Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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I say the brighter blue



Hey Amethyst, I remembered our talk about Storm Surge and the flood invasion, well there was something created by Jebens1 that is based on the 2003 episode, Sons of the Silent Age

Hey Jebens, remember the drawing of the 80's character you created, Alim Coelacanth

Maybe, if Rise of the Young Ninjas does the Silent of the Young Ages idea, maybe Alim Coelacanth could help the Ninjas fight off Storm Surge. And remember the talk about Rihana, Alim's sister who hates humankind. What if she helps Storm Surge with the invasion?

These are just theories and all, but I hope it could give you more ideas.

Group Admin

I forgot about Alim’s sister. Maybe she can wear Namora’s outfit instead of Silverstream.

All Silverstream can do is just suffer and watch the flood happening until the Ninjas rescue her and stop Storm Surge’s wrath.

I have plans for her, but maybe she does join him later on.

Group Admin

Rihana joining forces with my OC, Storm Surge. That sounds awesome.

Perhaps she and Surge could develop a relationship with each other. They flood New York and become its new King and Queen.

And perhaps some Merpeople, that are loyal to Rihana could help with the invasion.

On a side note, perhaps they could put Silverstream in the same prison cell Rihana was in and Rihana uses telepathy, (which Atlanteans have,) to make Silverstream see the flood. Maybe they'll make her wear a prison dress as well. Like when Namor made Shuri wear a dress in Wakanda Forever, except this dress is plain blue, with a collar that keeps her from leaving the cell, and she'd be barefooted.

Be honest, does that make me sound a bit weird?

Group Admin

What do you mean by weird? Your idea sounds awesome.

I meant the part where I described Silverstream's prison dress. Do think that's a good idea, or is it weird?

Group Admin

No, it is not weird. I believe it’s a good idea.

Group Admin

I do not know what native language do Mer-people speak, but this is what I got.

Rainbow Dash: (speaks in Mayan) Hey, Stratus! Over here!

Status Skyranger (mind-controlled): (speaks in Mayan) You speak the mother tongue? You can greet your ancestors with it… (swings his axe at Rainbow)

Rainbow Dash: (slides underneath the axe, dodging Stratus’ attack)

How does Rainbow know Merpeople language?

Group Admin

I was making an example of how Mer-people speak in their native language.

Group Admin

I honestly don’t know what the Mer-people’s official native language is. But if this is how the Mer-people going to speak in the fic, so be it.

Anyway, while the Ninjas are dealing with Storm Surge, the Young Ninjas will go on a mission to rescue Silverstream.

Group Admin

Okay. The Young Ninjas, Skystar, and Teramar will have to deal with the security guards holding Silverstream hostage while Silverstream’s parents and Queen Novo help the Ninjas fight against Storm Surge from flooding Canterlot.

The Young Six manage to swim through the guards, (because my theory is that Silverstream's cell is underwater, like a Merpeople prison), and reach Silverstream's cell. They see her in a prison dress, her wrists cuffed to the wall, while blindfolded and wearing a headband, so she can see the floods happening.

Gallus: Silverstream

Silverstream: No, please stop this.

Ocellus: She can't hear us.

Group Admin


Princess Skystar: We have to figure out a way to break that cell.

Yona: Yona, CHARGE!!! (Yona tries to charge at the cell, only to remember that she’s underwater, and can’t actually charge.)

Group Admin

Terramar: Uh, Yona, I don't think you can charge like that when you’re underwater.

Bright Eyes: We need a distraction to get past those guards and that cell.

Hey Amethyst, it's just my opinion but, maybe this story of Storm Surge invading New York and Canterlot city should be a separate fic. How about we call it; ENG: Invasion from the Sea.

Group Admin

You know what, I think it should. Because I can imagine a story about the Young Six’s families heading to the human world and learn about their customs. So, the Rainbooms and Turtles decided to host an event that exchanges and learns cultures. The first half of the story is in Equestria while the second half of the story is in the human realm. Also, the title should be Equestria Ninjas: Sea Invasion.





