Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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Group Admin

You’re welcome.



Hey guys, I came up with something for the chapter of The Spirit of Kindness.

Casey Rhodes was walking along the cliff in search of Whiger.

"You escaped from me once," the former Phantom Beast General said when he appeared. "But your luck ran out."

"I came to get my tiger spirit back." Rhodes said.

"What's this? I told you to come alone."

"I didn't bring anyone with me."

"Are you sure?" Whiger looked away. "Show yourself, girl."

At that very moment, Fluttershy came out from behind a rock looking quite embarrassed.

"Fluttershy?" asked Rhodes in shock.

"Hey guys." She waved shyly.

"What are you doing here?" asked Rhodes

"I saw you went from Jungle Karma and I split off from the others to follow you."

"Get out of here girl, this is none of your business." Whiger demanded and tried to summon his Rinzin power, but nothing was happening. "No!"

"What is he supposed to be doing?" Fluttershy asked.

"Don't you have Rinzin power?" Rhodes asked the monster.

"Because of you I've been stripped of everything, even my honor. You're going to pay for what they did to me." He said before lashing out at Casey.

The fight was quite close as it was two Hei hu quan experts, every time one threw a punch the other blocked it.

Fluttershy couldn't stand to watch the two of them fight.

"Please stop fighting." She pleaded, but no one listened, so she decided to intervene. "Stop."

"I said get out, girl." Whiger shoved her out of the way with one blow.

"FLUTTERSHY!" Casey tried to help her but Whiger threw a punch that knocked him to the ground landing near the cliff.

Whiger threw a punch but Casey Rhodes blocked his attack, the Phantom Beast wanted to use his other arm but the Tiger Master wannabe repeated the action is immobilizing both arms.

"Your destruction is the only thing that can redeem my honor." Whiger declared.

"You want your honor, I want my spirit back." Casey put his hand on Whiger's chest to get his tiger spirit back but the latter wouldn't let him.

Casey pushed Whiger back so he could do a leg sweep on him causing the Phantom Beast to fall off the cliff, however someone held him by the arm, and that someone was Fluttleshy.

"Try to come up, go!" She said.

"NO!" Whiger declared.

"Or else."

"You will no longer humiliate me, LET ME GO!!!"

"NO!" Fluttershy tried to yank him back upstairs.

Whiger tried to use his free hand to remove Fluttershy's grip but Casey grabbed his hand and between the two of them pulled the Phamtom Beast back up.

"General Whiger, once a mighty Phantom Beast, now totally disgraced." The monster said with humiliation before turning to look at Fluttershy. "You should have let me fall, I wanted to destroy your friend and you save me."

"That's what I do for a living, I help a lot of people and... animals." Fluttershy said.

Casey's solar morpher beeped, which meant that the others needed help.

"Let's go Fluttershy." He said.

She got up, but before she left she saw Whiger once more. "You're welcome." She said before leaving him.

Whiger noticed that her hand was starting to fade. "My end is near."

Casey Rhodes and Fluttershy scoured every corner of the city, but they didn't find the boys, or anyone in the city.

"Theo!!!" Rhodes called. "Lily!!!"

"Sunset, Leo!!!" Fluttershy shouted.

"They can't hear you." They turned around and saw that it was Whiger speaking to them. "They were captured by daishi's beast warriors, they've captured everyone." He informed them. "I will take you to where they are."

"Alright, let's go." Fluttershy was ready to follow him but Casey stopped her.

"Or maybe you lead us into a trap, it would make Daishi very happy to have us in his hands." He said and turned to look at Fluttershy. "Why should we trust him?"

"You two have reason not to trust me, especially your red ranger, but think about it, you don't have much of a choice." Whiger grabbed his leg and Casey and Fluttershy watched as his legs began to fade. "Follow me." He stood up and turned around bound for Daishi's lair. Casey and Fluttershy had no choice but to follow him.

Back with the others, everyone was in lotus position.

"Someone is coming." Dom managed to persevere.

Indeed, Whiger, who looked quite tired, led the guys to where everyone was.

"In those three traps." He pointed.

"Casey, Fluttershy, we're in here." the Rangers called out to them.

"Guys, we're in here." The turtles called for another cage.

"Flutershy!!!" The Rainbooms called to their shy friend.

"We're in here." Rhodes said.

"We'll get you all out of here."

"How pathetic." Camillie appeared already in her General Phonix form. "A ranger with no spirit and a general with no Rinzin, a stiff wind could blow you over."

"Don't forget about me." Fluttershy said.

"But if it's the animal-obsessed girl, I'll have the pleasure of destroying you myself." Camillie pounced on them.

Casey, Fluttershy and Whiger faced Camillie, but she was very strong because of her new Rizin power. She kicked Whiger out of the way, Fluttershy tried to throw a punch but Camillie blocked it, twisted her arm and pushed her to the ground, Casey backed up to a railing where he slid down and tried to attack but Camillie hit him causing him to crash into the bar.

"Two tigers and a Rainboom? No problem." Camillie boasted. She prepared to charge Fluttershy but Whiger stepped in the way and took the hit instead.

"WHIGER!" Fluttershy ran as she saw the former General lying on the ground. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I will." He replied.

"Guys." Casey ran to his side. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah we are." Fluttershy said.

"We have only one hope of defending ourselves, but you have to trust me." Whiger said to the red ranger.

Casey turned to look at Fluttershy who was nodding at him. "I have nothing to lose by doing so." He said and Whiger took his hand and put it on the white tiger face that was on his chest so Casey could get his tiger spirit back.

