Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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Perhaps before Luna tells Celestia the truth about Silver Snake, she'll troll Celestia with footage of Shark and his cronies fooling her.

The video was the camera footage of when Shark and his buddies fooled Celestia into punishing the Young Ninjas after the soccer match. Shark and his friends where watching everything from around the corner with smirks.

"I can't believe she fell for our inoccent act again!" Rumble in the video snickered.

"I can," Shark in the video grinned smugly. "Principle Celestia's such a dope!" Luna rewond the footage and replayed what Shark had said, "Principle Celestia's such a dope!" Luna rewond again. "Celestia's such a dope! Such a dope! Such a dope!"

Celestia frowned knowing that Luna was trolling her. "Alright!" She exclaimed. "So I'm not always the best judge of character!"

"No you are not," Luna smirked.

"Okay, Luna, I'm smart enough to know when I should listen," Celestia said. "So tell me excatly why I can't trust Silver Snake?"

"Gladly," Luna began. "You recall what Quickstrike told the students, sister?"

"Yes," Celestia nodded.

"Well, there's more to the story then what he said..."

Group Admin


Quitting the Red Dragon Dojo

Sensei Brick Break: Bolt, knock down that peg so that we can say goodbye to the Fushigi Dojo forever.

Sweet Bolt: I thought martial arts is about honor and respect. I can't believe you threw away just to get the Fushigi dojo closed. So you know what, I'm not gonna do it... I quit.

Sensei Brick Break: What?

Sweet Bolt: “And FYI, my name is not Bolt. It's Sweet Bolt, mister. You're nothing but a cheater... and a big baby.

Sensei Brick Break: Nah-uh, take that back, TAKE THAT BACK!

Sweet Bolt: *unties her black belt and throws it down on the mat*

Sensei Brick Break: *disgusted* Ugh, really?

Just like in the first episode of Kickin It. I remember watching it.

Group Admin


I also used it in my own fanfic that is not related to Equestria Ninjas.

The Majesty’s Arrival

"Thank you for your generosity," Hans said. "But our review will be solely on the quality of your students."

"And quality you shall see," Silver Snake assured. "Our students have won every tournament in all of Canterlot. No other dojo has ever come close to beating us...

"Now we all know that's a load of garbage!" Came Raph's voice.

Silver Snake, the Administrators, and even the other senseis and students all turned and saw the Turtles, in their cloaked disguises, Karai, the Rainbooms, Quickstrike, Shadowsan, Celestia, and Luna enter the dojo.

"And who are all you?" Hans asked.

"I'm Leonardo," Leo introduced. "And these are my brothers."

"I'm Donatello."



"I'm Hamato Miwa, also known as Karai," Karai added.

"I'm Sunset Shimmer, and these are my friends," Sunset introduced.

"Twilight Sparkle."

"Rainbow Dash!"



"Pinkie Pie!"


"I'm sensei Quickstrike, two time All Canterlot champion," Quickstrike stated.

"I am Suhara, master sensei," Shadowsan said and one of the administrators bowed in respect.

"And we are Celestia and Luna," Celestia introduced.

"Principal and vice principal of Canterlot High," Luna added.

"We're here to tell you that Viper Kai isn't the only dojo in Canterlot," Leo said.

"And that Viper Kai is NOT undefeated!" Karai declared. "Our students are just as good as Viper Kai's!"

"You are senseis?" Hans inquired. "But you are just adolescents."

"Hey, we may be teens but we're darn good teachers!" Mikey stated.

"It's true, my sister and I can vouch for them," Luna assured.

"So can I and Suhara" Quickstrike added.

"Indeed," Shadowsan agreed. "I have trained with their students and they exceeded my expectations."

"And if you think that's something," Rainbow chimed in. "Two of our students are All Canterlot champions who beat Viper Kai in both tournaments!"

Hans Gundur raised a brow, "Is that true?"

"Absolutely," Luna nodded.

Hans turned back to Silver Snake, "You led us to believe that your dojo held all the titles?"

"I'm afraid Mr Silver Snake here, ain't honest," Applejack stated.

"Quite so!" Celestia agreed, glaring at Silver Snake.

Quickstrike spoke up, "We've all combined our different fighting styles and have trained our students into some of the best fighters I've ever seen."