Hey guys, I just created a little something for the EN version of the episode, Sweet and Smokey. In this version, Raph, Donnie and April accompany Fluttershy, Spike and Smolder to the Dragon Lands.

Here, Raph, Donnie and April join Spike, Fluttershy and Smolder on their trip to the dragon lands.

Donnie: It would be fascinating to study the egg-hatching of dragons.

April: Plus, they would be so cute.

Raph: I’ll come as well. (Everyone looks at Raph in confusion.) You guys will probably need some protection. Plus, (cracks his knucks,) I get to hit some dragons again.

The dragons took the blanket Spike was making and were laughing.

Garble: Check out the baby blanket guys, it’s a lot harder than it looks. (Gets ready to fling it.)

Garble felt a tap on his shoulders, he turned around and received punched in the gut and fell down.

Garble: What’s your…

Raph: Hey there Garble, remember me? (Takes the blanket off him and gives it to Spike.)

The dragons were breathing fire to try to get the eggs to heat up. Even Raph was using his fire magic to help. But it’s looking hopeless.

Spike: There’s got to be something we can do.

Dragon Bully 1: How about we wrap the eggs with a bunch of baby blankets. (Laughs)

Dragon Bully 2: Yeah, that’ll heat them up

Garble notices the blue flames and flies off. But the three dragon bullies were then pinned against the wall with metal by Raph, who seemed very angry.


The dragon trio seemed very scared.

Donnie: And for the record, blankets are known to be a source of warmth.



Hey guys, remember the idea of Fun Time Rush performing at the Amity Ball? I have some quote ideas for it. And just to be clear, I assume it’s the human FTR coming to Equestria to perform.

While Princess Twilight and Sunset were observing the decorations being put up, they were discussing the entertainment.

Sunset: Is Spike gonna put on that hat while DJ-ing?

Twilight: Yeah. But I can’t believe you're getting Fun Time Rush to come from your world to perform here. How did you get them?

Sunset remembered back to when she recruited them...

Sunset was sitting in Golden Rock’s office, speaking to him, while Shelly and FTR were watching.

Golden Rock: Let me get this straight, you want my dogs, to perform at a school dance?

Sunset: Pretty much.

Golden Rock: Yeah, I’m not having them perform for some stupid...

Sunset: The Principal is a princess.

Golden Rock: Nice try, but we had trouble with Diamond almost being forced to marry a princess once...

Sunset: You’ll be paid generously.

Golden Rock: When is it?

Sunset: I just need you guys to sign this contract, (displays a contract, which they all signed), and then tomorrow you’ll meet me outside the school with transport waiting to take you there.

FTR, Shelly and Golden follow Sunset through the portal and when they get to the other side, they are surprised.

FTR: Aaaahhhhhh

Diamond: My beautiful face it’s... the face of a horse! Still beautiful, but still...

Mind Tempo: This is scientifically impossible!

Cloudburst: I think this is cool.

Beryl: Everybody, calm down!

Sunset: He’s right, this is supposed to happen.

Golden Rock: You could’ve TOLD US THAT before we came here!

Sunset: I did tell you guys. (Produces the contract.) Plus, it was in the contract.

Golden Rock: Oh.

Sunset: Now come on, let me show you where you’re performing.

Cloudburst: I wonder what the corndogs are like here?

Sunset: Corndogs don’t exist here.


And there you have it. Fun Time Rush coming to Equestria. I assume they all turn into Ponies unless they become something else.

What do you guys think?

Group Admin

Haha, that’s awesome. Fun Time Rush and their managers are going to be ponies in Equestria. But which type you say? I have an idea.

Beryl Fury: Kirin

Diamond Glow: Earth Pony

Cloudburst: Pegasus

Mind Tempo: Unicorn

Golden Rock: Earth Pony

Shelly Shores: Unicorn


Sunset: I did tell you guys. (Produces the contract.) Plus, it was in the contract.

Golden Rock: Oh.

