Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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Here's an idea for the scene where the Superstars accuse Team Authority of playing unfair. The ninjas and Spy Racers join in. Which Tony says that Dom could totally beat them in all three legs, but then Stephanie bad mouths Dom, calling him a barbarian and a low life criminal, which infuriates both Tony and Gabby.

Tony: (after everyone leaves) She is so getting beat!

Ooooh, that would definitely get me ticked off if someone were to insult my family like that.

And yet, whilst she's a spoilt little rich girl, Dom actually saved the world numerous times with his family/team.

Group Admin

Now that is uncalled for.

Night Shine: (sitting on the sidelines munching on popcorn.) this ought to be good.

I know he’s not in it. It’s just my reaction to the scene.




I promise to come up with a scene and I mean it. (Don't know if the Spy Racers would be there at the beginning, so I added them just in case)
"You guys are here too?" said Rainbow surprised.

"You kidding, we wouldn't miss this." said Tony whilst Cisco was looking around.

"Is..." said Cisco nervously, "Is Sonata...?"

He then felt a kiss on his cheek, surprising him as he looked, and there she stood with a smile on her face. "Does this answer your question?" said Sonata, causing Cisco to pick her up and hug her.

"Hey, where are the others?" asked Frostee.

"Back at home." said Pinkie Pie.

"Most of them had things to do back home," said Rainbow, "That and Rarity would complain about not wanting to be around any, ahem, 'uncouth grease monkey.'"

"Somehow I feel offended." said Echo.

"Well it is Rarity." said Gabby. "So how come you guys are here?"

"Some friends of ours invited us to watch Motto X." said Mikey. "Don't know if you heard of Mystery Incorperated."

"Oh yeah, I heard them," said Tony, "They help solve a few mysteries. Gotta give them props for their detective works."

"I'm actually looking forward to see their engines." said Frostee, "Twice the size, twice the horsepower."

"And I'm sure our cousin Dom would love to learn about those engines if he wants to have both speed and muscle." said Gabby.

Suddenly they heard a sound and turned around. And to their surprise it was a portal opening up.

"What the heck?" said Layla.

"Oh, right, sorry, this is normal." said Casey.

And from the portal, a familiar face appeared, one that Gabby and a few others recognized.

"Blade?!" said the gang surprised whilst moving over.

Blade turned to the direction and saw them. "Greeting my friends, it's been a while. And you as well Gabby. I haven't seen you since that Ink Clone incident."

"Same, how have you been?" asked Gabby.

"Doing fine." said Blade.

"And dude, how's Permafrost?" asked Mikey, "Is she doing okay?"

"She's doing great." said Blade, "For the first time she's surrounded by a place with so much love and friendship. It's like she was born to live in Equestria."

"And you haven't met her, but this is Sonata," said Pinkie Pie whilst introducing the said girl to Blade, "She was one of the Sirens from Equestria who turned bad and fought with one of our enemies, but now she and her sisters are reformed and fight on our side."

"Nice to meet you." said Sonata with a glee and shaking his hand.

"Pleasure." said Blade with a smile of his own.

The others noticed that the portal was still opened.

"Why's the portal still open?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Oh." said Blade as he realized something. Then he moved over to the portal and stuck his head in it, as if he was talking to someone. He then popped back in. "Sorry, had to convince her to come on through."

"Wait, you're bringing Permafrost over?" said Raph.

"Not exactly." said Blade whilst rubbing the back of his head.

Then from out of the portal, another person came through. That said person was a woman, who had a mohawk of sorts but is flat on the side(the rest of her head's not shaved, but does have hair). Her eyes were moderate opal and a scar over her right eye. Her hair was moderate roses with lighter edges, and her skin was dark orchid. But what was new was that she was wearing an outfit that one would mistake for a biker. She wore black boots, her jeans were black with two tear openings like on Starlight's. Her shirt was a blank tank top whilst wearing a short sleeved jacket, with the word "Tempest Storm" on the back, whilst she was wearing black fingerless gloves.

Many were surprised by what they were seeing, with the latter looking at her hands whilst still keeping her face neutral.

"Tempest?!" exclaimed Mikey, Raph and Casey, instantly recognizing her whilst Blade went over to help her adjust.