"And they deserve a shot at your tournament just as much as Viper Kai," Leo finished.

Silver Snake laughed. "I do apologize for these insipid children barging in here unannounced and frankly wasting our valuable time, but the KOD administration did not come all this way to consider any but the very best! Which I have perfectly shown is in fact Viper Kai!"

The administrators spoke to themselves before Hans said, "You are correct, Mr Silver Snake, but in light of this revelation, we shall decide that for ourselves. We'll see what both your dojos have to offer, from your teaching methods to your students abilities. And then we will see if either dojo is worthy of our tournament."

Group Admin

I have never heard the name of Hans Gundur and I don’t know what he looks like. Aside from that, the dialogue you came up with is awesome.

He's based off Gunter Brown, the translator for the Sekiaki Teikei. The one who shouted DRAGO!

Group Admin

Oh yeah, you're right. 👍

Who are you going to have play the women that Amanda and Jessica fight in the bar?

Cause one idea I had was that one of the female brutes takes Luna's phone and sees the video of Shark fooling Celestia and then mocks Celestia for getting outsmarted by a kid, calling her Saplestia. And Luna tells her to blow it out her nose.

Group Admin

I can use one of your character bases and draw adult female OCs for the fic.

Group Admin

I'll also find more female character bases as well.

Group Admin

I remembered watching that scene before in Cobra Kai, three or four women led by Elizabeth-Anne Rooney were involved in the bar fight with Amanda and Jessica. Am I right?

Group Admin

If you remember Disney XD shows like Kickin' It and Lab Rats, they had some pretty cool fight scenes. We can use those for our fics. This fight scene is one of my favorites from Kickin' It.

I’m thinking of creating an OC based on Leo Howard/Jack Brewer. I already created ones based on Carson and Sensei Ty.

I actually never watched them.

Shark loses his mohawk

The Viper Kais peeked out from behind a tree as Shark walked into the alley. Then Thunderlane signaled them all to move.

The bullies crept into the alley only to find that Shark was nowhere in sight. Just as Vipera was wondering where he went, she dodged a flying trashcan that hit Hoops, Dum-Bell, and Score, knocking them down.

Shark walked out from another alleyway, "I used to do these Viper Kai victim jumps. You guys really think I didn't see this coming?!"

"Get him!" Vipera ordered and the Viper Kais attacked Shark.

The former bad boy managed to hold off and knock some of them back. But as he fought against Vipera, he was blindsided by a surprise kick from Thunderlane and knocked to the ground. The other Viper Kais quickly held him down.

"Well you didn't see that coming," Thunderlane smirked down at Shark.

"You and those chumps are gonna pay for that prank!" Dum-Bell sneered.

"We're gonna show you and your loser friends what happens when you cross Viper Kai!" Vipera said with an evil grinn. "Are you familiar with one of your uncle's strategies for breaking your opponent?"

"You tried that on Lancer once, remember?" Hoops noted. "And failed!"

"Yeah, I remember," Shark confirmed. "But you jerks are idiots if you think that'll work on me! You can't beat me up enough to break my spirit!"

"Who said we were gonna beat you up?" Thunderlane asked darkly, taking out a shaver and switching it on.

Just then, Lancer noticed Shark walk in with his hood pulled over his head, "Shark?" He asked, noticing his friend looked upset. The others noticed this too.

Slowly, Shark lowered his hood and everyone gasped. His mohawk had been crudely shaved off.

"Oh no!" Diamond Tiara said in dismay.

Raph stepped forward, "Who did this?" He asked angrily.

"Viper Kai," Shark answered, his voice trembling.

Group Admin

Poor Shark. I know how Lancer will cheer him up (if that will work).

Lancer and Shark will have a heart to heart talk first. Shark tells Lancer that he is done with karate. Lancer told Shark that he was the one who got him into karate in the first place and put him in the situation where he had to join a dojo. However, it won’t be exciting if Lancer’s best friend would be there. While Shark continues ignoring him by playing his video game (Dungeons and Dragon game from the Game of Shells chapter in Magical Mayhem) Lancer used a last desperate attempt to get Shark back into the fight by showing him a funny video that they made years ago about computer science. (Not sure if we can call them "Binary Bros".) The mohawk defined Shark of who he was back then, but it didn’t. None of it changes the fact that Shark will always be Lancer’s best friend til the very end.

