Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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Group Admin

A callback from Cobra Kai Season 3. Awesome. I think I can put that part in the first chapter. Would you agree?

Yeah. Though the aunt scene can happen in another chapter.

Group Admin

Yeah. I think so too. Anyway, I thought of something about Vipera. Can I say that the reason why she is living in terrible conditions and has problems with her corrupt land lord is because she has to work on her job in the evening and got expelled from her old school - either Crystal Prep or Hollow Shades?

Yeah, from Crystal Prep. And say that her dad was the provider with Viper Kai, until he went to jail and the dojo closed. Then her mom had to work at the dinner until she became sick.

While Luna was talking with Celestia, Sapphire was on her phone, when something on SnapGab caught her eye. She looked over at Rumble, who was playing one of the arcade games.

Rumble had just lost the game and grumbled, "Argh! 80s games are so hard!"

"Rumble?" Rumble turned and saw Sapphire walk up to him, a concerned look on her face. "Is this you?" She showed him a video on SnapGab. The video was of him getting kicked into the pool by Blaze. The title was called 'Fumble Takes A Tumble'.

Rumble looked embarrassed. "Uh, yeah," he admitted. "That's the reason why Shark got into that fight with Blaze, he saw the whole thing."

"Why didn't you fight back? Or gotten any of us?" Sapphire asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that would've only made Blaze bully me even more," Rumble replied.

"More?" Sapphire looked shocked. "Blaze is bullying you?! How long has this been going on?"

"Since the tournament," Rumble said. "But I had it all coming."

"What do you mean?" Sapphire inquired.

"Back when I was in Viper Kai, I bullied Blaze," Rumble explained. "I did a lot of bad things to him. That's why he joined Viper Kai when the dojo reopened. That night at the tournament, I tried to apologize, but he just angry and beat me up. Since then, he's been picking on me every chance he get's."

Group Admin

Great idea, Jeb. However, since Devon was bullied back in Season 4 of Cobra Kai, I have to figure out how Blaze will make his debut and skip some scenes from Season 4 in order to create dialogue for the first chapter or future chapters.

Maybe he makes his debut when he walks into Viper Kai and asks to join. Silver Snake pits him against Hoops to see if he has potential. At first, he's too afraid to face him. But after Thunder finds and convinces him to try again, he faces Hoops, and during the fight, Blaze flashes back to when he first started CHS and was bullied by Rumble and later tricked and jumped by him and the Diamond Dogs, then filled with anger, and defeats Hoops.

And in the bathroom, Ace and Gallus see him with a Viper Kai shirt and start poking fun at him, then he flashes back to when Rumble stole his clothes in the locker room, and then tries to hurt them until Shark stops him.

Later, he lures Ace, Gallus, and Rumble in the school library and is about to hurt him when he sees Mr Cranky and leaves the three to get in trouble for trashing the library.



Maybe Shadowsan would also give the students Origami lessons, as he did at VILE Academy, to help them develop a nimble touch for use when hitting their opponents with pressure points.

You know, in the song, I imagine that when Sapphire and Wallflower sing 'This isn't gonna be good' right after they see the Viper Kai dojo reopened, and Blaze, Iris, and Vipera attracting some potential students.

Group Admin

Good idea, Jeb. I also want to bring in Pipsqueak and Featherweight into the story. We haven’t see those two boys in any of our Equestria Ninja fanfics. Maybe they can be the victims of Viper Kai and join the Ninjas’ dojo to fight back.

I haven’t thought about it before. I’ll definitely watch the video about Shadowsan’s lesson and tell Jeb about it.

Good thinking, Jeb.

Comment posted by AmethystMajesty25 deleted Oct 17th, 2022

Here's something for Sapphire to sing before her fight with Vipera/Iris Lilly at the second tournament, as she's having doubts that she can win, especially after seeing Blaze beat Shark.

Quickstrike: Sapphire, you can do this.

Sapphire: Can I?



Maybe have one of the Sensai's say this when teaching the students. This quote was used by the Blind master in G.I. Joe: Retaliation.

Be nimble as the cat, but fierce as the tiger.

Group Admin

Great quote, Red Tagg. The training scene between Jinx and Snake Eyes while the Blind Master looked on (even though he’s blind).

Surprisingly, I didn't add the Blind Master in my G.I. Joe fic.