"You know her?" asked Tony.

"Wait, isn't she the former baddie that you guys and Sunset mentioned when you went to that festival?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Oh yeah, Fugitoid showed us that when they last visited." said Rainbow, remembering that time.

The Spy Racers were surprised to see Tempest, whilst Tony was blushing. This however, Gabby noticed, and said smugly, "Sorry Primo, she's taken."

Everyone went over to her whilst Blade helped her. She was looking at her hands and fingers.

"Hmm, this will be taking a lot of getting used to." said Tempest, then looked at Blade and said, "How did you manage it?"

"It wasn't easy." said Blade, "But remember, I have experience standing on two legs. Though I'm surprised you're already used to it."

"Surprised me too." said Tempest.

Pinkie suddenly pulled out a large mirror and placed it in front of Tempest whilst saying, "Here you go."

Tempest looked at herself in the mirror and inspected herself.

"Hmm, not bad." said Tempest.

"The biker look words for you, dudette." said Casey.

Tempest looked at Raph, Casey, and Mikey. She walked over to them and asked, "So, this is what you two look like?"

"That's right." said Mikey.

Tempest looked at them, then snorted and said, "I thought you three would be taller."

This caused the others to laugh whilst the rest pouted and grumbled. Tempest then noticed Rainbow and Pinkie Pie. And instantly recognized them.

"You're Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash," said Tempest, "But not the ones I know."

"Nope, just their counterparts." said Pinkie Pie, "There are a few traits that's the same, but also a bit different too."

As they talked, Raph whispered to Blade, "What's Tempest doing here?"

"Tempest needed a break from the traveling, and when your friends mentioned this and sent me an invite, that's when she arrived." said Blade, "I figured she could use a break and for something more exciting."

"I thought you wanted to bring Permafrost along," said Casey, "You know, father/daughter bonding experience?"

"I wanted to, but she's not comfortable with a lot of folks, especially during her bad days." said Blade, "Princess Celestia said that we should give her some time until she's ready. Until then we have to be patient with her."

They heard the sounds of engines roaring.

"Oh boy, it's about to start!!" said Frosty in excitement.

"Come on, we don't want to miss this!!" said Echo.

Everyone ran forward to where the racers would introduce themselves, with Blade and Tempest following.

"This looks interesting." said Tempest, then smirked, "This is going to be a lot of fun."

Needs some modifications

It's the best I could come up with, but like I said, I don't know about the spy racers, but I added them just in case.


Not bad. Although, Blade and the Spy Racers have already met. In Spy Racers: Rio

Good intro, but like Red Tagg said, Blade already met the Spy Racers and the Dazzlings in Spy Racers Rio.

Must've missed that part, my bad. Good thing I changed it a bit.

Group Admin





Roman Reigns: Just don't get in my way. Got it?

Mikey: Acknowledged, dude.

Roman Reigns understood but also had an idea in his mind, but he'll save it down the road in the near future.

That's not a good sign







So for Equestria Ninja Scoob, Twilight becomes VERY frustrated by Velma's continuous skepticism, like KISS was in the Rock N Roll Mystery. At one point the others poke fun at her for it because she's a skeptic, pragmatic, buzzkill herself. Eventually, Twilight reaches her limit with Velma and nearly goes ninja on her... until she has a better idea.

She calmly walks up to Velma and after some exchange of words, uses her powers to levitate Velma and flies her all over the place and even makes her dance. Velma tries to find an explanation for it and Twilight debunks all her theories, such as wires, magnets, and that she's dreaming/hallucinating.

When Velma frantically says that their has to be an explanation, Twilight says that there is an explanation but playfully hesitates until Velma begs her to tell her.

Twilight: Hmm? Okay. The explanation is... magic!

Velma: (floating upside down) But... there's no such thing as magic?! (Flies right up to Twilight's face.)

Twilight: (smugly) Consider your theory, debunked! (Drops Velma hard on the ground.)

Heheheheheh, now that is a fitting way to show Velma.