Sunset: Now come on, let me show you where you’re performing.

Cloudburst: I wonder what the corndogs are like here?

Sunset: Corndogs don’t exist here.


(laughing) Nice SpongeBob reference on that last part. That was epic!

Group Admin

I did not know that was a Spongebob reference.



Of course, maybe this will remind you...

:raritywink: Exactly RT! You knew exactly what I was thinking about!

Group Admin

Okay. I remember now.

I have an idea. Since corn dogs don’t exist in Equestria. Maybe Fun Time Rush and Virtue can bring in some corn dogs for the Amity Ball. They should probably know the recipe, right?

I’m not sure that would be a good idea. Since there’s no meat in Equestria, it may be considered... well, you know.

But maybe, Virtue could sell FTR merchandise at the ball.

Group Admin



Okay. I understand. Plus, That is a very good idea because Katie did sell BTR merchandise back in the show.





Here's an idea, an adaptation of Uprooted, only Mega joins the Young Six in honoring the tree. And when their tree house begins growing, the Rainbow of Light, that Moongic gave her when she first arrived will help.

And this is just a maybe, but say Bright Eyes, Teddy, Lancer, Patch, Melody, Sweetheart, Logan, Clover, Half Note, and Sweet Note are brought in to help out and each join each creature in their ideas to honor the Tree.

Half Note and Sweet Note are with Sandbar.

Ace and Teddy are with Gallus.

Patch is with Smolder.

Logan and Clover are with Silverstream.

Bright Eyes and Sweetheart are with Ocellus.

As for Megan, she's with Yona and also tells the others that they were going about it all wrong.




Princess Twilight: One last thing about my guest, guys. He's got the face of a familiar enemy.
(Twilight escorted the group into a room full of lab equipment, books, and notes)
Donnie: Wow, this is a nice set up.
?: Thank you. I pride in my ability to make do in the limited resources I have.
(Leo and company saw a Triceraton walking towards them)
Raph: A Triceraton?!
Princess Twilight: Easy, Raph. He's friendly.
?: I am Harzona, scientist of the Triceraton Race and Future Friend to you all.
Mikey: I like the sound of him

Group Admin

Good introduction to him

Thanks, I usedA the Cyberverse Cheetor introduction as a base






Say, here's an idea, Wonderbolts vs Washouts.

Keno and Casey get to participate in a Wonderbolt show with Rainbow Dash. The Ninjas meet Sky Stinger and Vaper Trail, who are now official Wonderbolts.

The Spy Racers are visiting

Tony and Layla are pegasi.

Cisco and Echo are sarth ponies.

And Frostee's a unicorn.

Tony is amazed by the Wonderbolts, bragging that he do tricks like that. Layla says that she could do them better. The two then have a flight race and Layla beats Tony, even causing him to crash. Spitfire has seen everything and is impressed.

Later, during the show, Lightning Dust and the Washouts interrupt the show by literally blowing the Wonderbolts out of the sky with one of their stunts. Lightning Dust then asks the crowd why they're wasting their time watching the Wonderbolts do the same boring shuts that they always do when they could be watching the Washouts do way more awesome stunts, since their not afraid to take risks.

Lightning Dust: Because let's be honest, the Wonderbolts just don't know what awesome is! Especially since they got a slowpoke flyer on their team. (Points at Sky Stinger).

Sky Stinger: Hey!

Rainbow snaps back that, first of all, Sky Stinger is a awesome flyer, which Vapor agrees to, and second, the Wonderbolts do know what awesome is, and that they're not afraid to take risks either. Lightning Dust scoffs and says that compared to the Washouts, their washed up. Rainbow retorts that at least their not reckless or endanger other ponies just to look cool. The two then start arguing when Casey and Keno suggest that they settle this by having a stunt competition, which both mares agree to.

Lightning Dust: Get ready to be blown out of the sky... again!