Probably not the binary bros. But maybe Lancer will remind him that when he tried to break his spirit during their match, he had Leo to help him so he's doing the same. And if he didn't let him break his spirit, he shouldn't let Viper Kai do the same to him. And during the first tournament, he'll secretly have Diamond Tiara help him.

Group Admin

And then Diamond Tiara will give Shark a good luck kiss and remind him who he truly is to boost his confidence.

Remember when Miguel leg cramped during his match in the All Valley because he hadn't fully recovered? Well, say the same happens to Lancer only with his arm, since it's not fully recovered after Shark broke it.

That can add to Shark's broken confidence since he's the one who broke it.

Jerk Talk 2

"Look, if you're still mad about the mohawk?" Thunderlane began.

"Really? What gave you that impression?" Shark deadpanned.

"I'm sorry, ok," Thunderlane apologized. "But you've done some pretty bad things yourself. You tormented Lancer and Bright Eyes at the skate park, terrorized Lancer at last year's tournament, oh, and you also broke his arm!"

"Says the jerk who threw Blade off the second floor and trained a hot head to beat up his own brother!" Shark rebuked.

"Alright, give it a rest, you two!" Lancer interjected. "You're both ex-jerks and we're all on the same side now! And in case you haven't noticed, Viper Kai is the bigger threat here. They've got a new collection of jerks, run by a new king of all jerks, and if we're ever gonna have a chance at taking down those jerks, we can't be jerks to each other! So let's just move on!"

Bright Eyes raised a brow at him, "Again with the jerk talk?"

"It's been a stressful time!" Lancer said.

Here's an idea. Blade is Kai's cell mate. Neither one is happy about it. In one scene, they voice how they hate being cell mates. Blade says that Kai deserves to be in jail after everything he put the kids through. Kai rebuffs that it's a cold world out there, and that he was only preparing his students to take it head on. Blade retorts that he's twisted. Kai says he wasn't always that way and explains his life that led to him becoming the sociopath he is today, which Blade admits is similar to his out backstory.

Kai: Sounds like you and I aren't so different.

Blade: I guess not.

Another scene is during lunch when Blade bumps into an inmate who then tries to harm him, only for Kai to stop him.

Kai: Prison 101, never let your guard down, and keep clear. These punks are just looking for an excuse. Same with the guards.

After Kai's therapy...

Blade: That therapist wasn't wrong, you know. You could heed her advice.

Kai: I don't recall asking for your opinion!

Group Admin

Interesting. Later on, Kai and Blade fight together against a bunch of prisoners who were bullies to them, similar to John Kresse’s prison fight.

I also been thinking that not only Amethyst Majesty and Aska are students of Fushigi-Do Karate Academy, but Shining Star, Zap Jam, Sweet Bolt, Bright Idea, and Button Mash are also a part of that said karate dojo. Plus, Sensei Quickstrike has a twin brother named Sensei Wisecrack and wants in on the action. Quickstrike is the more serious type, but Wisecrack is the funny and laid back type, but he still fights like Quickstrike and has a long-standing rivalry with Sensei Brick Break.

Here's another idea. After Quickstrike returns to teaching the Young Ninjas after temporarily giving up, he finds Celestia who tells him of how she feels like a complete fool for letting Silver Snake device her so easily. He tells her that he can relate, stating how he didn't listen to one of his students when he discovered another one was a cheater, which led him to quitting and temporarily joining their rival dojo.

Group Admin

Okay. Who would quit and oh… that student you're talking about was Swift Kick/Shark right?

By the way, the sensei twins are like the yin and yang senseis of Fushigi-Do Karate Academy if you look at their shirts and shoes.

Uh, no, I was talking about Amethyst.

Group Admin

Oh, okay. I believe this is about how Amethyst temporarily joined the Red Dragons because his friends did not listen to him about Emmett Emerald. Yes, Emmett was Quickstrike’s and Wisecrack’s first student when they first opened their dojo.


Celestia: I can't believe I believed Silver Snake's lie!

Quickstrike: Hey, don't be too hard on yourself, okay. Silver Snake's a master of deception.

