Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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Group Admin

Great idea, Tagg. The rest of the Spy Racers do not know who Fun Time Rush is…except one, which is Echo, who is secretly a fan of them.

Much to her embarrassment.


Here's a list of the Co-Stars for each fic. A character or two who shares the focus with Tony.

Spy Racers: Gabby. Rainbow Dash.

Rio: Angel.

Sahara: The CMC.

Mexico: Sunset.

South Pacific: Adagio.

Homecoming: Gabby and Rainbow Dash again.

Group Admin

For Beryl and Adagio’s relationship, they never kissed even though they were dating.


Here's an idea for Sahara. Like I mentioned once before. A scene that takes place at night before the camel race. Leo, April, and the CMC find Tony still awake. He explains that he's still got self-confidence issues. He goes on saying that Dom is awesome and he wishes he could live up to that, but is starting to think that he'll never be anything but a joke. Especially since his friends hardly support him, Nowhere never gives him any respect, and Gabby keeps laughing at him after his 'Back-flip Fail Guy' incident.

The five say they understand. The CMC tell him that their internet jokes too, showing him their music video. Leo says he understands not being respected, since he always got that from his brothers and teammates. April understands feeling inferior, recalling Karai and Shinigami mocking her for being weak.

What non of them know is that Gabby is awake and hears everything and realizes that she's been fueling Tony's self-doubts. Right before the camel race, and before she talks some sense into Echo, Tony asks if she has anything advice, which she says "don't fall off".

In the end, after they've stopped the weather machine, Gabby will reveal that she heard him last night and apologize. Then she promises to be more supportive, now that she realized how rough he really has it.

Group Admin



Good work. I too feel unconfident, nervous, or worried about reaching a goal or passing an exam for example. Like if I don’t pass, I will never live up to my expectations.


And at the end, before the Spies go after Rafela, they make a new music video, with all the Allies they met in the Sahara as dancers and extras, and the CMC, Tony, Leo, and April singing the song Loser Like Me from Glee.


An idea for South Pacific, since Tony is suffering trauma and everyone's "help" only makes things worse, Twilight decides to go talk to him, because she suffered trauma once too. So she tells him about turning into Midnight Sparkle and how it haunted her and gave her nightmares. She even sings Midnight In Me. She tells him that trauma is scary but ultimately HE has to overcome it.

When Scottan and Muscles "capture" the team, she helps him "rescue" them. Like she flips Muscles when he tries to grab her.

Muscles: How'd you do that? You got super strength?

Twilight: Oh no, I just simply used your bodyweight and forward momentum to my advantage.

And when Tony uses the Hyperfinn, Twilight uses Layla's car against Scottan's goons. Which Layla doesn't like.

Layla: Oh no!

(Her car rose up with Twilight at the wheel.)

Twilight: Activate aquatic mod!

Spike: Make sure to put it in drive this time.

Twilight: Yeah yeah! (Steps on the gas and drives off the Hauler just as the car switches into aqua mod.)

Layla: Don't you dare scratch my ride!

Muscle still scared of Sonata

I don't know?

Group Admin


I am thinking that Rarity, Applejack, and Casey will get their minds controlled by Rafaela. If you have some suggestions of who should get their minds controlled by Rafaela, let me know.

I have mix options


Remember how you guys wanted Carter to sing Hot Wings from the movie Rio? Well, how about he, Frostee, and later Caitlyn sing it and Vinyl plays the music when the tech team get's all the mind-controlled Brazilians to dance instead of attacking them. The song can switch between the performance and the battle on the plane.

Here's a remix that would be perfect

Here's some quotes...

As Carter sang, Caitlyn tapped her foot and started bopping to the beat as she was enjoying the song.

Back at the dance, Buffy and the others noticed Caitlyn enjoying herself.

"Omg," Buffy smiled at her friend. "Your enjoying this, aren't you?"

"What? No! Of course not!" Caitlyn brushed off.

"Sure looked like you were enjoying it to me," Pinkie smirked.

"Yeah, girl," Mikey agreed.

"You two are ridiculous," Caitlyn deadpanned.

"Hey, you should totally dance with them!" Sonata suggested.