Group Admin

I have an idea for the party. Some of the Young Ninjas and former Viper Kai students can dance (or break dance) to the song, Leave It Up To Me. It can be like some sort of a dance competition.

I guess before the Young Ninjas set up Sapphire and Wallflower to sing Wouldn’t Change A Thing. I'd go with the Camp Rock version, it has more emotion.

Group Admin

Okay. The break dance competition first. Then the Wallflower and Sapphire duet.

Perhaps, Silver Snake and Lady Dokuso recruit Iris Lilly after she loses student body president to Pip Squeak for trying to intimidate him into dropping out and then rips his book.

Group Admin

Okay. That sounds great. Pip Squeak will be a great addition to the Hamato Clan. Maybe Featherweight, Tender Taps, and Button Mash can join in too after Burining Blaze lost to Button in an arcade game at the mall and breaks his hands while Featherweight and Tender Taps gets bullied by Hoops, Dumb-bell, and Score.


And maybe the CMC help Pip like their pony counterparts and sing the Vote song. Pauly's friend Christy can help Iris but vote against her after she told her not to speak.

Group Admin

Okay. Who is Christy?

An oc from Paulysentry on Deviantart, and Pauly's best friend.

Group Admin

Cool. I believe this is what Chirsty looks like.

Yes, but she mostly doesn't wear glasses in the comics.

Short Fuse's story

"Okay, let's try this again?" Lancer said to Short Fuse, "Who really attacked you, cause we all know it wasn't Blade Swipe."

Short Fuse ignored his question, "So, non of you came here for my Super Quest campaign. Take about betray."

"Quit beating around the bush, Short Fuse!" Shark yelled.

"The only real traitor here is you!" Pauly added.

"Short Fuse, please," Bright Eyes pleaded. "You may be a bigger hot head then Raph, but you obviously have good in you if Dazzle trusts you."

Short Fuse still didn't answer so Wallflower spoke next, "I saw how much of a jerk that Quibble Pants was to you at that party, that's basically what Silver Snake and Viper Kai are doing to use! Leo got hurt, Quickstrike almost gave up, and Sapphire's confidence was shattered!"

"She and Sapphire even broke up," Dazzle blurted out, making both girls flinch and earning multiple glares from the others. "What?"

"Wait, you two broke up?" Short Fuse asked the two girls in surprise.

Wallflower closed her eyes and held herself, still in heart ache, but nodded.

"Yes," Sapphire admitted, dismally. "I was really not okay after I lost the All Canterlot."

"That's a major bummer," Short Fuse said. "I thought you two made a really great couple."

"That's not the only bad thing," Teddy chimed in. "Blaze beat up Rumble so bad he was put in the hospital."

"He did? When did that happen?" Short Fuse asked.

"Last week," Shark answered. "Rumble's a nervous reck now!"

"Bottom line, we've all suffered because of you and Silver Snake!" Flash stated.

"And more people are gonna suffer if you just sit back and do nothing!" Bright Eyes added.

"I... I want to, but Silver Snake'll find out and..." Short Fuse trailed off. "It just not that easy, guys. I... wait," Short Fuse suddenly had an idea. "There's this Super Quest story I've been working on-"

"Ugh, we told you we're not here for your dumb-" Pauly began until Shark cut her off.

"Wait! What's the story about?" He asked, suspecting it was more than that.

"Okay," Short Fuse began. "Once, there was this brave and honorable dwarf warrior who was part of the strongest guild in all the land.

But the guild master was a ruthless and dishonorable man. One day, the guild fought against a clan of paladins in a tournament and lost when their champion was defeated by an elfen ranger. Enraged, the guild master attacked the ranger but was defeated by the other paladins and locked away in the dungeons.

Without the master, the guild fell apart and the warriors went their separate ways. The dwarf took it the hardest, as the guild was his life and was now without a purpose. But all that changed when he discovered that the guild had been revived by a serpent king. However, the king refused him reentry into the guild.

The dwarf would not be turned away, so he returned to the guild before all the other warriors had arrived and pleaded with the Serpent King. Then without warning, the Serpent King attacked the dwarf, striking him down over and over. The king stared down menacingly at the dwarf and said, "I'll let you back into the guild if you help me destroy our enemies!"

So they blamed the attack on one of the paladins, a brave and noble knight, and he was put in chains. And the dwarf was let back into the guild. But the dwarf was not proud of what he had done. By helping to frame the knight, he had lost his honor..."

