The Organization 12 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

Welcome! I see you’re new here, so we’ll go over the rules. Firstly, remember, you’re still on Fimfiction. So, these still apply:

General Rules

  1. Do not make groups designed specifically to attack another user or group of people.
  2. Caveat: It is okay to make groups attacking fictional characters. I.e. “We hate Rarity”
  3. Do not make groups designed to attack or organize hatred against a user’s story.
  4. If your group deals with mature-rated subject matter, be sure to mark it NSFW in the Group Options.
  5. Do not post NSFW images in groups, even if the group is marked NSFW.
  6. Roleplaying is not allowed on Fimfiction. This includes carrying out RP scenarios with other users and acting out online personas. This ban applies to all site functions including PMs. Consider using email or an IM client, the UI is better suited for these tasks. For more information, you can read knighty’s post about this subject.

Now, for our rules.

  1. Be nice/respectful
    This may be obvious, but please don’t attack anyone or any groups. I know, some creations might be a bit offensive, but don’t attack someone or their creation because you don’t like it. Same goes the other way around. If you’re creation is offensive, please don’t outright attack anyone or their group. Thank you.
  2. Inspiration and Originality
    I get it, making something original can be hard. So, it’s okay to take inspiration from other creators, both in this group, as well as outside the group (Trevor Henderson, Leovincible Creations, Ssskinwalker, Leovincible, SCP creations, etc.) However, two rules. One, please tell us what you’re basing it off of. Leave an annotation or something at the top or bottom of the creations description. Or even in the title. Next, please, please, please, PLEASE don’t take someone’s monster and write it off as your own. That will result in a temp-ban as well as a demotion. Speaking of which
  3. Ranks and Classes
    Okay, so Ranks and Classes. Now, as cool as climbing ranks and choosing classes may sound, remember, they are purely vanity, and don’t give any special privileges. For example, if you chose the Striketeam class, and you become a Lieutenant, you don’t have authority over someone who’s lower rank. Also, since this probably won’t be a big group, I will have a gdoc set up to measure ranks and classes. How to climb: well, I’ll have a thread set up to pick classes, and some will be added. Then, I’ll have an EXP type thing where you can level up. For example, upvotes, creations, and stories can level you up. Speaking of stories
  4. Stories
    This should be short. If you want to, you can write a story about the Organization or just about a creation in general. If you do, please link our group. It helps a lot. Also, remember, only mlp stories for this group, you’re still on Fimfic.
  5. Art
    Another short one: you can post art of creations here, but...
  6. We are NOT the SCP Foundation
    What I mean by this is that, if you’re to post art, it has to be of an original creation, so no SCP, Trevor Henderson, etc. fanart please.
  7. Creation Classification
    So, there are a few classification ranks for creations. [Safe], creations that are easily contained or don’t pose a general threat; >[Difficilis]<, creations that are hard to contain and are unexpected with their patterns or motives, but aren’t always lethal; <<[Adýnato]>>; creations that are difficult to contain and usually escape, they don’t have to be lethal, they just have to be hard to contain or can’t be contained normally or even at all; ~<Polemístra>~; these are creations used to contain other creations or can be used by the Organization to our advantage; =Neutralized=; creations that either lose their anomalous properties or are destroyed or disabled in anyway. Going back to stories, I’ll have folders set up for each class (if the story is just for one creation).
  8. Post your creations in the thread
    Obviously. Just remember, it can take place in any universe (mlp or human, since it’s a thread) just for variety and stuff.
  9. Format
    It’s not required, but I would recommend posting a creation with this format so it’s easier on the eye:

    Creation Name:

  10. Field Reports and Updates
    So, you want to update your creation? Go ahead post a second thread (and link the other post(s). Also, you can write field reports on creations that aren’t yours, so long as you have the original creators permission.

Well, that’s it. Have fun!

Melody Song
Group Admin
Group Admin


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