Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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Comment posted by Red Tagg deleted May 14th
Group Admin

Nice. Very interesting.


(Palindrome looked at the Dazzlings and saw their upset expressions)
Palindrome: I know this is hard having to hunt your friends like this but this needs to be done before they hurt anyone or themselves.
Adagio: We know... It's just it doesn't feel right.
Aria: We know them too well to believe they committed a crime without a good reason.
Palindrome: That's specifically why I requested you three from Karai. You know those ninjas better than anyone. But your emotional state is important. We'll try to catch them without hurting them.
Sonata: Thank you.




Adagio saw a poster on a lamppost. She ripped it off to have a look.

Adagio: Oh boy.

Aria: What is it? (Looks at the poster) Oh, I get it.

Palindrome: What are you girls looking at?

Palindrome looks at the poster, which is advertising that Fun Time Rush is having a concert right here in Mexico City.

Palindrome: Maybe if we're lucky and catch them, you girls could catch... (Palindrome sees the looks on the Dazzlings' faces) girls don't like their music?

Sonata: Oh no, their music is great. It's just one of the members is Adagio's ex-boyfriend.



And after the three ditch him and join the others, Palindrome will call in the Knights.

And the the Knights can laugh at Ms Nowhere for 1: getting mind controlled by Rafaela. And especially 2: getting knocked out by Angel, a little girl.

Cause the scene was recorded by the cameras in the Hauler and unknown to everyone, Vinyl uploaded it.




Palindrome: Oh...

Julius: Awkward.

Aria: That, and also the band hates the Turtles.

Gary: Wait, Fun Time Rush knows about the Turtles? (And the sirens nodded.) Why would they hate them?

Sonata: Because they sang one of their songs without their permission.

The three men stared in dumbfounded confusion.

Palindrome: Excuse me?

Gary: They hate them for singing one of their songs? Without permission?

Aria: Yep.

Julius: That is the most stupidest reason I've ever heard!

Adagio: Exactly. Those boys are jealous, petty, immature idiots. And ever since, they've proclaimed themselves as the Turtles' arch rivals and try to one up them every time they cross paths. That's one of the reasons why I broke up with one of the members.

Group Admin


And that will lead to the Dazzlings betraying Palindrome.


I guess Vinyl uploaded the videos in the Hauler during the Rio mission from Frostee’s drones.

Group Admin



Ooh, I can’t wait to have my OC boy band in my story. This is going to be great! :pinkiehappy:

I hope one of the fun time rush stories shows the turtles and guys finally putting that behind them

Say, maybe they too join Palindrome along with the Knights. And they end up captured by Morrai and Newtilizer along with him. Later, they help fight off his henchmen.

Afterwards they try to claim credit for saving Mexico, rubbing it in the Turtles' faces. Only for Wallflower to zap them unconscious with Turtle Taxi.

Group Admin

Hahaha. That will be hilarious. Even though my OC band are good guys, but they just have that rivalry with the Turtles and thus became frenemies with them.

What? I didn't want the Dazzlings to betray Palindrome. I had a whole cute relationship planned out on them


Palindrome: After some meditating, thanks to Adagio's recommendation, and ideating (Hey guys, what does that word mean?) I decided our mission is changed.
Aria: Alright.
Palindrome: Ms. Nowhere and Leonardo were right. This Moray is up to something. He's cunning, always planning, always thinking... A deadly apex predator.
Sonata: The worst kind of predator.
Julius: So, we're on Ms. Nowhere's side again?
Aria: We better call off the authorities.
Palindrome: We can't. This is a mission our superiors would never approve. We're going... Rogue.
(Julius and Sonata gasped)
Gary: What changed your mind? The fact that Tony and Mikey saved you, Ms. Nowhere calling you names?
Palindrome: No, two things deeper than that. First, the fact that the Dazzlings have justified every move their friends made and believe that they would never do anything evil.
(The Dazzlings smiled)
Palindrome: And the second is a Gut Feeling. Someday, when I'm gone, your guts will talk to you too. Promise me you'll listen.
Gary and Sonata: Yes, sir.
Julius and Aria: We promise.
Palindrome: Good. Gary, Julius, Aria, and Sonata... You four pull up all the agency files on Moray. Adagio, your with me in chasing down some leads in the field. And when we get back... We're going out for ice cream together. Any flavor you want.
(The Dazzlings gained a huge smile worthy of Pinkie)

Group Admin

Um, I want my OC band to join in on this, replacing the Dazzlings since they are on the run with the Ninjas and Spy Racers thanks to Jeb. So… I’m not sure if your idea will help.

