Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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Group Admin

Yes. This is right before Donut obeyed Cisco because of the formula.


Here's one of the ideas for the next chapter.

Ms Nowhere makes Angel stay with Gary along with Tony, arrogantly stating that the mission is too dangerous for a "little girl", which makes her mad, and believe that Tony was right not to call Nowhere for help.

Later, Angel helps Tony and Gabby save Layla from the exploding truck. She arrives with Leo and Echo after they've taken care of Fishface. Gabby tells Leo to use the healing hands to test a hunch she's had (which she'll end up being right.)

Fishface is with Layla to provide some security and battles Leo and Angel on the truck while one half of the others fight the other cars and the other half helps Frostee try to get the formula from Donut. Three of which are Donnie, Chaplin, and Twilight.

Spike and Donut get into a tug-of-war until they breath in the formula and obey Frostee.

When Echo drives the motorcycle onto the tanker, she'll knock Fishface off while he's fighting Leo and Angel. Angel then helps restrain Layla.

After Tony and Gabby part with Layla, she'll thank Gabby for not believing that she'd flipped on them.

Gabby: You're my best friend, Layla. Friends stand by each other. Unlike some people! (Shoots a glare at Echo.)

Group Admin

Cool. But still, you like my idea earlier?

About Cisco and Donut slapping each other, well, I can see Donut doing that, but Cisco seems too peaceful to slap him back, plus Fluttershy would disapprove of that. But I can see him trying to stop him from doing that.



Hey, we know Frostee tests the formula on Tony but is it just Tony?

I think he might also test it on Raph and Aria, cause of their rebellious nature.

Mikey: Hey Raph, eat this cockroach.

Raph: Okay, (Takes the cockroach and tries to eat it, but everyone stops him.) No cockroach.

Group Admin

Okay. Well, instead of Cisco, I can imagine Mikey and Donut slapping each other just for the comedy.

I agree. Raph and Aria can be test subjects for the formula.

And maybe Donut wins.

Donnie: And you laughed at me for getting beat up by a monkey.



Okay Amethyst, so Rarity, Applejack, Casey, and a fourth will be mind controlled by Rafaela. Would this be after Ms Nowhere gives them the orders at the safe house and they split up? And if so, which way would they reveal themselves? Would it be...

They leave the safe house, get brainwashed, but don’t come back until Rafaela’s thugs come?


They leave the safe house, get brainwashed, but come back to the safe house and act normal, until Rafaela’s forces arrive, then reveal their brainwash-ness?

Which one do you prefer?

Group Admin

The second option. They’ll notice Applejack, Rarity, Casey, and a fourth member open the doors to the safehouse when Rafaela’s forces arrive.

Well, in that case...

The group learn that Ms Nowhere was the racer Layla had to compete with.

Echo: Ms Nowhere?

Angel: Great, the jerkiest woman in the world is under the control of a spoiled brat.

Casey: Oh man.

Twilight: Wait, if Nowhere’s under her control, then that would mean...

Rafaela’s forces enter the building.

April: Oh no.

The ninjas arm themselves.

Leo: Remember, these people are under mind control, try not to hurt them.

Rarity: Of course darling, but... (Rarity shoots diamonds, at the ninjas.) ...we don’t feel the same way.

Rarity, Applejack, Casey and (insert fourth mind-control victim here), walk over to the armed men. The ninjas realised what this meant.

Raph: Oh, sewer apples, Rafaela got to you guys as well.

Applejack: Sorry partners, but we got our orders.

(Fight, fight, fight... Ninjas lose.)

Applejack: Come on ya’ll, Rafaela wishes to meet you.

Just then, Tony clucks like a chicken.

Cisco: Oh yeah, I mind-controlled you to act like a chicken.

And that’s it. Also, April would use her powers to sense someone was under mind control, but couldn’t figure out who. She’s not sure what it is until the gang finds out the formula. But once she realises, she keeps it to herself because she can’t figure out who it is.

Group Admin

I got it. Two new members of Rafaela’s crew should be Carter and Keno.

Then the ninjas are in deep doodoo.


Carter: Sorry sis, but we’re taking you down. Don’t make it harder than those cupcakes you baked when we were little.

Angel: That better be the mind control talking, bro, or you and I are gonna have problems.

Group Admin

Looks like a sibling showdown, y’all!


Here’s a little something for the near end of Spy Racers: South Pacific.

After the battle, Sashi is escorted into a prison truck, but before he could, Tony has some things to say.

Tony: Hey, before you go. I just wanted to say... thank you. For helping us against the... you know, virus.

Sashi: You mean the Toretto-Virus.

Tony: Please don’t call it that.

Sashi: Anway, your welcome.

The two then, after a brief reluctance from Tony, shook hands. Sashi then turned to Adagio.

Sashi: Hey, Adagio, if I ever get out again, would wanna... go out some time?

Adagio: Of course.

Sashi then gets put into the truck and the doors close. But Sashi’s face appeared in the bars as the truck drove away.

