Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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I’m guessing it could involve pressure points that could disable his body

Hit the right spot of a deltoid and one loses the ability to move an arm

Option 1:

Tirek: With a Ninja Master's power, I'll be unstoppable!
Leo: Splinter, look out!
(Splinter grabs Tirek by the throat and punches Tirek in the head with the bell)
Chrysalis: That was amusing.
Tirek: That's it!
(Tirek attempted to drain Chrysalis' magic, but something was wrong)
Tirek: What's going on?! The Absorption Spell! I-I can't remember it! What did you do to me?!
Splinter: I have stripped you of your powers... Permanently.

Group Admin

tempting but we'll see when the time comes. I mean I'm not exactly sure a mere strike to a pressure point in the head or such could disable Tirek's ability to absorb magic

Splinter actually hit Tirek with Grogar's Bell. The blow combined with the bell is sent to the Memory Cortex of his brain, draining the spell out of not only his body but also his brain. But Option 2 involves reviving Kavaxas.

Well the first one I already explained

Group Admin

I got an idea for the final battle. Let’s have the heroes sing a song while fighting against their enemies. And it goes like this…

I can't do this alone
Even though I am strong
Need something more than me
Someone to push me to victory
Let's see what we can do
Together, me and you
Can't be afraid to try
Kiss your fears goodbye

No looking back
You and I, we're on the attack
Full speed ahead
Running to the sunset

Such a different feeling
Both of us believing
We can make it better

Together we can show the world what we can do
You are next to me and I'm next to you
Pushing on through until the battle's won
No one’s gonna give a thing to us
Into each other we put our trust
Standing united, after the fight

All alone, we will never be
The two, of us, are holding the key
We see, today, a world we couldn't see
Before I say goodbye to you
One more last fist bump...

I know you have been afraid before
But you don't have to be anymore
No more emptiness to feel inside
When we work together no one can break up our stride

No looking back
You and I, we're on the attack
Full speed ahead
Running to the sunset

Such a different feeling
Both of us believing
We can make it better

Together we can show the world what we can do
You are next to me and I'm next to you
Pushing on through until the battle's won
No one’s gonna give a thing to us
Into each other we put our trust
Standing united, after the fight, is done

We can show the world what we can do
You are next to me and I'm next to you
Pushing on through until the battle's won
No one’s gonna give a thing to us
Into each other we put our trust
Standing united, after the fight

It's a brand new day
We have turned the page
I never knew how much I needed
Somebody to help me this way

All alone, we will never be
The two, of us, are holding the key
We see, today, a world we couldn't see
Before I say goodbye to you
One more last fist bump...

What song is this? Is it something you wrote or is it based on another song?

Group Admin

The song is called Fist Bump. It’s from the Sonic the Hedgehog video game called Sonic Forces.

I'm not looking forward to the animosity. I hated that.



Raph: (Laughing)
Tirek: what's so funny, Freak?
Raph: How pathetic you are are, Tirek.
Tirek: What?!
Raph: Discord told me the whole story. How you ended up in Tartarus. Oh, you must've broke poor Mommy Haydon heart.
Tirek: Be quiet!
Raph: You just wanted Dear Daddy Vorak's approval when he was smart enough not to be evil.
Tirek: Shut UP!
(Chrysalis and the others tried to redirect Tirek away from Raph, but he was too focus on him to pay attention. Everyone else started snickering)
Raph: And then there's Scorpan...
Tirek: (Feeling his blood boil) Don't go there!
Raph: I bet that was his plan all along. He learns the meaning of friendship, he tricks you into a trap, and he goes back and inherit the kingdom you could've had when your parents retired.
(Tirek never considered that his brother played him like a violin)
Raph: I can see it now: You sit bored in a cage in Tartarus and your brother sits on what could've been your throne, laughing as a court jester plays with a marionette puppet of you with a stupid expression saying how much of a gullible idiot you are.
(Everyone started laughing as Tirek popped a blood vein)
Tirek: SHUT UP!
(Tirek started blasting, not noticing he was setting everyone free and they escaped)
Raph: Later, Loser.

So an idea for season 9.

Group Admin

Twilight is scrambling to find a way to defeat the Legion of Doom but was coming up with nothing, "No, no, NO! It's no use. No matter how many books I look through I can't find a way to help me defeat the villains. And the more time I waste the stronger they become and my friends are in more peril... Oh, it's hopeless!"

"So that's it? You're giving up?!" came a familiar voice that only increased Twilight's worry.

Twilight spun around and saw standing in the room was who else but the Shredder whom she and her friends first fought along side the turtles, "Shredder?! No, this can't be you're dead! Oh, don't tell me Discord brought you back to and didn't tell us!"

"You presume too much, Princess. I am indeed as you know dead." Shredder confirmed.

"Then how're you?"

"Did you just assume Splinter was the only one who became one with all of the universe upon his death?" Shredder guessed, as he paced around, "When I died I felt like I was being tormented for eternity, until I returned a rotting corpse feeling I had been gone for eons only to be used as a puppet. But then I dragged that demon Kavaxas down with me to the netherworld knowing neither of us belonged in the living plane."

"So how're you here then?" Twilight questioned.

"I do not know. All I know is I too have now become one with the universe despite all I did in the name of Love and Revenge. And I cannot believe I am seeing this with my own two eyes. You, the very girl who helped defeat me twice suddenly giving up just because it looks hopeless?!" Shredder growled, "I expected so much more from one trained by Hamato Yoshi."

"This isn't like it was when I fought you. I'm not dealing with just one villain, but an entire army of villains. Villains I know that can put you to shame."