Celestia: But this isn't the first time I was easily fooled. When Swift was in Viper Kai, he and Lancer caused a commotion on the soccer field. When they were brought to my office, Swift lied that the Young Ninjas harassed them for no good reason. And I believe him and gave all the punishment to Lancer and his friends, when Swift and the other Viper Kais were the ones who caused most of the trouble. I thought I would've learned from that, but I didn't. A delinquent class mate of mine used to call me Sap-lestia, because I was so gullible! And she was right, I am a complete sap!

Quickstrike:... If it's any consolation, I'm a total sap too.

Celestia: You are?

Quickstrike: Regrettably, yes. As I'm sure Luna told you, Silver Snake deceived me when I was a teen. But that wasn't the first time I was a bad judge of character. You see, when my brother and I first opened our dojo, our very first student was Emmett Emerald. He won many spars and matches and we believed it was because of our teaching. But we were wrong. As it turned out, Emmett had cheated his way to victory every time and we never had a clue! One of mine students, Amethyst, found out and tried to tell me, but I didn't listen and thought he was being a sore loser. Even all his friends took Emmett's side. So Amethyst quit our dojo and joined our arch rivals the Red Dragons, uh temporarily. He defeated Emmett in a match and exposed him as a cheater. I felt like such a fool. And I still do. So, yeah, I get how you feel. Mr Fushigi-Do once told me, that we are all fated to make mistakes in life no matter what, that is how we become wiser.

Group Admin


Great work. Love the Kickin' It reference you put in there for your quotes. Also, his name is Mr. Fushigi, not Fushigi-Do.

Sensei Quickstrike told Amethyst that true character is revealed in defeat, not victory. The same quote that Mr. Fushigi taught the twin senseis in the past.

Quibble and Short Fuse

Short Fuse came out of his house and picked up the paper, when he spotted Quibble Pants next door, "Good morning, Quibble."

"Thanks, Short Fuse," Quibble replied dryly. "Oh, no wait, um, actually it's not good a morning. Because I was kept up half the night by a loud mouthed obnoxious boso, who was blasting a loud video game! And let's not even mention his rage moaning."

"Its called Super Quest," Short Fuse corrected him. "And you'd rage moan too if you lost to the Gameinator!"

"Right..." Quibble replied. "Say listen, while you're standing here boring me with your gamer woes, do you think you could do something proactive like say, getting your dumb frisbees off my roof!" He angrily pointed to multiple colored rings that decorated his roof.

"Oh, I wondering where those went?" Short Fuse said. "And their called aerobees." He took a bite of his tomato sandwich and instantly spat it out. "WHAT KIND OF SORRY EXCUSE FOR TOMATO SANDWICH IS THIS?!" And he threw it on the ground.

"Ah, there's the aforementioned loud mouthed obnoxiousness," Quibble stated sarcastically.

"I don't have time for this!" Short Fuse huffed. "I gotta get to my dojo."

"You mean the Viper Kai dojo that was shut down a year ago?" Quibble asked dryly.

"Ha! Shows what you know," Short Fuse scoffed. "It was just reopened-"

"I know it was reopened," Quibble cut him off. "I was being sarcastic. But listen, do you actually think their going to allow a temperamental, obnoxious, baby like you into that dojo?"

"I'M NOT A BABY!" Short Fuse yelled in his face. "And you're one to talk, Quibble Pants. At least I don't waste my time trashing awesome franchises over trivial things like "accuracy", "realishim", or "continuity", I've seen your online video reviews! Acting like some hot shot critic who thinks he's right and disses anyone who disagrees with him!"

"Oh, okay, this is coming from the guy who just called a SANDWICH that HE made a sorry excuse," Quibble rebuked. "Were you even friends with the people in that dojo?"

"Yes I was!" Short Fuse proclaimed.

"Then where are they now, huh? Have they ever invited you to hang out or anything? I don't think so," Quibble said. "And going by my personal experience as your neighbor, I can see why! And as much as you try to denie it, the hard truth is, nobody wants to be around you, because you stink, Fuse!" Then he suddenly started laughing. "Stink-Fuse! That is actually an appropriate name for you!"

Short Fuse spoke through clenched teeth, "Don't call me Stink Fuse!" Then he warned, "I'd watch yourself if I were you, Quibble! You mess with the Viper, you get the fangs!" And with that, Short Fuse stormed back inside.