So for Equestria Ninja Scoob, Twilight becomes VERY frustrated by Velma's continuous skepticism, like KISS was in the Rock N Roll Mystery. At one point the others poke fun at her for it because she's a skeptic, pragmatic, buzzkill herself. Eventually, Twilight reaches her limit with Velma and nearly goes ninja on her... until she has a better idea.

And Twilight goes "No I'm not!!"

And Leo points out of them wanting to get the key from Sunset's locker, but she kept dismissing their ideas.

I am so gonna enjoy reading Velma proven wrong.







In the fic there's a character called Frank, a security guard at the China Town museum. He's a rather unpleasant person. He hates kids, especially Hana and her friends, and doesn't care about the museum or the artifacts, only about getting a paycheck. He's also on probation after the Twin Blades of Vengeance were stolen by Alopex.

At one point of the fic, he ends up fired. When he runs into the kids, he grabs Hana as he blames her for it and starts threatening her, yelling in her face that she's gonna pay. And it ends very badly... for him. Cause out of both fear and impulse, Hana does this...

Out of nowhere, Hana swung both her feet up and kicked Frank right in the gut, making him drop her. Then she thrust another kick right in the undercarriage, making Frank drop to his knees. Hana then hit him with a left, right, and backhanded hook punch followed two spin kicks. Then she did a thrust kick and nailed Frank in the face. The ex-security guard dropped to the ground with a thud, completely knocked out.

Hana turned back to the others, who were all staring in dumbfounded shock. She pointed down at the knocked out Frank, "He scared me."

I hate jerks like him. People who are in for the money.

Serves him right though. He reminds me of that other guard from Kung Fu Panda, who blamed Poe for him being out of the job when he stopped Tai Lung, and he doesn't care about anyone else but himself.


He got beat by a little girl. Talk about embarrassing.


An idea to introduce a new character (or rather, a character that has appeared in the 1987 series).

He was an unnamed man constantly seen in the museum and other places. The Mystery Gang, Rainbooms, and turtles continually noticed him appearing everywhere. Karai thought he looked familiar.

In the end, he reveals himself as Detective Kato Kazuo of Interpol. He admits that he'd been on the case when Mei-Lin stole an artefact from Tokyo to use in Ho-Chan's resurrection. (It's one of those common scenarios in Scooby-Doo media when the gang meet a mysterious figure, which turns out to be law enforcement.)

But later, Karai confronts him, recognising him now as she once saw him talking with Shredder. Kazuo then reveals that his birth name is actually Oroku Kazuo, the Shredder's younger brother. He reveals that when his mother, Oroku Miyoko, was pregnant with him, she escaped from her abusive husband, Oroko Keiji. She tried to take Saki, but she was unable to because Keiji had him under tight security. She tried to go back for him, but the Foot Clan had fallen before that, and she had no idea where he was. Kazou, back when he was a Tokyo police detective before he became Interpol, managed to track down Saki and tried to get him to come back to their mother, but all Saki could think of was the Foot Clan, and was angry at both him and his mother for leaving him, which Karai secretly witnessed but didn't understand.

Kazuo reveals he knows what became of Shredder, and admits while he and his mother were sad about it, Shredder led himself down that path.

So basically, that's my idea of introducing what real family the Shredder had left.

What do you think?

Pretty good.




I have an idea on how they interact with him:
"Alright, talk!!" said Karai as she cornered Detective Kazuo, much to everyone's confusion. "Who are you really?"

"Karai, what's going on?" asked Sunset.

"I know who he is, I've seen him years ago!!"

"Wait, you did?" said a confused Mikey.

"That's right, I saw him talking to Shredder." said Karai, much to everyone's shock.

"You were with the Shredder?!" said Leo as Raph wanted to pounce on him, but Applejack held him back.

At first Detective Kazuo was quiet, but then he sighed and said, "Your memory and keen eye truly are more sharper than a sword, young Miwa."

Everyone was shocked that he knew Karai's real name, with Karai partially startled.

"Kato is just a fake name my mother came up with." said Kazuo, before dropping the biggest bombshell. "My real name is Oroku Kazuo. I'm Oroku Saki's younger brother."

Everyone was shocked to hear this, even the Mystery Gang.

"Hold the phone!!" said Fred, "You're Shredder's younger brother?!"

