was unlocking Kai’s cuffs, an inmate who got beat by Kai earlier showed up to inform him.

Prison Inmate: Hey. So can I, uh, get you a soda or something? Maybe something from the vending machines. We got corn nuts.

Kai Hardstrike: Scram.

Prison Inmate: Yes, sir. Sorry, sensei.

Kai Hardstrike: (sits down) What are they doing here?

Quickstrike: You should be thanking me for getting you out of your cell.

Kai Hardstrike: (looks at Karai) I don't want to talk to him. I wanna talk to you.

Karai: Yeah, well, I don't really wanna talk to you. (tells Leo and Quickstrike) Told you this is a dumb idea.

Leo: Listen, I know there's a lot of bad blood here, but the fact is, we have a common enemy. Snake is planning something big, and we need to figure out what it is.

Karai: Well he doesn't know anything. He's been caged up in here the whole time.

Kai Hardstrike: I know exactly what Snake's planning. But if you think I'm gonna help you, then you three don't know anything.

Quickstrike: Look, if you know what Snake is planning, why not tell us so we can stop him?

Kai Hardstrike: As if you even could. You've already failed even after I gave you all a lead.

Leo: The newspaper clipping. I should've known it was you. Who helped you get that to my home?

Kai Hardstrike: I got my ways.

Leo: Well, following it led me into a trap. Silver Snake blindsided me.

Kai Hardstrike: Well that wasn't my plan. But it was a nice consolation prize.

Karai: Now you know why you can't trust him. We should just leave him where he belongs.

Kai Hardstrike: I'm here because Silver is tight with the DA and I couldn't afford a real attorney.

Karai: Oh, please.

Quickstrike: What if I could help you get out? Snake isn't the only one with resources. I can get a lawyer. Someone who could help get you out, or, at the very least, a reduced sentence.

Kai Hardstrike: If that's true… Then maybe I would tell you what I know. But I want a top guy, not one of your greasy cousins.

Leo: Hold up. You're gonna get him out of here?

Quickstrike: Leo.

Karai: Are you crazy?!

Quickstrike: Look, you two. It's worth the sacrifice. It's the only way. I could call my lawyer right now. We got a deal or not?

Kai Hardstrike: Deal.

Kai Hardstrike: I remembered when Silver Snake was a skinny, little kid, just like General Griffin, loaded with fear. (looks at Quickstrike) Sort of like the way you were. Viper Kai's given him a strength he didn't even know he had. He became obsessed with power. And he paid for a trip for us to go back East. To where the Way of the Fist first started. So we could learn from the source himself. My sensei.

South Korea, 1980

Silver Snake and Kai Hardstrike frst trained together outside in the forest where their sensei was watching while the little girl (Lady Dakuso) was watching and hiding behind a group of vases.

After training was over, Kai Hardstrike sat on the bench to get some rest until Silver Snake came by, dressed in a fancy suit.

Kai Hardstrike: (laughs) Nice ascott. I guess business really is booming, huh?

Silver Snake: I wanted to talk to you about that.

Kai Hardstrike: Well, if you're offering me a board seat, I'll pass. My focus is on the dojo.

Silver Snake: (sits right next to Kai) I know. That's why I bought it for you.

Kai Hardstrike: (looks surprised) Snake, I… Thank you. I'll still pay rent. I-I insist.

Silver Snake: Don't thank me. You deserve it. Viper Kai is the best dojo in Canterlot. But you can do better in Canterlot. Remember the first time you told me about the All-Canterlot Karate Tournament? I'm about to do you one better. (shows him a magazine) It's called the KOD. The King of Dojos Tournament. The top martial arts tournament in the world. (hands him the magazine) Barely anyone back in the States has heard of it. But with the resources I have now, we could make this the Super Bowl of kung-fu. If we win, Viper Kai will be everywhere. Our way will be the way.

Kai Hardstrike: I love that you're thinking big, Snake. I really do. But I have to say, no.

Silver Snake: But Kai…

Kai Hardstrike: We aren't ready. Maybe one day we will be. Right now, I need to focus on my students. It's the only way that we can learn and become the best version of ourselves.

Silver Snake: (drops the magazine) I'll follow your lead, Kai. (stands up) But if you change your mind, need help, I'll be here for you.

After their conversation, Kai and Silver Snake shook hands and went back to their sensei’s dojo.