"Very original!" Quibble called back in sarcasm.

Group Admin

Ha! That was funny. Neighbors like Quibble are always the jerk types.

You the know the scene where Kress sees the therapist as his late girlfriend, his Commander, Silver, Tori, young Johnny, and finally his younger self.

Well for Kai: his girlfriend, Shredder, Silver Snake, Lightning Dust, Shark, and young him.



Here's a little something. It's the kids talking about the KOD.

Lancer: Did you guys see the footage I sent you from that KOD Tournament a few years back?

Ace: Of course, who knew people could kick that high?

Sandbar: Or that hard.

Bright Eyes: That's why it's the biggest completion in the world.

Lancer: I heard one winner did a big car commercial in Trottingham.

Ace: And I heard that it was how Chris Bradford got his fame from... (Everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows.) ...what? (Ace then remembers what he was told about Bradford) ...oh, right.

Hope you liked that little bit on Chris Bradford's backstory. He was a KOD winner, which was one of the main things that got him famous, while being trained by Oroku Saki.

Short Fuse vs Quibble Pants
This is a rewritten version of Short Fuse beating up Quibble Pants.

Suddenly, the music stopped. Everyone looked to see Quibble Pants standing in a night robe with a dry expression on his face. "Hey, in case any of you haven't realized, there are people who are trying SLEEP! Particularly me for example," he complained.

"Oh no," Wallflower grumbled.

"The know-it-all returns," Mikey frowned.

"Do you guys know that dude?" Cisco asked.

"Pretty much," Pinkie answered.

"So, that being said, I would really appreciate it if you would all kindly vacate the premise, before I call the cops and have you all arrested for disturbing the peace!" Quibble threatened.

Before anyone could do anything however, Short Fuse walked in asking, "Hey, who killed the music?" He stopped when he saw Quibble and frowned. "Oh. Quibble."

"Short Fuse. Why am I not surprised," Quibble figured.

"You know this dude?" Dumb Bell asked Short Fuse.

"He's my neighbor," Short Fuse answered, then he asked, "What's the big idea crashing my party, Quibble?"

"Um, do you have any idea what time it is?" Quibble inquired.

"Duh, it's ten-thirty," Short Fuse answered like it was obvious.

"Again, I was being sarcastic," Quibble stated. "You are as slow witted as that orange masked turtle over there." He pointed at Mikey.

"Hey!" Mikey said. "I'll have you know, I got fast reflexes!"

"I rest my case," Quibble continued.

"I'll rest your case if you don't beat it, Quibble!" Short Fuse threatened.

"Okay, so you're disturbing not only my sleep, but possibly the rest of the neighborhood as well, and somehow I'm the nuance here? Well that's not hypocritical in any way shape or form!" Quibble remarked.

"I mean it, Quibble!" Short Fuse warned. "And don't think I forgot about this morning!"

"Speaking of which, did you get into that dojo like you essentially bragged you would?" Quibble asked smugly.

"Uh..." Short Fuse paused, not wanting Quibble to know that he'd been right. "Well... not yet! But-but I will! Oh yeah, I'll totally be back in Viper Kai, no doubt about it."

"Exactly," Quibble smirked, seeing right through Short Fuse's words. "Okay, everyone, I would strongly advise that NON of you listen to this guy! He's a foul tempered, loud-mouthed, very obnoxious, man baby! And I live next door to him so I KNOW what I'm talking about here! He has no friends, no job, and no life! And that's cause no one in their right mind would ever around this loser!"

Some of the party goers were shocked by Quibble's harshness toward Short Fuse. Even Hoops, Dumb-Bell, and Score felt sorry for him.

"What a meanie!" Pinkie huffed.

"I was so right to put him on the Jerk List!" Mikey stated.

Short Fuse glared at Quibble in hidden rage, "You just had to make it personal, didn't you Quibble."

"That's right!" Quibble shot back. "Just like you had to make a racket when I'm trying to sleep, Stink Fuse!"

"Don't call me Stink Fuse!" Short Fuse growled through his teeth.

"Stink Fuse, Stink Fuse STINK FUSE!" Quibble spat, then spoke to the party goers. "Now unless you'd like a vist from the police, I'd suggest you'd clear-" He was cut off by Short Fuse grabbing him by the robe.