"I was." said Kazuo, "But not anymore. My mother and I cut ties with them years ago."

"Wait, cut ties?" said a confused Rarity.

Kazuo sighed, and said, "To tell you why I have the name Kato instead of my birthname, is to go back long ago."

He leaned against the wall and told everyone his story.
It was long before I was born, and Saki was but a young toddler. During the time, both the Hamato and Foot Clan were still at war with one another. They one day attacked a group of Hamato ninjas sometime ago. My father, Oroku Keiji, was a vicious man, assumed that it was a secret ninja group wanting to join the Hamato Clan, but it turned out, it was only a small escort, who was none other than the wife and younger brother of the head of the Hamato Clan, Hamato Yuuta.

My mother, Oroku Miyoko, begged and pleaded for him to stop, but my father's bloodlust would not dwindle, and said he wouldn't stop until everyone was dead. And he even beat my mother, constantly, not wanting to hear any more weak talks about sparing the women and children of the Hamato Clan. When she was pregnant with me she fled and changed her identity, not wanting anything to do with the Foot Clan. She tried to take Saki with her, but because of my father, he had Saki under tight security, so there was no way into getting him.

My mother went to the Hamato Clan. They thought she was a spy, but one of them saw that she was pregnant and that she begged for help. She told Hamato Yuuta of the Foot Clan who killed his wife and younger son, which outraged Hamato Yuuta. Thanks to my mother, she showed them how to attack the Foot Clan's headquarters. She tried to get to Saki, but by the time she got there, the Foot Clan had fallen, and my former father was no more. And she couldn't find Saki anywhere, she assumed he perished into the fire.
"After the Foot Clan fell, my mother assumed a new identity and tried to raise me on my own." said Kazuo, "She married a man who's name was also Kato, and because of his work in the detective agency in Tokyo, I also joined, because he inspired me in wanting to help people. From that day on, my mother and I washed our hands of the Foot Clan and never looked back."

Many were surprised to hear this, with Applejack saying, "Yer not lyin."

"So... how did you know Shredder was your brother?" asked Velma.

"After I became a detective," said Kazuo, "I solved a few cases over the years. But then I uncovered an unsolved case, perhaps one of the biggest tragedies of all."

"The fall of the Hamato Clan." said Leo, remembering the only tragedy they encountered.

"Precisely." said Kazuo. "I spent the past eight years, trying to find out what happened. And during that time, there were a few witnesses of what happened, as well as what a few ninjas I encountered told me. I...even encountered Yoshi."

They were shocked by that revelation.

"He told me everything what happened." said Kazuo, "Needless to say, I was completely disgusted on what my brother had become. After much more detective work, I eventually found him."

"And that's when you encountered him." said Karai.

"That's right." said Kazuo. "You were around....eight years old at the time. Which took me eight years to find him, considering he always moved from one location to another, trying to find the Foot Clan's heirlooms and trying to establish a worldwide connection so his forces could be everywhere. I encountered him after he bought a building and was about to settle down in Tokyo."

He looked up and said, "I still remembered our encounter, and when Karai saw the two of us."
"You don't have to do this!!" said Kazuo as he encountered the Shredder. "Please Saki, come home. All our mother wants is to be a family..."

"Do not mention that woman to me!!" shouted Shredder. "She is dead to me. She left me when I was but a small boy and abandoned the ways of the Foot Clan long ago."

"Only because mother was sick and tired of the constant fighting!!" shouted Kazuo, "She tried to get to you, but father wouldn't have it!! He even constantly beat her and was abusive to her!! What kind of husband would treat one like they're nothing but garbage!! And the Hamato Clan wouldn't have eradicated the Foot Clan if father didn't kill Hamato Yuuta's wife and younger child!!"

"They were nothing but the enemy," said Shredder, "And once I achieve what I have been searching for so long, my vengeance will finally be complete."

"Is that what you said when you killed Shen?" questioned Kazuo, which caused Shredder to widen his eyes. "I know what happened. She begged and pleaded for you to stop, but then you blamed Yoshi for what happened, when her blood was spilled by your hand!!"