Sashi: Write me!



Hey, here’s a little something for when the group gets captured by Raphaela.

Here, Spike tries to be threatening, but Rafaela finds it adorable. This is a reference to the Owl House.

Spike: How about you let us go before you get covered in claw marks! (Growls)

Raphaela: Oh, you’re so cute!

She grabs Spike and takes a selfie with him, with the dog pushing away. She then uses a filter to make their eyes sparkle and have flower crowns.

Rafaela: Perhaps I’ll keep this little one.

So. what do you guys think?



I've figured out how Mikey and Pinkie are at the hauler when Rafaela captures the team, the team sends them their to "check if it's still standing" a.k.a getting the two out of their hair cause they were being annoying.

Group Admin




Have an idea for the ending of Equestria Ninja Racers: Homecoming. It’ll be like a compilation of the Ninjas’ adventures with the Spy Racers. And they can sing this song based on this video.

Not bad.

But may I also have a suggestion, and it’s a big one.

Maybe split Homecoming series into two stories, one that finishes on Meltdown, and the other one starts on Dann Hunt. I’m suggesting this because, in the series, Frostee mentioned that Dann Hunt takes place three months after Meltdown, after they were fired from the Agency, so I thought maybe it could be split into two parts, that would give the turtles time to do their next adventure in between.

Equestria Ninja Racers: Homecoming, Part 1

Equestra Ninja Racers: Homecoming, Part 2

What do you think?

Group Admin

I’ll think about it.

Hey Amethyst, here’s something for Spy Racer: Rio. It will also reference Fast Five.

Tony: This is Dom’s safe house, there’s no place safer than this.

Echo: Didn’t he get caught here?

Tony: That’s what he wanted.

Gabby: Was that the time he and his crew stole a whole giant vault and drove through the street?

Tony: Nah, that was a different time.

Twilight: Stealing a whole vault, I find it impossible.

Tony then shows Twilight old footage of two cars pulling a giant vault through the streets of Rio. This caused Twilight to jaw-drop.

Twilight: But that’s scientifically impossible!

What do you think? I also added it cause the FnF had many moments where it defied the laws of physics, which I’m sure has happened in the Ninja Girls series as well. Also, that quote of Dom getting captured, I’m not sure whether that was shown in Fast Five or not.

And to understand what I’m talking about...

Group Admin




I like it. Great idea. I remembered watching Fast Five ten years ago. Dom, Brian, Mia, and Vince were captured by Hobbs’ squad in the safehouse until they were ambushed by Reyes’ men. Not sure if I remembered the quote though.

Group Admin




Good morning, everyone. I’m not sure if you like these ideas, but… some user pm me about an idea for Spy Racers: Mexico with the Ninjas and Allies.

For example, while the Ninja Racers (Torreto Crew, Rainbooms, Ninja turtles and their allies) are having fun at the Agency party, the whole building is plunged into darkness, the drones are breaking down as if they were at battery short. Suddenly, they see electricity spreading everywhere to the point of gathering to form a kind of individual. And that's when everyone finds out that this is the Newtralizer and still had his electrical powers. The ninja racers decide to fight him but defeating an opponent like the Newtralizer always proves harder than it looks. And at some point during the fight, Moray's men also appear to help the Newtralizer.

Another one is that to find and arrest the Ninja Racers and Ms. Nowhere, who are wrongly accused of being criminals and traitors, the Agency decides to entrust this mission not only to Palindrome, the Knights, and the Dazzlings, but also to Tiger Claw who promised him a big reward to help them stop the Ninja Racers.

That’s all I got. So, what do you think?

I think it makes sense for Tiger Claw. He is a mercenary after all.

Group Admin



Tiger Claw will appear in the Sahara storyline, but I'm not sure if I wanna have him appear in the Mexico storyline.

Best not. Let him fine his peace.

Group Admin

Find his peace, you mean. Yeah, it's best to let Tiger Claw find his own path to peace.

He’s suffered so much I think he needs to find his own path to redemption

Well, the Rainbooms only fought Newtrelizer once.

I'm with Darth Wrec too.

Group Admin

Yes. But, it would be beneficial for the Ninjas and Allies help the Spy Racers defeat Newtralizer with the use of their knowledge and experience.

Group Admin





As for Homecoming, I want to add Luke Hobbs in the story. I got some quotes in mind that you will like.

Cisco: (gasps) No way!

Frostee: You must be…

Mikey: The jabroni-beating…

Pinkie Pie: Pie-eating…

Sonata: Trailblazing…

Rainbow Dash: Eyebrow raising…

Luke Hobbs: Okay, okay, okay, I see what's happening here. So let me stop you right there, kids. You must've mistaken me for someone else.

Group Admin



And I’m thinking that Dann’s henchmen are robots/cyborgs/androids like her. Heck, she can mass produce a whole army of it. That way, it will be much easier for the heroes to dismantle.


Maybe she could also use some parts she stole from Baxter Stockman.


Oh Yeah, bring in a legend.

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