"And the dwarf was you," Lancer realized. "And Silver Snake was the Serpent King."

"Yeah," Short Fuse admitted.

"If you feel bad about it, then why didn't you tell anyone?" Flash asked.

"I think it's pretty obvious," Shark assumed. "Silver Snake not only let him back into Viper Kai, but also gave him benefits, right Fuse?"

"Yes, he did," Short Fuse confessed.

"And you don't wanna lose these benefits," Sapphire accused.

"Not really," Short Fuse rebuffed. "Silver Snake almost killed me! All just to undermine you and your senseis. And I'm afraid that he will kill me if I even think about helping you or them. I never meant for any of this to happen to all of you guys. I just wanted to get back into Viper Kai. To be a proud and valiant warrior like you, Shark. Bright Eyes. All of you. But I'm neither proud nor valiant. I'm not even officially part of Viper Kai, Silver Snake just made me a glorified mascot. I'm just scared. I'm sorry."

"Great! Thanks for nothing, Short Fuse!" Sapphire stood up with a frown. "Looks like Vipera wasn't the only coward!" And she stormed out with Wallflower quickly following.

One by one, the others left as well. Bright Eyes was the last to leave, then she looked back at Short Fuse and said, "The Elfen ranger looked back at the dwarf and said if he had any honor still left in him, then he would do the right thing, dispite his fears!" And with that, Bright Eyes left.

Group Admin

Great work. Feel sorry for Short Fuse though.

Well, when Leo and the others find out Raph's group went after Silver Snake behind their backs, the try to go after them only to find they stole the keys to the tour bus. So they head there on foot when they get a call from Celestia and Luna at their house about trouble, and later learn it was Short Fuse with the Viper Kai bus.

The bus doors opened up and there at the wheel was Short Fuse. "Ninjas! Mr Quickstrike! Come with me if you wanna live!"

"What?" Leo asked in confusion.

Just then, Celestia and Luna appeared on the bus as the principal said, "Everyone get on, it's an emergency!"

"Celestia, Luna?" Sunset said in shock.

"You're okay!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Yes, but the students won't be, they're all in trouble!"

"What?!" Everyone gasped.

"What kind of trouble?" Quickstrike asked.

"Just get in, we'll tell you on the way," Short Fuse said.

"So Silver Snake was the one who attack you and framed Blade for it?" Sunset asked.

"Somehow, that doesn't surprise me," Karai frowned. "Especially after the way he attacked me and Leo!"

"I'm sorry for not speaking up earlier," Short Fuse apologized.

"It's alright, Short Fuse," April said.

"You were just scared," Princess Twilight added. "We've all been there."

"And as someone who got his shell handed to him by Silver Snake, I can see certainly understand why you were scared," Leo sympathized.

"I just wanted to get back into Viper Kai," Short Fuse confessed. "I didn't think anyone was going to get hurt. Aside from me, that part of the deal was pretty clear."

"Well, your doing the right thing now, Short Fuse, that's what's important," Quickstrike said.

Applejack was on her phone trying to call Apple Bloom, but wasn't having any luck, "Apple Bloom's not answering!"

"Nither is Sweetie Belle!" Rarity added in worry.

"Or Scootaloo," Rainbow put in.

"And I still can't get hold of Raph or the others," Leo said.

Group Admin

Great work. While Raph’s group went after Silver Snake, Leo Celestia, Luna, Quickstrike, and the Rainbooms hopped onboard in the Viper Kai bus with Short Fuse behind the wheel. They go on to rescue the Young Ninjas and Raph’s group.

Lancer: Protect the egg!

The Young Ninjas and Spy Racers circled up to form a barrier to protect Frostee, in fighting stance.

Bright Eyes: Ready?!

Young Ninjas and Spy Racers: Ai!

While your recovering, here's something. Tony, Layla, and Echo should go with Raph's group while Cisco and Frostee are with the students.

Oh, and the hospital elevator scene, Cadance and Shining Armor can be in Johnny and Carmen's rolls then.

Group Admin

Okay. Good plan for them. That means the Spy Racers can join the Hamato dojo since they know martial arts and maybe they too become students and Ms. Nowhere, Gary, and Julius can be the senseis. I’m thinking that either the Ninjas (Turtles and Rainbooms) or the Young Ninjas can call the Spy Racers for help.

The Ninjas. But the Spy Racers should keep their spy status a secret from the King of Dojos.