Kai Hardstrike: Silver Snake listened to me back then. So we didn't expand. Years later, I got in to your father’s clan so that I can expand my knowledge and moveset. Just like you.

Karai: Don't make this about me and The Foot.

Leo: Hold on. What are you saying? Silver Snake's gonna enter Viper Kai another tournament?

Kai Hardstrike: Not just another tournament. The biggest martial arts tournament in the world. And if he wins…

Leo, Karai, and Quickstrike: Viper Kai goes global.

The Viper Kai students continued training from their dojo while the Turtles, Rainbooms, and Young Ninjas continued training together.

Kai Hardstrike: Silver Snake has taken Canterlot. Now he's putting together the pieces to take everything else. You may have found the will to fight, but you're outmatched and outnumbered. Snake is on the verge of getting what he's always wanted from the very beginning. Well, I think I’ve held up my end of the bargain. The lawyer's number?

Quickstrike: (hands him the folded paper)

Kai Hardstrike: (opens up the paper)

The paper read, "No mercy, jerk!”

Kai got himself fooled while Leo, Karai, and Quickstrike all smiled.

Kai Hardstrike: You actually think you're gonna be able to take him down without me? He's gonna make mincemeat out of you.

The three heroes stood up.

Leo: We'll see about that.

Karai: Enjoy rotting in your cell.

I was thinking that Raph overhears the Young Ninjas talking about how Silver Snake cheated at the tournament and tried to cheat at the second tournament. He tell Leo and say they should go straight to Silver Snake and take him out. Leo warns him that he'll be expecting that. Raph doesn't like that after all the things Silver Snake has done to them, their supposed to just sit back and let him get away with it? Leo says their not but they have to smart and careful about it. Raph just storms off. After that, Casey, Gabby, and Keno meet him and say they agree with him, that Silver Snake needs to pay now. Then Shadowsan shows up with General Griffin saying to count them in.

Also, I think you should rename the Sekai Taikai and always have Silver be written as Silver Snake, not just as Silver. Or it's gonna look like you plagiarized Cobra Kai word for word.

Group Admin

Okay. You're right. I'll have to come up with something then. I can’t call it the King of Iron Fist tournament. That won’t work. How about the KOD? The King of Dojos Tournament.

That could work.

Oh and when Vipera and Iris Lily take on Lady Dokuso in the final battle, they don't fair any better.

Dokuso: (knocked Vipera and Iris Lily to the floor.) Pathetic! You are both no match for me! Either surrender, or fall by my hand!

Iris: (to Vipera,) She's right, we can't beat her!

Vipera: Or maybe we can... ever heard of buck buck? (Whispers to Iris who smiles and nods in determination.)

(Then the two stood up and got into stances.)

Lady Dokuso: So you choose to fall. Very well! I will make your deaths slow and painful!

(The girls rushed forward. In slow motion, Dokuso threw a killing strike, but Vipera deflected it. At the same moment, Iris rolled over Vipera's back and drove her foot right into Dokuso's face, knocking her off balance, then Vipera swept her legs. Finally the two girls both jumped at her and delivered a punched Dokuso in the face. The woman dropped to the ground, knocked out.)

Vipera: Looks like we just scored that point.

Iris: How's that for pathetic?!


I could imagine Shadowsan and Dokuso going into their usual fights.

Shadowsan: I see you were recruited to teach kids to fight as well.

Dokuso: Yes. Only I will be the better instructor. Like the one, I should've been at VILE Academy.

Group Admin

Shadowsan: I'm surprised A.C.M.E. didn't arrest you yet. What did you do? Hide? (Batman: Arkham City reference)

For the party scene, I was thinking that Quibble Pants could be in Greg's role, he's just as much of a jerk.

Then at the party when Quibble insults Short Fuse, he'll beat him up for not only insulting him then but from that morning as well, and then literally throws him out saying angrily if he ever insults him again, he'll snap him like a twig, before shocking him in the face, knocking him out cold and leaving him there. But since Short Fuse is a teen, Quibble can say he has no friends because he's such a loser. Cisco and Frosty can be at the party along with Mikey, Pinkie, Sonata, and Lemon Zest.