Later, the Ninjas and Mane Six later watch the Wonderbolts, Rainbow, Casey, and Keno practice an amazing stunt. Vapor Trail takes a quick drink of water before that, although it tastes funny. But during the stunt, her wings suddenly poof onto her belly and she causes the Wonderbolts to fumble. As their wondering what happened, Twilight discovers that the water had was filled with poison joke. Lightning Dust arrives and coyly asks how that happened. Rainbow calls her out for sabotage but Lightning says they can't prove it. Then she says that they'll have a hard time beating the Washouts without one of their best flyers.

Scootaloo stands up to her saying the Wonderbolts will beat them because they've got Rainbow Dash. But Lightning hits her where it hurts by taunting that it's good she thinks their special because she herself will never be special, because she's a coward and most importantly because of her "little problem", which leaves Scootaloo crushed. Rainbow Dash then yells at Lightning Dust to leave, Raph even threatens her.

After she leaves, the others ask what Lightning Dust meant, and Scootaloo sadly reveals that she can't fly. Rainbow tells her not to listen to Lightning Dust, the others join in telling her that she is special, and how some of them have been where she is, Fluttershy recalling how everypony thought that way about, April on how Karai and Shinigami thought she was weak, and even Spitfire tells her that she'll only not be special if she let's what Lightning Dust said get to her. And Scootaloo feels better.

Spitfire however does say that Lightning Dust was right about them needing a great flyer, but luckily she knows just the pony to fill in for Vapor. Tony thinks it's him but Spitfire says it's Layla, leaving him disappointed. Layla smugly tells Tony that it ain't too hard to see why she was picked over him. As everyone leaves to prepare Layla, Scootaloo tells Tony that she thinks he's awesome, cheering him up a little. Gabby says that they both know Layla's always like that.

As the show begins, during Layla's turn, she races against a mystery Washout who then causes her to crash and beats her. After the race, the Washout removes his helmet revealing to everyone's shock to be Tony. Rainbow asks why he joined them after what Lightning Dust said to Scootaloo, Tony apologizes for that but says that his friends have always do the same to him.

Layla: What is that supposed to mean?

Tony: Did any of you ever tell me I'm special, no! Do any of you ever support me, barely! And do all of you laugh at me whenever I mess up, yes!

Echo: That's because you're always getting in over your head!

Tony: True, but at least the Washouts don't make me feel like I'll never live up to the Torreto name! And they truly appreciate my skills unlike you guys!

Frostee: He's kind of right about that...

Rainbow: Who's side are you on!

Tony and the Washouts leave but during another race, the Washout fumble and the Wonderbolts win. Before the last race, Lightning Dust meets up with Rainbow Dash when she's alone to wish her good luck. Rainbow scoffs that she doesn't need it. Lightning says that actually, she does right before she stuffs a bag over her head. When it's uncovered, Rainbow finds herself tied to a rocket along with Tony by Short Fuse and Rolling Thunder. Then it's revealed that Tony pretended to join the Washouts to help the Wonderbolts and he was the reason they fumbled by telling Short Fuse to do the wrong trick at the wrong time. Lightning Dust says the rocket is a parting gift to the Wonderbolts and that she will be a special part of it. She reveals that the rocket is set to crash into the Wonderbolts during their race so the Washouts will win. And she'll get revenge on Rainbow Dash.

She then taunts Tony, saying did he really think he could sabotage them without them noticing, to which he admits he did, but just in case, he told his family about his plan. Then the Spies, Raph, April, and Scootaloo arrive and fight off the trio while Frostee and Cisco untie Rainbow and Tony.

Scootaloo fights off Lightning Dust with her scooter tricks, ignoring her trying to bring her down.

Scootaloo: And if I really wasn't special, then I couldn't be able to do this!

Then finishes her off by jumping off her scooter and nailing her with a somersault kick, sending her into the rocket, just as Rainbow and Tony are freed. However, Short Fuse accidentally pushes the switch and the rocket flies off, with Lightning Dust, heading for the Wonderbolts. Tony and Layla then work together and knock the rocket off corse, sending it into a mud hole, and the two win the race.