"Okay Whiger, the Rinzin that once made you great will now destroy you." Camillie said as she hit the ranger cage.

Casey, Fluttershy and Whiger stood up and charged at Camillie, the two tigers launched a series of punches at Camillie, Fluttershy connected a roundhouse kick to the villain's abdomen, Casey leapt over Whiger's shoulder and turned on his hand to deliver a punch to Camillie only for Fluttershy to bring her down with a few flying kicks.

Casey and Whiger straightened up and prepared to finish the fight.

"Spirit of the Tiger..." Casey said and a red aura surrounded him.

"...and the White Tiger." Whiger said and a white aura surrounded him.

Out of them came two tigers that attacked Camillie with their claws, General Phoenix had no choice but to run away.

"Yes, we beat her." Fluttershy celebrated.

"Yeah, she was forced to retreat." Casey said.

However, their celebration was cut short when Whiger fainted.

"WHIGER!!!" Fluttershy said and she held the former General before he fell.

"Are you okay?" Casey asked.

"Release everyone." Whiger said.

Rhodes was hesitant, but then he put on his sunglasses and morphed into the Jungle Master Red Ranger}.

"SHARK SABER!" He pulled out his two swords and with them freed everyone from their prisons, making him return to where they were before. As he finished releasing his friends and they appeared in front of him.

"Guys, are you all right?"

"We are now." Lily said.

"How did you know we were here?" Leo asked.

"We had some help, follow me." Casey Rhodes said.

They all followed the red ranger and he led them to where Fluttershy and Whiger were.

"Fluttershy." They said.

"Whiger?" Rainbow said before attacking but Casey Rhodes stopped her.

"Wait Rainbow, he helped us." He said.

"Really?" She asked.

"It's true." April confirmed with her powers.

"What's happening Whiger?" Fluttershy asked.

"I've used up my energy, without my Rinzin I will fade away." He confessed.

"Why did you help us?" Rhodes asked.

"Dai... Daishi proved be my enemy, you..." With what little strength he had left he put one hand on Rhodes' shoulder and the other on Fluttershy's shoulder. "...You proved to be my friends."

Fluttershy took Whyger's hand in hers as her tears fell.

"I see that you not only have the heart of a lion, but you also have the strength of a tiger, a white tiger," He paused before continuing. "You must destroy them for all tigers." That was the last thing Whiger said to everyone before disappearing.

Everyone kept silent as a sign of respect after the fall of the former General, Fluttershy for her part couldn't take it anymore and burst into tears.

"I'm so sorry Fluttershy." Rainbow put a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"I will make sure his sacrifice is not in vain." Fluttershy said.

"We all will." Leo said and they all agreed.

"Good, because there are two monsters to defeat." Casey Rhodes said.

"Go." Fluttershy said with a determined look on her face.

Would you consider putting her as an antagonist for a crossover with Operation Overdrive or any Power Rangers story?

Group Admin

Yeah. Remember, she was trapped inside the jewel where Kamdor was trapped. So, she definitely wants payback until she redeems herself, aligning herself with the heroes. That’s just my opinion of how I imagined Miratrix.

Sounds interesting your idea, do you think she will go after the Corona Aurora by herself?

Group Admin

I believe that the Corona Aurora is protected by the Sentinel Knight. So, I do not think she is interested in the Corona Aurora.

Maybe but that didn't stop Flurious and Moltor from trying to steal the crown the first time.

I posted a while ago in the forum an idea that I came up with to adapt the chapter of the spirit of kindness for the crossover with PRJK, I wanted to know what you thought about it.
idea for the spirit of kindness chapter

Group Admin

Yeah, but let’s not dwell on that.

I think it’s good.

Steel: Hey guys, long time.
Aria: Steel, great to see you.
Steel: I got a surprise for you guys.
(Steel removed his helmet, showing his friends his new human body)
Fluttershy: Steel... Your human!
Steel: It's a amazing story.
(Fluttershy hugged Steel)
Raph: You look good, Tin... Uh, Steel.
Steel: Let's stick with 'Tin Can', Raph. It's still me.
(The two friends fist bumped)

Thanks. I thought it'd be funny

Where would this meeting take place?

The Necrorocker story

Group Admin

You’re welcome.

Group Admin

The official trailer for the new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ Netflix Special is released.

Hey Amethyst, got a second? I have an idea on the Girls' Monster Servants instead of destroying them

Whiger, Diabolico, Loki, Villimax, Loyax, and the Galactic Ninjas. The Rainbooms get Revived Monsters as Servants/Warriors like Fluttershy gets Juggelo, remember?

Group Admin

Oh, okay. I get it.

I was thinking we could use the Sleeping Lake from Mystic Force instead

Do you think Ecliptor is among them?

Group Admin


What was the original idea before the sleeping lake?

They return to their destruction

My way means they get to sleep comfortably and when the girls are in Power Ranger trouble, they'll come to help

Just doesn't seem right destroying them

I thought that in Sleeping Lake the individual could sleep for eternity.

So it would be a Power Rangers Suicide Squad?

True, but the Equestria Magic they're bound with prevents an eternal sleep

Group Admin

Yeah. You’re right.

At least this way they'll be able to help when ready

Group Admin

Okay. Anything else?

Well, I do have the quotes in mind when their falling asleep

Group Admin


Okay. That’s good enough for today.

So what would the idea be?

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