That means we'll soon get human Flurry Heart 😍

Here's a name for Kai and Snake's sensei, Master Chimei-tekina Ken which is Japanese for Deadly Fist.

Raph and Shadow San entered the dojo to find one of the new senseis there. The man turned toward the two and spoke, "Adult classes are on Thursday."

"We're not here for your dumb class," Karai replied.

"But we would be more than happy to teach you a painful lesson!" Raph said, cracking his knuckles.

"Your just a teenager," the sensei dismissed.

"Oh I'm more than that!" Raph deactivated his disguise, revealing his mutant form, much to the sensei's surprise. "I'm also a turtle! And a ninja!"

"We are looking for Silver Snake," Shadow San stated.

"For what?" The sensei asked.

"To deliver a message: Stand down or the Hamato Clan will take him down!" Karai declared.

"You don't have a chance!" The sensei scoffed.

"You don't think we can beat him?" Raph challenged.

"Your clan is weak, so I doubt you can even beat me!" The sensei rebuked.

"Weak this!" Raph growled, throwing a double punch, only for the sensei to instantly catch his fists.

"Enough!" Ordered a stern female voice and the three halted their battled. Lady Dokuso and her men entered the dojo.

Shadow San glared at the woman, "Lady Dokuso!"

"Shadow San," Dokuso smiled deviously. "I see you have recovered from the injuries you received after our last encounter." Then she noticed Karai and Raph, "And you, young lady, must be Karai, daughter of the late Oroku Saki. My condolences."

"Wrong!" Karai rebuked. "Saki was never my father! My real name is Hamato Miwa, daughter of the late Hamato Yoshi!"

"So you lived," Dokuso raised a brow. "The prodigal son returns. And you must be Leonardo," she spoke to Raph. "I am surprised that recovered from your injuries so quickly?"

"What? I'm not Leo, I'm his brother, Raphael," Raph corrected. "I look nothing like him! He wears blue!"

Great quote. Here's a little something for after that confrontation. And a little something for the end of the story.

Raph, Karai and Shadow-san regrouped with the others.

Raph: Who was that woman?

Shadowsan: Lady Dokuso

Leo: As in, Lady Toxic?

Shadow-san: She is a VILE veteran who was once recommended for taking my position after my departure.

Twilight: Didn't VILE crumble after the faculty were arrested?

ShadowSan: Yes, but some managed to avoid capture. Lady Dokuso is clearly one of them.

Mikey: So, shouldn't we inform Chief and ACME?

Shadowsan: We could, but she's clearly found a way to avoid arrest by them, thanks to Silver Snake.

At the end of the series, Lady Dokuso is arrested by non other than ACME Agents, Zach and Ivy, along with Julia Argent, and Chase Devineaux, who'm they meet for the first time.

Devineaux looks at the Shellraiser and takes an interest in it.

Devineaux: That's a nice vehicle over there.

But Donnie, hearing Devineaux's history with cars, shuts him don't.

Donnie: Don't touch it, don't look at it, don't even think about it!

Group Admin


Sorry that I didn’t reply to your messages. I wasn’t feeling well this morning.

I'm aware that your still recovering.

But just then, the elevator door opened and standing there was non other than Silver Snake.

Cadence gave a look of surprise, "Silver Snake?!

"Good afternoon," the man greeted as he entered the elevator. "You must be Cadence, principal of Crystal Prep. A pleasure to meet you. But it would seem that you know of me?"

"Yes, I heard about you from my aunt Celestia and aunt Luna," Cadence stated with a frown.

"As well as my sister Twilight and her friends!" Shining Armor added.

"I imagine they would," Silver Snake replied. "But rest assured I am not here to cause trouble."

"I find that very hard to believe," Cadence rebuked. "Especially since Celestia warned me not to trust anything you say after her encounter with you at the charity gala."

"Of course she did," Silver Snake said dryly. "Well, wether you believe me or not, I would just like to state my congratulations for the accomplishment."

"How did you find out about the baby?!" Shining Armor accused.

"I was referring to your sister and her friends' dojo wining a coveted spot in the KOD," Silver Snake corrected. "But apparently, there's much more to celebrate." The elevator stopped and the doors opened. "That would be my floor." Silver Snake walked out. "Was nice meeting you both."

Group Admin

Silver Snake winked at them until he walked out and the couple gave him the mean looks. Shining Armor and Cadence did not like how Silver Snake approached them at all.