Shredder growled and pounced, whilst pinning Kazuo against the wall, and readied his blades. However, Kazuo was left unfased.

"I'm not afraid of you, anymore, Saki." said Kazuo.

"You listen well," said Shredder, "Once I fully establish the Foot Clan, I will ensure that none will stand in my way. I will make the Foot Clan greater than anything the world has ever seen. And I was slaughter everyone who will stand in my way. And, and only then, will my vengeance be fully complete. And I will soon have...what is mine."

However, instead of quivering in fear, Kazuo suddenly laughed, which caused the Shredder to be confused.

"Oh, yes." said Kazuo whilst squinting his eyes at him, "Because that's all you do, isn't it? And how has that worked out for you?"

Kazuo then pointed out what happened during what he learned.

"You tried to woo a girl that was completely out of your league, thinking that you could make her your bride and think that she would fall for you. But she didn't. And she ended up marrying your rival and had a child of her own. Oh, and let's not forget how you convinced half the ninjas of the Hamato Clan to join your side, so you could finally burn it all down, so you'd have a shot at revenge."

Shredder squinted his eyes at him.

"Now, if only there was someone to stop and warn you against such a miserable idea." said Kazuo, "Oh wait, Yoshi and Shen did!! But you pushed on ahead, and you lost it completely when all you had to do was to follow discipline and patience that you lacked more than anyone else!!"

Shredder growled at him.

"You think you're entitled to everything, just because you suffered, when you should know that suffering isn't enough!! You can't just be strong, you have to be smart, instead of being deserving, you have to be worthy!! Yet, the only thing you've ever been, is a bloody migraine!!"

Shredder screamed in rage and planted his bladed inside the wall, close to Kazuo's head. But he didn't flinch, nor show fear, but only looked in anger and disappointment. Shredder grunted and pulled his claws and released him.

"Get out of my sight." said Shredder. "And if I ever see you again, I will put you down."

"Then so be it." said Kazuo as he walked away. Then he stopped at the door, whilst looking at Shredder in disappointment. "Mother would be ashamed. And I guess we're no longer brothers after all, even in blood."

Kazuo walked away and never looked back, causing Shredder to scream and threw things around in anger.
"And ever since that day, I never looked back." said Kazuo, "And truly washed the Oroku name from myself and fully accepted my new identity. And afterwards I joined Interpol."

Many were shocked by what he revealed.

"Whoa," said Daphne, "That was really brave."

'And scary." said Shaggy whilst shivering.

"Uh-huh." said Scooby whilst shivering too.

"I even know what happened to him." said Kazuo whilst looking at Leo. He walked forward and stood face to face with him.

"I bear no ill will for what you did." said Kazuo, "You avenged your father and the Hamato Clan for what he had done. Though my mother and I were saddened of his demise, his anger is what led him to his downfall. I am only sorry that I couldn't do anything to stop him."

Things were silent at first, until Leo placed his hand on Kazuo's shoulder.

"You're nothing like Shredder and the Foot Clan." said Leo, "It's clear you're your own person, and that no one had the courage to walk away from rage and revenge. You're also more honorable than anyone in the Oroku name."

Kazuo smiled and bowed to Leo. "Thank you, Leonardo-san. Thank you all, for doing what I could not."



How about Brian Tochi who was Leo in the 90s movies be the voice of Kazuo.

Maybe if possible, Kazuo could be a police ally to Team Shine like they met before this. Just a thought

All right! I sure hope Tempest gets to see the rest of the gang after the race.

Well, I'd want an actor who shares the same ethnical background as the character.








So, I was thinking and I've decided to have some mini mysteries for the Gang and Ninjas to solve during the story. One could be based off the Be Cool episode "Screama Donna", that could be when they meet the Hex Girls.

I’m game. You should have Caitlyn in that one. The one thing I ask for when the ninjas and Rainbooms meet the Hex Girls is that they would recognize Caitlyn from when she played on the drums in Anaheim from ‘Ducks Rocks’.

I probably said it a bunch of times, so this’ll be the last time so I don’t pester you.

Alright then. I'm in for this.





Here's a scene for Mussel Moto X, where Tempest roasts Stephanie before the latter declares team Authority will win without the head start.