Quibble Pants: Okay, NON of you listen to this worthless, deadbeat, waste of space, gunatrash! The only reason Stink Fuse let you have you're obnoxious party here, is because he has no friends! And that's because no one in their right mind would ever hang out with him, cause he's nothing but a complete and utter loser!

(Some of the party goers were shocked by Quibble's harshness.)

Frosty: Man, what a jerk!

Short Fuse: (glaring in hidden rage.) You just had to make it personal, didn't you Quibble.

Quibble Pants: That's right! Just like you had to make a racket when I'm trying to sleep, Stink Fuse!

Short Fuse: (through his teeth.) Don't call me Stink Fuse!

Quibble Pants: Stink Fuse, Stink Fuse STINK FUSE! I just did it three times over. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it! Now all of you get out of here before I call the-(Short Fuse grabs him by the robe.)

Short Fuse: (snarled,) I warned you what would happen when you mess with the viper! Some one say the trigger words!

Hoops: Short Fuse, blow the fuse!

(Short Fuse roared in outrage and hit Quibble Pants all over with a barrage of punches and kicks. Then he grabbed Quibble and dragged him across the counter, hitting his face against the things that were sitting there, and slammed him against the wall before body-slamming him on the ground and nailing him in the gut with a pile-driver, making Quibble cry out in pain.)

Short Fuse: (pulled Quibble up and sneered,) I may be a loser but at least I'm not a weakling! And you know what Viper Kai does to weaklings? (Then he hit Quibble in the side with three sharp kicks, punched him in the gut and face, and spin-kicked him to the floor.)

(Then Short Fuse grabbed Quibble and lifted him up high off the ground. The party guests gasped in awe at the sight.)

Mikey: That little guy's strong!

(Then Short Fuse threw Quibble hard across the room, smashing right out the window, and onto the ground outside. The Short Fuse stormed up to Quibble, grabbed his robe again, and held him off the ground as he glared into his face.)

Short Fuse: NEVER call me Stink Fuse again! And if you ever, and I mean EVER, insult me again, I'LL SNAP YOU LIKE TWIG! GOT IT!

Quibble Pants: Ye-Ye-Yes, Short Fuse, whatever you say!

Short Fuse: And by the way, nobody likes a critic! (And shocker-punched him in the face, knocking him out cold. Then he dropped Quibble and turned back to the party goers.) Party on! (And switched the music back on.)

(Everyone cheered and chanted, "Short Fuse-Short Fuse-Short Fuse-Short Fuse-Short Fuse!" As the said boy walked proudly back in, leaving the battered and bruised Quibble Pants laying on the ground.)


Gee, Quibble should learn, "If you can't say nothing nice, don't say nothing at all."

Group Admin

Agreed. 👍

Quibble should've kept his mouth shut and think about his choice of words. But nonetheless, that was awesome.



Here's a little something.

Shadowsan explains about Lady Dokuso

Sunset: Shadowsan, you recognised that woman that was helping Silver. Was she...?

Shadowsan: Yes, she was a Veteran VILE Operative. Her name is Lady Dokuso

Leo: As in, Lady Toxic?

Shadowsan: She's called that for her knowledge of toxins and poisons.

Raph: Wait, so if she's a VILE Operative, couldn't we contact Chief and let them know about Dokuso?

And that's all I got so far. But maybe, in the end, ACME shows up and takes Lady Dokuso away.

Group Admin

Good idea. ACME can show up after the dojo fight to arrest Lady Dokuso.

I got an idea, but I’m not sure if you will like it. In Cobra Kai, Sam broke up with Miguel after everything that’s happened after the tournament like Miguel leaving The Valley to Mexico. Well, I think in Viper Kai 2, the relationship between Wallflower and Sapphire is going to take a rocky bump after Viper Kai "won" the tournament and hope is slowly fading for the heroes.