"Watch your tone, child!" Shredder growled, "Even when you thought all was lost when you and your friends faced me you still stood by each others side willing to do whatever it took to defeat me."

"Well... Yes, that's true." Twilight admitted.

"And now you're standing here whining like a child just because you haven't found the answers you're looking for!"

"Enough!" Twilight shouted, "What're you trying to prove here?!"

"I'm trying to tell you to stop complaining and be the kunoichi Splinter and his turtles see you as!"

"The kunoichi they see me as." Twilight repeated, as she remembered no matter all the battles she's been with the turtles and her friends they always found a way to save the day be it from Shredder and Krang, the Storm King, even Shredder himself. When she snapped out of her thoughts upon hearing her friends barge in after escaping she saw Shredder was gone.

After Twilight got her confidence back, her friends were curious how she was able to come around despite earlier feeling she was out of her league. Twilight looked past her friends and saw Shredder standing in a corner watching her. Twilight smiled, "I had a little pep talk with someone who knew what to say." Shredder nodded before he vanished.

Wow! Who would have thought that Shredder would give a pep talk.



Twilight must’ve been really desperate if it took Shredder of all people slap some sense into her.

one question: which Shredder is?

Obviously, the 2012 one I believe.

Comment posted by Danyram1308 deleted Sep 24th, 2022



Here's a quote idea for Donnie coming up with the idea for prosthetic wings for Scootaloo.

The group learn about Scootaloo's disabled wings and being unable to fly.

Mikey: Hey D, you created those bat wings we used against the Technodrome. Is it possible to create real wings for Scoot?

Donnie: Mikey, I can't just... actually. I'll have to figure out the right material, make it weatherproof, also account for Scootaloo's weight, and height. Ageing must be accounted for. I'll have to speak with Rainbow and Scootaloo's aunts. I'll probably have to wait till we get back to New York but... Donatello, I love your mind.

Do you think I can give you an idea for the villains' plan?

Here's a little something that I thought of some time back. Where the villains sing a song from The Lion Guard

In Grogar's lair, the villains were gathered around.

Cozy Glow: We're all here. It's a good thing Grogar left me in charge.

Tirek: Will you stop saying that! Grogar didn't put anyone in charge. (The others muttered in agreement.) Besides, if anyone should be in charge it should be me.

The villains: YOU!?

Tirek: Of course, I'm smarter and stronger than all of you. So just let me run this dump.

(Everyone glared at him as he began singing)

I'm gonna run this dump
Just you wait and see
And when I run this dump
You'll all bow to me

I'll be king of dirt
Ruler of ash
Lord of the muck
A kingdom of trash

I'm gonna run this dump,Just you wait and see

(Everyone watched, and Chrysalis knew it was her turn)

Chrysalis: Oh, you think so, do you?

I'm gonna run this dump,
'Cause I'm the greatest here
But when I run this dump
There's no need to fear

I'll treat you nice
I'll be so kind
Just bring me all the food you find

And I'll run this dump
Cause I'm the greatest here

Cozy Glow: Okay, my turn!

Cozy Glow:
I'm gonna run this dump
And everything that I see
And then I'll run this dump
with everything we'll have for free

You'll all get a vote
But I'll get the most
No need to count
It's true, not a boast

I'm gonna run this dump, quite deservedly

(The trio looks at the other villains, who just stood there)

Storm King: We don't sing.

Then I'll run this dump!

No, I'll run this dump!

Cozy Glow:
I'll run this dump!

Just you wait and see!

Song "I'm gonna run this dump" from the Lion Guard. Edited by Me

Well, in the future I plan to do a crossover between ENG and Power Rangers Mystic Force, well, to cut to the chase, the thing is that the villains use the Grogar's Bell to absorb the dark magic of Octomus (the villain of the story) when he is destroyed by our heroes, which in turn causes the magic he had and the magic he stole to return to where it belongs and that's where the villains manage to capture some of Octomus' dark magic and some of the Mystic Force's good magic for their master plan.
What do you think?



Chrysalis: You may have taken Tirek's spell, but I'm not pathetic like him
(Chrysalis sped towards Master Splinter, not noticing he grabbed one of Leo's Katanas)
Splinter: Parasite.
(Splinter swung the blade at Chrysalis' face)
Chrysalis: (Blood curtailing scream)
(Chrysalis retreated like a wounded animal, covering her left eye)
Tirek: What was that about pa...
Chrysalis: MY EYE!
(All the villains noticed something dripping from Chrysalis' face. She reveal that Splinter sliced her left eye out and she was leaking fluid and blood)
Splinter: Now no one will be fooled by your tricks

Wow, Master Splinter is merciless here.

Can you blame him?

No, I can not. At least Chrysalis won't be able to fool anyone anymore.

Was aiming for that

WOW, very impressive.

Well, in the future I plan to do a crossover between ENG and Power Rangers Mystic Force, well, to cut to the chase, the thing is that the villains use the Grogar's Bell to absorb the dark magic of Octomus (the villain of the story) when he is destroyed by our heroes, which in turn causes the magic he had and the magic he stole to return to where it belongs and that's where the villains manage to capture some of Octomus' dark magic and some of the Mystic Force's good magic for their master plan.
What do you think?

Hey, what about my idea

If it's okay with you, then yes, I'll do it.

Wildcard25 is the boss.

You mean about Splinter? I don't know?

I meant Chrysalis missing an eye

so if he's okay with that then yes, in fact, he had already given me permission to do that ENG and Mistic Force idea and my current fic.

I don't know? Right now I'm not focus.

How would you like to see something like this for "The Last Problem"?

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