Tales of Shadows and Stars 24 members · 7 stories
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Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Deep in the heart of the Everfree Forest lies this small hamlet. Prior to the thousand-year-long Celestial Era, Princess Luna governed Equestria from her home, Everfree Castle, which was built for her two-hundredth birthday. There was a small village surrounding the castle at the time, where a community of earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns and bat ponies lived happily despite the dangers of the forest. The houses were built to last and be secure against the harshest conditions, out of wood, bricks and sometimes magically-enhanced concrete.

However, during the short period of time for which Nightmare Moon was at large before her banishment, both the castle and the village were damaged in a battle between the rebel army and Celestia's forces. Contrary to popular belief, the castle was dubbed “The Castle of the Two Sisters” because everypony thought she had schizophrenia, not because Celestia and Luna fought each other there.

Originally, plans were drawn up to repair the Everfree Village and the “Castle of the Two Sisters” so that ponies could move back into both. However, by the time these plans had been made, some squatters had moved in. The magical plants of the Everfree Forest had spread like wildfire across the area, forming multiple layers of defence around the castle in particular, although the buildings themselves were in almost perfect condition. Manticores, timberwolves and other wild animals had closed in and swarmed the area as well, making it unsafe for the majority of ponies to live there.

“Majority” being the word - to a group of once-homeless feral bat ponies, the abandoned buildings represented warmth, shelter from the elements and protection from the wild creatures of the forest, a place where they could settle down permanently. By the time the plans were made to rebuild the place, the bat ponies had decided that they weren't about to leave on the orders of a princess who had encouraged their ancestors' persecution a few centuries before.

For centuries, the Everfree Village was left largely to its own devices, ignored by most of Equestrian society. Occasionally those on the run from the law have used the village for refuge as it is a known haven from Royal Guards, but few ponies there speak proper Ponish, making communication with the outside world more difficult.

The buildings are a lot shabbier after lacking any major repair work for so long, but have had small adaptations made for the ponies who call the Everfree Village their home. The town is a patchwork of new and old, organised and irregular, a wonderful home for those who wish to live on the wild side of Equestria.

~ Angel

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Would you live there?

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

I would. Only downside is that I'd have to learn how to speak eeeeee.

Today, I had a conversation with a British guy. I jokingly asked him if he knew what that large, yellow glowing ball in the sky(sun) was and I kid you not, he said that it was the 'sacred cheese flavored crisp'(Cheeto) and I nearly died of laughter.

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

I'll probably be accused of treason for saying this, but Cheetos are better than Wotsits.

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Probably one of the only occasions when I'll say that an American equivalent is better than a UK brand... :rainbowlaugh:

American government and UK government are trying to see who's dumber. UK used Brexit and America used antivax. Who will win?

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

The Land of Victoria Sponge is not stupid. Americans are crazy English people with guns.

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