"I don't know?" Caitlyn was unsure.

"Come, sis," Zach nudged her. "You drove Buffy's car over a bridge gap. You can totally do this!"

Caitlyn gave her brother a dry look before she made her way to the stage.

Later in the song, Caitlyn rose up, lifted by Gary, and began to sing. Everyone stared at her in awe by how good her singing was. Then Gary slowly lowered her down and she danced with Frostee and Carter.

"You guys were right," Chaplin said to Donnie and Twilight. "She is a great singer!"

In the end, after Rafaela is defeated, Buffy can sing Dancing Crazy by Miranda Cosgrove.

I don't remember that

Group Admin

Yes. I remembered. But I still need to figure out which of the male heroes will get mind controlled by Rafaela. I got Rarity and Applejack listed down for Rafaela’s group, but for a temporary time at least.

I remember Amethyst mentioning once.

What about the antidote

Maybe Carter and Keno too.


Here's some quotes I once wrote for An Angel and Echo of Nowhere.

Angel and Echo's escape part 1

Layla and Raph tried to pushed the door open but it wouldn't budge.

"You two have been trying that for hours, it ain't budging," Angel deadpanned.

"Not even my psychic blast can break it," April added.

Layla grunted and banged her fist against the door. "I don't care what Rafaella says, once Frostee, Donnie, and Twilight are done, so are we!"

"And I for one do not what to know what she plans to do with us," Caitlyn said, in worry.

"And I don't wanna end up like that!" Aria pointed the badly beaten Chaplin, still out cold.

"If Applejack wasn't mind-controlled, she could bust us out!" Sunset grumbled.

"And If Rafaella hadn't taken our geods, I could call some of the jungle animals to help us," Fluttershy lamented, and Vinyl nodded in agreement.

"Hey, Gary, can you radio for backup?" Tony asked.

"There's no one to call," Gary replied, shaking his head. "Rafella controls the brazilian police and Interpool. And Ms Nowhere would overrule any orders I'd give to our people."

"Wow, she really thought of everything," Gabby said, dryly.

"Uh, we gotta get out of here!" Cisco started to panic. "The walls are closing in!"

Sonata comforted him. "It's okay, Cisco. It's all good."

"Pull it together, paranoid," Echo said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "The walls aren't going anywhere."

"There has to be a way for us to get out of here and save our friends," Leo said.

"Yeah, cause I'm pretty sure Rarity's not enjoying being forced to make Rafella's clothes," Rainbow guessed.

"And I don't wanna stay in this dirty werehouse anymore then we need to be!" Buffy said, in disgust.

Angel rolled her eyes and then pointed up toward a high window. "I think I know a way. If April can lift me and Echo onto the beams, we can get out through that window."

"And then what?" Layla asked. "You two would still be surrounded by Rafella's guards in the middle of a foreign country."

"Not to mention a mind-controlled Ms Nowhere," April added.

Gary spoke up. "If you can get to the Hauler, it might have enough firepower to bust us out."

"The Hauler's caught quicksand," Echo noted. "It can't move."

"Just use the quicksand wheels," Gary said.

"Eeh the what now?" Tony asked.

"It has quicksand wheels?" Zach inquired.

"I explained to you guys back on the plan," Gary said.

(After the explanation)

"Nah, doesn't ring a bell," Cisco said.

"Nope," Echo added.

"Never happened," Tony stated.

"I don't think we were paying attention," Sunset guessed, sheepishly.

"Y'all are terrible spies," Layla remarked.

"Anyway," Gary broke in. "You can drive the Hauler out of the quicksand."

Tony sighed. "It's a long shot, but it seems like our only hope."

"How's Echo and Angel gonna make it to the Hauler without being caught by Ms Nowhere, and her team of local goons?" Cisco asked.

"If they mess with the Angel, they'll get the sticks," Angel said, confidently. "Plus, Ms Nowhere's a jerk, so she has it coming."

"Ms Nowhere's not the Purple Nightmares, Angel," Sunset warned. "She's not gonna be easy to beat."

"As one of the two who fought her once, I can verify it," Gabby stated. "That woman, is a machine!"