Afterwards, Tony apologizes to Scootaloo for joining the Washouts, and she forgives him, knowing he only pretended to join them. The Spy Racers and Mikey join Scootaloo's fan club.

I hope the other Spy Racers were as forgiving as Scootaloo.





Here’s FTR's performance at the Amity Ball.

After doing the Yakakastan dance, the students gathered together a Spike... DJ Scales n Tails made an announcement.

Spike: Now that we have finished that fun and... quakeful dance. We have a special band from the other world, and if you read the textbooks you’d understand what I'm talking about, they’ve agreed to come here and perform for us. Give it up for one of the greatest bands from another dimension... FUN TIME RUSH!!!

The students cheered as the Kirin, Pegasus, Earth Pony, and Unicorn, came onstage to perform for them.

Beryl: Thank you, everyone, for having us here this evening. This one goes out to our friends who invited us here today.

'Cause the world stops
When I put my arms around you, around you, oh, whoa
And nothing even matters (ayy, ayy)
And nothing even matters (ayy)

It's like one for the haters and two for all of those
Who try to shut us down, they don't really know
There ain't nothing they can do that can tear us apart, no
I don't care about the money, don't care about the clothes
When we're together, baby, anything goes
And we don't even need to prove what we feel in our hearts, no

This wall we built together
There ain't no way of knocking it over
And we'll be here forever
Getting closer and closer, baby

'Cause the world stops
When I put my arms around you, around you, oh, whoa
And nothing even matters (ayy, ayy)
And nothing even matters (ayy)
They can all talk
Say what they want about us, about us, oh, whoa
And nothing even matters (ayy, whoa)
And nothing even matters (ayy)

It's like the sound goes off and the people all freeze
They disappear and it's just you and me
Anything you wanna do, anything that you please, oh, whoa, no
Forget about our problems and forget about our past
I've seen the future and I know we're gonna last
Every second I'm with you, just go so fast, whoa, oh

This wall we built together
There ain't no way of knocking it over
And we'll be here forever
That I told ya, that I told ya, baby, 'cause

'Cause the world stops
When I put my arms around you, around you, oh, whoa
And nothing even matters (ayy, ayy)
And nothing even matters (ayy)
They can all talk
Say what they want about us, about us, oh, whoa
And nothing even matters (ayy, whoa)
And nothing even matters (ayy)

Nothing even matters, whoa
Nothing even matters
Whoa, we don't even need to fight (need to fight)
Everything will be alright (oh, yeah)
Nothing even matters, but you and I

'Cause the world stops
When I put my arms around you, around you, oh, whoa
And nothing even matters (ayy, ayy)
And nothing even matters (ayy)
They can all talk
Say what they want about us, about us, oh, whoa
And nothing even matters (ayy, whoa)
And nothing even matters (ayy)

'Cause the world stops (they can take my money, take my cars)
When I put my arms around you, around you, oh, whoa
And nothing even matters (ayy)
And nothing even matters (baby)
They can all talk
Say what they want about us, about us, oh, whoa
And nothing even matters (whoa)
And nothing even matters

The students cheered as FTR finished their song.

So what do you guys think? Also I have one important question... are SandbarxYona gonna be a thing?

Group Admin
Group Admin






Berating the Ninja Turtles

The Dark Turtles have the Ninja Turtles beaten.

Dark Leo told the Turtles, “We will always be better than you in every possible way. After all, you're only just copies of ourselves.”

“Meaning what?” Leo growled.

“You're second best,” Dark Raph commented.

Dark Mikey berated, “Second rank.”

“And second choice,” Dark Donnie added.

“You're not even fit to shine our shells,” Dark Leo stated as the Ninja Turtles slowly get up, building up their anger and frustration against them.

Reference to the fight of A Squad vs. B Squad of PRSPD

The Dark turtles think their all that, but they got nothing on the originals

Group Admin

Eeyup. Power Rangers S.P.D. is one of my favorite Power Ranger series. :pinkiehappy:

You got that right. :raritywink:

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