"You know what, Stephanie," Tempest spoke up. "When I look at you right now, do you know what I see? I see my former master, the Storm King, who was, and I quote... a selfish, arrogant, self-righteous, conceited, self-serving, egotistical, self-endorsing, blowharded WINDBAG! And I see absolutely no difference between him and you. Windbag!"

Stephanie gasped in shock while the Miz roared with laughter, followed by Casey, Rainbow, Mikey, Pinkie, Sonata, the Spy Racers, and most of the other Superstars. Even Blade and Permafrost couldn't help but chuckle while Paig smirked at seeing Stephanie getting roasted by the pony turned woman.

Stephanie's shock soon turned to anger, "Fine!" She leered. "Hunter and I will beat you without the head start. See you at the races, suckers!" Then she and Triple H walked off in a huff.

"Oh, we'll see you there alright!" Raph shot back.

"At the finish line!" Rainbow declared.

Triple H scoffed, "Haters!"

Mr McMahon approached Fred, Daphne, and Velma, "I hope you guys are close to solving this thing."

"Uh, we do have one question, Mr McMahon," Fred inquired. "Just where do you go during the races?"

"What? Now I'm a suspect?" Mr McMahon asked indignantly. "I do have a few things to do like running the entire WWE. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to leave." And with that he left. "And I'm fully aware this may seem suspicious, but it's not."

"Riiight," Velma said doubtfully. "Not suspicious at all."


(Tempest walked back to her boyfriend and his daughter)
Blade way to go, babe.
(Tempest kneeled to high five Permafrost)

Group Admin







Mr. McMahon: I was also practicing singing the National Anthem. Let me prove it to you right now. (clears his throat)

Rainbow: Oh boy. (covers her ears)

I think we dodged a bullet with the writers not doing the whole thing.

Group Admin



Mikey: Where’s John Cena?








Here's some quotes that were sent to me by SketchApp, author of Equestria Ninja Girls Gremlins. In this scene, Hana brings everyone to her grandfather's shop to learn more about Ho Chan.

Hana: Well, here we are, my grandfather's antique shop! He's bound to have something about Ho Chan here.

*suddenly April and Casey felt something familiar about the stairs leading to the shop.*

Casey: hey red, doesn't this place feel...

April: Familiar? Yeah...

*as the two continue to feel a daja-vu presents about the shop, Shaggy and Scooby were quivering as they stared at the stairs.*

Shaggy: Like, you want us to go down these creepy looking stairs to a creepy looking shop?

Fred: Come on, Shag. The creepy places are the best kind of places to look for answers.

Velma: and if this guy has something about Ho Chan we don't know, it's worth it.

Shaggy: mabye for you guys but not us! Nah-Uh, me and Scoob are staying out here! *Shaggy crosses his arms.*

Scooby: Rhats Right!

*Raph, who has about had enough of these two's cowardness, was about to gives these two an earful, when Leo suddenly stops him.*

Leo: Oh, that's okay, you two can stay out here if yous want. Alone. In the city of New York, that's probably the most unpredictable cities in the world.

*catching on what Leo's doing, his brother's follow along.*

Donnie: that's right. New York can be a very unpredictable place. Anything can happen if you're not paying attention or too careful.

Raph: You could suddenly get mugged by people around the corner.

*Shaggy and Scooby gulp.*

Mikey: Some crazy dude could suddenly jump out and start screaming at you~.

*Shaggy and Scooby then begin to quiver.*

Donnie: Or some rabid animal, like a giant rat or raccoon could suddenly bite you.

*Shaggy and Scooby were now shaking violently as they begin to whimper and look down at their feet cautiously. Leo then grabbed Shaggy's shoulder and points at a trash can nearby.*

Leo: In fact, I think I heard something move in that trash can over there.

*The two cowards, now staring at the trash can with wide eyes, quickly shook their heads.*

Shaggy: Like, suddenly down there feels much more safer than out here!

Scooby: Yeah!

*The two quickly walked down the stairs as Raph grinned at Leo.*

Raph: Nice.

Now that should be very interesting.

Group Admin

Reverse Psychology gets them every time

Now THAT'S funny!

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