"Absolutely," Layla agreed.

"Hey, I got an idea," Zach chimed in. "What if they use Tony's car to get past them?"

"That's a good idea," Echo agreed. "Except Tony's car is back at the Hauler."

Then Sunset spoke up. "But so are two certain friends of ours who stayed behind."

"Then I'll just call those two friends and they can bring it here," Tony said, activating his spy watch and pulling up the screen. Mikey and Pinkie were on it.

"Oh, hey, Tony," Mikey greeted. He was dressed as a cheif, complete with a bushy black mustash. "Don't worry, me and Pinkie have a plan to get in and bust you guys out!"

"Dare we ask what it is?" Raph said.

"We'll disguise ourselves as pizza delivery guys!" Pinkie said, wearing a big mask pizza slice. "Then we'll pretend to deliver pizza to the guards. And when they least expect it, we'll surpise them by going ninja on them and knock 'em out!"

"Then we'll use their keys or whatever they use to get you guys out," Mikey finished.

"Is your brother and friend all there?" Layla asked Leo, Raph, and the Rainbooms.

"Mostly," They replied.

"Uh, great plan, guys, but we a better idea," Tony said, pressing a button on his watch.

Then the two heard an engine starting and turn to see Tony's car start up. Then they grinned at each other.

"That'll work," they both said, and got in.

Pinkie sat in the driver's seat while Mikey sat next to her.

"Punch it, Pinkie!" Mikey exclaimed.

Pinkie slammed her foot on the gas and drove the car out of the Hauler and through the jungle.

"Weeee!/Booyahkasha!" They hollered.

As they approached the gate two guards saw them coming.

Mikey activated the paintball luncher. "Yeah, eat paintballs, son!"

The guards took cover and Pinkie plowed the car through the gate and activated the smoke screen.


What about Zach becoming mind control? And he could say things about to Caitlyn and she could reply with…

Caitlyn: That better be the mind control talking little bro, or you and I are gonna have some problems!

Group Admin

Okay. And maybe Casey too.

Group Admin




I have an idea for South Pacific. I am bringing in a new OC. This fella right here is codenamed Cloverleaf.

Voice: Sheamus

Cloverleaf works with the Agency and he is best friends with Palindrome. In the past, they met during a bar/pub fight in Ireland. He also has a past with his enemy, Scadan. They used to be best friends during childhood because Scadan was a juvenile delinquent while Cloverleaf was a good kid.

In the South Pacific season, Cloverleaf was on vacation, sunbathing on an island in the South Pacific until he saw Scadan and his henchmen. He contacted Palindrome and Nowhere that he's got eyes on Scadan and his crew. As a result, Cloverleaf’s vacation was ruined and decided to help the Ninjas and Spy Racers fight against Scadan and his henchmen (who were working for Sudarikov).

Well, don't forget that Tony and Twilight still beat Scadan and his goons. In case you didn't see my pitch about Twilight helping him through his trauma. And both of them teaming up to "rescue" the others.

Layla: Nice work, Toretto. I knew if we just let ourselves get captured, you'd get over your little panic attacks and bust us out.

Tony: Let yourself?

Twilight: What?!

Layla: You think we couldn't get away from Scadan and Mussels? Come on! Still, great job. And thanks for not scratching my ride, Twilight. Now let's get back to work.

Tony: Really? This was all fake?

Twilight: We're you all in on this?!

Sunset: Uh... kind of...

Donnie: Pretty much...

Spike: Not cool!

Here's another idea for South Pacific, when the Toretto AI is chasing Shashi, Adagio catches up to him and get's in his car and does this...

Adagio: (points her sword at him) Move over, I'm driving!

(After she ditches the car.)

Shashi: Wow! You were awesome! That was best driving I've ever seen! We should've invited you to join SH1FT3R!

Adagio: Yeah, hard pass! (After a moment) You really think I've got good driving skills?

Shashi: Absolutely. Is someone flattered?

Adagio: No! Just... curious is all.

Shashi: Whatever say, Dagi.

Adagio: If you call me Dagi one more time... (The Toretto AI leaps in) You've got to be kidding?! (Presses down on the gas.) Is there anything that'll help us outrun this thing?!