I was hoping we could temporarily have it Hamato vs Foot Clan again. You know, for the poetry of the premises.

Group Admin

Maybe. But umm… chat with Jeb about it and see if he likes it.


Hey, so Palindrome's team will consist of Gary & Julius, the Dazzlings, Wesley & Kaylee Knight, and later Fun Time Rush.

Fun Time Rush will later join up with Palindrome because they wanna beat the Turtles due to their one-sided rivialy, much to the Dazzlings annoyance.

As for the Knights, they help Palindrome because they hate Nowhere even more than the Ninjas do. Nowhere picked on them both when they were junior spies. She played pranks on them, made fun of them, and even stole Kaylee's crush and laughed in her face about it.

When the Ninjas and spies first encounter them, the Knights fight Nowhere and are evenly matched, until Kaylee gets her with a hidden tazer, distorting her and allowing the Knights to wallop and almost defeat her, both giving Nowhere a 'This is for' with each hit. But the two fail to capture her because Sal and Mona intervene.

The Knights also help Palindrome almost catch the team when they escape in the Hauler until Slash, Bebop, and Rocksteady knock and blast them off.

The Salamandrians and Knights could have a few fights throughout the fic, I think it would be interesting.

During the fight at Moray's party, the Knights taunt Nowhere for getting mind controlled by Rafaela, repeatedly failing to catch her and having to call in Mikey and Pinkie for help, and the big one, getting knocked out by Angel, much to Nowhere's fury who then knocks them out and leaves them along with Palindrome, until the three are rescued by Tony, Gabby, and Mikey.



Here's some extra guest stars for Mexico.

Lupe Peligro from Carmen Sandiego is Tuco's girlfriend. And she helps fight off Moray's goons at the wrestling match as well as help stop Moray.

And the Otero family from Scooby Doo and the Monster of Mexico make an appearance. They give the team sanctuary at their hotel, having been informed by Fred via Casey texting him. And Spike could fall for the chuaua (forgot her name.)


It's good to have friends who know people.


So in the next chapter of Rio, before Rafaela has the heroes imprisoned, Chaplin jokes that it's hard to take her seriously, considering she's a spoiled brat, before calling her something that get's him beat up really bad by her. Fishface will enjoy it. Chaplin says out for most of the chapter and wakes up with a hurt arm.

Rafaela: (did a double take before she frowned at the Foot Scientist,) What did you say?

Chaplin: Oh, sorry, I just realized that spoiled brat is too polite. What fits you bitter is... woman baby!

(Mikey, Pinkie, Sonata, Cisco, Zach, Frostee, Rainbow, and even Raph burst out laughing.)

Raph: Nice one!

Mikey: Burn!

(However, they stopped laughing once they saw all of the henchmen back up, whimpering in fear. Chaplin noticed this too.)

Chaplin: O... kay, judging by all the terrified reactions, I'm thinking I just made a huge mistake! (Right before Rafaela grabbed him menacingly.)

Rafaela: Oh you have no idea, smarty boy...

(Rafaela beats the tar out of him.)

Then finally, Rafaela picked up the battered boy and rushed forward with a loud yell before jumping up in slow motion and body-slammed Chaplin down hard on a table, smashing it to pieces.

Tony and Gabby: Chaplin!

As the dust settled, Rafaela stood up and brushed her hair back before smirking down at Chaplin. The Foot Scientist layed on the remains of the table, battered, bruised, and completely knocked out cold. Then Rafaela turned back to the Ninjas and Spies.

Rafaela: So, anyone else wanna try me? (cracking her knuckles with death-glare smile.)

Group Admin



Okay. I’m still struggling on where Xever’s traps will be activated during Layla’s race with the mystery driver/Ms. Nowhere.

Why do we need traps?

Group Admin

Jeb suggested Xever’s traps for Layla’s race. It was his idea, but I forgot to add them.


Maybe one of the traps could be a simple Oil slick.



For Homecoming,

After their victory at the Oil Platform, everyone gathers around for a celebration.

Then Tony, Cisco and Frostee begin to sing a song.



Angel punches Ms Nowhere

(While Ms Nowhere is escaping from the quicksand)

Echo: Uh... How are you doing that?