Ain't No Doubt About It

[Intro: Wallflower Blush]

[Verse 1: Wallflower Blush, Sapphire Night]
It's you and me
For the rest of our lives together
We're not breaking up, we're not falling out
We won't change (I hope)
Living perfectly, so happily, 'til forever
When it comes to trust
There's nothing that we can't say (I hope)

[Pre-Chorus: Sapphire Night, Wallflower Blush, Both]
We're not worried
Definitely not worried (At All)
So disturbing
How all of these stars align (Like, how?)
We're not nervous
We're totally unconcerned with
Things uncertain (And thеre's a lot)

[Chorus: Sapphire Night & Wallflower Blush]
We're gonna bе fine
So fine
Ain't no doubt about it
Its working out right, all right
All I'm thinking 'bout is
How everything's gonna be okay
No complications in our way
It's fine, we're fine
Ain't no doubt about it

[Verse 2: Wallflower Blush, Sapphire Night]
Honestly, if you're asking me, we're not crazy
Yeah, we're old enough to know we're in love
That's no lie (But we're 17)
If you promise me that we'll always be on the same page
Then I promise, too
I'll be choosing you every time (Every-every time?)

[Pre-Chorus: Sapphire Night, Wallflower Blush, Both]
We're not worried
Definitely not worried
So disturbing
How all of these stars align
We're not nervous
We're totally unconcerned with
Things uncertain

[Chorus: Sapphire Night & Wallflower Blush]
We're gonna be fine
So fine
Ain't no doubt about it
Its working out right, all right
All I'm thinking 'bout is
How everything's gonna be okay
No complications in our way
It's fine, we're fine
Ain't no doubt about it

[Bridge: Iris Lilly, Burning Blaze, and Vipera]
It's all going according to plan
It's all falling right into our hands
Nothing to it, let's get it moving, moving
Find the map and be on our way home
We'll be leaving here before you know
With what we needed
Mission completed

[Pre-Chorus: Milo Manheim & Meg Donnelly]
We're not worried
Definitely not worried
So disturbing
How all of these stars align
We're not nervous
We're totally unconcerned with
Things uncertain (This isn't going to be good)

[Chorus: Sapphire Night & Wallflower Blush]
We're gonna be fine
So fine
Ain't no doubt about it
Its working out right, all right
All I'm thinking 'bout is
How everything's gonna be okay
No complications in our way
It's fine, we're fine
Ain't no doubt about it

I actually like the idea of their relationship taking a bumb, it'll show the psychological damage Silver Snake can cause, and help Vipera realize how evil Viper Kai is, as she never wanted to beat her like that. And maybe instead of Sapphire seeing Wallflower with someone else at the party, the Young Ninjas set them up to sing that song as karaoke without either girl knowing, as a way to save their relationship.

Group Admin

Okay. Does that mean we’re not using the song I suggested for the Young Ninjas to sing to save Sapphire and Wallflower’s relationship? Because I feel like the part of the lyrics above feels out of place. I’m talking about this part:

Find the map and be on our way home
We'll be leaving here before you know
With what we needed
Mission completed

Actually, I ment they set Sapphire and Wallflower up to sing together.

Maybe they can sing that song at the start after the cold opening of Silver Snake taking over Viper Kai from Kai Hardstrike.

As for the song they sing at the set up karaoke, Wouldn’t Change A Thing from Camp Rock 2.

The two can sing "Nothing But Love" at the ending.

Group Admin

Okay. There is another version of the song, Wouldn't Change A Thing, from High School Musical: The Musical: The Series.

As for the ending, after the heroes defeat Silver Snake and disbanded Viper Kai for good, the former students apologized and soon became friends with the Ninjas. One day later, they threw a party and that’s where they sing the song, Nothing But Love.

Yeah, I watched it.

Oh and here's somethings, when Silver Snake recruits Vipera, he sees her living conditions and the problems with her corrupt land lord.

So he and Lady Dokuso arrive latter while he's "fixing" one of the residents washing machine. He starts flirting with Dokuso until she twists his arm back and pins him to the wall, threading to inject him with a fatal poison is he doesn't do exactly what they say. Silver Snake accurately guesses that he doesn't do his job right on purpose so he can scam the residents out of their money by charging more.

And then he orders him to 1. Give Vipera waive on her rent. 2. Stop scaming the residents and do his job. He agrees to it, but Dokuso breaks his arm off screen for flirting with her.

Dokuso: Someone has to teach you to keep your hands to yourself!

And when Vipera's deadbeat aunt gives her trouble, Lady Dokuso sees the whole thing and afterwards shoots her with a poison dart. She tells her that it won't kill her but temporally paralyze her. Then she threatens her to stay away from Vipera and her family or the next poison dart will be much more deadly.

Dokuso: So when your paralysis wares off, I suggest that you squirm back into the filth that you crawled out off!

Those will be the only good things the two do.

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