Short Fuse snarled, "I warned you what would happen when you mess with the viper! Some one say the trigger words!"

Hoops shouted, "Short Fuse, blow the fuse!"

Short Fuse roared in outrage and hit Quibble Pants all over with a barrage of punches and kicks. Then he grabbed Quibble and dragged him across the counter, hitting his face against the things that were sitting there, and slammed him against the wall before body-slamming him on the ground and nailing him in the gut with a pile-driver, making Quibble cry out in pain.

Short Fuse pulled Quibble up and sneered, "I may be a loser but at least I'm not a weakling! And you know what Viper Kai does to weaklings?" Then he hit Quibble in the side with three sharp kicks, punched him in the gut and face, and spin-kicked him to the floor. "No Mercy, Quibble!"

Then Short Fuse grabbed Quibble and lifted him up high off the ground. The party guests gasped in awe at the sight.

"That little guy's strong!" Cisco said.

Then Short Fuse threw Quibble, sending him flying across the room, smashing right out the window, and onto the ground outside. Then Short Fuse stormed up to Quibble, grabbed his robe again, and held him off the ground as he glared into his face. "NEVER call me Stink Fuse again! And if you ever, and I mean EVER, insult me again, I'LL SNAP YOU LIKE TWIG! GOT IT!"

"Ye-Ye-Yes, Short Fuse, whatever you say!" Quibble replied in fear.

"And by the way, nobody likes a critic!" Short Fuse stated, and shocker-punched him in the face, knocking him out cold. Then he dropped Quibble and turned back to the party goers. "Party on!" And switched the music back on.

Everyone cheered and chanted, "Short Fuse-Short Fuse-Short Fuse-Short Fuse-Short Fuse!" As the said boy walked proudly back in, leaving the battered and bruised Quibble Pants laying on the ground.

Cisco spoke to the others, "I'm gonna take him home." He walked out and picked up Quibble.

"And I better go check on Sapphire," Wallflower said and went off to look for her girlfriend.

Group Admin



I drew two OCs that are hired by Silver Snake for the sequel. From left to right, these two OCs are Sensei Dax and Sensei Slick.

Sensei Grimm is a former police officer, Sensei Dax is an MMA fighter and a former cover star of a muscle fitness magazine, and Sensei Slick is a chef, fashion designer, and ex-boyfriend of Countess Cleo.

Bruning Blaze and whoever’s the leader of the Boy Bullies can spar with Sensei Dax. As for Sensei Slick, he can fight off against Raph and Shadowsan until Lady Dokuso and the other Viper Kai senseis show up. Then for Sensei Grimm, Tony can hit him with a glass pitcher.

They look mean and tough.

Group Admin

And intimidating too.

Raph, Shadowsan, and Karai, I wrote her being present there as well.

And maybe after, Shadowsan and Quickstrike arrive, Gabby brings in the Spy Racers to help train the Young Ninjas.

Group Admin



I added a third sensei for Viper Kai.

I saw the image, and this third member does have a flaw that our heroes could take advantage of. Seeing can only see out of his left eye, hi opponent could sneak up on him and attack from his right side, as it is his blind spot.

Group Admin

Okay. But still, he’s going to get his head smashed by a glass pitcher just like in the Cobra Kai series.

Maybe Echo or Gabby could take advantage of his depth perception.



Maybe some chapters could focus on the Ninjas and Young Ninjas recruiting some students for their team, so they won't fall victim to Viper Kai. Say after Quickstrike gives up after he and Leo are beaten by Silver Snake.

Like Flash and Pauly recruiting her friend Christy, maybe it could be based on the scenes where Johnny's an uber driver.

And when the Young Ninjas are recruiting, Dazzle wants to join, but they decline because most of them don't trust her, due to Dazzle being the biggest gossip in the whole school, but when their jumped by Blaze and his cronies, Dazzle cones up with a plan that helps them escape and defeat the bullies, so they agree to let her join the clan.

For scenes with the Ninjas could be based off the scenes in Mexico, like when Johnny and Robby fight off the scamer surfers. Or the MMA fight.

Group Admin

Those are some very good ideas, Jeb.

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