Nowhere: I didn't teach you everything I know! (Then in one loud grunt, Nowhere yanked her entire upper body out of the quicksand.) Ha! I'm coming for you all!

Blade: That's impossible?!

Nowhere: I told you, Blade, I'M UNSTOPPABLE!

Angel: Gabby was right, you are a machine!

Nowhere: And you better believe it! And when I get out of here, I'm gonna-

Angel: But you know the thing about machines, Jerkwhere?

Nowhere: What did you call-

Without warning, and with all her might, Angel shocked Ms Nowhere dead in the face. The nasty woman wobbled in a daze for a bit before she hunched all the way over, completely knocked out.

Angel: Machines break!

Echo: Good punch!

Angel: Thanks. (And the two hi-fived.) That felt SO good!

Blade: (smirked at the unconscious Nowhere.) I rest my case, Ms Nowhere, I rest my case.

A few moments later, Ms Nowhere groaned as she woke up. "What happened?"

"Morning, Jerkface," Angel cracked.

Nowhere looked down, "Am I in quicksand? Gary!"

"Glad to have you back, boss," Echo said.

"More or less," Blade stated dryly.

Ms Nowhere felt a pain in her jaw and noticed Angel smirking at her. "You hit me?!"

"Not sorry," Angel replied smugly.



For Mexico after Palindrome and Adagio are captured by Moray and Newtrilizer. The later will taunt them for being easily fooled. He then says that Adagio and her sisters have ruined their friendship with the Turtles and Rainbooms since they were hunting them down.

Newtrilizer: They aren't your friends anymore! You and your sisters helped hunt them down, remember! (Laughs) They'll never speak to you ever again! Rakka rakka rakka!

He's proven right since, dispite helping to save them from the police, Aria and Sonata are treated with distrust and resentment by the Turtles, Rainbooms, and the Crew for siding with Palindrome. Rainbow and Angel even call them traitors.

Sal and Mona are a little more sympathetic with them, as they tell them how they once betrayed the Turtles and Rainbooms to save their home planet from Dregg.

When the Turtles and Rainbooms are about to be destroyed by Newtrilizer, who was sent by Moray to kill them, the two take a blast for them and are knocked out for half of the final battle.

Two recover in time to save Frostee from Moray's ghosts. As for Adaigo, she makes up for her betrayal by jumping onto Newtrilizer, just as he's about to blast the escaping heroes, making him fall off the ledge and into the lava, finally killing him for good. She's fortunately saved by her sisters and everyone else grabbing onto her.

That seems a bit harsh


But it makes sense, they were willingly helping Palindrome hunt them down. So of course they'll all be mad at them for basically betraying them?

And Rainbow values loyalty, and the Dazzlings were not loyal. So her calling them traitors would fit her character.

No 'Cisco breaking up with Sonata', please




He won't, but he'll still be mad at her too.

And the Turtles and Rainbooms won't be hostile, just distance and distrustful towards them for most of the time. Kind of like in the Legend of Korra, how Opal was mad at Bolin for working for Kuvira.

(After Moray's defeat)

Palindrome: And guys, don't be too hard on the Dazzlings for helping me. I talked them into it. And the whole time they were with us, they were insistent that you were all innocent.

Leo: Well... after saving us from the Newtralizer twice, and finally offing that creep, I think the Dazzlings have more than earned our trust back.

(The Dazzlings smiled at that.)

Gabby: And we totally understand wanting to take down this massive bruja! (Motioned to Ms Nowhere.)

Turtles, Rainbooms, and Allies: And how!

I never saw that season


Gary: Actually, we only installed sub features on Adagio's and Sonata's Key Cars.
Aria: What?! I don't get a cool feature on my car?!
Julius: Actually, we got creative with yours and installed a jet feature in yours.
Aria: (Excited) My car... Can turn into a fighter jet?!
(Everyone looked at Adagio)
Adagio: She's been hooked on a fighter jet video game for weeks.
Sonata: (Eyes twitching) Empathize on Hooked to the point we only get an hour sleep.

Just because they're Sirens doesn't mean we can't make one of them Queen of the Sky.

Group Admin




We can also add background music for our stories. I want to use this song as background music, but I’m not sure where to put it.


Group Admin

Why would she need that?

Like I told Jeb, just because they're Sirens doesn't mean we can't make one of them wanna be Queen of the Sky.

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