Shashi: I actually have a better idea! (Unbuckles his and her seat belts.)

Adagio: What're you? (Shashi pushes them both out just as the AI lands on the car and causes a crash.)

Also, Raph and Gabby should join Tony and Layla when they rescue them.

Group Admin




Okay. But I still want Cloverleaf to play a part in South Pacific.

Scadan: You haven’t change a bit, old pal. But your haircut looks stupid.

Cloverleaf: What did you just say fella?!

Scadan: Read my lips, Straight Luck. You! Look! Stupid!

Cloverleaf: (grabs him by the collar) How are you calling me stupid! (gives Scadan multiple knee strikes and grabs him by the back of his head) Let's see if you like this! (tears off his shirt and punches Scadan on the chest, ten times)

Mikey: Is this guy seriously your friend?

Palindrome: Yep.

Raph: I like this guy’s style right there.

Cloverleaf: (lets him go and screams) Faugh A Ballagh! (runs straight and bicycle kicks Scadan on the head)


And when Ms Nowhere shows up to save the crew when their captured by Sudarikov, she'll bring Bebop and Rocksteady. Then Rocksteady and Sudarikov can have a reunion.

Rocksteady: Sudarikov, is good to see you again!

Sudarikov: Do I know you?

Rocksteady: Da, old partner... (points to his glass eye.)

Sudarikov: Ivan Steranko?!

Rusty: Sir, you know this fella?

Sudarikov: Da, this is Ivan Steranko. My former business partner.

A little something for the next episode of Spy Racers:

Tony: We didn't ruin our mission, we just saw Layla talking to some mysterious people in an alley, she's clearly using her cover identity for good.

Ms Nowhere: How do you know Layla hasn't flipped?

Echo: We don't.

Tony: Because I know Layla.

Ms Nowhere: You know absolutely nothing.

Gabby: Look, something's wrong with her.

April: I agree, I could sense something different in Layla's mind. In fact, it was also in the goons that were working for her as well. I sensed something in their mind, that shouldn't be there.

I thought that April could use her telepathic powers to sense the brainwash-ness, inside Layla and the goons, but she's not sure what it is at first.

Yeah, April could be one of the few who side with Gabby on Layla not being bad.


Here's a list of the team who believe Layla's gone bad. And their reasons.

Applejack: (because of Layla's disregard for family.)

Rainbow Dash: (still miffed at getting beat by her twice, and getting punched by her.)

Casey and Donnie: (are still mad at her for calling the Turtle Racer junk.)

Caitlyn: (because Layla tried to kill them and is working for Fishface, who once held her hostage.)

Raph: (because of trust issues.)

Chaplin: (because he researched Layla's bad track record.)

They all change their minds once Gabby and Frostee reveal that she was mind-controlled. Unlike Echo and Cisco.

Group Admin

Okay. That will help us when writing the next chapter of the fic.


Here's something for Sahara.

Sweetie Belle will have a drone and complete in the drone race with Frostee and also get beat by Jun.

She'll even call Sweetie Belle a squirt who can't handle the big boys. Sweetie Belle turns away and walks off like she's about to cry which Jun mocks her for too and turns away as well. Karai's about to step in to teach Jun some 'manners', when Rarity stops her and says Sweetie Belle do it herself, who then whips around and charges at Jun. She turns around just as Sweetie Belle gets her with a scissor flip. Jun get's up mad, only for Sweetie Belle sweep her legs and knock her back with a drop kick.

Sweetie Belle: I may be a squirt but at least I'm not a weakling!

Karai: Impressive.

Frostee: Oh, snap! (Laughs) You just got owned, Jun!

What about my idea on Kelso and Applejack history

Are you going to draw it?

I don't know?

Group Admin




I have a funny idea in mind for the next chapter of Spy Racers - Rio. I remembered watching a scene from the movie, Night at the Museum, where Larry and Dexter the monkey started slapping each other because Dexter has Larry’s security keys and it was so hilarious. I want Cisco and Donut to do that while the tech geniuses work on creating an antidote for the formula.

Are you sure? Donut is mostly docile

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