After his argument with the others, Raph stormed outside and made his way toward the Party Wagon. He had made it up in his mind that if the others wouldn't go to attack Silver Snake, then he would. And he didn't care if they all found out, he was gonna make the Viper Kai sensei pay.

Just as he got in and closed the door, Casey and Gabby suddenly popped up from the back of the van, but he hadn't noticed until they both said, "Hey, Raph."

"Aahhh!" Raph jumped before he frowned at them.

"Yo, didn't Leo say not to go after Silver Snake?" Casey asked rhetorically.

"I don't give dang what Leo says!" Raph rebuked. "Silver Snake needs to pay! So don't even think about trying to stop me!"

"Who said anything about stopping you?" Gabby asked coyly. "We didn't."

Raph looked back in surprise as Casey said, "That scumbag's been messing with us and our friends for too long! Count us in!"

"We hear your going after Silver Snake," Raph and the two turned to see Tony, Layla, and Echo standing by the driver's window.

"Need some help?" Layla offered.

"Cause we're totally up for a beat down!" Echo stated.

Then they all heard someone clear his throat and looked ahead to see Shadowsan with his arms crossed. "Going after Silver Snake is an irresponsible and very foolish move!" He said sternly, before he grinned, "I know where he lives."

"Yeah!" Raph cheered.

"Hey!" Dudley walked up. "This a private fight, or can anyone join?!"

Who's Dudley again?

Group Admin

General Dudley is a member of the military.

Group Admin

And then, Raph and his team kicked the door and broke in Silver Snake’s mansion where the silver devil was at, sitting on his chair.

Raph: Hey Snake! It's time for you to pay for your crimes!

Dudley: Surrender now or we'll take you in by force.

Silver Snake: Really? Because the crime you're all committing right now is breaking and entering. Which means, any violence inflicted upon you here in will be justified.

Oh, gotcha. Has he appeared anywhere before, or is this is first appearance?

"Raphael, what an unexpected surprise," Silver Snake greeted. "And I see you brought friends.

"Spare the pleasantries, Snake!" Raph spat.

"Wait, is that general Dudley?" Silver Snake noticed the ex-millitary leader. "Long time no see. I heard that you were removed from service after your superiors found out about your involvement with Celeve Celso's criminal activities."

"Yeah, you'd know that wouldn't you," Dudley replied in anger. "Cause you were the low down rat who tipped them off!"

"I'm afraid I have no idea what your talking about," Silver Snake denied. "So to what do I owe this humble vist?"

"We know you paid off the ref at the All Canterlot!" Raph accused. "Just like you did at the KOD fight?"

"Are you implying that would go so far as to cheat, to insure Viper Kai's victory?" Silver Snake asked rhetorically.

"We are not implying," Shadowsan said. "We know you have!"

"Raph overheard it from our students," Tony informed.

"Who heard it straight from one of your students," Echo added.

"Really? Well, forgive me for stating the obvious but, how can you be sure that they was being honest?" Silver Snake implied.

"We can't," Gabby admitted. "But we know you've done other bad things, el serpiente!"

"Like framing Blade Swipe!" Casey stated.

"Attacking Leo, Karai, and Quickstrike!" Echo added.

"Lying to Principal Celestia!" Tony chimed in.

"Getting me thrown out of the army!" Dudley yelled.

"And you beat up that Short Fuse guy to frame Blade in the first place!" Layla noted.

"Those are all quite the accusations," Silver Snake mused. "But I'm afraid non of them hold up due to one little issue: you have no proof, no solid evidence to support it."

"You may have everyone else fooled, but we're no chumps, and I'm no chump!" Raph growled. "You made us all suffer, so why don't you just admit it!"

Silver Snake stared back at the group before he said, "I admit it, to everything! You don't get to be the best without learning how to be deceptive, without learning how to manipulate the system. I'll do anything to make sure Viper Kai stays on top and that anyone foolish enough to cross us will suffer! So yes, I cheated at the All Canterlot and the KOD qualifying fight. But like I said before, you've got nothing that'll prove I committed any crimes. In fact, the only crimes happening right now, is all you trespassing. Not to mention breaking and entering. Which means any violence that happens here, will be held against you."

"We'll see about that!" Raph challenged.

"Yes... we will," Silver Snake snapped his fingers and a man walked in cracking his neck and got into a fighting stance.

Group Admin

And then the fight ensues in the Silver Snake mansion.

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